En gatekatt ved navn Bob
Av og til trenger man ni liv for å redde ett... Dette er den utrolige, sanne historioen om James og hans kjære følgesvenn, gatekatten Bob. Etter å ha levd 10 år fra hånd til munn som gatesanger i London, får James livet sitt snudd på hodet når Bob plutselig smyger seg inn i livet hans. Siden har duoen blitt et internasjonalt fenomen og bøkene om det unike vennskapet har solgt over 2 millioner på verdensbasis og over 150.000 i Norge. Nå er endelig den rørende historien også å se som storfilm på norske kinoer.
4.4 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
En gave fra Bob
I "En gave fra Bob" forteller James Bowen om sin siste jul på gaten - den første med katten Bob ved sin side - før livet hans forandret seg for alltid. Selv i møtet med den tøffeste tiden James noensinne hadde opplevd, ga det nye vennskapet med Bob julen en mening den aldri hadde hatt tidligere. Bøkene om James og Bob har solgt over 140.000 i Norge.
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
A street cat named Bob: how one man and his cat found hope on the streets
The phenomenal Number One bestseller about best friends James and Bob. Now a major motion picture starring Luke Treadaway. When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts. A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.
4.5 av 5
Bobs bok
obs bok er skrevet av James Bowen, og er oppfølgeren til bestselgeren En gatekatt ved navn Bob. En gatekatt ved navn Bob ga innblikk i hvordan gatekatten Bob reddet gatemusikanten James fra et liv på gata i London og et liv i rus. Den hjertvarme og sanne historien om det unike vennskapet mellom en mann og en katt har gledet lesere verden over. Bobs bok forteller historien om hvordan det har gått med Bob og James etter at suksessduoen tok en hel verden med storm
4.4 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Jul med Bob
Vintern 2010 var iskall och James framtidsutsikter såg dystra ut. Julen, en helg han alltid bävat för, stod för dörren. Hälsan var klen och han hade varken pengar till att värma upp lägenheten eller julmat åt Bob och sig själv. Han var helt enkelt tvungen att trotsa kylan och ge sig ut på de snöiga gatorna. Jul med Bob är den gripande berättelsen om hur James tack vare Bob, vännen Belle och många vänliga Londonbor till slut förstår vad som är så speciellt med julen och hur mycket han själv förändrats sedan Bob kom in i hans liv. James Bowen är författare till bästsäljarna Gatukatten Bob och Mitt liv med Bob . Han hittade katten Bob 2007 och sedan dess har Bob varit James ständige följeslagare. De bor i norra London.
0.0 av 5
Mitt liv med Bob
Berättelsen om gatukatten Bob har gått rakt in i tiotusentals svenska hjärtan. Alla som läst och älskat boken där James Bowen berättar hur han, vid ett lågvattenmärke i livet, stötte på och tog hand om den sjuka och sjabbiga gatukatten som han valde att kalla Bob, får här äntligen höra hur det gick sen ... Katten följde James vart han än gick och James en hemlös och misslyckad musiker som hankade sig fram som gatumusikant och var beroende av sin dagliga dos metadon lyckades med Bobs hjälp ta sig själv i kragen och styra in sitt liv på en bättre bana. Efter det vet vi att James skrev ner berättelsen om sig och Bob, men hur gick det sen? Vad har hänt sedan dess? I Mitt liv med Bob fortsätter James på deras berättelse. Vägen var alltjämt skakig när den första boken kom ut, men med en klok katt vid sin sida kan man komma långt. James berättar öppenhjärtligt om hur Bob fortsatt att vara hans skyddsängel, hjälpt honom genom tuffa perioder och t.o.m. livsfarliga situationer.
0.0 av 5
Gatukatten Bob Filmomslag
När James Bowen hittade en skadad, röd gatukatt hopkrupeni huset där han nyss fått en träningslägenhet hade han ingen aningom hur stor betydelse katten skulle få i hans liv. James levde ur handi mun på Londons gator och det sista han behövde var ett husdjur. Ändå kunde James inte låta bli att hjälpa den slående intelligentahankatten, som han snart döpte till Bob. Inom kort var detvå oskiljaktiga och deras skiftande, lustiga och emellanåt farligaäventyr skulle komma att förändra deras liv och långsamt läkasåren från det förflutna. Gatukatten Bob är en rörande och upplyftande berättelsesom går rakt in i hjärtat på alla som läser den. Bob har hänfört Londonsom ingen annan katt sedanDick Whittingtons dagar London Evening Standard Hjärtevärmande berättelsemed ett hoppets budskap Daily Mail En insikt i det orättvisalivet på gatan som är bådefrustrerande och livsbejakande Tom Cox, The Times
0.0 av 5
The Little Book of Bob
The new book from James and street cat Bob. 'One thing I've known about Bob from the very beginning is that he possesses a wisdom that is unusual, even in cats. In the decade since we met he's grown even wiser in my eyes. This book is a collection of the insights I've gained during my years with Bob.' In the spring of 2007, busker James Bowen came across an injured ginger tom cat in the hallway of his shelter in north London. What he didn't know was that this would be the start of a friendship that would turn both their lives around, and lead to A Street Cat Named Bob, the international bestseller that tells the story of their friendship. The Little Book of Bob is a collection of the wisdom James has learnt from Bob throughout the years, as they go through thick and thin together. From the power of friendship to staying calm and finding the joys in a simple life, let Bob be your guide on how to navigate the ins and outs of life like a wise street cat.(P)2019 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
0.0 av 5
The Coral Reef Era: From Discovery to Decline
0.0 av 5
My Name is Bob
An illustrated children's picture book prequel to the worldwide bestseller A Street Cat Named Bob and The World According to Bob - perfect for very young fans. A moving and uplifting tale about one cat in search of a friend that will melt your heart. "[Bob] has entranced London like no feline since the days of Dick Whittington" Evening Standard
0.0 av 5
A Street Cat Named Bob and How He Saved My Life
The Instant New York Times Bestseller James is a street musician struggling to make ends meet. Bob is a stray cat looking for somewhere warm to sleep. When James and Bob meet, they forge a never-to-be-forgotten friendship that has been charming readers from Thailand to Turkey. A Street Cat Named Bob is an international sensation, landing on the bestseller list in England for 52 consecutive weeks and selling in 26 countries around the world. Now, James and Bob are ready to share their true story with the U.S. in this tale unlike any you've ever read of a cat who possesses some kind of magic. When street musician James Bowen found an injured cat curled up in the hallway of his apartment building, he had no idea how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London, barely making enough money to feed himself, and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent but very sick animal, whom he named Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining that he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. This instant classic about the power of love between man and animal has taken the world by storm and is guaranteed to be a huge hit with American fans as well.
0.0 av 5
Gatukatten Bob
När James Bowen hittade en skadad, röd gatukatt hopkrupen i huset där han nyss fått en träningslägenhet hade han ingen aning om hur stor betydelse katten skulle få i hans liv. James levde ur hand i mun på Londons gator och det sista han behövde var ett husdjur. Ändå kunde James inte låta bli att hjälpa den slående intelligentan hankatten, som han snart döpte till Bob. Inom kort var de två oskiljaktiga och deras skiftande, lustiga och emellanåt farliga äventyr skulle komma att förändra deras liv och långsamt läka såren från det förflutna. Gatukatten Bob är en rörande och upplyftande berättelse som går rakt in i hjärtat på alla som läser den. Bob har hänfört London som ingen annan katt sedan Dick Whittingtons dagar London Evening Standard Hjärtevärmande berättelse med ett hoppets budskap Daily Mail En insikt i det orättvisa livet på gatan som är både frustrerande och livsbejakande Tom Cox, The Times
0.0 av 5
Bob: en veldig uvanlig katt
James Bowen gir nå ut en barne og ungdomsversjon av En gatekatt ved navn Bob. Historien om den spesielle katten og den nære relasjonen mellom ham og gatemusikanten James Bowen fortsetter å imponere verden. I Norge har allerede En gatekatt ved navn Bob solgt 12 000 eksemplarer. For tiden planlegges filmproduksjon. Alder: 11
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The World According to Bob: The Further Adventures of One Man and His Streetwise Cat
Bob Fever has swept the globe, with A Street Cat Named Bob vaulting its way to #7 on The New York Times bestseller list in its first week on sale. With rights sold to 27 countries around the globe and a top spot on the British bestseller list for more than a year, this book has been a smashing success around the world. Now, James Bowen and Bob are back in The World According to Bob a touching and true sequel about one man and the cat that changed his life. As James struggles to adjust to his transformation from street musician to international celebrity, Bob is at his side, providing moments of intelligence, bravery, and humor and opening his human friend's eyes to important truths about friendship, loyalty, trust - and the meaning of happiness. In the continuing tale of their life together, James shows the many ways in which Bob has been his protector and guardian angel through times of illness, hardship, even life-threatening danger. As they high-five together for their crowds of admirers, James knows that the tricks he's taught Bob are nothing compared to the lessons he's learnt from his street-wise cat. Readers who fell in love with Dewey and Marley, as well as the many fans who read A Street Cat Named Bob , will be eager to read the next chapters in the life of James and Bob. "
0.0 av 5
For the Love of Bob
From best friends James Bowen and street cat Bob, stars of the number one bestselling A Street Cat Named Bob, comes a special edition of The World According to Bob for children aged 11 and above.Best friends James Bowen and street cat Bob have been on a remarkable journey together. In the years since their story ended in BOB: NO ORDINARY CAT James, with Bob's help, has begun to find his way in the world.Along with the adventures and the fun there have been tough times too, but through moments of real danger and sometimes illness Bob has always been there as James' protector and guardian angel.FOR THE LOVE OF BOB is the is the incredible story of James and Bob's life-saving friendship, and the lessons James has learnt from his street-wise cat.
0.0 av 5
A Street Cat Named Bob: How one man and his cat found hope on the streets
4.0 av 5
The world according to Bob
The incredible and heartwarming sequel to the bestseller A Street Cat Named Bob - the uplifting true story of an unlikely friendship between a man on the streets of Covent Garden and the ginger cat who adopts him and helps him heal his life. Now a major motion picture starring Luke Treadaway. 'Since Bob has appeared, I've made huge strides in my life. For more than a decade I was a homeless drug addict. I was lost to the world and had forgotten what was important in life. Now I've got myself back on my two feet, but as I put the past behind me, I'm still stepping unsteadily into the future. I still need help in the right direction. Bob is always there to offer guidance and friendship.' (James, on Bob)'Close proximity to animals does wonders for your mental health. Close proximity to this book will do wonders for it, too.' (Daily Mail)James and his street cat Bob have been on a remarkable journey together. In the years since their story ended in the bestselling A Street Cat Named Bob, James, with Bob's help, has begun to find his way back to the real world.Almost every day, Bob provides moments of intelligence, bravery and humour, at the same time opening his human friend's eyes to important truths about friendship, loyalty, trust - and the meaning of happiness. In the continuing tale of their life together James shows the many ways in which Bob has been his protector and guardian angel through times of illness, hardship, even life-threatening danger. As they high five together for their crowds of admirers, James knows that the tricks he's taught Bob are nothing compared to the lessons he's learnt from his street-wise cat.
5.0 av 5
A gift from Bob: how a street cat helped one man learn the meaning of Christmas
Street Cat Bob and James, stars of bestselling A Street Cat Named Bob and The World According to Bob that touched millions around the world, spend a cold and challenging December on the streets together in a new adventure.From the day James rescued a street cat abandoned in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, they began a friendship which has transformed both their lives and, through the bestselling books A STREET CAT NAMED BOB and THE WORLD ACCORDING TO BOB, touched millions around the world. In this new story of their journey together, James looks back at the last Christmas they spent scraping a living on the streets and how Bob helped him through one of his toughest times - providing strength, friendship and inspiration but also teaching him important lessons about the true meaning of Christmas along the way.
0.0 av 5
A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life
The Instant New York Times Bestseller Now a major motion picture, this instant classic is an international sensation. It made the New York Times bestseller list, was on the bestseller list in England for 52 consecutive weeks, and is currently being published in 30 different countries around the world. James and Bob now have more than 500,000 Facebook followers The film s all-star cast includes Luke Treadway ( Unbroken, Clash of the Titans ), Joanne Froggatt ( Downton Abbey ), and Ruta Gedmintas ( The Borgias ). For more James and Bob, please follow the pair on Twitter @StreetCatBob; like the A Streetcat Named Bob Facebook page; visit the Around the World in 80 Bobs blog at; and watch videos of James and Bob on their YouTube channel Street Cat Bob. The movie trailer can be viewed at https: // "
0.0 av 5
Bob to the Rescue
This is a fully-illustrated, 32-page picture book for children by the authors of A STREET CAT NAMED BOB. When Bob finds a lost little puppy in the park, he remembers what it's like to be homeless and hungry so he does all he can to help his new friend. Perfect for younger fans of Bob the cat and James Bowen.
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