Danmarks oldtid: Fra stenalder til vikingetid
<p>Historien om Danmark, det land der stod da indlandsisen efter den sidste istid trak sig tilbage og gjorde landet mellem Østersøen og Vesterhavet beboeligt. Historien om de mennesker der byggede landet fra stenalderen ca. 13.000 f.Kr. til vikingetiden ca. 1050 e.Kr. - fortalt af en af Danmarks bedste historieformidlere, arkæologen, forfatteren og museumsmanden Jørgen Jensen 1936 - 2008.<br><br>Johannes Brøndsted var Jørgen Jensens store forbillede, og hans projekt at skrive sin tids oldtidshistorie lykkedes i den grad med udgivelsen af de fire bind om Danmarks oldtid fra 2001-2004 med stor succes.<br><br>Denne kompakte udgave - ca. 1150 sider mod de fire binds 2500 sider - er en loyal sammenskrivning ved cand.mag. Gert Posselt, 100% trofast mod forlægget. Gert Posselt er Jørgen Jensens eget valg. For første gang i mere end 50 år en nyskrevet oldtidshistorie med den nyeste forskning og med et større internationalt pespektiv. <br><br>Et enigt anmelderkorps erklærede - med Politikens Steffen Heibergs ord: »En af de største præstationer i dansk historieskrivning nogensinde.«</p>
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Simply Danish
- Comprehensive volume on Danish silver jewelry including 170 pieces by 70 manufacturers artists- Selected artists: Mogens Ballin, Thorvald Bindesb ll, Georg Jensen, Erik Magnussen, Karl Gustav Hansen, Henning Koppel, Nanna and J rgen Ditzel, Bent Knudsen, Bent Gabrielsen Pedersen and Bent Exner- Accompanies the exhibition at GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts Leipzig (DE), 2 June-7 October 2018Simplicity of material and solid craftsmanship have secured Danish silver jewelry its prominent role in the twentieth century. Until c. 1920 the chasing technique creates an intensive plasticity; the imagery is concrete and close to nature. The functionalistic period with its geometrical design leaves the narrative element behind, preparing for the abstract, sculptural forms of the 1950s. Smooth surfaces and lively reflections of light characterize the second half of the century. The New Schwandt Collection presents 170 highlights by seventy manufacturers and artists, all of which are illustrated. Besides providing a general aesthetic evaluation, the author closely observes artists and trends over twenty chapters. The book includes notes on artists and workshops, a list of signatures, bibliographical notes and a special chapter on how to date early Georg Jensen jewelry. Text in English and German. Accompanies the exhibition at GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts Leipzig (DE), 2 June-7 October 2018.
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Demokrati: Opfattelser, udviklinger, årsager og virkninger
<p>Siden murens fald er der sket en eksplosion i interessen for demokrati. Ikke alene er en lang række lande i større eller mindre grad blevet demokratiske de seneste tyve år. Der er også blandt udstrakt enighed om, at demokratiet er den bedste styreform.<br><br>Men hvad mener vi, når vi taler om demokrati? Hvordan har antallet af demokratier udviklet sig på verdensplan? Hvordan foregår demokratiseringsprocesser, og hvorfor bliver nogle lande demokratiske, mens andre har vanskeligt ved det?<br><br>Demokrati og demokratisering præsenterer de vigtigste teorier om demokrati og analyserer dets udbredelse i de seneste århundreder i almindelighed og de seneste fire årtier i særdeleshed. Bogen fokuserer på udviklinger i hele verden, men tager de tidligere kommunistiske lande - hvor demokratiet har slået rod i Centraleuropa og Baltikum, mens stærkt udemokratiske tendenser karakteriserer landene i Kaukasus og Centralasien - under nærmere behandling.<br><br>Bogen er skrevet til studerende og forskere i samfundsvidenskab og andre med en interesse i demokratiudviklingens mange sider.<br><br>Jørgen Møller og Svend-Erik Skaaning er hhv. adjunkt og lektor ved Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet. </p>
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Vitenskap som ideologi (Gyldendals Studiefakler)
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The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
This work by Jurgen Habermas examines the theoretical and philosophical contours of the modern era. It is a work on a theme that concerns a wide range of disciplines, from sociology and politics to philosophy, aesthetics and literary theory. Habermas traces the contemporary critiques of modernity back to their philosophical origins in the work of Marx, Nietzshe, Heidegger and others and shows how the work of these thinkers was to some extents a response to the ideas of reason and reflexive self-understanding, and the the processes of rationalization and modernization, which developed in the course of the 18the and early 19the centuries.
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Forretningsjus. En studieguide fra BI nettstudier
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Modeling Longitudinal and Multilevel Data: Practical Issues, Applied Approaches, and Specific Examples
This book focuses on the practical issues and approaches to handling longitudinal and multilevel data. All data sets and the corresponding command files are available via the Web. The working examples are available in the four major SEM packages--LISREL, EQS, MX, and AMOS--and two Multi-level packages--HLM and MLn. All equations and figural conventions are standardized across each contribution. The material is accessible to practicing researchers and students. Users can compare and contrast various analytic approaches to longitudinal and multiple-group data including SEM, Multi-level, LTA, and standard GLM techniques. Ideal for graduate students and practicing researchers in social and behavioral sciences.<br>
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The Habermas Handbook
J rgen Habermas is one of the most influential philosophers of our time. His diagnoses of contemporary society and concepts such as the public sphere, communicative rationality, and cosmopolitanism have influenced virtually all academic disciplines, spurred political debates, and shaped intellectual life in Germany and beyond for more than fifty years. In
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Habermas and Politics
A critical introduction to J rgen Habermas' political thought and his theory of power J rgen Habermas has come to be viewed as the unofficial philosopher laureate of the European Union. But why have his contributions to contemporary political theory commanded such attention? This book brings to life the ideas of a unique thinker, an heir to the Enlightenment legacy, a champion of reason and democracy, a social theorist of unusual sophistication and an astute commentator on contemporary politics. Unified by a central focus on the theme of power, the book guides you through the sociological and philosophical perspectives that are essential to Habermas' political theory. It situates the philosopher's political thinking in relation to key Continental theorists such as Carl Schmitt and Michel Foucault as well as current debates in Anglo-American political philosophy.
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Ivories and Narwhal Tusks at Rosenborg Castle
This extraordinary two-volume catalog presents five hundred objects made of ivory and narwhal tusk from the Royal Danish Collection at Copenhagen's Rosenborg Castle. J rgen Hein showcases and explains a remarkable range of carved and turned works, including small-scale statues, reliefs, drinkware, and decor, from Denmark, Europe, and beyond.
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The Habermas-Rawls Debate
In the 1990s, Jurgen Habermas and John Rawls had a famous exchange in the Journal of Philosophy. In this book, James Gordon Finlayson examines the Habermas-Rawls debate in context and considers its wider implications.
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Keith Haring
Bursting with color and featuring Keith Haring's powerful messages, this collection of posters includes insightful commentary and dazzling reproductions. Whether Keith Haring was raising awareness of the AIDS epidemic and apartheid or celebrating life, music, and dance, his signature illustrations became part of the cultural landscape of the 1980s. Posters were central to Haring's oeuvre and the perfect medium for his inclusive, accessible, and figurative style. Author J rgen D ring offers fascinating insights into Haring's work, providing commentary on each of the exquisitely reproduced posters. An important reference work and a vibrant celebration of a world renowned artist, this book will delight Haring's many fans throughout the world.
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The mother tongue of the Roman Empire and the lingua franca of the West for centuries after Rome's fall, Latin survives today primarily in classrooms and texts. Yet this "dead language" is unique in the influence it has exerted across centuries and continents. J rgen Leonhardt has written a full history of Latin from antiquity to the present, uncovering how this once parochial dialect developed into a vehicle of global communication that remained vital long after its spoken form was supplanted by modern languages.Latin originated in the Italian region of Latium, around Rome, and became widespread as that city's imperial might grew. By the first century BCE, Latin was already transitioning from a living vernacular, as writers and grammarians like Cicero and Varro fixed Latin's status as a "classical" language with a codified rhetoric and rules. As Romance languages spun off from their Latin origins following the empire's collapse--shedding cases and genders along the way--the ancient language retained its currency as a world language in ways that anticipated English and Spanish, but it ceased to evolve.Leonhardt charts the vicissitudes of Latin in the post-Roman world: its ninth-century revival under Charlemagne and its flourishing among Renaissance writers who, more than their medieval predecessors, were interested in questions of literary style and expression. Ultimately, the rise of historicism in the eighteenth century turned Latin from a practical tongue to an academic subject. Nevertheless, of all the traces left by the Romans, their language remains the most ubiquitous artifact of a once peerless empire.
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In the classical period, conversation referred to real conversations, conducted in the leisure time of noble men, and concerned with indefinite philosophical topics. Christianity inflected conversation with universal aspirations during the medieval centuries and the ars dictaminis, the art of letter writing, increased the importance of this written analogue of conversation. The Renaissance humanists from Petrarch onward further transformed conversation, and its genre analogues of dialogue and letter, by transforming it into a metaphor of increasing scope. This expanded realm of humanist conversation bifurcated in Renaissance and early modern Europe. The Concept of Conversation traces the way the rise of conversation spread out from the history of rhetoric to include the histories of friendship, the court and the salon, the Republic of Letters, periodical press and women. It revises J rgen Habermas' history of the emergence of the rational speech of the public sphere as the history of the emergence of rational conversation and puts the emergence of women's speech at the centre of the intellectual history of early modern Europe.
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A Democratic Theory of Judgment
In this sweeping look at political and philosophical history, Linda M. G. Zerilli unpacks the tightly woven core of Hannah Arendt's unfinished work on a tenacious modern problem: how to judge critically in the wake of the collapse of inherited criteria of judgment. Engaging a remarkable breadth of thinkers, including Ludwig Wittgenstein, Leo Strauss, Immanuel Kant, Frederick Douglas, John Rawls, J rgen Habermas, Martha Nussbaum, and many others, Zerilli clears a hopeful path between an untenable universalism and a cultural relativism that forever defers the possibility of judging at all. Zerilli deftly outlines the limitations of existing debates, both those that concern themselves with the impossibility of judging across cultures and those that try to find transcendental, rational values to anchor judgement. Looking at Kant through the lens of Arendt, Zerilli develops the notion of a public conception of truth, and from there she explores relativism, historicism, and universalism as they shape feminist approaches to judgment.Following Arendt even further, Zerilli arrives at a hopeful new pathway seeing the collapse of philosophical criteria for judgment not as a problem but a way to practice judgment anew as a world-building activity of democratic citizens. The result is an astonishing theoretical argument that travels through and goes beyond some of the most important political thought of the modern period.
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Pragmatism as Transition
Pragmatism is America's best-known native philosophy. It espouses a practical set of beliefs and principles that focus on the improvement of our lives. Yet the split between classical and contemporary pragmatists has divided the tradition against itself. Classical pragmatists, such as John Dewey and William James, believed we should heed the lessons of experience. Neopragmatists, including Richard Rorty, Hilary Putnam, and J rgen Habermas, argue instead from the perspective of a linguistic turn, which makes little use of the idea of experience. Can these two camps be reconciled in a way that revitalizes a critical tradition?
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Creative Attacking Play - From the Tactics of Conte, Allegri, Simeone, Mourinho, Wenger & Klopp
This book is a complete guide for using Creative Attacking Play against teams that defend within the middle or defensive third.Learn the tactics of several of the world's top coaches with analysis of Antonio Conte, Massimiliano Allegri, Diego Simeone, Jose Mourinho, J rgen Klopp and Ars ne Wenger with the 4-2-3-1, 4-4-2, 4-3-3 and 3-5-2 formations.Athanasios Terzis is a UEFA 'A' Licence Coach and has used this analysis to produce 6 full training sessions (42 practices & variations). You can use these ready-made sessions to practice these top coaches' tactics and implement their creative attacking play into your training sessions.Analysis and Session Topics: Intelligent Positioning to Receive Between the Lines (Wenger)Exploiting 3 v 2 in Midfield to Receive Between the Lines (Klopp)Receiving in Behind on the Blind Side of Defenders (Simeone)Creating & Exploiting Space in the Final Third (Allegri)Creating & Exploiting an Overload with a Forward Shifting Across (Conte)Creating & Exploiting an Overload with a Winger Shifting Inside (Mourinho) Athanasios Terzis is the author of some of the best-selling Football Coaching books, most notably 'J rgen Klopp's Attacking and Defending Tactics', 'Coaching the Juventus 3-5-2', 'Marcelo Bielsa - Coaching Build Up Play Against High Pressing Teams' and 'FC Barcelona Training Sessions', which won the Italian FA Award for "Best Coaching Book" in 2014.
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