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Viser resultat for 'Joan Breton Connelly'

    The Parthenon Enigma

    The Parthenon Enigma

    Joan Breton Connelly

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 139

    The Song of Bertrand du Guesclin

    The Song of Bertrand du Guesclin

    Bertrand du Guesclin is one of the great French heroes of the Hundred Years War, his story every bit as remarkable as Joan of Arc's. The son of a minor Breton noble, he rose in the 1360s and '70s to become the Constable of France - a supreme military position, outranking even the princes of the blood royal. Through campaigns ranging from Brittany to Castile he achieved not only fame as a pre-eminent leader of Charles V's armies, but a dukedom in Spain, burial among the kings of France in the royal basilica at Saint-Denis, and recognition as nothing less than the 'Tenth Worthy', being ranked alongside the nine paragons of chivalry who included Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne and King Arthur. His is a truly spectacular story. And the image of Bertrand, and many of the key events in his extraordinary life, are essentially derived from The Song of Bertrand du Guesclin, this epic poem by Cuvelier. Written in the verse-form and manner of a chanson de geste, it is the very last of the Old French epics and an outstanding example of the roman chevaleresque. It is a fascinating and major primary source for historians of chivalry and of a critical period in the Hundred Years War. This is its first translation into English. Cuvelier is a fine storyteller: his depictions of battle and siege are vivid and thrilling, offering invaluable insights into medieval warfare. And he is a compelling propagandist, seeking through his story of Bertrand to restore the prestige of French chivalry after the disastrous defeat at Poitiers and the chaos that followed, and seeking, too, to inspire devotion to the kingdom of France and to the fleur-de-lis. Nigel Bryant is well known for his lively and accurate versions of medieval French authors. His translations of Chretien de Troyes' Perceval and all its continuations and of the extraordinary late Arthurian romance Perceforest have been major achievements; he has also translated Jean le Bel's history of the early stages of the Hundred Years War, and the biography of William Marshal.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    The Milk Bowl of Feathers - Essential Surrealist Writings

    The Milk Bowl of Feathers - Essential Surrealist Writings

    Mary Ann Caws

    Originating in 1916 with the avant-garde Dada movement at the famous Caf Voltaire in Zurich, surrealism aimed to unleash the powers of the creative act without thinking. Max Ernst, Andr Breton, Tristan Tzara, Paul luard, Philippe Soupault, and Louis Aragon created a movement that spread wildly to all corners of the globe, inspiring not only poetry but also artists like Joan Miro and Ren Magritte and cinematic works by Antonin Artaud, Luis Bunuel, and Salvador Dal . As the editor, Mary Ann Caws, says, "Essential to surrealist behavior is a constant state of openness, of readiness for whatever occurs, whatever marvelous object we might come across, manifesting itself against the already thought, the already lived."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018




    Flaminio Gualdoni

    Surrealism is an art movement, dedicated to expressing the imagination as revealed in dreams, free of the conscious control of reason and convention. Surrealism inherited its anti-rationalist sensibility from Dada, but was lighter in spirit than that movement. Like Dada, it was shaped by emerging theories on our perception of reality, the most obvious influence being Freuds model of the subconscious. Founded in Paris in 1924 by Andre Breton with his Manifesto of Surrealism, it was above all a revolutionary movement and its principal aim was to resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality. The Surrealist circle was made up of many of the great artists of the 20th century, including Jean Arp, Max Ernst, Giorgio de Chirico, Man Ray, Joan Miro, Rene Magritte, Yves Tanguy, Salvador Dali.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008



    Leonora: A novel inspired by the life of Leonora Carrington

    Leonora: A novel inspired by the life of Leonora Carrington

    Elena Poniatowska

    Born in Lancashire as the wealthy heiress to her British father's textiles empire, Leonora Carrington was destined to live the kind of life only known by the moneyed classes. But even from a young age she rebelled against the strict rules of her social class, against her parents and against the hegemony of religion and conservative thought, and broke free to artistic and personal freedom.Today Carrington is recognised as the key female Surrealist painter, and Poniatowska's fiction charms this exceptional character back to life more truthfully than any biography could. For a time Max Ernst's lover in Paris, Carrington rubbed elbows with Salvador Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Joan Miro, Andre Breton and Pablo Picasso. When Ernst fled Paris at the outbreak of the Second World War, Carrington had a breakdown and was locked away in a Spanish asylum before escaping to Mexico, where she would work on the paintings which made her name. In the hands of legendary Mexican novelist Elena Poniatowska, Carrington's life becomes a whirlwind tribute to creative struggle and artistic revolution.Translated by Amanda Hopkinson.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    The Canadian Alternative

    The Canadian Alternative

    This overview of the history of Canadian comics explores acclaimed as well as unfamiliar artists. Contributors look at the myriad ways that English-language, Francophone, Indigenous, and queer Canadian comics and cartoonists pose alternatives to American comics, to dominant perceptions, even to gender and racial categories.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Innbundet · 2017




    Cathrin Klingsoehr-Leroy

    With Salvador Dali as its figurehead, the great ship of Surrealism traversed the turbulent seas of the early 20th century with sails billowing with dreams and desires. Inspired by the psychoanalytical practice of Sigmund Freud, the Surrealists championed the unconscious as the domain of truth, uninhibited by the standards or expectations of society.With techniques ranging from hypnotism to nocturnal walks to automatic writing, the likes of Andre Breton, Max Ernst, Brassai, and Meret Oppenheim produced paintings, drawings, texts, and films in which they sought to excavate their most intimate and primal instincts. The results abound with sexual fantasies, with mysterious, menacing creatures, and with the juxtaposition of seemingly contradictory objects or ideas.This book introduces the origins and the sensational legacy of the Surrealist movement, one of the most profound and enduring influences on film, theater, literature, art, and thought.Featured artists: Hans Arp, Andre Breton, Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Alberto Giacometti, Paul Klee, Rene Magritte, Andre Masson, Matta, Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Meret Oppenheim, Yves Tanguy

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



    Hjerteforeldre: de fem enkle stegene som bygger barnets selvtillit og hjelper dem å vokse sosialt, emosjonelt og intellektuelt

    John Gottman, Joan DeClaire, John M. Gottman, Joan Declaire

    «Hjerteforeldre» presenterer dr. John Gottmans oppsiktsvekkende forskning om foreldre og barn. Den viser at det du gjør som mamma eller pappa i de kritiske øyeblikkene er med på å bestemme hvor barna dine ender opp sosialt, helsemessig, emosjonelt og karrieremessig. Basert på professor Gottmans epokegjørende forskning gjennom mer enn 40 år, og ellers nyere forskning innen utviklingspsykologi, beskriver boken hva som skal til for å bygge barnas selvtillit og styrke og støtte dem på alle livets områder. Denne boken viser at det er én foreldreaktivitet som har spesielt stor betydning. Metoden er enkel å lære, og er tatt i bruk av foreldre, lærere og omsorgspersoner. DETTE ER BOKEN V OKSNE IKKE KAN GÅ GLIPP AV. En unik håndbok for foreldre med barn i alle aldre!

    4.9 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89


    Hjerteforeldre: de fem enkle stegene som bygger barnets selvtillit og hjelper dem å vokse sosialt, emosjonelt og intellektuelt

    Joan DeClaire, John M. Gottman, Joan Declaire

    Én foreldreaktivitet er alfa og omega for barns utvikling. Det viser studiene til verdens ledende familie- og parforsker John Gottman. Studiene er støttet av omfattende forskning i flere land i Europa, Asia og også i Australia. Sluttresultatet gir klare svar: Denne ene foreldreaktiviteten har avgjørende betydning for hvor barnet ender i livet -- emosjonelt, helsemessig, psykologisk, akademisk og profesjonelt. Her får du vite hva du skal gjøre. Det gir store gevinster for barnet. Hjerteforeldre presenterer dr. John Gottmans oppsiktsvekkende forskning om foreldre og barn. Den viser at det du gjør som mamma eller pappa i de kritiske øyeblikkene er med på å bestemme hvor barna dine ender opp sosialt, helsemessig, emosjonelt og karrieremessig. Men hvilke øyeblikk er det som virkelig teller? Hva er denne foreldreaktiviteten? Basert på professor Gottmans epokegjørende forskning gjennom mer enn 45 år, og ellers nyere forskning innen utviklingspsykologi, får du vite hva som skal til for å bygge barnas selvtillit og styrke og støtte dem på alle livets områder. Denne foreldreaktiviteten gir barnet store gevinster. Metoden er enkel å lære, og er tatt i bruk av foreldre, lærere og omsorgspersoner. Må-ha boken for foreldre og lærere! DR. JOHN M. GOTTMAN (født 1942) er professor emeritus i psykologi, og kjent som verdens fremste samlivsforsker. Hans banebrytende forskning på par og familier over 45 år har ført til over 200 publiserte vitenskapelige artikler og over 40 bøker. Han er en prisbelønt psykolog og kåret til en av USAs mest innflytelsesrike terapeuter. Sammen med sin kone, Julie Schwartz Gottman, driver han Gottman-instituttet i USA og er grunnlegger av Affective Software Inc. I 2021 mottok ekteparet den svært anerkjente og høythengende prisen for Psykotherapy Networker Lifetime Achievement Award.

    4.3 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Aging and Older Adulthood

    Aging and Older Adulthood

    Joan T. Erber

    Reflects the most important theoretical foundations and research directions concerning aging and older adulthood This authoritative volume provides the latest insights into, and theoretical interpretation of, our understanding of the human aging process. Newly updated and revised, this edition of the well-established student textbook offers relatable scenarios that touch upon real-world issues faced by older adults and their families. The book explains how research studies attempt to answer questions of both theoretical and practical importance as they relate to aging and older adulthood, and it explains the hypotheses and findings of the studies in a manner that is comprehensible to readers of all levels of research experience. Aging and Older Adulthood begins by describing the demographic characteristics of the older population, and follows with a chapter on theoretical models that apply to the study of adult development and aging, as well as approaches commonly taken to conduct research and ethical concerns involved in the study of this group. It then offers a series of chapters exploring biological aging, sensation perception and attention, memory, intellectual functioning, cognition and real-world problem-solving, personality and coping, social interaction and social ties, lifestyles and retirement, mental health and psychotherapy, and death and bereavement. The final chapter looks at aging in the future. Each chapter includes fully updated research findings, as well as new and expanded coverage of concepts and ideas in areas such as neuroscience, and diabetes.New edition of a highly respected text exploring our contemporary understanding of a broad range of topics related to older adulthood and the psychology of agingOffers thematic treatment of core issues including health, sensory perception, memory, intellect, social interactions, employment and retirement, and mental healthUses a dual lens of two models - the selective optimization with compensation model and the ecological model - to provide cohesiveness to the presentation of both theoretical and applied materialIntroduces each chapter with a relevant real-world scenario and refers back to it throughout the chapterIncludes pedagogical feature boxes that reflect current understanding of contemporary issues in the field as well as key points and issues for further discussion Aging and Older Adulthood, 4th Edition is an excellent text for upper division undergraduate and graduate courses focusing on the older adulthood and aging, the psychology of aging, gerontological studies, and lifespan development.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 299
    kr 299

    Offer 2117

    Offer 2117

    Jussi Adler-Olsen

    I over ti år har Assad vært et gåtefullt kraftsenter i Avdeling Q. En kjedereaksjon av voldsomme hendelser bringer ham på randen av total kollaps. Bare Rose, som også har sine utfordringer, kan hjelpe Assad å fri seg fra de mørke demonene som vekkes til live av den spanske journalisten Joan Aiguaders dekning av en flyktnings tragiske død..

    4.4 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 59

    Changing English

    Changing English

    Changing English examines the history of English from its origins in the fifth century to the present day. It focuses on the radical changes that have taken place in the structure of English over a millennium and a half, detailing the influences of migration, colonialism and many other historical, social and cultural phenomena. Expert authors illustrate and analyze dialects, accents and the shifting styles of individual speakers as they respond to changing circumstances. The reader is introduced to many key debates relating to the English language, illustrated by specific examples of data in context. Including key material retained from the earlier bestselling book, English: History, Diversity and Change, this edition has been thoroughly reorganized and updated with entirely new material. Changing English: * explains basic concepts, easily located through a comprehensive index * includes contributions by experts in the field, such as David Crystal, David Graddol, Dick Leith, Lynda Mugglestone and Joan Swann * contains a range of source material and commissioned readings to supplement chapters.Changing English makes an essential contribution to the field of English language studies.

    3.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2006


    kr 399
    kr 399

    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python

    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python

    Hans Petter Langtangen

    The book serves as a first introduction to computer programming of scientific applications, using the high-level Python language. The exposition is example and problem-oriented, where the applications are taken from mathematics, numerical calculus, statistics, physics, biology and finance. The book teaches "Matlab-style" and procedural programming as well as object-oriented programming. High school mathematics is a required background and it is advantageous to study classical and numerical one-variable calculus in parallel with reading this book. Besides learning how to program computers, the reader will also learn how to solve mathematical problems, arising in various branches of science and engineering, with the aid of numerical methods and programming. By blending programming, mathematics and scientific applications, the book lays a solid foundation for practicing computational science.From the reviews: Langtangen ... does an excellent job of introducing programming as a set of skills in problem solving. He guides the reader into thinking properly about producing program logic and data structures for modeling real-world problems using objects and functions and embracing the object-oriented paradigm. ... Summing Up: Highly recommended. F. H. Wild III, Choice, Vol. 47 (8), April 2010Those of us who have learned scientific programming in Python `on the streets' could be a little jealous of students who have the opportunity to take a course out of Langtangen's Primer." John D. Cook, The Mathematical Association of America, September 2011This book goes through Python in particular, and programming in general, via tasks that scientists will likely perform. It contains valuable information for students new to scientific computing and would be the perfect bridge between an introduction to programming and an advanced course on numerical methods or computational science.Alex Small, IEEE, CiSE Vol. 14 (2), March /April 2012 "This fourth edition is a wonderful, inclusive textbook that covers pretty much everything one needs to know to go from zero to fairly sophisticated scientific programming in Python..." Joan Horvath, Computing Reviews, March 2015

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    kr 89

    Innbundet · 2012


    kr 199

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 89

    The year of magical thinking

    The year of magical thinking

    Joan Didion

    Helt ny

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 200

    Pocket · 2007


    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 200

    Fra uminnelige tider

    Fra uminnelige tider: opprinnelsen til den arabisk-jødiske konflikten om Palestina

    Joan Peters

    Boken gir en grundig redegjørelse av forholdet mellom arabere og jøder i Midtøsten fra uminnelige tider. Forfatteren knuser mytene om nåtidens begreper om et arabisk hjemland som baserer sitt krav på eldgamle røtter i Vest-Palestina. Den israelsk-arabiske konfrontasjonen er kjernen i saken, og denne boken gjør rede for denne bakgrunnen.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål


    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 420

    An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    Helen Kennerley, Joan Kirk, David Westbrook

    This bestselling guide to the basic theory, skills and applications of cognitive behaviour therapy is fully updated to reflect recent developments in CBT theory. It includes in-depth material on working with diversity, and new case studies and exercises to help you reflect and explore how theory can be used to develop effective practice.The Companion Website features over 40 videos illustrating the CBT skills and strategies discussed in the book, including:Measuring CBT's effectivenessSocratic method and applicationsPhysical techniques and behavioural experimentsApplications of CBT to specific client disordersUsing supervision in CBT.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    kr 459

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 349
    kr 459

    The  Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction

    The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction: Edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn

    Edward James

    <p>Science fiction is at the intersection of numerous fields. It is a literature which draws on popular culture, and which engages in speculation about science, history, and all types of social relations. This volume brings together essays by scholars and practitioners of science fiction, which look at the genre from these different angles. After an introduction to the nature of science fiction, historical chapters trace science fiction from Thomas More to the present day, including a chapter on film and television. The second section introduces four important critical approaches to science fiction drawing their theoretical inspiration from Marxism, postmodernism, feminism and queer theory. The final and largest section of the book looks at various themes and sub-genres of science fiction. A number of well-known science fiction writers contribute to this volume, including Gwyneth Jones, Ken MacLeod, Brian Stableford Andy Duncan, James Gunn, Joan Slonczewski, and Damien Broderick.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010


    kr 139
    kr 139

    De magiske tankers år

    De magiske tankers år: memoarer

    Joan Didion

    Dagen før nyttårsaften 2003 dør Joan Didions mann, forfatteren John Gregory Dunne, av et hjerteinfarkt. Han faller bare om på gulvet i stuen. Og så er han død. Etter førti års ekteskap. En drøy uke tidligere har deres eneste datter, Quintana, blitt alvorlig syk. De magiske tankers år er Joan Didions beretning om disse to begivenhetene. Om det å leve med en stor sorg, mens man samtidig er nødt til å kjempe for sin datter. Det blir et år for magiske tanker. Hun klarer for eksempel ikke å kaste John sine sko. I tilfelle han skulle komme tilbake. Og ved sengen på sykehuset tar hun seg selv i å si til Quintana - det kommer til å gå bra, jeg er her - for hva annet har man i møte med katastrofen enn sine egne forsikringer? De magiske tankers år er en bok om sorg, kjærlighet, ekteskap, barn og minner. Og det tynne skallet mellom galskap og forstand. Kritikeren John Leonard skrev: «Jeg kan ikke forestille meg å dø uten den.»

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Pocket · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 89

    Moderne kjerringråd

    Moderne kjerringråd: gammel visdom testet og anbefalt på nytt

    Joan Wilen, Lydia Wilen

    Alfabetisk innholdsregister og 36 siders stikkordregister gir muligheten til enkelt å finne råd om alt fra astma og flis til åreknuter.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    Leading Teams

    Leading Teams

    Joan Bellrichard

    Richard Hackman, one of the world's leading experts on group and organizational behavior, argues that teams perform at their best when leaders create conditions that allow them to manage themselves effectively. Leading Teams is not about subscribing to a specific formula or leadership style, says Hackman. Rather, it is about applying a concise set of guiding principles to each unique group situation--and doing so in the leader's own idiosyncratic way. Based on extensive research and using compelling examples ranging from orchestras to airline cockpit crews, Leading Teams identifies five essential conditions--a stable team, a clear and engaging direction, an enabling team structure, a supportive organizational context, and the availability of competent coaching--that greatly enhance the likelihood of team success. The book offers a practical framework that leaders can use to muster personal skills and organizational resources to create and sustain the five key conditions and shows how those conditions can launch a team onto a trajectory of increasing effectiveness.Authoritative and astutely realistic, Leading Teams offers a new and provocative way of thinking about and leading work teams in any organizational setting.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002

    kr 139
    kr 139

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