Fana bygdebok. 4. Gards- og ættesoge.
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Norsk Nynorsk
Fra bygdebank til bybank : Fana sparebank 125 år, 1878-2003
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Norsk Bokmål
Svømming for alle
Historien om Norges svømmeforbund
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Norsk Bokmål
BSC i hundre
Bergens Svømme Club 1908-2008
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Norsk Bokmål
Fra de eldste tider til 1665
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Norsk Bokmål
Gards- og ættesoge
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Norsk Bokmål
Fana mannskor gjennom 50 år : 1941-1991
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Norsk Bokmål
Fana sparebank : 1878-1978
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Norsk Bokmål
Fana bygdebok 1
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Alle mann klar? Ro! : Norges roforbund 1900-2000
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Norsk Bokmål
Fana bygdebok
0.0 av 5
Norsk Nynorsk
Norge og verden fram til i dag: ressursperm i historie
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Norsk Bokmål
P2-akademiet: bind XLVI
P2-akademiet bokserie bind XLVI (45) inneholder: Erik Kolstad: Kvikksølv, kaos og klima - værvarslingens historie, Anne Hege Simonsen: I stengslenes tid. Nye barrierer etter Berlinmurens fall, Jorunn Skjermo: Tare i tankene, Harald Hornmoen: "Forskningsformidling!", Per Brandtzæg: Hvorfor er matallergi et økende problem?, Øyvind Paasche: Fortidens skjulte klimaskatter, Dag Hareide: Ondskapens mange ansikter i etterkrigstidens Norge, Kristin Lyhmann: Med maske og lur -skandinaviske scenebilder hogd i stein, Rune Blix Hagen: Trollskap og julemystikk i norske hekseprosesser, Ruth Danielsen: Myten som fortelling og språk, Camilla Stoltenberg: Skjebne eller sjanse - om gener, miljø og helse, Liv Gjems: Barn, samtaler og læring, Inge Eidsvåg: "Så ser min dröm ut" Et møte med Edith Södergrans liv og diktning, Gaute T. Einevoll: Matematisk hjerneforskning: Kan vi regne ut hvordan vi tenker?, Tonje Maria Mehren: Parapsykologi i Norge - et glemt kapittel?
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Byoriginaler og personligheter i Oslo
Hvem husker ikke advokat Hermansens spontane turnoppvisning på T-banen eller fakiren El Jucans sang og show? Mange minnes også Sving Deg, Luse-Frantz og Homansbyens Dronning fra 40- og 50-tallets Oslo. Byoriginalene er byens små fargeklatter, personer som tør å stå opp mot normer og retningslinjer både når det gjelder antrekk og væremåte. Boka gir deg historien bak kallenavnene og ansiktene. I tillegg til personene som ble presentert i forrige utgave fra 2008, møter vi denne gangen blant annet Blomster-Ole, Appelsin-Herman, Montgomery og Ole-Bjørn. Boka omtaler også Ole Kopreitan, Pål Jensen, Renald Antoinette og Lars Poverud som gjør og gjorde livet på Karl Johans gate litt muntrere. Boka er en utvidet og gjennomrevidert utgave av boka med samme tittel som kom i 2008.
4.3 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The republic
This translation of Plato's 'The Republic' is based on the assumption that he intended these dialogues to sound like conversations - although conversations of a philosophical sort.
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Computational Logic and Set Theory
This must-read text presents the late Professor Jacob T. Schwartz's work on computational logic and set theory and its application to proof verification techniques. Covers the AEtnaNova system, a program built to verify the correctness of mathematical proofs.
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Social Security : Background, Issues and Proposals
The Social Security program pays benefits to retired and disabled workers and their family members, and to family members of deceased workers. The Social Security program is financed primarily through payroll taxes that are deposited in the U.S. Treasury and credited to the Social Security trust fund. Any revenues credited to the trust fund in excess of program costs (benefit payments and administrative expenses) are invested in special U.S. government obligations (debt instruments of the U.S. government). This book examines the basics of how the Social Security program is funded and how the Social Security trust fund works.
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Befalsskolen for infanteriet (BSI) og Befalsskolen for infanteriet i Sverige (BSIS) 1945-1946
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Rationalism, Pluralism, and Freedom
Intermediate groups- voluntary associations, churches, ethnocultural groups, universities, and more-can both protect threaten individual liberty. The same is true for centralized state action against such groups. This wide-ranging book argues that, both normatively and historically, liberal political thought rests on a deep tension between a rationalist suspicion of intermediate and local group power, and a pluralism favorable toward intermediate group life,and preserving the bulk of its suspicion for the centralizing state. The book studies this tension using tools from the history of political thought, normative political philosophy, law, and social theory. In the process, it retells the history of liberal thought and practice in a way that moves from the birth of intermediacy in the High Middle Ages to the British Pluralists of the twentieth century. In particular it restores centrality to the tradition of ancient constitutionalism and to Montesquieu, arguing that social contract theory's contributions to thedevelopment of liberal thought have been mistaken for the whole tradition. It discusses the real threats to freedom posed both by local group life and by state centralization, the ways in which those threats aggravate each other. Though the state and intermediate groups can check and balance each other in ways that protect freedom, they may also aggravate each other's worst tendencies. Likewise, the elements of liberal thought concerned with the threats from each cannot necessarily be combined into a single satisfactory theory of freedom. While the book frequentlyreconstructs and defends pluralism, it ultimately argues that the tension is irreconcilable and not susceptible of harmonization or synthesis; it must be lived with, not overcome.
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The desolations of Devil's Acre
The last thing Jacob Portman saw before the world went dark was a terrible, familiar face.Suddenly, he and Noor are back in the place where everything began - his grandfather's house. Jacob doesn't know how they escaped from V's loop to find themselves in Florida. But he does know one thing for certain: Caul has returned.After a narrow getaway from a blood-thirsty hollow, Jacob and Noor reunite with Miss Peregrine and the peculiar children in Devil's Acre. The Acre is being plagued by desolations - weather fronts of ash and blood and bone - a terrible portent of Caul's amassing army.Risen from the Library of Souls and more powerful than ever, Caul and his apocalyptic agenda seem unstoppable. Only one hope remains - deliver Noor to the meeting place of the seven prophesied ones. If they can decipher its secret location.Jacob and his friends will face deadly enemies and race through history's most dangerous loops in this thrilling page-turner, the final adventure in the beloved Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series.
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