Åpen dialog i relasjonell praksis: respekt for annerledeshet i øyeblikket
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Åpne samtaler
OM FORFATTEREN Jaakko Seikkulaarbeider som førsteamanuensis ved Psykologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Jyväskylä og er tilknyttet Universitetet i Tromsø som professor II ved Institutt for samfunnsmedisin. Seikkula har vært sentral i temaet som har bygd opp et familie- og nettverksorientert psykiatrisk system ved Keropudas sykehus i Lappland. Dette er en bok av den finske forfatteren og psykologen Jaakko Seikkula, som sammen med en gruppe fagfolk har oppnådd enestående resultater med psykiske lidelser ved å snu "sannheter" på hode. Samtalen og språket er det sentrale, også ved psykoser. I boken påstår forfatteren at suksesser og vansker kommer utenfra, og at forandringene først og fremst skjer gjennom det som omgir oss, nemlig nettverket, språket og samtalene. Boken er illustrert med kliniske eksempler og beskrivelser av ulike metoder for intervensjon. Spesielt for den norske utgivelsen har forfatteren skrevet et nytt kapittel 10. Oversettelsen er tilrettelagt og blir introdusert av professor Tom Andersen, Tromsø.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Silent Talks
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Kehrer Verlag) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Wittgenstein in Florida
Most of the papers appearing in volume 87 numbers, 1-2 are based on papers presented at the Colloquium on the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein held at the Department of Philosophy at Florida State University on 7-8 April 1989. We owe warm thanks to Florida State University for generously supporting this colloquium. The English translation of the chapter entitled 'Philosophie', from Wittgenstein's typescript number 213 (von Wright), appears here with permission of Wittgenstein's literary heirs, without affecting existing copyrights. The original German version of this chapter was edited by Heikki Nyman and appeared in Revue Internationale de Philosophie 43 (1989), pp. 175-203. Jaakko Hintikka's article (87, No.2) first appeared in a shorter form in The Times Literary Supplement No. 4565 (28 September to 4 October 1990, p. 1030). The present version appears with the permis- sion of The Times Literary Supplement, which is gratefully acknowl- edged. Our thanks are due to all the participants of the colloquium and the contributors to these special numbers.
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Analyses of Aristotle
Aristotle thought of his logic and methodology as applications of the Socratic questioning method. In particular, logic was originally a study of answers necessitated by earlier answers. For Aristotle, thought-experiments were real experiments in the sense that by realizing forms in one's mind, one can read off their properties and interrelations. Treating forms as independent entities, knowable one by one, committed Aristotle to his mode of syllogistic explanation. He did not think of existence, predication and identity as separate senses of estin. Aristotle thus serves as an example of a thinker who did not rely on the distinction between the allegedly different Fregean senses, thereby shedding new light on our own conceptual presuppositions. <br>This collection comprises several striking interpretations that Jaakko Hintikka has put forward over the years, constituting a challenge not only to Aristotelian scholars and historians of ideas, but to everyone interested in logic, epistemology or metaphysics and in their history.
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Norsk Bokmål
Constructional Reorganization
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Norsk Bokmål
Knowledge and Belief
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Kings College Publications) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Tourist's Experience of Place
This title was first published in 2002: This volume follows on from the tradition of humanistic geography to examine tourism from an experiential perspective - examining the experience of the tourists themsleves. By analyzing theories on tourism from anthropology, psychology and culural tourism, it aims to further the geographical debates on interactions which occur in tourism. The text offers a geographical approach which examines how the resulting experience of tourism can reveal something of our relationship with places in general, and also about ourselves.
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Lilla fågel Blå
Disney möter Kafka i denna ödesmättade och otäcka serieberättelse. En ängslig liten nötskrika sköter om sin sjuka mamma i ett stort, ödsligt hus. Som enda sällskap har han väggarnas dystra porträtt av döda förfäder och en nyfiken spindel som ibland tittar fram. Världen utanför är fylld av onda fåglar som vill picka ut hans ögon, säger mamma. Lilla fågel Blå lyssnar medan rädslan för det okända växer sig allt starkare. Den enda dörren är tillbommad och fönstren igenspikade, men i längden går det inte att stänga verkligheten ute. Plötsligt bankar det på dörren. En prisbelönt finsk serieroman av bröderna Lauri och Jaakko Ahonen.
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A New Introduction to Comparative Law
This thought-provoking introduction to the study of comparative law provides in-depth analyses of all major comparative methodologies and theories and serves as a common sense guide to the study of foreign legal systems. It is written in a lively and accessible style and will prove indispensable reading to students of the subject. It also contains much that will be of interest to comparative law scholars, offering novel insights into commonplace methodological and theoretical questions and making a significant contribution to the field.
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Finnland i et nøtteskall
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Norsk Bokmål
Lintu soidessa sokea : suomen murteiden kiimatermistö
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Norsk Bokmål
Essays on Mathematical and Philosophical Logic: Proceedings of the Fourth Scandinavian Logic Symposium and of the First Soviet-Finnish Logic Conferenc
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Springer) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Information and Inference
In the last 25 years, the concept of information has played a crucial role in communication theory, so much so that the terms information theory and communication theory are sometimes used almost interchangeably. It seems to us, however, that the notion of information is also destined to render valuable services to the student of induction and probability, of learning and reinforcement, of semantic meaning and deductive inference, as~well as of scientific method in general. The present volume is an attempt to illustrate some of these uses of information concepts. In 'On Semantic Information' Hintikka summarizes some of his and his associates' recent work on information and induction, and comments briefly on its philosophical suggestions. Jamison surveys from the sub- jectivistic point of view some recent results in 'Bayesian Information Usage'. Rosenkrantz analyzes the information obtained by experimen- tation from the Bayesian and Neyman-Pearson standpoints, and also from the standpoint of entropy and related concepts.The much-debated principle of total evidence prompts Hilpinen to examine the problem of measuring the information yield of observations in his paper 'On the Information Provided by Observations'. Pietarinen addresses himself to the more general task of evaluating the systematizing ('explanatory') power of hypotheses and theories, a task which quickly leads him to information concepts. Domotor develops a qualitative theory of information and entropy. His paper gives what is probably the first axiomatization of a general qualitative theory of information adequate to guarantee a numerical representation of the standard sort.
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Bazaar of Opportunities for New Business Development goes beyond the paradigm of open innovation and underlines the variety of opportunities that firms may have in innovation and new business development with external actors. This book shows readers that firms can interact, innovate, and do business with different known and unknown actors, both formally and informally, and use different levels of openness within interorganizational innovation processes. External actors, however, also mean additional risks for the firm that they should manage. The subtitle of book, Bridging Networked Innovation
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Disney meets Kafka in this beautiful, intense, original tale The story of a very small and very scared little bird, who lives a lonely, isolated life in a great big house with his infirm mother. He's never been outside the house, curious but terrified of the world outside, and he will never leave if his mother has a say about it. Winner of 2013 "Comic Book Finlandia" prize, the debut work of Finnish siblings Jaako and Lauri Ahonen combines a dark story with glimmers of hope and friendship with beautifully painted illustrations and the mostly-wordless charm of a Chaplin film.
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Bli i min kjærlighet : andaktsbok for eldre
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Norsk Bokmål
Last Pagans of Iraq : Ibn Wahshiyya and His Nabatean Agriculture
This is the first analysis in any language of the religious, philosophical and folkloristic content of Ibn Waḥshiyya's (d. 931) <i>Nabatean Agriculture</i>.<br>This enigmatic book, said to have been translated by Ibn Waḥshiyya from Syriac into Arabic, contains much material on Late Antique Paganism in Iraq and semi-learned reception of Greek philosophical thought.<br>The first part of the present book studies the question of authenticity, authorship and context of the <i>Nabatean Agriculture</i>, dated by the author to around 600 AD. The second part consists of 61 translated and annotated excerpts of the <i>Nabatean Agriculture</i>, until now available only in the Arabic original, as well as introductions to the world view of the text.
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Norsk Bokmål
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