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Viser resultat for 'Jaan Kiusalaas'

    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3

    Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3

    Jaan Kiusalaas

    Innføring i sentrale numeriske metoder, of forslag til implementering ved hjelp av Python.

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2013


    kr 200
    kr 200

    Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB (R)

    Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB (R)

    Jaan Kiusalaas

    The third edition of this successful text describes and evaluates a range of widely used numerical methods, with an emphasis on problem solving. Every method is discussed thoroughly and illustrated with problems involving both hand computation and programming. MATLAB (R) M-files accompany each method and are available on the book's web page. Code is made simple and easy to understand by avoiding complex book-keeping schemes, while maintaining the essential features of the method. The third edition features a new chapter on Euler's method, a number of new and improved examples and exercises, and programs which appear as function M-files. Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB (R), 3rd edition is a useful resource for both graduate students and practicing engineers.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2015



    Engineering Mechanics

    Engineering Mechanics

    Jaan (The Pennsylvania State University) Kiusalaas, Andrew (The Pennsylvania State University) Pytel

    ENGINEERING MECHANICS: STATICS, 4E, written by authors Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas, provides you with a solid understanding of statics without the overload of extraneous detail. The authors use their extensive teaching experience and first-hand knowledge to deliver a presentation that's ideally suited to your learning skills. This edition clearly introduces critical concepts using learning features that connect real problems and examples with the fundamentals of engineering mechanics. You learn how to effectively analyze problems before substituting numbers into formulas -- a skill that will benefit you tremendously as you encounter real life problems that do not always fit into standard formulas. This book's concise presentation is complemented by a useful Student Study Guide that clarifies concepts and includes guided solutions to a number of additional equilibrium problems.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Tilfellet G

    Tilfellet G

    Håkan Nesser

    I tidligere førstebetjent Van Veeterens lange karriere finnes det én eneste uoppklart sak. Den vakre Barbara Clarissa Hennan blir i 1987 funnet død på bunnen av et tomt svømmebasseng, iført rød badedrakt. Hvem drepte henne? Eller snarere: Hvordan har ektemannen, Jaan G. Hennan . Van Veeterens gamle skolekamerat . drept henne? Van Veeteren er overbevist om at han er skyldig, på tross av at han har vanntett alibi. Først 15 år senere nærmer han seg en løsning på gåten .«Med thrilleren Tilfellet G setter Håkan Nesser punktum for sin romanhelt Van Veeteren. Og for et punktum!»Turid Larsen, DagsavisenTerningkast 5. «Overraskende. Svettedrivende.»Ingvar Ambjørnsen, VG«Mesterlig siste bok om melankolsk detektiv.»Sven Egil Omdahl, Stavanger AftenbladTerningkast 5. «. sitter som en kule .»Monika Nordland Yndestad; BergensavisenTerningkast 5. «. en deilig krim med et medrivende plott.»Svein Kristiansen, Fredriksstads Blad«. bøkene holder så høy kvalitet at man godt kan lese alle ti om igjen .»Kurt Hanssen i Dagbladet om Van Veeteren-serien

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20

    Keisarens galning

    Keisarens galning

    Jaan Kross

    Tiden er 1820-30-årene,stedet er Estland.Hovedpersonen i beretningen om "Tsarens dissident" er den tysk-baltske adelsmannen Timotheus von Bock,som smittet av tidens liberale ideer

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1986

    Norsk Nynorsk

    kr 25
    kr 25

    Studies on pitch, timbre and timing of complex auditory events

    Studies on pitch, timbre and timing of complex auditory events

    Jaan Ross

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992

    Norsk Bokmål


    True Islam, Jihad, & Terrorism

    True Islam, Jihad, & Terrorism

    Jaan S. Islam

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Nova Science Publishers Inc) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Treading Air

    Treading Air

    Jaan Kross

    Translated by Eric DickensTreading Air follows the life of Ullo Paerand through 30 years of violent political upheaval.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    A guided science : history of psychology in the mirror of its making

    A guided science : history of psychology in the mirror of its making

    Jaan. Valsiner

    That sciences are guided by explicit and implicit ties to their surrounding social world is not new. Jaan Valsiner fills in the wide background of scholarship on the history of science, the recent focus on social studies of sciences, and the cultural and cognitive analyses of knowledge making. The theoretical scheme that he uses to explain the phenomena of social guidance of science comes from his thinking about processes of development in general--his theory of bounded indeterminacy--and on the relations of human beings with their culturally organized environments. Valsiner examines reasons for the slow and nonlinear progress of ideas in psychology as a science at the border of natural and social sciences. Why is that intellectual progress occurs in different countries at different times? Most responses are self-serving blinders for presenting science as a given rather than understanding it as a deeply human experience. For Valsiner, scientific knowledge is cultural at its core. Major changes have occurred in contemporary sciences--collective authorship, fragmentation of knowledge into small, quickly published (and equally quickly retractable) journal articles, and the counting of numbers of such articles by institutions as if that is a measure of "scientific productivity." Scientists are inherently ambivalent about the benefit of these changes for the actual development of knowledge. There is a gradual "takeover" of the domain of scientific knowledge creation by other social institutions with vested interests in defending and promoting knowledge that serves their social interests. Sciences are entering into a new form of social servitude.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Skrubbsår og andre noveller

    Skrubbsår og andre noveller

    Jaan Kross

    Estlands Jaan Kross, forlengst lansert som Nobelpris-kandidat, presenteres her som novelledikter. Et gjennomgangstema er de politiske og mellommenneskelige forhold under Stalin-tiden. Kross ble presentert på norsk i Vitaserien med Keisarens galning.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1991

    Norsk Nynorsk


    Professor Martens' avreise

    Professor Martens' avreise

    Jaan Kross

    Hovudpersonen i denne romanen er ein estisk rettslærd, som spilte ei sentral rolle i internasjonal politikk i byrjinga av dette århundre. Om sosial oppdrift og idealisme hos eit begåva og samansett menneske. Ved sida av "Keisarens galning" eit av dei sentrale verkene i Nobelpriskandidaten sitt forfattarskap.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1994

    Norsk Nynorsk


    Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story

    Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story

    Jaan. Einasto

    The concepts of dark matter and the cosmic web are some of the most significant developments in cosmology in the past century. They have decisively changed the classical cosmological paradigm, which was first elaborated upon during the first half of the 20th century but ran into serious problems in the second half. Today, they are integral parts of modern cosmology, which explains everything from the Big Bang to inflation to the large scale structure of the Universe. Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story describes the contributions that led to a paradigm shift from the Eastern point of view. It des

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål


    Change in Teaching and Learning

    Change in Teaching and Learning

    Jaan. Mikk

    Several topics in contemporary educational research in Estonia have been covered in this collection. The professional identities of vocational teachers have been studied in relation to their new professional roles. Important differences in lesson planning have been found between novice and experienced teachers. A longitudinal study of the development of language competence revealed that it is important to provide students with tasks suited to their cognitive level. The metacognitive learning strategy summarizing alone explained 33% of the variation in the reading results of the 2009 PISA study

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål


    Sjunger näktergalen än i Dorpat? : en brevväxling mellan Jaan Kaplinski och Johannes Salminen ; Jaan Kaplinski till svenska av Ivo Iliste och Birgitta Göranson

    Sjunger näktergalen än i Dorpat? : en brevväxling mellan Jaan Kaplinski och Johannes Salminen ; Jaan Kaplinski till svenska av Ivo Iliste och Birgitta Göranson

    Jaan Kaplinski

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål


    Human impact on environment : pilot study in Baltic

    Human impact on environment : pilot study in Baltic

    Jaan-Mati Punning

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1993



    Introduktion till EU:s socialförsäkringsrätt

    Introduktion till EU:s socialförsäkringsrätt

    Jaan Paju

    Introduktion till EU:s socialförsäkringsrätt är en grundläggande bok om EU:s samordningsinstrument förordning 883/2004 på socialförsäkringens område. Boken ger en samlad bild av den komplexa samordningen av medlemsstaternas socialförsäkringssystem med betoning på principerna och de materiella huvudreglerna. Fokus är på att förklara varför en samordning av medlemsstaternas socialförsäkringar är nödvändig, när förordning 883/2004 blir tillämplig samt en presentation av hur samordningen sker på förordningens viktigaste sakområden; förmåner vid sjukdom, förmåner vid moderskap, familjeförmåner, förmåner vid arbetslöshet, förmåner vid ålderdom, förmåner vid invaliditet, förmåner vid olycksfall i arbetet och arbetssjukdom. Framställningen behandlas fortlöpande mot bakgrund av svensk socialförsäkring. I denna andraupplaga har texten kompletterats mot bakgrund av rättspraxisutveckling och ny doktrin på området. Boken är avsedd att användas i den juridiska undervisningen på universitets- och högskolenivå men kan med fördel även användas av praktiker som en vägvisare till EU:s socialförsäkringsrätt.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Economics of Sustainable Energy

    Economics of Sustainable Energy

    Jaan S. Islam, M. R. Islam, Meltem Islam, M. A. H. Mughal

    Every year, as soon as reports on global economic inequality remind us about the direction our civilization is heading, there is a hysterical reaction, but hysteria dies down within weeks and we go back to the lifestyle that brought us here today. Often the blame is laid on the Millennial generation for their "apathy," "lust for comfort," and "bratty" attitude. Yet, business insider surveys indicate it's the same Millennial generation that overwhelmingly cares for the state of the world and the direction in which our civilization is heading. Nearly 50% of them ranked climate change and destruction of nature as their primary concern. This is followed by concern for war and global conflict, and then global economic inequality. The vast majority of those surveyed are willing and eager to make lifestyle changes. This book breaks open the hypocrisy of our civilization and stops the blame game in its tracks and identifies the root causes of today's world economy, ecology, and global politics. The book demonstrates that changes in lifestyle are necessary but not sufficient. No economic policy or technology development mode has a chance to survive, let alone thrive unless supported by the political establishment. In this process, the government plays a pivotal role. The challenge is to change the attitude of the government from a 'self-serving' controlling mode to a representative philanthropic mode. This new system of economic development and political governance is inspired by a long-forgotten understanding of political economics: medieval Islamic economics. In reviewing the history of economics from trade, currencies, and interest, the strengths and weaknesses of various economic developments over our centuries are evaluated. Based on the historical analysis, a step by step procedure is outlined for this fundamental change in our society today. As a whole, this book is the first of modern era to offer such a comprehensive analysis, complete with solutions to the entire crisis of today's civilization. Whether for the student, engineer in the field, economist, or even layperson interested in the subject, this groundbreaking new work is a must-have. Covering one of the most important subjects in our world today, it is a valiant attempt at solving one of the biggest problems facing all of us.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    An Invitation to Cultural Psychology

    An Invitation to Cultural Psychology

    Jaan Valsiner

    An Invitation to Cultural Psychology looks at the everyday life worlds of human beings through the lens of a new synthetic perspective in cultural psychology - that of semiotic dynamics.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    The Ropewalker

    The Ropewalker

    Jaan Kross

    The story of a man who rose from peasant stock to become Estonia's most famous medieval chronicler - The first novel in a historical trilogy by Estonia's most famous writer

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2016


    Same hav i oss alle

    Same hav i oss alle

    Jaan Kaplinski

    I Turid Farbregds gjendiktingar av estaren Jaan Kaplinskis lyrikk, møter lesaren ein poesi som taler beinveges og endeframt til kjensler og fantasi. Trass i det framande opphavet, gir dikta uvanleg gjenklang hos ein norsk lesar: kjensla av å møte ein av sine egne.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1988

    Norsk Nynorsk


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