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Viser resultat for 'Jenni Hendriks'

    Oppdrag abort

    Oppdrag abort

    Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan

    Sytten år gamle Veronica Clarke har aldri i sitt liv ønsket å få negativt resultat på en prøve - helt til hun stirrer på en plastpinne med to tydelige rosa streker på. Med ett er den lovende collegefremtiden i ferd med å fordufte foran øynene på henne, og Veronica står overfor et valg hun aldri trodde hun måtte ta - abort. Det er bare ett problem, og det er at den nærmeste klinikken ligger over 140 mil unna. Veronica har konservative foreldre, en ... skal vi si ikke helt optimal kjæreste, og ikke tilgang på bil, så hun oppsøker den eneste hun tror ikke kommer til å dømme henne: Bailey Butler - Jefferson Highs sagnomsuste utskudd og Veronicas tidligere bestevenn. Planen er ganske enkel. Det tar fjorten timer å kjøre til klinikken, tre timer å få aborten unnagjort og fjorten timer å kjøre tilbake. Hvor galt kan det egentlig gå? «Denne boka har alt.» Stephen Chbosky, forfatter av THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 129
    kr 129



    Hendriks & Caplan, Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan

    Veronica is top of her class - and somehow she's found herself gazing in disbelief at a positive pregnancy test. Even worse, her ex-best friend and the high school's legendary malcontent, Bailey, is the only one there to help. In this warm and darkly funny road trip story, Veronica and Bailey drive a thousand miles to an out-of-state abortion clinic - rediscovering their friendship in the process.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Fjorten dager i Nordsjøen

    Fjorten dager i Nordsjøen: roman

    Leif Henriksen

    Vinner av Gyldendals konkurranse om beste politiske roman. Jeg-personen Leif sitter og venter på Flesland heliport. Han skal ut i Nordsjøen, til Statform A, han skal på jobb. Leif er sikringsleder for et klatrelag bestående av tre personer; Cato, Jenny og ham selv. I fjorten dager følger vi livet på Statform A. I denne oppsiktsvekkende romanen finner vi realistiske . for ikke å si hyperrealistiske . skildringer fra en verden få kjenner til, men der det senmoderne velferdsnorge er skapt. Her er et nærgående blikk for arbeidet, industrien og naturen, stilt sammen med både kritikken av maktforhold og omtanke og solidaritet med de som utfører arbeidet. Forfatteren Leif Henriksen har førsthåndskjennskap til emnet han skriver om, og resultatet har blitt en fengslende, poetisk og tankevekkende roman om baksiden av den norske oljemedaljen.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    A Death in Bali

    A Death in Bali

    Intrepid young curator-turned-private eye Jenna Murphy-whom readers first met in A Head in Cambodia-goes to the tourist town of Ubud to study early twentieth-century Balinese painting. But her first discovery when she arrives in Indonesia is the speared body of expat artist Flip Hendricks.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Grønt fra Funky Fresh Foods

    Grønt fra Funky Fresh Foods

    Josefine Andrén, Jenni Mylly

    La deg friste av velsmakende og sunne retter fra de kreative kokkene bak Funky Fresh Foods. Denne boka har fristende grønne retter for frokost, lunsj, middag og fest. Her er mat med inspirasjon fra Middelhavet og Midt-Østen, som meze, hummus, moussaka og gazpacho, men også smoothier og grønnsaksretter som tar utgangspunkt i sesongenes friske norske råvarer. Alt er lett og raskt å lage, og smaker utsøkt enten du sverger til et vegansk kosthold eller bare vil spise mer grønt. Den populære restauranten Funky Fresh Foods har spesialisert seg på vegansk mat, og i denne boka deler de sine beste oppskrifter. Et vegansk kosthold er slett ikke komplisert eller ekstremt: å leve vegansk betyr rett og slett å basere kostholdet på grønnsaker, korn, bønner, linser, nøtter og frukt - og unngå melk, egg, kjøtt og fisk. Godt for helsa og bærekraftig for miljøet. Det er også svært allergivennlig.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    How Brands Grow: Part 2

    How Brands Grow: Part 2

    Jenni Romaniuk

    Following the success of international bestseller How Brands Grow: what marketer's don't know comes a new book that takes readers further on a journey to smarter, evidence-based marketing.How Brands Grow Part 2, by Jenni Romaniuk and Byron Sharp, is about fundamentals of buying behaviour and brand performance - fundamentals that provide a consistent roadmap for brand growth, and improved marketing productivity.Ride the next wave of marketing knowledge with insights such as how to build Mental Availability, metrics to assess the strength of your brand's Distinctive Assets and a framework to underpin your brand's Physical Availability strategy. Learn practical insights such as smart ways to look at word of mouth and the sort of advertising needed to attract new brand buyers.This book is also a must read for marketers working in emerging markets, services, durables and luxury categories, with evidence that will challenge conventional wisdom about growing brands in these markets. If you've ever wondered if word of mouth has more impact in China, if luxury brands break all the rules of marketing or if online shoppers are more loyal to brands or retailers, this book is for you.If you read and loved How Brands Grow - it's time to move to the next level of marketing. And if you haven't...get ready - This book will change the way you think about marketing forever.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015


    kr 170
    kr 170



    Josefine Andrén, Jenni Mylly, Anne-Lise Marø Høiback

    RAW er den første norskproduserte boken om raw food - mat som er skånsomt tilberedt uten tap av næring, men proppfull av god smak. Med basis i lett tilgjengelige ingredienser viser Josefine, Jenni og Lise hvordan du raskt og enkelt lager sunn mat, både i en travel hverdag og når du vil servere noe nytt til gjester. Fotografiene i boken er tatt av prisvinnende mesterfotografen Lisa Westgaard. Vi har skrevet denne boken for å gjøre det lettere for absolutt alle å inkludere mer rå og grønn mat i hverdagen. Uansett om du er Grandiosa-fantast, rutinert raw foodist, eller du helt enkelt er nysgjerrig på hva rå mat kan tilby. Du vil finne oppskrifter basert på retter du kjenner fra før, men med en rå vri: Ris basert på blomkål, pasta laget av squash, sauser og dipper basert på nøtter og frø, og herlige kaker som er fri for gluten, egg, melk og sukker.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59

    The Righteous Mind

    The Righteous Mind

    Jonathan Haidt

    In The Righteous Mind, psychologist Jonathan Haidt answers some of the most compelling questions about human relationships:Why can it sometimes feel as though half the population is living in a different moral universe? Why do ideas such as 'fairness' and 'freedom' mean such different things to different people? Why is it so hard to see things from another viewpoint? Why do we come to blows over politics and religion?Jonathan Haidt reveals that we often find it hard to get along because our minds are hardwired to be moralistic, judgemental and self-righteous. He explores how morality evolved to enable us to form communities, and how moral values are not just about justice and equality - for some people authority, sanctity or loyalty matter more. Morality binds and blinds, but, using his own research, Haidt proves it is possible to liberate ourselves from the disputes that divide good people.'A landmark contribution to humanity's understanding of itself' The New York Times'A truly seminal book' David Goodhart, Prospect'A tour de force - brave, brilliant, and eloquent. It will challenge the way you think about liberals and conservatives, atheism and religion, good and evil' Paul Bloom, author of How Pleasure Works 'Compelling . . . a fluid combination of erudition and entertainment' Ian Birrell, Observer'Lucid and thought-provoking ... deserves to be widely read' Jenni Russell, Sunday TimesJonathan Haidt is a social and cultural psychologist. He has been on the faculty of the University of Virginia since 1995 and is currently a visiting professor of business ethics at New York University's Stern School of Business. He is the co-editor of Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well Lived, and is the author of The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Et år uten Juni

    Et år uten Juni

    Liz Kessler

    Ville du tatt en titt hvis du fikk sjangsen til å se inn i framtiden? Jenni har ikke noe valg. På veien bort til bestevenninnen Juni blir Jenni plutselig flyttet nøyaktig ett år fram i tid. Det har skjedd en tragedie i året hun har hoppet over, og vennskapet med Juni vil aldri bli det samme igjen. Men hva var det som gjorde at tragedien skjedde? Hvordan var det mulig for Jenni å hoppe over et år? Og kan hun finne veien tilbake for å prøve å forandre det som skjedde?

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 69

    Raw: funky fresh food

    Raw: funky fresh food

    Josefine Andrén

    RAW er den første norskproduserte boken om raw food - mat som er skånsomt tilberedt uten tap av næring, men proppfull av god smak. Med basis i lett tilgjengelige ingredienser viser Josefine, Jenni og Lise hvordan du raskt og enkelt lager sunn mat, både i en travel hverdag og når du vil servere noe nytt til gjester. Fotografiene i boken er tatt av prisvinnende mesterfotografen Lisa Westgaard. Vi har skrevet denne boken for å gjøre det lettere for absolutt alle å inkludere mer rå og grønn mat i hverdagen. Uansett om du er Grandiosa-fantast, rutinert raw foodist, eller du helt enkelt er nysgjerrig på hva rå mat kan tilby. Du vil finne oppskrifter basert på retter du kjenner fra før, men med en rå vri: Ris basert på blomkål, pasta laget av squash, sauser og dipper basert på nøtter og frø, og herlige kaker som er fri for gluten, egg, melk og sukker.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 59


    Trans: When Idiology Meets Reality

    Helen Joyce

    'A scholarly, compassionate and courageous examination of a subject that’s sparked an unhelpful civil war within the LGBTQ community. Unlike those of her online counterparts, Joyce’s arguments are well researched, soundly made and avoid the toxicity that mars so much conversation on this topic.’ ― Observer, Books of the Year ‘A frighteningly necessary book: well-written, thoroughly-researched, passionate and very brave.’ -- Richard Dawkins ‘A courageous, intelligent and important work, rooted in good science and common sense.’ -- Jenni Murray 'I'm off the fence...This rigorous and brave book nails the absurd idea that sex is just a “social construct”' -- David Aaronovitch, The Times 'A superlative critical analysis...With this fact-filled, humane, and brave book, a grown-up has entered the room.' -- The Telegraph 'Reasonable, methodical, sane, and utterly unintimidated by extremist orthodoxy, Trans is also a riveting read.' -- Lionel Shriver ‘Thank goodness for Helen Joyce… Trans is a searing and at times devastating analysis of an ideological shift that has had a profound influence on many institutions in the West… With the rigour of an investigative journalist, she looks at the history of the trans movement over the past century.’ -- Christina Patterson, Sunday Times 'A tour de force. With a fine eye for detail, she brings all the elements of gender ideology together with clarity and precision...simply a must-read' -- Evening Standard ‘anyone wanting to understand how transgender rights became such a flashpoint in identity politics – and why a generation of feminists is so determined to stand its ground – should start here with this polemical book by Helen Joyce.’ -- Patrick Maguire ― Times, Books of the Year 2021 'An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight. Even those outraged by Joyce’s positions would benefit from understanding them...Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.' -- Jesse Singal, New York Times 'A passionate defence' ― Financial Times

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2021



    Pocket · 2018


    Andre utgaver · 4


    500 Main Course Recipes

    500 Main Course Recipes

    Jenni Fleetwood

    This title features best-ever dishes for family meals, quick suppers, dinner parties and special events, all shown in more than 500 tempting photographs. It is an amazing collection of appetizing main courses, suitable for all occasions, from simple meals for one or two to family feasts and special occasions. You can enjoy Tarragon Roast Lime Chicken with Sweet Potatoes, Roast Pork with Sage and Onion Stuffing, Chilli con Carne, Seafood Laksa and Jamaican Black Bean Pot. It contains easy soups, salads, pasta, rice, noodles, pizzas, tarts and pies, along with an extensive chapter especially for vegetarians but which meat-eaters can also enjoy. It includes an incredibly wide variety of recipes from pan-fried and stir-fried dishes to stove-top dishes, oven-baked and roasted recipes, and food for the barbecue. It is illustrated with enticing photographs of the finished dishes, and practical step-by-step instructions. This wonderful book is packed with delicious main course recipes that are guaranteed to bring excitement to the dinner table.From traditional recipes, such as Classic Fish and Chips, Turkey Patties and Fish Pie, to more adventurous and internationally inspired dishes such as Fiorentina Pizza, Seafood Laksa, Chicken Chow Mein and Pork Empanada, this exhaustive guide features something for all tastes. Vegetarians will be impressed by the extensive meat- and fish-free chapter which includes such tasty choices as Roasted Ratatouille Moussaka, Jamaican Black Bean Pot, and Cheesy Leek and Couscous Cake. With plenty of tips and variations, easy-to-follow instructions, and vibrant photographs, this fabulous cookbook will provide inspiration time and time again.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013





    Jenni Bruce

    Denne kjempeboka viser deg jordkloden, dens utrolige landskaper og forunderlige dyr, uendelige hav og ville vinder.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Stjerner og planeter

    Stjerner og planeter

    Jenni Bruce

    Denne kjempeboka gir deg et nærmere bekjentskap med universet rundt jorda - fra de nærmeste planetene, månene og kometene til fjerne stjerner, galakser og svarte hull.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål


    Essence of Edinburgh

    Essence of Edinburgh

    Jenni Calder


    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The Hopes and Dreams of Lucy Baker

    The Hopes and Dreams of Lucy Baker

    Jenni Keer

    `A charming read!' Heidi Swain `A wonderful antidote to a harsh world' Bella Osborne `A magical story about love and friendship, full of fun and sparkle. You won't be able to resist the cast of quirky characters!' Fiona Harper Meet Lucy, aged 25, and Brenda, aged 79. Neighbours, and unlikely friends. Lucy Baker is not your usual 25-year-old. She is more at home reading and knitting in her cluttered little flat than going out partying and socialising. 79-year-old Brenda is full of wise and wonderful advice, but when she's diagnosed with dementia her life begins to change. Before her memories slip away for ever, Brenda is desperate to fulfil one last wish - to see Lucy happy. Gifting Lucy the locket that helped Brenda find her own true love, she hopes to push her reticent neighbour in the right direction. But is Lucy Baker ready for the opportunities and heartbreaks of the real world? It's about time she put her knitting needles aside and found out... The Hopes and Dreams of Lucy Baker will be the most charming, heart-warming and feel-good novel you will read this year, perfect for fans of Ruth Hogan and Gail Honeyman.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Planning for Learning through Numbers

    Planning for Learning through Numbers

    Jenni Clarke

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Practical Pre-school Books) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Islay Voices

    Islay Voices

    Jenni Minto, Les Wilson

    Many travellers have had their imaginations captured by the beautiful Hebridean island of Islay and have been moved to write about it, among them the renowned Thomas Pennant and Martin Martin. But Ileachs - the natives of Islay - have also been inspired to record their experience. These have included Gaelic bards, the folklorist John Francis Campbell and the crusader for crofters' right, John Murdoch.Then, there were the business writers of Islay - the estate factors, distillery managers, and public servants with their revealing memos, legal documents and accounts of their endeavours. And there were the 'non-professional' writers - the diary and letter writers whose intensely personal musings give us startling insights into the lives of the ordinary Ileachs that historians all too often ignore.The written records of Islay are varied, rich and rewarding. This anthology distils the essence of Islay through a very personal selection of writing. Some of the writing is profound, some of it quirky, but all reveals a fascinating aspect of Islay that together presents a revealing and moving 'people's history' of Islay.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Innbundet · 2016


    The Unexpected Life of Maisie Meadows

    The Unexpected Life of Maisie Meadows

    Jenni Keer

    An utterly charming novel with a sprinkle of magic When Maisie Meadows finds herself single and jobless on New Year's Day, she resolves that this will be the year she focuses on bringing her scattered family back together. Romance is all very well, but it's the people you grew up with that matter the most. But a new job working at an auction house puts her in the path of Theo, a gorgeous but unattainable man who she can't help but be distracted by. As their bond begins to grow, Maisie finds herself struggling to fulfil the promise she made to herself - but the universe has other ideas, and it's not long before the Meadows family are thrown back together in the most unlikely of circumstances... Can dealing with other people's treasures help Maisie to let go of the past, and teach her who she ought to treasure the most? Praise for Jenni Keer: `A charming read!' Heidi Swain, bestselling author of Poppy's Recipe for Life `A wonderful antidote to a harsh world' Bella Osborne, bestselling author of A Walk in Wildflower Park `A magical story about love and friendship, full of fun and sparkle. You won't be able to resist the cast of quirky characters!' Fiona Harper, author of The Memory Collector `A compelling, enchanting and beautifully written story with a sparkle of magic, romance, emotion and humour.' Dash Fan Book Reviews `Enjoyable, entertaining, and wholly unexpected in the best way possible.' RoloPolo Book Blog `Absolutely engaging and often hilarious, I didn't want to put it down, and was sad when it ended. I highly recommend this utterly fabulous, charming and heartwarming novel.' Shelley's Book Nook `Many many laugh-out-loud moments. Many many heart-moving sentiments (What? Who said I cried? My eyes merely misted....Okay, I'm lying. I totally cried)' Reader review `Jennnnnni! I'm in love with your lovely writing. Please never stop.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Votes For Women!

    Votes For Women!

    Jenni Murray

    Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Millicent Fawcett, Emmeline Pankhurst, Constance Markievicz, Nancy Astor

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


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