En franskmann i Norge i 1799
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Norsk Bokmål
En franskmann i Norge i 1799
Beskrivelse av ulike opplevelser
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Norsk Bokmål
Promenade D'Un Francais En Suede Et En Norvege
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Women, Gender and Disease in Eighteenth-Century England and France
Based on encyclopedias, medical journals, historical, and literary sources, this collection of interdisciplinary essays focuses on the intersection of women, gender, and disease in England and France. Diverse critical perspectives highlight contributions women made to the scientific and medical communities of the eighteenth century. In spite of obstacles encountered in spaces dominated by men, women became midwives, and wrote self-help manuals on women's health, hygiene, and domestic economy....
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Jacques-Louis David : juge par ses contemporains et par la posterite : suivi de la liste des tableaux
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Bestselling author Samona de la Cruz has found herself on the wrong side of love. Even though she knows that loving Elliot Louis-Jacques is wrong, she has no desire to be right. There's just one problem: Elliot is in a long-term relationship with Demitri Alexander.
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Jacques La Hache
Jacques la HacheDate de l'edition originale: 1868Ce livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete numerisees par la BnF et sont presentes sur Gallica, sa bibliotheque numerique.En entreprenant de redonner vie a ces ouvrages au travers d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande, nous leur donnons la possibilite de rencontrer un public elargi et participons a la transmission de connaissances et de savoirs parfois difficilement accessibles.Nous avons cherche a concilier la reproduction fidele d'un livre ancien a partir de sa version numerisee avec le souci d'un confort de lecture optimal. Nous esperons que les ouvrages de cette nouvelle collection vous apporteront entiere satisfaction.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur
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Comics and Adaptation
Contributions by Jan Baetens, Alain Boillat, Philippe Bourdier, Laura Caraballo, Thomas Faye, Pierre Floquet, Jean-Paul Gabilliet, Christophe Gelly, Nicolas Labarre, Benoit Mitaine, David Roche, Isabelle Schmitt-Pitiot, Dick Tomasovic, and Shannon Wells-LassagneBoth comics studies and adaptation studies have grown separately over the past twenty years. Yet there are few in-depth studies of comic books and adaptations together. Available for the first time in English, this collection pores over the phenomenon of comic books and adaptation, sifting through comics as both sources and results of adaptation. Essays shed light on the many ways adaptation studies inform research on comic books and content adapted from them. Contributors concentrate on fidelity to the source materials, comparative analysis, forms of media, adaptation and myth, adaptation and intertextuality, as well as adaptation and ideology.After an introduction that assesses adaptation studies as a framework, the book examines comics adaptations of literary texts as more than just illustrations of their sources. Essayists then focus on adaptations of comics, often from a transmedia perspective. Case studies analyze both famous and lesser-known American, Belgian, French, Italian, and Spanish comics.Essays investigate specific works, such as Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Castilian epic poem Poema de Mio Cid, Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, French comics artist Jacques Tardi's adaptation 120, rue de la Gare, and Frank Miller's Sin City. In addition to Marvel Comics's blockbusters, topics include various uses of adaptation, comic book adaptations of literary texts, narrative deconstruction of performance and comic book art, and many more.
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Esquisse de Phonologie Et de Morphologie Historique Du Tangoute
Drawing from Tangut philological sources and from the author's personal fieldwork on the closely related Rgyalrong languages, this book is the first application of the comparative method to the study of Tangut. It contains a detailed account of Tangut historical phonology within the proposed Macro-Rgyalrongic group, and over twenty new sound laws are proposed. It also discusses the issue of language classification and the position of Tangut in the Sino-Tibetan family. Base sur la philologie tangoute et sur les etudes de terrain de l'auteur sur les langues rgyalrongs, qui y sont prochement apparentees, ce livre est la premiere application de la methode comparative a l'etude du tangoute. Il contient une analyse detaillee de la phonologie historique du tangoute au sein du groupe macro-rgyalronguique propose par l'auteur. Plus de vingt nouvelles lois phonetiques sont exposees pour la premiere fois. Il discute aussi de la question de la classification des langues et de la position du tangoute au sein de la famille sino-tibetaine.
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Samlede Fiksjoner
Stilen er tørr, nøktern, presis. Hans litterære univers er alt annet enn det: speil og labyrinter, drømmer og uendelige biblioteker, arabiske legender, kinesiske myter og islandske sagaer, kryssende tidsplan og virkeligheter flettet inn i hverandre. Kombinasjonen er uimotståelig. Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) var også poet, oversetter og kritiker, men det var kortprosafortellingen som skulle bli hans form fremfor noen. I Samlede fiksjoner fremstår fortellingene han skrev gjennom 50 år i hele sin imponerende bredde, fra samlingen Nederdrektighetens verdenshistorie (1935) til de siste novellene som kom ut bare få år før forfatterens død. Stor innflytelse "Mer enn noen annen fornyet han det skjønnlitterære språket og banet dermed veien for en bemerkelsesverdig generasjon av latinamerikanske romanforfattere," skrev forfatter og senere nobelprisvinner J.M. Coetzee i The New York Review of Books i 1998, da Samlede fiksjoner forelå på engelsk. "Gabriel García Márquez, Carlos Fuentes, José Donoso og Mario Vargas Llosa har alle vedstått seg sin gjeld til ham." Men det er langt flere, på andre kontinenter, som står i gjeld til Borges, bl.a. filosofen Jacques Derrida, franske nyromanforfattere som Alain Robbe Grillet, postmodernister som Paul Auster, og, i Norge, Kjartan Fløgstad og Jan Kjærstad. Mer enn noen annen fornyet han det skjønnlitterære språket. J.M. Coetzee Utenfor Argentina var Borges imidlertid ganske ukjent før han i 1961 ble tildelt den nyopprettede, internasjonale Prix Formentor, som han delte med Samuel Beckett. Da hadde Borges allerede passert de 60. Prisen fikk fart på berømmelsen og sørget for et internasjonalt gjennombrudd med utgivelser både i USA og Europa - og for invitasjoner til å gjesteforelese verden over. Nobelprisen fikk han aldri, til manges frustrasjon, og angivelig også til sin egen. Borges var politisk konservativ. Ifølge Coetzee hevdet forfatterens støttespillere at hans politiske ytringer ødela for ham. En utmerkelse han tok imot fra Chiles diktator Augusto Pinochet, styrket neppe kandidaturet. Fortellingens grenser Allerede på 1930- og 1940-tallet utviklet Borges den særpregede litterære stilen der han utforsker filosofiske og eksistensielle problemstillinger; vår virkelighetsoppfattelse og fortellingens og språkets begrensninger. Flere av tekstene ble først publisert i det argentinske, men internasjonalt orienterte tidsskriftet Sur. Mest kjent er nok enkelte fortellinger fra samlingen Fiksjoner, som kom i 1944: "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius" handler om landet Uqbar, kun omtalt i et eneste eksemplar av et leksikonbind, og som på forunderlig vis er forbundet med en annet planet, Tlön, oppdiktet av et hemmelig brorskap. I "Hagen med stier som deler seg" velger den kinesiske spionen Yu Tsun, for å fullføre sitt oppdrag under 1. verdenskrig, å drepe den eneste personen som har funnet essensen i en labyrintisk bok av spionens forfar. I "Pierre Menard, forfatteren av Don Quijote" vil forfatteren skrive Don Quijote på nytt, ikke en ny versjon, men Miguel de Cervantes' egen, ord for ord. Han rekker bare noen kapitler, men jamen blir de ikke enda bedre enn Cervantes'! "Utenfor Argentina var han ukjent før han ble tildelt den nyopprettede Prix Formentor i 1961" Det er bare å la seg overvelde. Ikke minst av "Babels bibliotek", der bøkene i hyllene i uendelige antall etasjer med sekskantede gallerier inneholder "alle tenkelige kombinasjoner av de noen og tjue ortografiske symbolene (...), alt det som lar seg uttrykke, på alle språk. Alt: fremtidens historie til punkt og prikke, erkeenglenes selvbiografier, Bibliotekets vederheftige katalog ..." etc.,etc., inkludert "mil på mil med meningsløs kakofoni, verbalt rot og usammenhengende vrøvl." Den blinde bibliotekaren Påfallende mange av Borges' tekster dreier seg om eller tar utgangspunkt i litteratur, eksisterende og ikkeeksisterende bøker og forfattere, og, ja, nettopp, biblioteker: Forfatteren Borges var også bibliotekar. Han ble født i Buenos Aires i 1899 og vokste opp i en velstående middelklassefamilie. Moren var av britisk herkomst, og i hjemmet ble det snakket både spansk og engelsk. Fransk og tysk lærte han da familien i 1914 flyttet til Sveits for at faren skulle få behandling for sin øyelidelse, en sykdom som sønnen arvet, og som skulle gjøre ham blind før han fylte 50. "En verden av speil og labyrinter, drømmer og uendelige biblioteker." Borges vendte tilbake til Argentina i 1921, publiserte dikt og essays i samtidens litterære tidsskrifter og debuterte med en diktsamling i 1923. I 1937 ble han ansatt i statsbiblioteket i Buenos Aires, men fikk sparken da Juan Perón ble president i 1946. Kortprosasamlingen Alef ga han ut i 1949. Etter militærkuppet i 1955 ble Borges utpekt til direktør for Argentinas nasjonalbibliotek. Da var han for lengst blitt helt blind, men det stoppet ikke forfattervirksomheten: En rekke nye samlinger kom fra hans hånd med ujevne mellomrom: Gjøreren (1960), Til mørkets pris (1969 ), Brodies rapport (1970), Sandboken (1975) og noen sene noveller, samlet under tittelen Shakespeares minner (1983). Borges døde i Genève i 1986. Samlede fiksjoner har et innledende essay av Gabi Gleichmann, skrevet spesielt for Verdensbibliotekets lesere. Gleichmann er forlegger, forfatter, kulturskribent og tidligere leder i den svenske PEN-klubben. I 2012 debuterte han som skjønnlitterær forfatter med slektskrøniken Udødelighetens elixir, en roman om jødenes tusenårige historie i Europa.
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Norsk Bokmål
Louis de Funès : une légende
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Norsk Bokmål
French Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of A - From the Early Eighteenth Century through the Revolution
This authoritative book surveys the remarkable collection of 18th-century French paintings at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in the context of the institutions that governed the visual arts in the 1700s-the Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, the Academie de France a Rome, and the Paris Salon. The works catalogued feature stunning examples by leading painters of the period, including Antoine Watteau, Jean Simeon Chardin, Francois Boucher, Joseph Siffred Duplessis, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, Hubert Robert, Jacques Louis David, the Van Blarenberghes, and Francois Gerard. Katharine Baetjer provides an incisive history of the Academie Royale, its formation, principles, and regulations, and explores the beginnings of public art discourse in France. Organized chronologically by artists' birth years, the book includes a short biography of each artist and in-depth discussions of individual paintings that incorporate the most up-to-date scholarship, while numerous comparative illustrations provide essential context.
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Conferences Du Couvent De Saint-thomas-d'aquin De Paris
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (BiblioLife) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Traite de Chimie Elementaire. Tome 1
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Hachette Livre Bnf) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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African Identities are too oftendefined for us and not by us. The call forthis anthology asked writers from thecontinent and the diaspora for "innovativeshort fiction that explores identity,especially (but not limited to) the themesof gender identity and sexuality; that looksbeyond the boundaries of expectation, intothe truest definitions of ourselves."This powerful collection is the result.It showcases the multiple ways in whichAfrican writers see themselves and theircommunities, and the depth, varietyand innovation of their interpretations.From Benin to Ethiopia, from Moroccoto South Africa, the stories here revealuncomfortable and fascinating truths aboutwho we are. In a world of rising nationalismand factionalism, of increasingly crude andreductive notions of identity, these storiesinsist on the complexity, intimacy andinterconnectedness of African identities.Prepare to be amazed, challenged andenchanted.SSDA is one of the most successful short story organizations on the continent with all of its previous anthologies receiving significant critical acclaim.SSDA celebrates the diversity of Africa's voices and 'tell you who we really are; what we love; love to eat, read, write about. We want to bring you the scents on our street corners, the gossip from our neighbours, let you listen to strains of the music we dance to.'Authentic African stories offering alternative short stories, stepping away from 'the single story, a distorted, one-dimensional view of Africa that sees the continent only through a prism of war, disease, poverty, starvation and corruption.' Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Danger of the Single Story.
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Bruno Brazil: i mafiaens klør
Ukebladet TEMPO var en av bestselgerne på 1960- og 70-tallet. Stappfullt av de flotteste tegneseriene som fantes: Asterix, Lucky Luke, og mange flere. I denne bokserien er de kjente og kjære heltene tilbake, og med mye artikkelstoff om bladet TEMPO og serienes opprinnelse.
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Norsk Bokmål
Madame de Stäel
In her lifetime it was widely said that there were three political powers in Europe—Britain, Russia, and Madame de Stäel. Byron described her as "the first female writer of this, perhaps of any age," Germaine de Stäel was certainly the most remarkable woman of her time and she remains unique—both for the scope of her artistic and intellectual achievements, and the force of her political influence which helped to bring down Napoleon. Born in Paris in 1766, the daughter of Jacques Necker, Louis XVI's influential and reforming finance minister, Germaine de Stäel was brought up in her mother's salon, amidst the philosophers of the French Enlightenment. A prodigious and disciplined intellect, a need for love and a love of liberty, together with remarkable courage in both public and private life, de Stäel was driven to disregard dangers and conventions alike, often at great cost.
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Revolution and Repetition
In Revolution and Repetition, Jeffrey Mehlman surveys the question of the relation between Karl Marx's writings and the institution of literature. He presents not an application of Marxian categories to literary texts, but a delineation of how the phenomenon of revolution in France is refracted through two divergent series of writings. The first comprises three works by Marx: The Class Struggles in France 1848-1850, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, and The Civil War in France. The second consists of two exemplary nineteenth-century novels on revolution: Victor Hugo's Quatrevingt-treize and Honor de Balzac's Les Chouans. Mehlman also explores the limits and opportunities of reading itself. Within a series of precise textual analyses, the reader will encounter Jean Laplanche's lectures on "anxiety" in Freud, Jacques Derrida's Glas, Georg Luk cs's study of Balzac's "realism," and Michel Foucault's genealogy of prisons, Surveiller et punir. This volume is a working introduction to what may be termed French "post-structuralism." This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1977.
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The Gothic
<b>Part of the acclaimed 'Documents of Contemporary Art' series of anthologies</b>. <br><br> This collection of writings examines the pervasive and influential role of the Gothic in contemporary art, providing the first comprehensive overview of its uses within contemporary visual culture. The Gothic includes artists' writings by Mike Kelley, Damien Hirst, Tacita Dean, Jonathan Meese and Catherine Sullivan, complemented by literary extracts from Horace Walpole, William Gibson, Bret Easton Ellis and Stephen King, and theoretical writings by such key thinkers as Carol Clover, Beatriz Colomina, Julia Kristeva, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Marina Warner and Slavoj Zizek. <br><br><b>Artists surveyed include</b> Matthew Barney, Louise Bourgeois, Tacita Dean, Sue de Beer, Janet Cardiff, Mark Dion, Stan Douglas, Robert Gober, Douglas Gordon, Dan Graham, Damien Hirst, Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Teresa Margolles, Jonathan Meese, Raymond Pettibon, Paul Pfeiffer, Gregor Schneider, Cindy Sherman, Catherine Sullivan, Andy Warhol, and Jane and Louise Wilson. <br><br><b>Writers include</b> Jean Baudrillard, Elizabeth Bronfen, Edmund Burke, Carol Clover, Beatriz Colomina, Douglas Crimp, Jacques Derrida, Richard Dyer, Umberto Eco, Bret Easton Ellis, Trevor Fairbrother, Alex Farquharson, Hal Foster, Michel Foucault, Sigmund Freud, William Gibson, Christoph Grunenberg, Bruce Hainley, Judith Halberstam, Amelia Jones, Jonathan Jones, Mike Kelley, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan, Patrick McGrath, Kobena Mercer, James Meyer, Edgar Allan Poe, Andrew Ross, Jerry Saltz, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Mary Shelley, Nancy Spector, Robert Louis Stevenson, Anthony Vidler, Jeff Wall, Horace Walpole, Marina Warner, Anne Williams and Slavoj Zizek.
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A Critical And Cultural Theory Reader
Praise for the first edition "The selection is judicious and valuably supplemented by thorough commentaries that contextualise and clarify the debates and issues and the importance of each excerpt. Though today there may be many readers in and around cultural and media studies, Easthope and McGowan's remains vital!" Times Higher Educational Supplement This Reader introduces the key readings in critical and cultural theory. It guides students through the tradition of thought, from Saussure's early writings on language to contemporary commentary on world events by theorists such as Baudrillard and A iA ek. The readings are grouped according to six thematic sections: Semiology; Ideology; Subjectivity; Difference; Gender and Race; and Postmodernism. The second and expanded edition of this highly successful Reader reflects the growing diversity of the field. Featuring thirteen new essays, including essays by Homi Bhabha, Simone de Beauvoir, Franz Fanon and Judith Butler With a general introduction as well as useful introductions to each of the thematic sections Including summaries of each of the extracts -- invaluable for students and lecturers.Key reading for areas of study including cultural studies, critical theory, literature, linguistics, English, media studies, communication studies, cultural history, sociology, gender studies, visual arts, film and architecture. Essays by: Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, Homi K. Bhabha, Judith Butler, Helene Cixous, Simone de Beauvoir, Ferdinand de Saussure, Jacques Derrida, Umberto Eco, Frederick Engels, Franz Fanon, Michel Foucault, Sigmund Freud, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Colin MacCabe, Pierre Macherey, Karl Marx, Kobena Mercer, Laura Mulvey, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, Edward Said, Slavoj A iA ek.
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