The Encyclopedia of Oil Techniques
A new, up-to-date edition of the popular and comprehensive encyclopedia by professional and award-winning artist, Jeremy Galton.Ideal for artists of all skill levels, this A-Z reference covers a multitude of topics concerning oil painting. The book is divided into two sections: the first provides step-by-step demonstrations that guide artists through a variety of techniques, from basic colour mixing through to creating special effects such as peinture a l'essence and sgraffito. The second part focuses on themes, illustrating how individual artists tackle a number of common subjects, including landscapes, buildings, portraits, still life, skies and water.This resource provides a wealth of stimulating ideas to help artists - both amateurs and veterans - develop their own oil-painting style.
0.0 av 5
Håndbog i oliemaleri
En igangsættende håndbog, der henvender sig til begynderen såvel som den viderekomne, med grundlæggende og nye teknikker. Gode råd om materialevalg og virkemidler samt fremgangsmåder ved maling af en serie emner som landskab, portræt og nature morte. I bogens sidste del vises en lang række kunstneres individuelle fortolkninger af givne motiver. En inspirerende indføring i metoder og håndtering af de beskrevne teknikker.
5.0 av 5
The Art of Colour Mixing
A small practical handbook on choosing and mixing colours successfully. It shows how to create the maximum colour range from the minimum number of paints. The authors address watercolours, acrylics and oils, showing how to mix, blend and dilute in order to achieve a range of effects.
0.0 av 5
Sustaining Wildlands
When the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground on Bligh Reef in Alaska in 1989 and spilled 11 million gallons of oil, it changed Prince William Sound forever. The catastrophe disrupted the region's biological system, killing countless animals and poisoning habitats that to this day no longer support some of the local species. The effects have also profoundly altered the way people use this region.Nearly three decades later, changes in recreation use run counter to what was initially expected. Instead of avoiding Prince William Sound, tourists and visitors flocked there. Economic revitalization efforts resulted in increased wilderness access as new commercial enterprises offered nature tourism in remote bays and fjords. This increased visitation has caused concerns that the wilderness may again be threatened-not by oil but by the very humans seeking those wilderness experiences.In Sustaining Wildlands, twenty-eight scientists and managers, along with thirteen local community residents, address what has come to be a central paradox in public lands management: the need to accommodate increasing human use while reducing the environmental impact of those activities. This volume draws on diverse efforts and perspectives to dissect this paradox, offering an alternative approach where human use is central to sustaining wildlands and recovering a damaged ecosystem like Prince William Sound.Contributors: Patience Andersen-Faulkner, Brad Andres, Chris Beck, Nancy Bird, Dale J. Blahna, Harold Blehm, Sara Boario, Bridget A. Brown, Courtney Brown, Greg Brown, Milo Burcham, Kristin Carpenter, Ted Cooney, Jessica Fraver, Jennifer Gessert, Randy Gimblett, Michael I. Goldstein, Samantha Greenwood, Lynn Highland, Marybeth Holleman, Shay Howlin, Tanya Iden, Bob Itami, Lisa Jaeger, Laura Kennedy, Spencer Lace, Nancy Lethcoe, Kate McLaughlin, Rosa H. Meehan, Christopher Monz, Karen A. Murphy, Lisa Oakley, Aaron J. Poe, Chandra Poe, Karin Preston, Jeremy Robida, Clare Ryan, Gerry Sanger, Bill Sherwonit, Maryann Smith Fidel, Lowell H. Suring, Paul Twardock, Sarah Warnock, Sadie Youngstrom.
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Outside the classic frames of war and peace, these all-too-human tales - funny, tragic and fateful - tell a wider story of the exuberant dreams, dark fears, grubby ambition and sheer chance which marked Europe's post-war metamorphosis, and the century to come.
0.0 av 5
Noen ganger skal man lyve: en innføring i etikk
Hvite løgner er ofte ment å skåne andre, mens svarte løgner bare gagner oss selv. Slik i et språk om svart-hvitt er det vanlig å omtale løgn og moral. Den moralske virkeligheten er imidlertid full av gråtoner, og det er i en slik mer kompleks og vanskelig verden vår følsomme etiske klokskap må finne veien. En handling er sjelden helt rett eller helt gal. Samtidig handler ikke moral bare om subjektive følelser eller sosiale normer, men er forankret i allmenn refleksjon over hva det betyr å være menneske. Denne boken har derfor sine røtter i følgende grunnspørsmål: Hvordan kan vi leve et fritt og godt liv med fornuftens hjelp? Boken gir deg en grundig innføring i den systematiske etikken i perspektiver på og teorier om moralske spørsmål. Den er strukturert rundt fem etiske hovedtemaer: sannhet, frihet, rettferdighet, velferd og godhet. I denne tematiske gjennomgangen blir du presentert for en rekke eksempler og dilemmasituasjoner, samtidig som du får innsikt i de moralfilosofiske hovedtradisjonene til blant andre Aristoteles (dydsetikk), Immanuel Kant, (pliktetikk), Jeremy Bentham og John Stuart Mill (nytteetikk), og John Rawls (kontraktsetikk). Boken inneholder også et eget kapittel om etisk argumentasjon, samt et om etikkens eksistensielle sider og om religion og moral, og er derfor godt egnet som lærebok i etikk for høyskole- og universitetsstudier. Frode Nyeng er dosent i filosofi ved Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag og har lang erfaring med undervisning i etikk. Han har utgitt en rekke bøker, blant annet Etiske teorier (1999), Det autentiske menneske (2000), Etikk og økonomi (2002), Eksistensens filosofi (2003), Følelser (2006), Nytelse (2010) og Etikk og samfunnsansvar (2011).
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Are you ready to stay up all night? Rebecca meets Gone Girl in this shocking, unpredictable thriller with a twist that will leave you reeling . . . The TikTok sensation from the author of It Ends With Us. Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity's notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn't expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of the night their family was forever altered. Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents would devastate the already-grieving father. But as Lowen's feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife's words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue loving her . . . 200,000 READERS HAVE ALREADY GIVEN VERITY FIVE STARS 'One of the best thrillers I have ever read' ***** 'Powerful, mind-blowing and emotional' ***** 'The plot twists and that ending came out of nowhere' ***** 'There are no words. Bravo' ***** 'Dark, creepy, and one hundred per cent original' ***** 'I NEEDED to know how this was going to end' ***** 'Left me completely speechless' *****
4.5 av 5
Worlds together, Worlds apart: From the Begging of Humankind to the Present
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart provides a compelling chronological foundation for world history. A global story frames each chapter, making thousands of years of history less daunting for students and instructors. New lead authors and master teachers, Jeremy Adelman and Elizabeth Pollard, distill cutting-edge scholarship with a focus on introductory students. By supporting students in making comparisons and connections across the narrative, primary sources, images, maps, and in the text and online resources, Worlds Together is global history’s most effective teaching tool.
4.9 av 5
Verity: spesialutgave
En forfatter kommer på sporet av en fryktelig sannhet. Et nervepirrende plott som utforsker kjærlighetens mørkeste grenser. Forfatter Lowen Ashleigh er på randen av økonomisk ruin da hun tilfeldigvis møter Jeremy Crawford og får et jobbtilbud som kan få karrieren hennes på rett kjøl igjen. Jeremy er gift med bestselgerforfatteren Verity, som etter en tragisk ulykke er blitt ufør og sengeliggende, og jobben går ut på å fullføre de tre siste bøkene i Veritys suksessrike bokserie. For å lykkes med dette må Lowen flytte inn i huset til familien Crawford, saumfare kontoret til Verity, lese manuskriptene og notatene hennes og forsøke å leve seg inn i forfatterpsyken hennes. Så finner Lowen den hemmelige selvbiografien til Verity, side på side med sjokkerende avsløringer, inkludert Veritys beretning om hva som skjedde den fatale natten tragedien rammet familien. Men skal Lowen fortelle sannheten til Jeremy? Og hvilke andre dystre hemmeligheter holder Verity skjult? Denne utgaven inneholder en eksklusiv epilog.
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
<b><i>New York Times</i></b><b> Bestseller</b> <br><b><i>USA Today</i> Bestseller <br><i>The Globe and Mail</i> Bestseller <br><i>Publishers Weekly</i> Bestseller <p><i>Whose truth is the lie? </i>Stay up all night reading the sensational psychological thriller that has readers obsessed, from the #1 <i>New York Times</i> bestselling author of <i>It Ends With Us</i>.</b> <p>Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she accepts the job offer of a lifetime. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. <p>Lowen arrives at the Crawford home, ready to sort through years of Verity's notes and outlines, hoping to find enough material to get her started. What Lowen doesn't expect to uncover in the chaotic office is an unfinished autobiography Verity never intended for anyone to read. Page after page of bone-chilling admissions, including Verity's recollection of the night her family was forever altered. <p>Lowen decides to keep the manuscript hidden from Jeremy, knowing its contents could devastate the already grieving father. But as Lowen's feelings for Jeremy begin to intensify, she recognizes all the ways she could benefit if he were to read his wife's words. After all, no matter how devoted Jeremy is to his injured wife, a truth this horrifying would make it impossible for him to continue loving her.
4.7 av 5
Social Media Communication; Concepts, Practice, Data, Law and Ethics
Selger denne pensum boken til faget (DIG3420) Kommunikasjon og engasjement - del 2 🤩 Boken er åpnet og brukt under eksamen, men fremstår som ny. Kjøpte alle bøker nye da eg startet med studiet. Kan få kjøpt alle pensumbøkene av meg for 1700kr
4.9 av 5
Presenting the concepts and details of molecular structure, metabolism, and laboratory teqniques in a stramlined and engaging way.
4.0 av 5
The eye of the world: book one of The wheel of time
When their village is attacked by terrifying creatures, Rand al'Thor and his friends are forced to flee for their lives. An ancient evil is stirring, and its servants are scouring the land for the Dragon Reborn - the prophesised hero who can deliver the world from darkness. In this Age of myth and legend, the Wheel of Time turns. What was, what may be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.
4.7 av 5
Archaeology matters
Action archaeology in the modern world
5.0 av 5
En psykologisk thriller om en forfatter som kommer på sporet av en fryktelig sannhet. Et nervepirrende plott som utforsker kjærlighetens mørkeste grenser. Forfatter Lowen Asleigh er på randen av økonomisk ruin da hun tilfeldigvis møter Jeremy Crawford og får et jobbtilbud som hun ikke kan takke nei til. Jeremy er gift med bestselgerforfatteren Verity som etter en tragisk ulykke er blitt ufør og sengeliggende. Jobben går ut på å fullføre de tre siste bøkene i Veritys suksessrike bokserie. For å lykkes med dette, må Lowen flytte inn i huset til familien Crawford, saumfare kontoret til Verity, lese manuskriptene og notatene hennes, og forsøke å leve seg inn i forfatterpsyken hennes. Så finner Lowen den uferdige selvbiografien til Verity, side på side med sjokkerende avsløringer, inkludert Veritys beretning om hva som skjedde den fatale natten tragedien rammet familien. Men skal Lowen fortelle sannheten til Jeremy? Og hvilke andre dystre hemmeligheter holder Verity skjult?
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The Practice of English Language Teaching
The highly acclaimed <i>Practice of English Language Teaching </i>is the essential guide for teachers of English in a wide range of contexts. The fifth edition has been revised to reflect new developments in language teaching. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the most relevant ELT practices and incorporate them into their lessons.
5.0 av 5
Introducing Translation Studies
5.0 av 5
For four decades, this extraordinary textbook has played a pivotal role in the way biochemistry is taught, offering exceptionally clear writing, innovative graphics, coverage of the latest research techniques and advances, and a signature emphasis on physiological and medical relevance.
2.5 av 5
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart is organized around major world history stories and themes: the emergence of cities, the building of the Silk Road, the spread of major religions, the spread of the Black Death, the Age of Exploration, alternatives to nineteenth-century capitalism, the rise of modern nation-states and empires, and others. The Fourth Edition of this successful text has been streamlined, shortened, and features a new suite of tools designed to help students think critically, master content and make connections across time and place.
4.0 av 5
Åndenes hus
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
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