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Viser resultat for 'Jia Yi Chow'

    Nonlinear Pedagogy in Skill Acquisition

    Nonlinear Pedagogy in Skill Acquisition

    Jia Yi Chow

    Nonlinear pedagogy is a powerful paradigm for understanding human movement and for designing effective teaching, coaching and training programs in sport, exercise and physical education. It addresses the inherent complexity in the learning of movement skills, viewing the learner, the learning environment and the teacher or coach as a complex interacting system, with the constraints of individual practice tasks providing the platform for functional movement behaviours to emerge. This is the first book to explain this profoundly important new approach to skill acquisition, introducing key theoretical ideas and best practice for students, teachers and coaches.The first section of the book offers a general theoretical framework to explain processes of skill acquisition and the learning of movement skills. The book then defines nonlinear pedagogy, and outlines its key principles of practice. It offers a thorough and critical appraisal of the optimal use of instructional constraints and practice design, and discusses methods for creating challenging and supportive individualised learning environments at developmental, sub-elite and elite levels of performance. Every chapter contains cases and examples from sport and exercise contexts, providing guidance on practice activities and lessons. Nonlinear Pedagogy in Skill Acquisition is an essential companion for any degree level course in skill acquisition, motor learning, sport science, sport pedagogy, sports coaching practice, or pedagogy or curriculum design in physical education.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Nonlinear Pedagogy in Skill Acquisition

    Nonlinear Pedagogy in Skill Acquisition

    Jia Yi Chow, Keith Davids, Chris Button, Ian Renshaw

    En bok om ikke-lineær pedagogikk knyttet til utvikling av ferdigheter.

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    Pocket · 2022


    kr 349

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 459
    kr 349

    How to Love a Jamaican

    How to Love a Jamaican

    Alexia Arthurs

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Pocket · 2019


    Andre utgaver · 3


    Yibusheng - yi shu jia zhi lu

    Yibusheng - yi shu jia zhi lu

    Bjørn Hemmer

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål


    Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning : 6th international conference, LPNMR 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 17-19, 2001 : proceedings

    Logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning : 6th international conference, LPNMR 2001, Vienna, Austria, September 17-19, 2001 : proceedings

    ThesearetheproceedingsoftheSixthInternationalConferenceonLogicP- grammingandNonmonotonicReasoning (LPNMR2001). The conference was heldinViennafrom17thto19thofSeptember,2001. Itwascollocatedwiththe JointGerman/AustrianConferenceonArti?cialIntelligence(24thGerman/9th AustrianConferenceonArti?cialIntelligence),KI2001. LPNMR conferences aim to promote research in logic-based programming languages, database systems, nonmonotonic reasoning, and knowledge rep- sentation. LPNMR2001 was the sixth conference in the series. The previous meetingswereheldinWashington,DC,in1991,inLisbon,Portugal,in1993,in Lexington,Kentucky,in1995,inDagstuhl,Germany,in1997,andinElPaso, Texas,in1999. ThetechnicalprogramofLPNMR2001wascomprisedof?veinvitedtalks thatweregivenbyJur .. genDix,GeorgGottlob,PhokionKolaitis,MaurizioLe- erini,andChiakiSakama. Italsocontained23technicalpresentationsselected bytheprogramcommitteeduringarigorousreviewprocess. Finally,asapart ofthetechnicalprogram,theconferencefeaturedaspecialsessioncomprisedof ninepresentationsanddemonstrationsofimplementednonmonotonicreasoning systems. Allthesecontributionsareincludedintheproceedings.Many individuals workedfor the success of the conference. Special thanks areduetoallmembersoftheprogramcommitteeandtoadditionalreviewers fortheire?ortstoproducefairandthoroughevaluationsofsubmittedpapers. Furthermore, we would like to thank the members of the Knowledge Based SystemsGroupoftheViennaUniversityofTechnology,whichtookcareofthe localorganization. Weparticularlyappreciatedthenevertiringe?ortofElfriede Nedoma,secretarytothegroup. WewouldalsoliketothankGerdBrewkafor hissupportiveroleinarrangingthecollocationoftheconferencewithKI2001. Last,butnotleast,wethankthesponsoringinstitutionsfortheirgenerosity.September2001 ThomasEiter WolfgangFaber Miros lawTruszczynski ' Conference Organization ProgramCo-chairs ThomasEiter(ViennaUniversityofTechnology,Austria) Miros lawTruszczynski ' (UniversityofKentucky,USA) ProgramCommittee AlexanderBochman(HolonAcademicInstituteofTechnology,Israel) PieroBonatti(Universit' adegliStudiMilano/Crema,Italy) GerhardBrewka(UniversityofLeipzig,Germany) JamesDelgrande(SimonFraserUniversity,Canada) MarcDenecker(KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,Belgium) NormanFoo(UniversityofNewSouthWales,Australia) MichaelGelfond(TexasTechUniversity,USA) KatsumiInoue(KobeUniversity,Japan) AntonisKakas(UniversityofCyprus) NicolaLeone(Universit' adegliStudidellaCalabria,Italy) VladimirLifschitz(UniversityofTexasatAustin,USA) FangzhenLin(TheHongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,China) VictorMarek(UniversityofKentuckyatLexington,USA) ZhangMing-Yi(GuizhouAcademyofSciences,China) IlkkaNiemel. a(HelsinkiUniversityofTechnology,Finland) Lu'?sMonizPereira(UniversidadeNovadeLisboa,Portugal) MarcoSchaerf(Universitad ' iRoma"LaSapienza,"Italy) TorstenSchaub(UniversityofPotsdam,Germany) FrancescaToni(ImperialCollege,London,U. K.) Li-YanYuan(UniversityofAlberta,Canada) Publicity Chair WolfgangFaber(ViennaUniversityofTechnology,Austria) Organization VII Additional Reviewers Jos'eAlferes MehmetOrgun CristinaBaroglio MauricePagnucco KrysiaBroda VivianaPatti MauriceBruynooghe NikolayPelov FrancescoBuccafurri GeraldPfeifer CarlosDam'asio FabrizioRiguzzi EmmanuelDeMot RiccardoRosati YannisDimopoulos GiulianaSabbatini EsraErdem FaribaSadri WolfgangFaber ChiakiSakama DayaGaur FrancescoScarcello JensHappe TommiSyrjanen TomiJanhunen AndreaTettamanzi JoohyungLee BertVanNu?elen NicolaLeone HelmutVeith ThomasLinke GerardVreeswijk ThomasLukasiewicz KewenWang PaoloMancarella Jia-HuaiYou CristinelMateis DongmoZhang RobMiller Sponsoring Institutions We would like to acknowledge ?nancial support for the conference from the EuropeanO?ceofAerospaceResearchandDevelopment(EOARD),underc- tractF61775-01-WF077,theAustrianComputerSociety(OCG),theEuropean Commission,theAustrianMinistryofTransport,Innovation&Technology,and Microsoft. Table of Contents Invited Papers AComputationalLogicApproachtoHeterogenousAgentSystems ...1 JurgenDix DeclarativeInformationExtraction,WebCrawling, andRecursiveWrappingwithLixto ...21 RobertBaumgartner,SergioFlesca,andGeorgGottlob OntheComplexityofModelCheckingandInference inMinimalModels(ExtendedAbstract) ...42 LefterisM. KirousisandPhokionG. Kolaitis DataIntegrationNeedsReasoning ...54 MaurizioLenzerini NonmonotonicInductiveLogicProgramming ...62 ChiakiSakama Regular Papers StrongEquivalenceforLogicPrograms andDefaultTheories(MadeEasy)...81 HudsonTurner OntheE?ectofDefaultNegationontheExpressiveness ofDisjunctiveRules ...93 TomiJanhunen OntheExpressibilityofStableLogicProgramming ...107 V. W. MarekandJ. B. Remmel OntheRelationshipbetweenDefeasibleLogic andWell-FoundedSemantics ...121 GerhardBrewka AComparativeStudyofWell-FoundedSemantics forDisjunctiveLogicPrograms ...133 KewenWang ReasoningwithOpenLogicPrograms ...147 PieroA. Bonatti RepresentationofIncompleteKnowledgebyInduction ofDefaultTheories...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål


    Trick Mirror

    Trick Mirror

    Jia Tolentino

    The Times Literary Non-Fiction Book of the Year'A whip-smart, challenging book. It filled me with hope' Zadie SmithFrom one of the brightest young chroniclers of US culture comes this dazzling collection of essays on the internet, the self, feminism and politics.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 139

    Innbundet · 2019

    kr 139

    Rejection Proof

    Rejection Proof

    Jia Jiang

    Rejection? It's nothing to be afraid of... Maybe you avoid situations where you might be rejected. In this book, the author shares what he learned in his 100 Days of Rejection, explaining how to turn a 'no' into a 'yes'.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Innbundet · 2015



    Strategidokument for Helse Sør-Øst : plan for strategisk utvikling 2009-2020

    Strategidokument for Helse Sør-Øst : plan for strategisk utvikling 2009-2020

    Jia-ju. Zheng

    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, collectively termed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), are complex disorders because of their wide variations in clinical manifestations. These two disorders constitute multi-system diseases of idiopathic origin. Both are found world-wide and spare no socioeconomic group. Recent scientific and technological advances have, not only led to greater understanding of the pathogenesis underlying these disorders, but have also enabled us to make a correct diagnosis in the earlier stage and to use better and more efficacious medical therapies for these two diseases. Dr. Zheng from China has experience in the research and treatment environment for IBD at the University of Chicago in the U.S.A. He completed his doctoral work in Nutrition at Tufts University and has been an active gastroenterologist in the diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal disease, in particular IBD, in China. Thus, he is well suited to the task of bringing together this information for IBD. In this handbook, a highly distinguished group of doctors and professors have been invited to present an updated knowledge of current status as related to the diagnosis and medical therapy of IBD. These articles highlight many advances to date with their clinical experiences. Thus, this handbook will greatly increase recognition of the complexity of these conditions in clinical practice, and enhance the experiences of management with IBD patients.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål


    Introduction to Stochastic Finance

    Introduction to Stochastic Finance

    Jia-An Yan

    This book gives a systematic introduction to the basic theory of financial mathematics, with an emphasis on applications of martingale methods in pricing and hedging of contingent claims, interest rate term structure models, and expected utility maximization problems.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The Lantern Bearer

    The Lantern Bearer

    Jia Pingwa

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Earthen Gate

    The Earthen Gate

    Jia Pingwa

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Valley Press) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications

    Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications

    Jia-Sheng. Hong

    The first edition of "Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications" was published in 2001. Over the years the book has been well received and is used extensively in both academia and industry by microwave researchers and engineers. From its inception as a manuscript the book is almost 8 years old. While the fundamentals of filter circuits have not changed, further innovations in filter realizations and other applications have occurred with changes in the technology and use of new fabrication processes, such as the recent advances in RF MEMS and ferroelectric films for tunable filters; th

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål


    Small Beauty

    Small Beauty

    Jia Qing Wilson-Yang

    Fiction. Asian & Asian American Studies. LGBTQIA Studies. Women's Studies. SMALL BEAUTY tells the story of Mei, a mixed race trans woman managing the death of her cousin, the ways she contorts to navigate racism and transphobia, and her desire for community as she takes an opportunity to leave the city and revisit a town from her family's past, where she discovers queer family history while parsing through her own anger and trauma. Cycling through time, points of view, and rural and city life, the novel introduces us to Mei's community in fictional Dundurn and Herbertsville, loosely based on Southern Ontario places: Annette and Connie, other Asian trans women from the drop-ins; Sandy, Mei's older cousin and constant (if aggressive) support; Diane, an older lesbian with a pick-up and secret links to Mei's blood family; and Nelson, a presence lost before found, whose story is told in pictures sewn into a suitcase. Interspersed with one culminating night-time lake scene, the book carries us through these stories and towards their completion as the frustrating, necessary web that keeps Mei attached to the world.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Happy Dreams

    Happy Dreams

    Jia Pingwa

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    The Other Milk

    The Other Milk

    Jia-Chen Fu

    In the early twentieth century, China was stigmatized as the "Land of Famine." Meanwhile in Europe and the United States, scientists and industrialists seized upon the soybean as a miracle plant that could help build modern economies and healthy nations. Soybeans, protein-packed and domestically grown, were a common food in China, and soybean milk (doujiang) was poised for reinvention for the modern age. Scientific soybean milk became a symbol of national growth and development on Chinese terms, and its competition with cow's milk reflected China's relationship to global modernity and imperialism.The Other Milk explores the curious paths that led to the notion of the deficient Chinese diet and to soybean milk as the way to guarantee food security for the masses. Jia-Chen Fu's in-depth examination of the intertwined relationships between diet, health, and nation illuminates the multiple forces that have been essential in the formation of nutrition science in China.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Pocket · 2019


    Rejection proof

    Rejection proof: How I beat fear and became invincible

    Jia Jiang

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Loft Residences

    Loft Residences

    Song Jia

    Lofts have become increasingly popular living spaces; they often allow those living in bustling cities to rise above and enjoy an almost outdoor-like freedom. Usually spacious, light and airy, they are prime spaces for exercising great interior design ideas Loft Residences collects interior design ideas from around the world and presents them in full-colour photographs.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015





    Mai Jia

    Decoded tells the story of Rong Jinzhwen, one of the great code-breakers in the world. A semi-autistic mathematical genius, Jinzhen is recruited to the cryptography department of China's secret services, Unit 701, where he is assigned the task of breaking the elusive 'Code Purple'. Jinzhen rises through the ranks to eventually become China's greatest and most celebrated code-breaker; until he makes a mistake. Then begins his descent through the unfathomable darkness of the world of cryptology into madness. 'Decoded is a subtle and complex exploration of cryptography, politics, dreams and their significance...There is much of interest in this book, from the strange, superstitious beginning to the gradual decline of the Rong family as the twentieth century progresses...But in the end, it's the complexity of the characters that is Decoded's enduring pleasure' London Review of Books Decoded was an immediate success when it was published in 2002 in China and has become an international bestseller. With the pacing of a literary crime thriller, Mai Jia's masterpiece also combines elements of historical fiction and state espionage. Taking place in the shadowy world of Chinese secret security, where Mai Jia worked for decades, it introduces us to a place that is unfamiliar, intriguing and authentic. And with Rong Jinzhen, it introduces us to a character who is deeply flawed and fragile, yet possessing exceptional intelligence. Decoded is an unforgettable and gripping story of genius, brilliance, insanity and human frailty.'Decoded is a subtle and complex exploration of cryptography, politics, dreams and their significance....There is much of interest in this book, from the strange, superstitious beginning to the gradual decline of the Rong family as the twentieth century progresses...But, in the end, it is the complexity of the characters that is Decoded's enduring pleasure' Times Literary Supplement'Readers skate the line separating insanity from genius in Mai Jia's riveting tale of cryptographic warfare...A denouement at once heartbreaking and thought-provoking leaves readers pondering the collective sanity of a world shrouding knowledge in enigmas. Gifted translators bring English-speaking readers a Chinese literary treasure' BooklistMai Jia (the pseudonym of Jiang Benhu) is arguably the most successful writer in China today. His books are constant bestsellers, with total sales over three million copies. He became the highest paid author in China last year with his new book, Wind Talk. He has achieved unprecedented success with film adaptation: all of his novels are made - or are being made - into major films or TV series, the screenplays of which are often written by Mai Jia himself. He is hailed as the forerunner of Chinese espionage fiction, and has created a unique genre that combines spycraft, code-breaking, crime, human drama, historical fiction, and metafiction. He has won almost every major award in China, including the highest literary honor - the Mao Dun Award.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Urban Landscape Planning

    Urban Landscape Planning

    Song Jia

    Cities are where we live. In the stable environment, people start to pursue a cosy and wonderful life. Enjoyable and amazing public landscapes are the integral part of city life, not only adding to the beauty of the city, but also maintaining the harmony between humans and environment. The book includes the latest and most representative projects of numerous excellent designers all over the world, such as parks, streets, squares, as well as commercial, educational, and cultural designs. From the design philosophy to the detailed descriptions, from the whole landscape to detail, the book offers the most unique landscape designs.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    The Interaction Between Flexible Plates and Fluid in Two-dimensional Flow

    The Interaction Between Flexible Plates and Fluid in Two-dimensional Flow

    Laibing Jia

    The fascinating rainbow colors we see in soap film not only delight us; they also help us understand the physical essence of nature. In this dissertation, the author presents his studies on the interactions between flexible bodies and ambient fluids, a topic reflected in nature, in everyday life and in various industrial applications. By investigating this topic, he reveals the mechanism of flow-induced vibration of flexible bodies, the process of energy exchange between flexible bodies and fluids and the way flexible bodies interact with each other in flowing fluids. These studies not only allow us to understand nature better, but can also help us invent new machines and improve existing devices to glean more energy from nature.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


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