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Viser resultat for 'Joanna Farrow '

    Mat fra Middelhavet

    Mat fra Middelhavet: solfylte oppskrifter fra Sør-Europas kyster

    Jacqueline Clark, Joanna Farrow

    Boken inneholder oppskrifter på tradisjonsrike retter fra landene rundt Middelhavet. Her får man vite hvordan man lager spansk paella, gresk moussaka, franske moules mariniere, italiensk tiramisu og mye annet. Har register.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1997

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20


    Pepperkaker: 24 inspirerende modeller til pepperkakehus og dekorative gaver

    Joanna Farrow

    2. utg

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Innbundet · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 89



    Joanna Farrow

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    Home Smoking and Curing of Meat, Fish and Game

    Home Smoking and Curing of Meat, Fish and Game

    Joanna Farrow

    This book gives information on the origins of smoke-curing, the basic smoking processes, raw materials, equipment and storage. In addition there are 25 recipes for meat, game, fish and shellfish.These days, home smoking and curing food is all about creating the best possible flavours. Surprisingly, preserving food is quite simple and all it takes is some basic equipment and a degree of organization. This practical guide reveals the ways to retain the subtle flavours of fresh produce by smoking, from simple smoked salmon to more unusual ideas such as smoked mussels or smoked sausages. With informative text, clear instructions and charming illustrations throughout, this will be an invaluable guide for anyone looking to create their own cured and smoked products.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Great British Bake Off - Bake it Better (No.8): Pastry & Patisserie

    Great British Bake Off - Bake it Better (No.8): Pastry & Patisserie

    Joanna Farrow

    Bake it Better: Patisserie & Pastries includes everything you need to know about baking delicious and beautiful pastries. Whether you are new to baking and looking for simple, easy recipes or a more confident baker seeking to refine your skills, with The Great British Bake Off you can be sure you're getting scrumptious and tried-and-tested recipes.The recipes themselves include classics and modern bakes, from simple to more challenging showstoppers -Bake it Better will take you a journey from first timer to star baker. There are expert tips about ingredients, equipment and techniques, with easy-to-follow step-by-step photographs.The Great British Bake Off: Bake It Better are the 'go to' cookery books which give you all the recipes and baking know-how in one easy-to-navigate series.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Dress Your Gingerbread

    Dress Your Gingerbread

    Joanna Farrow

    Why should your gingerbread be naked? Dress Your Gingerbread!provides decorating know-how and complete directions to create 70 fabulous outfits that "ginger people" will be proud to wear-- all created from one fool-proof icing recipe. Dress your gingerbread as a pirate or a mermaid, a bride or a groom, a bumble or a ladybug, or even as a storybook character such as Little Red Riding Hood. There are holiday ideas to create Santa, elves and reindeer for Christmas, a bunny and flower girl for Easter and a pumpkin and ghost for Halloween. Beautifully decorated, these cookies are a terrific addition to the cookie jar and special occasions year-round.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Dress Your Cupcake

    Dress Your Cupcake

    Joanna Farrow

    Cupcakes are delicious irresistible treats that are easy to make and yummy to eat. Following the successful Dress Your Gingerbread, Dress Your Cupcake is another fun and colorful title that provides a new "dress up" twist on the continuing cupcake craze. Dress Your Cupcake provides the ultimate fun in the kitchen as you learn how to create cupcakes with a little personality and a lot of style. Choose from a whole host of fun, friendly faces and designs - human, animal and recognizable objects - to create a collection of memorable and truly individual cupcakes. The book contains 50 fun designs for deliciously decorated cupcakes and includes the perfect party pieces for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and more. With ideas for both kids and grown-ups, playing with your food has never been so much fun! Containing a comprehensive introduction, easy-to-follow instructions on how to ice and decorate your cakes and information on all the techniques, recipes and templates you will need, Dress Your Cupcake is sure to inspire even the most novice of bakers to get creative with their cupcakes.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011


    kr 99
    kr 99

    Dress Your Cookie

    Dress Your Cookie

    Joanna Farrow

    Cookies are an irresistible treat, easy to make and yummy to munch. But why should they be naked? Dress Your Cookie! Provides decorating know-how and complete directions to create 70 fabulous outfits that your cookie creations will be proud to wear - all created from one foolproof icing recipe. Dress your cookies as pirates or mermaids, a bride or groom, a bumblebee or a ladybug, or even as storybook characters such as Little Red Riding Hood. There are Holiday ideas to create Santa, the elves and reindeer for Christmas, a bunny and flower girl for Easter and a pumpkin or a ghost for Halloween. These beautifully decorated cookies are a terrific addition to the cookie jar and special occasions year-round. With a foolproof easy to follow recipe, templates for both boys and girls, and tips on freezing and storing your creations for later, Dress Your Cookie! It will keep your family and friends happy ever after. It's so easy, a kid could do it (but why let them have all the fun?)

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 99
    kr 99

    Kinky Cookies

    Kinky Cookies

    Joanna Farrow

    Unleash your naughty side and nibble on your own devilishly delicious bites of desire. Indulge your fantasies with this tantalizing and mouth-watering selection of forty flirtatious and alluringly decorated cookies. With beautiful photography, each cookie's design is allowed to shine and inspire you in your baking and tease your friends with your kitsch creations.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Kinky Cupcakes

    Kinky Cupcakes

    Joanna Farrow

    Indulge your fantasies with this tantalizing and mouth-watering selection of 40 flirtatious and alluringly decorated cupcakes.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010


    kr 89
    kr 89

    200 One Pot Meals: Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook

    200 One Pot Meals: Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook

    Joanna Farrow

    200 one-pot recipes from the bestselling Hamlyn All Colour series

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Great Cookies for Kids

    Great Cookies for Kids

    Joanna Farrow

    This title includes over 50 fabulous recipes to delight, amuse and tempt any child - from teatime treats and chocolate cookies to bars, brownies and party extravaganzas. It helps to: try your hand at classics such as mini chocolate marylands or fabulous, fun ideas such as mini pizza cookies and puppy faces; learn everything you need to know about making, baking and decorating cookies - over 250 colour photographs include how-to sequences throughout for every recipes and technique; and, make simple cookies for younger children or outrageous creations for older kids and teenagers. This book is great for kids and grown-ups alike. Each cookie has been specially created for children to enjoy, but the fabulous ideas are guaranteed to bring out the childish streak in most adults, too. The recipe collection includes over 50 cookies, biscuits, brownies and bars for every occasion, from teatime treats to party fare, as well as no-bake cookies and gluten - and dairy-free cookies for kids on special diets. There are recipes for every age group, with simpler cookies for young children and more extravagant creations for older ones.Whether you want to improve your own cookie repetoire or help your child learn how to bake, this fabulous book is guaranteed to be a hit with the whole family.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Doctor Who: The Official Cookbook: 40 Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Recipes

    Doctor Who: The Official Cookbook: 40 Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Recipes

    Joanna Farrow

    Have your Doctor Who and eat it too with this out-of-this-world cookbook featuring fun, imaginative recipes for the whole family, based on the wildly popular BBC series Doctor Who. The perfect addition to every Doctor Who fan's shelf, Doctor Who: The Official Cookbook features a cornucopia of delicious, easy-to-make recipes--from the simple, to the showstoppers--with an exciting Whovian twist. Enjoy the Doctor's own favorite, fish fingers and custard, share some Cyberman Pie with friends, treat the family to Cassandra Pizza, or indulge your sweet tooth with a Supreme Dalek Cake. Throwing a viewing party of your favorite episodes? Serve up some Ood Rolls, Salt and Pepper Sontarans, and Weeping Angel Food Cake. And don't forget the centerpiece for every Whovian get-together, a Gingerbread TARDIS and, of course, 12 Cookie Doctors. Illustrated with stills from the television show and seasoned with fun food ephemera and quotes from the Doctor's universe, Doctor Who: The Official Cookbook has something weird, wacky, and tasty for every fan.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016




    Saus: over 100 av de beste

    Joanna Farrow

    Joanna Farrow SAUS over 100 av de beste Hvor mange sauser kan du . fra bunnen av? Denne komplette oppskriftsboken inneholder over 100 dessert- og middagssauser som passer både til hverdag og fest. Du finner alle de tradisjonelle sausene samt moderne og spennende oppskrifter som gir smak og farge til selv den enkleste hverdagsrett. Det er også et kapittel hvor du får råd om hvilke sauser som passer best til hvilke retter, fra enkle til mer avanserte sauser. Du finner også tips om hvordan du skal velge riktige ingredienser, gode serveringsforslag og eksperttips om alt fra å lage roux til hvordan du kan redde en ødelagt saus. Boken er oversatt av Ann Høydalsnes.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 50

    Snabba mug cakes : klara på några minuter i mikron

    Snabba mug cakes : klara på några minuter i mikron

    Joanna Farrow

    Sugen på kaka men har inte tid att baka? Tack vare de här läckra recepten kan du på bara några minuter baka aptitretande godsaker! Blanda ingredienserna direkt i en mugg och mikra den i några minuter. Kakorna passar både till middagsbjudningar och som efterrätt eller som fika för en. I Snabba Mug cakes finns över 30 lättlagade och snabba kakrecept som du kan baka utan att kladda ner hela köket från fyllig chokladkaka med marshmallows till fruktig upp- och nerkaka.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



    Raw Cakes : 30 läckra mjuka kakor - inget socker, inget gluten, ingen ugn

    Raw Cakes : 30 läckra mjuka kakor - inget socker, inget gluten, ingen ugn

    Joanna Farrow

    Ät bakverk du mår bra av! Det finns massor av goda skäl att inte tacka nej till frestelserna i den här boken! Raw food-bakelser är inte bara för raw food-folk. Dessa bakverk är ryktbart goda och man kan njuta av dem utan dåligt samvete. Naturligtvis finns det olika slags fetter i några av de här bakverken, men alla är naturliga och fulla av vitaminer och mineraler. Eftersom ingen av kakorna gräddats i ugn är också alla näringsämnen intakta. Det är som att plocka russinen ur kakan - det här är bakverk du mår bra av! *Samtliga recept i boken passar även veganer.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016



    The Herb-Lover's Recipe Book

    The Herb-Lover's Recipe Book

    Joanna Farrow

    This book offers 150 delectable ideas for cooking with herbs, shown in over 500 photographs. It is a fabulous collection of appetizing herb-infused dishes to make, with ideas for satisfying soups and snacks, light lunches, everyday meals, and gourmet desserts. It includes recipes for herbal teas and tisanes, refreshing cordials and drinks, sweet and sour pickles and preserves, and aromatic oils and vinegars, as well as ideas for adding herbs to cheeses, butter, sauces and dips. You can pep up your cooking with herby ideas for unusual breads and pizzas, ice creams and desserts, warming soups and summer salads, risottos and rice dishes, meat and fish main courses, and tasty vegetarian options. Chopped, torn, snipped, shredded and sprinkled, herbs enliven food, complementing and enhancing the taste, and permeating the whole dish with fragrance. This book shows you how to grow and use herbs, with step-by-step instructions on planting a herb garden, and information on drying and storing herbs, as well as preparing them for culinary use.More than 150 appetizing recipes include Mushroom and Parsley Soup, Sardines with Warm Herb Salsa, Turkey Escalopes with Lemon and Sage, Red Onion and Rosemary Focaccia, and Lavender Cake. With contemporary ideas, as well as best-loved classics, this inspirational cookbook has something for every occasion.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014



    Meet Your Matcha

    Meet Your Matcha

    Joanna Farrow

    A beloved ingredient in Japan for generations, matcha is a powdered green tea that is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, and gives a slow-release caffeine boost through the day. From smoothies to salads, main meals to munchies, there's more to matcha than just another cup of tea. Learn how to use it to flavour rice, in sauces, as a marinade, in frostings and so much more. Try Rack of Lamb with a Matcha Crust, snack on great Green Granola or treat yourself to a Pistachio & Sultana Green Tea Cake and discover the benefits of this miracle ingredient and how to truly make the most of it.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Pepperkaker 24 inspirerende modeller til pepperkakehus og dekorative gaver

    Pepperkaker 24 inspirerende modeller til pepperkakehus og dekorative gaver

    Joanna Farrow

    Overstrøket navn, ellers veldig bra bok.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pepperkaker, 24 inspirerende modeller til pepperkakehus og dekorative gaver

    Pepperkaker, 24 inspirerende modeller til pepperkakehus og dekorative gaver

    Joanna Farrow

    Overstrøket navn, ellers veldig bra bok.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

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