En ulastelig mann
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
En trofast hustru
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Venner til sist
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Last friends
Shortlisted for the 2014 Folio Prize.Old Filth and The Man in the Wooden Hat told with bristling tenderness and black humour the stories of that Titan of the Hong Kong law courts, Old Filth QC, and his clever, misunderstood wife Betty. Last Friends, the final volume of this trilogy, picks up with Terence Veneering, Filth's great rival in work and - though it was never spoken of - in love. Veneering's were not the usual beginnings of an establishment silk: the son of a Russian acrobat marooned in northeast England and a devoted local girl, he escapes the war to emerge in the Far East as a man of panache, success and fame. But, always, at the stuffy English Bar he is treated with suspicion: where did this blond, louche, brilliant Slav come from? Veneering, Filth and their friends tell a tale of love, friendship, grace, the bittersweet experiences of a now-forgotten Empire and the disappointments and consolations of age.
0.0 av 5
The Flight of the Maidens
This delightful novel describes the post-war summer of 1946 - and follows the growing-up of three young women in the months between leaving school and taking up their scholarships at university. Una Vane, whose widowed mother runs a hairdressing salon in her front room ('Maison Vane Glory - Where Permanent Waves are Permanent'), goes bicycling with Ray, the boy who delivers the fish and milk. Hetty Fallowes struggles to become independent of her possessive, loving, tactless mother. And Lieselotte Klein, who had arrived in 1939 on a train from Hamburg, uncovers tragedy in the past and magic in the present. Rooted in the north of England, THE FLIGHT OF THE MAIDENS is peopled with extraordinary characters, who are evoked with all the humour, compassion and eye for detail that mark Jane Gardam as one of Britain's most gifted and original novelists.
0.0 av 5
En engelsk gentleman
Sitt smeknamn, eller kanske öknamn, har han hittat på själv, med all den självironi en man uppväxt i utkanterna av det engelska imperiet kan uppbringa: Gamle Filth (Failed In London, Try Hongkong). Sir Edward Feathers var en gång en uppburen advokat och domare i Hongkong, nu är han gammal och utlämnad till minnena av en kärlekslös barndom och en livslång kärlek till hustrun Betty. En engelsk gentleman är den första romanen av tre om Edward Feathers och hans hustru som givit Jane Gardam en sen men stor och mycket välförtjänt framgång runt om i världen. De två andra delarna, En trogen hustru och De sista vännerna, kommer ut senare under 2017.Skarp, mänsklig, generös och underbart rolig, hon är en av våra allra finaste författare. Hilary MantelJane Gardam började skriva först när hon blivit 40, samma dag som hennes tredje barn började skolan. Sedan dess har hon skrivit en lång rad böcker, också för barn och vunnit en rad priser. Hon är i dag nära 90 år och bor i grevskapet Kent i England.Den här romanen är verkligen Gardams mästerverk. Hennes gestalter gör den till en av de mest rörande berättelser jag läst på åratal. Guardian
0.0 av 5
The Stories
A treasure trove of short stories from the beloved author of the Old Filth trilogy.
0.0 av 5
En ulastelig mann
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The man in the wooden hat
Filth (Failed In London, Try Hong Kong) is a successful lawyer when he marries Elisabeth in Hong Kong soon after the War. Reserved, immaculate and courteous, Filth finds it hard to demonstrate his emotions. But Elisabeth is different - a free spirit. She was brought up in the Japanese Internment Camps, which killed both her parents but left her with a lust for survival and an affinity with the Far East. No wonder she is attracted to Filth's hated rival at the Bar - the brash, forceful Veneering. Veneering has a Chinese wife and an adored son - and no difficulty whatsoever in demonstrating his emotions . . . How Elisabeth turns into Betty and whether she remains loyal to stolid Filth or is swept up by caddish Veneering, makes for a page-turning plot in a perfect novel which is full of surprises and revelations, as well as the humour and eccentricites for which Jane Gardam's writing is famous.
0.0 av 5
Old filth
Long ago, Old Filth was a Raj orphan - one of the many young children sent 'Home' from the East to be fostered and educated in England. Jane Gardam's novel tells his story, from his birth in what was then Malaya to the extremities of his old age. In so doing, she not only encapsulates a whole period from the glory days of British Empire, through the Second World War, to the present and beyond, but also illuminates the complexities of the character known variously as Eddie, the Judge, Fevvers, Filth, Master of the Inner Temple, Teddy and Sir Edward Feathers.
0.0 av 5
The Penguin book of the contemporary British short story
We are living in a particularly rich period for British short stories. Despite the relative lack of places in which they can be published, the challenge the medium represents has attracted a host of remarkable, subversive, entertaining and innovative writers. Philip Hensher, following the success of his definitive Penguin Book of British Short Stories, has scoured a vast trove of material and chosen thirty great stories for this new volume of works written between 1997 and the present day. Includes short stories by A.L. Kennedy, Tessa Hadley, Kazuo Ishiguro, Jackie Kay, Graham Swift, Jane Gardam, Ali Smith, Neil Gaiman, Martin Amis, China Miéville, Peter Hobbs, Thomas Morris, David Rose, David Szalay, Irvine Welsh, Lucy Caldwell, Rose Tremain, Helen Oyeyemi, Leone Ross, Helen Simpson, Zadie Smith, Will Self, Gerard Woodward, James Kelman, Lucy Wood, Hilary Mantel, Eley Williams, Sarah Hall, Mark Haddon and Helen Dunmore.
0.0 av 5
The Ruin
On his first week on the job, Garda Cormac Reilly responds to a call at a decrepit country house to find two silent, neglected children waiting for him - fifteen-year-old Maude and five-year-old Jack. Their mother lies dead upstairs. Twenty years later, Cormac has left his high-flying career as a detective in Dublin and returned to Galway. As he struggles to navigate the politics of a new police station, Maude and Jack return to haunt him.What ties a recent suicide to the woman's death so long ago? And who among his new colleagues can Cormac really trust?*****This unsettling crime debut draws us deep into the dark heart of Ireland and asks who will protect you when the authorities can't - or won't. Perfect for fans of Tana French, Jane Casey, Alex Gray and Chris Brookmyre.
0.0 av 5
Fictional Characters, Real Problems
Literature is a complex and multifaceted expression of our humanity of a kind that is instructively resistant to simplification; reduction to a single element that would constitute literature's defining essence would be no more possible than it could be genuinely illuminating. Yet one dimension of literature that seems to interweave itself throughout its diverse manifestations is still today, as it has been throughout literary history, ethical content. This strikingcollection of new essays, written by an international team of philosophers and literary scholars, pursues a fuller and richer understanding of five of the central aspects of this ethical content. After a first section setting out and precisely articulating some particularly helpful ways of reading for ethical content, these five aspects include: (1) the question of character, its formation, and its role in moral discernment; (2) the power, importance, and inculcation of what we might call poetic vision in the context of ethical understanding and that special kind of vision's importance in human life; (3) literature's distinctive role in self-identity and self-understanding; (4) aninvestigation into some patterns of moral growth and change that can emerge from the philosophical reading of literature; and (5) a consideration of the historical sources and genealogies of some of our most central contemporary conceptions of the ethical dimension of literature. In addition to Jane Austen, whose work we encounter frequently and from multiple points of view in this engaging collection, we see Greek tragedy, Homer, Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte, E. M. Forster, Andre Breton, Kingsley Amis, Joyce Carol Oates, William Styron, J. M. Coetzee, and David Foster Wallace, among others. And the philosophers in this five-strand interweave include Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Shaftesbury, Kant, Hegel, Freud, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Gadamer,Levinas, and a number of recent figures from both Anglophone and continental contexts. All in all, this rich collection presents some of the best new thinking about the ethical content that lies within literature, and it shows why our reflective absorption in literature is the humane-and humanizing-experiencemany of us have long taken it to be.
0.0 av 5
Alt lyset vi ikke ser: en roman
EN BLIND FRANSK JENTE. EN FORELDRELØS TYSK GUTT. BEGGE KJEMPER FOR Å OVERLEVE. ET SKJEBNEMØTE I DET OKKUPERTE FRANKRIKE DER TO LIV ENDRES FOR ALLTID. Marie-Laure bor med faren i Paris nær det naturhistoriske museet, hvor han er låsemester for museets tusener av låser. Når Marie-Laure blir blind som seksåring, bygger pappa en perfekt miniatyr av nabolaget så hun kan memorere det med hendene og finne veien hjem på egenhånd. Når hun er tolv år, okkuperer nazistene Paris. Hun og pappa flykter til festningsbyen St. Malo ved kysten, til et familiemedlem. Med seg bærer de en hemmelighet: En juvel som kanskje er museets mest verdifulle edelsten. Har de fått utlevert den ekte steinen eller bare en av flere kopier? Den ekte steinen har en urgammel spådom over seg. Og hensynløse nazister jakter på den. I en gruveby i Tyskland vokser foreldreløse Werner opp på barnehjem. Hans tekniske begavelse skaffer ham innpass i Hitlers brutale ungdomsorganisasjonen. Werner blir sendt ut på oppdrag for å spore og knuse motstandsfolk på kryss og tvers i Europa. Sjokkert over krigens og nazistenes brutalitet, ender han i St. Malo, hvor hans skjebne flettes sammen med Marie-Laure. Med sitt lyrisk vakre språk, har Anthony Doerr skrevet en vidunderlig, fengslende og uforglemmelig historie om en blind jente og en foreldreløs gutt midt under krigens herjinger. Kritikerrost bestselger. Nominert til National Book Award 2014. Topp ti på Amazon og NYT.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Book lovers
4.3 av 5
Keto: optimer din fettforbrenning og gå ned i vekt
Alt du trenger å vite for å lykkes med keto i hverdagen! Keto er den hurtigst voksende kosttrenden og livsstilen både her hjemme og i utlandet. Keto tar over der hvor paleo, lavkarbo og LCHF slapp, og tilbyr en svært enkel måte å få kroppen til å optimere sin fettforbrenning, redusere appetitten og gjøre vekttap til noe som både er enkelt og behagelig. I «Keto» presenterer kostholdsrådgiver Jane Faerber 80 fristende og smakfulle oppskrifter. Alle er enkle å lage og har ingredienser du får tak i overalt i Norge. Boken er ikke bare inspirerende og motiverende, men gir også grundig informasjon om hva som skjer i kroppen når man spiser keto. Et ketogent kosthold er langt mer enn en slankekur, da det også er antiinflammatorisk og har vist seg effektiv i behandling av blant annet demenssykdommer, diabetes og epilepsi. «Keto» er fylt av spennende og viktig bakgrunnsinformasjon, og du får vite hvordan et ketogent kosthold helt konkret kan optimere din fettforbrenning og derigjennom avbalansere hormonene dine, blodsukkeret ditt og appetitten din. Jane Faerber gir også gode råd og strategier til deg som kombinerer keto med intensiv trening. Jane Faerber er en av Danmarks mest populære kost- og helseprofiler. Hun blogger på Danmarks mest besøkte sunnhetsblogg, Hun har tidligere skrevet flere bestselgere om livsstilen LCHF (lavkarbo). «Keto» gikk rett inn som nummer 1 på bestselgerlisten i Danmark da den ble utgitt i januar 2019.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Veganmat på sitt beste: 100 oppskrifter - frokost, lunsj, middag og søtt
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Introducing Qualitative Research in psychology (3. utg.)
<ul><li><b>Why use qualitative research in psychology?<br></b></li><li><b>How is qualitative research in psychology carried out?<br></b></li><li><b>What are the major debates and unresolved issues surrounding this form of research?</b></li></ul><i>Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology</i> is a vital resource for students new to qualitative psychology. It offers a clear introduction to the topic by taking eight different approaches to qualitative methods and explaining when each one should be used, the procedures and techniques involved, and any limitations associated with such research. <p>Throughout the new edition, material has been re-organized and updated to reflect developments in the field, while Carla Willig's style of writing, popular with students and lecturers alike, remains unchanged. Together with wider coverage of conceptual issues and epistemological & theoretical challenges in qualitative research, this third edition boasts <b>three new methods chapters: Thematic Analysis, Narrative Analysis</b> and <b>Visual Methodologies</b>. Three additional chapters on <b>Qualitative Research Design & Data Collection, The Role of Interpretation</b> and <b>Putting Together A Research Proposal</b> will be invaluable to students and researchers during conceptual preparation.</p><p>This edition contains more interactive exercises and discussion points in order to help students understand what they are learning, as well as three qualitative research reports written by students. </p><p>The third edition is supported by a new <b>Online Learning Centre</b> with resources for lecturers and students. </p><p><i>With contributions from Sarah Jane Dryden, Caroline Silcock and Joanna Silver.</i></p><p><b><i>"All students of qualitative research in psychology will find a wealth of information in Carla Willig's book. With its expanded sections and detailed consideration of concepts, techniques and applications of qualitative research, the interactive approach taken in this book is ably supported by extensive research examples. As usual with Carla Willig's clear and detailed writing style, this book will give both new and existing researchers the opportunity to think clearly about their use of qualitative research and its methods."</i></b><i><br>Dr Nollaig Frost, Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Middlesex University, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"A tour de force from an expert guide which grounds students in the lexicon of qualitative psychology, before explicating a range of major methodologies. Students will appreciate many worked examples, and will be stimulated by the coverage of contemporary innovations, issues and debates - an invaluable textbook."</b><br>Professor Brendan Gough, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"In just over a decade, Carla Willig's book has become one of the key introductory texts in the field. Many of my students and supervisees have enjoyed reading it - finding complex issues and debates have been explained in an accessible manner. This latest edition includes helpful advice on writing a research proposal, some newer research methods and discussion about the future of qualitative research. In addition, there are new chapters on epistemology and interpretation which I think my students will find particularly valuable as these are often the most challenging topics when one is new to qualitative research."</b><br>Dr David Harper, Reader in Clinical Psychology, University of East London, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"Once again, Carla Willig has produced a wonderfully clear account of how and why qualitative methods ought be used to answer psychological questions. Not only does Willig examine key theories, ethics and debates surrounding the use and interpretation of qualitative data, she shows us 'how' to do it - step by step, with a tremendous sense of balance and integrity. This new edition covers some of the more recent debates in qualitative research, contains new examples of how to design, carry out and approach analysis in qualitative methods and lots of useful questions that researchers ask themselves along the way. My students have used Willig's writings on qualitative methods for many years as they can understand and engage with it. There is simply no other equivalent text in psychology to rival Willig's - her clarity, conviction and sheer brilliance in putting difficult ideas on methods into plain language is something students in psychology will relish for a very long time to come."</b><br>Paula Reavey, Professor of Psychology, London South Bank University, UK</i></p><p><i><b>"In writing this text originally, Carla Willig argued that, unlike quantitative research (where the aim is to follow a set of rules and get them 'right'), qualitative research is more about 'having adventures'. From the start it sounds a lot more fun, and certainly a lot more interesting! And it was. Students and lecturers alike appreciate its lively, practical approach, its very clear and elegant writing, its use of clever examples of students' own work and its lucid explanations of the theory underpinning methods and methodologies. This new, third edition is a real triumph. It's more comprehensive and it's bang up to date, with three additional new chapters, more examples of student projects, and overall an even more systematic approach. It is, in my view, the most approachable and person-friendly text around introducing qualitative research in psychology, and a great opportunity to 'boldly go', have adventures, and really get to grips with doing qualitative research."</b><br>Wendy Stainton Rogers, Professor Emerita, Faculty of Health and Social Care, The Open University, UK</i></p>
4.3 av 5
Les din aura: lær å se energifeltet ditt og tolke fargenes betydning
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Den store boken om tarot
Ta steget inn i tarot-kortenes magiske verden! Det er ikke alltid like lett å få den store oversikten når man står midt oppe i mer eller mindre vanskelige situasjoner. Da er tarot et ypperlig hjelpemiddel. Tarot-kortene danner bro mellom det bevisste og underbevisste. De 78 kortene, vsom symboliserer menneskelige dyder og laster og elementenes krefter, har en egen evne til å åpne øynene våre slik at vi ser både kartet og flere mulige løsninger med klart blikk og åpent sinn. Den store boken om tarot gir deg den gamle og spennende historien bak tarot, en omfattende forklaring på hver av de 78 kortene, og lærer deg hvordan du i samspill med tarot-kortene kan utvikle dine intuitive evner. · Lær hvordan tarot kan kartlegge nåtid og fremtid · Les den spennende forhistorien · Lær å tyde tarot-kortene · Lær å utvikle intuisjonen din
4.7 av 5
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