The promise of a lie
A novel
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The up and comer
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Killer instinct
Ubrukt/ulest Killer instinct av James Patterson, pocket, engelsk utgave, 416 sider
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Don't blink
Reporter Nick Daniels is conducting a once-in-a-lifetime interview with an infamous celebrity recluse in a renowned New York restaurant. But the interview is cut short by a horrific murder that takes place just yards from their table. The assassin escapes as quickly as he entered, leaving behind him a chaotic scene and a bloody corpse. While Nick is reviewing the tapes from his interview, he stumbles upon a piece of evidence that could be crucial to the murder investigation. But something about the whole scenario doesn't fit together. As Nick investigates the clues for himself, he realises that someone is watching his every move - and they will stop at nothing to prevent Nick from discovering the truth.
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Ikke blunk
Lombardos Steakhouse i New York er berømt av tre grunner: Menyen, klientellet, og nå - det grusomme mordet på en beryktet mafiaadvokat. Morderen slipper unna politiet. Dermed står beskyldningene om hvem som bestilte drapet i kø. Journalist Nick Daniels er i ferd med å gjennomføre et virkelig scoop - et intervju med en baseballegende som aldri snakker med pressen. Samtalen finner sted ved nabobordet til den drepte mafiosoen. I kaoset som følger drapet, får Nick tak i noe som viser seg å være et nøkkelbevis. Dette plasserer den intetanende journalisten i kryssilden mellom russisk og italiensk mafia. "Skygg unna eller dø" er beskjeden Nick får når han begynner å grave i historien. Ikke blunk! er en intrigefylt og heseblesende thriller fra USAs mestselgende forfatter.
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Norsk Bokmål
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High Speed Signal Propagation
Raves for Dr. Johnson's previous classic, High-Speed Digital Design! " of the finest efforts to come along in the field of applied high-speed digital design because of its focus on providing tools for the whole design team bringing a high-speed product to life. For all the PCB designers and circuit designers out there, buy it; read it; keep it." -- Dan Baumgartner, Printed Circuit Design Faster and farther: State-of-the-art signal transmission techniques In High-Speed Signal Propagation, Howard Johnson and Martin Graham bring together state-of-the-art techniques for building digital interconnections that can transmit faster, farther, and more efficiently than ever before. Packed with new examples and never-before-published high-speed design guidance, this book offers a complete and unified theory of signal propagation for all metallic media, from cables to pcb traces to chips.Coverage includes: *Managing tradeoffs between speed and distance *Physical theory of signal impairments: skin and proximity effects, dielectric loss, surface roughness, and non-TEM mode propagation *Generalized frequency- and step-response models *Calculation of time-domain waveforms from frequency-domain transfer functions *Differential signaling: Edge-coupled and broadside-coupled differential pairs, bends, intra-pair skew, differential trace geometry impedance, crosstalk, and radiation *Inter-cabinet connections: Coax, twisted-pair, fiber, equalizers, and LAN building wiring *Clock distribution: Special requirements, repeaters, multi-drop clock distribution, jitter, and power filtering *Simulation: Frequency domain simulation methods, Spice, and IBIS
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Elementary Linear Algebra (Applications version)
5.0 av 5
Bedringens sosiologi: om potensialet i hverdagslig samhandling
Hverdagslig samhandling handler om noe som tas for gitt, og kan virke betydningsløst og trivielt. Det kan være hvordan vi veksler blikk, hvordan vi hilser på hverandre eller hvordan prat foregår. Forfatteren bruker eksempler fra eget forskningsarbeid innenfor rus- og psykisk helsefeltet, og retter oppmerksomheten mot uformell og alminnelig samhandling som en del av yrkesutøvelsen. For personer i utfordrende og sårbare livssituasjoner kan det å bli møtt som en alminnelig person være et viktig element i en terapeutisk prosess. En kan bevege seg fra å se seg selv som en avviker, til å få et selvbilde som en alminnelig og verdig person. Denne hverdagsresponsiviteten har ikke status som profesjonell, faglig virksomhet og er ofte undervurdert som verktøy for bedring, hevder forfatteren. Hun presenterer en sosiologi om små ting, og med bidrag fra Erving Goffman, Howard Becker, Randall Collins og Johan Asplund gir hun bedringsprosesser i hverdagslivet en teoretisk forankring. Forfatteren viser til at det er sider ved hverdagslivet som har eksistensielle dimensjoner. Slik sett handler boka også om noe allmennmenneskelig. Astrid Skatvedt er sosiolog. Hun arbeider som førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for sosiologi og sosialt arbeid ved Universitetet i Agder.
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Blood banking and transfusion practices
Make complex blood banking concepts easier to understand with Basic & Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices, 5th Edition. Combining the latest information in a highly digestible format, this approachable text helps you easily master all areas of blood banking by utilizing common theory, clinical scenarios, case studies, and critical-thinking exercises. With robust user resources and expanded content on disease testing and DNA, it's the effective learning resource you need to successfully work in the modern lab. Coverage of advanced topics such as transplantation and cellular therapy, the HLA system, molecular techniques and applications, automation, electronic cross-matching, and therapeutic apheresis make the text more relevant for 4-year MLS/CLS programs. Illustrated blood group boxes provide the ISBT symbol, number, and clinical significance of antibodies at a glance. Robust chapter pedagogy helps break down this difficult subject with learning objectives, outlines, key terms with definitions, chapter summaries, critical thinking exercises, study questions, and case studies. NEW! Completely updated content prepares you to work in today's clinical lab environment. NEW! Additional information on disease testing covers diseases such as Zika and others of increased importance. NEW! Expanded content on DNA covers the latest developments in related testing. NEW! Enhanced user resources on the Evolve companion website now include expanded case studies, and new animations in addition to the existing review questions and lab manual.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Å falle mellom to stoler: samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole
Hva utfordrer samarbeidet mellom profesjonelle innenfor samme institusjon, på tvers av institusjoner og med foreldrene? Hva må til for å oppnå en samlet tidlig innsats for barn og unge i barnehage og skole? Boken viser hvordan en kan oppnå en felles forståelse og komme frem til hensiktsmessige mål og tiltak. Det er viktig å sikre gode overganger i utdanningsløpet, og sammen må lærere og hjelpeapparat sikre at ingen faller utenfor. Det trengs grunnleggende kompetanse i alle samarbeidende ledd for å sikre at alle barn får utnyttet sitt utviklings- og læringspotensial i både barnehage og skole. Gode relasjoner mellom voksne og barn styrker barnets tillit og motivasjon for læring og utvikling. Målgruppen for boken er masterstudenter i pedagogikk, spesialpedagogikk og utdanningsvitenskap, barnehage- og skoleledere, samt hjelpeapparatet. Redaktørene Heidi Omdal og Ragnar Thygesen har med seg bidragsyterne David Lansing Cameron, Carla Chinga-Ramirez, Guy Howard Gilberts, Åse Haraldstad, Magnhild M. Høie, Maryann Jortveit, Øyvind Kvello, David Mitchell, Per Egil Mjaavatn, Heidun Oldervik, Ellen Saur, Anne Brita Thorød, Anne Dorthe Tveit og Elsa Westergård.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Discover Joseph Heller's hilarious and tragic satire on military madness, and the tale of one man's efforts to survive it.It's the closing months of World War II and Yossarian has never been closer to death. Stationed in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, each flight mission introduces him to thousands of people determined to kill him.But the enemy above is not Yossarian's problem - it is his own army intent on keeping him airborne, and the maddening 'Catch-22' that allows for no possibility of escape.
5.0 av 5
Risk Governance
'Risk Governance is a tour de force. Every risk manager, every risk analyst, every risk researcher must read this book - it is the demarcation point for all further advances in risk policy and risk research. Renn provides authoritative guidance on how to manage risks based on a definitive synthesis of the research literature. The skill with which he builds practical recommendations from solid science is unprecedented.' Thomas Dietz, Director, Environmental Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, USA 'A masterpiece of new knowledge and wisdom with illustrative examples of tested applications to realworld cases. The book is recommendable also to interested students in different disciplines as a timely textbook on 'risk beyond risk'.' Norio Okada, Full Professor and Director at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan 'There are classic environmental works such as The Tragedy of the Commons by Hardin, Risk Society by Beck, The Theory of Communicative Action by Habermas, and the seminal volumes by Ostrom on governing the commons. Renn's book fits right into this series of important milestones of environmental studies.'Jochen Jaeger, Professor at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada 'Risk Governance provides a valuable survey of the whole field of risk and demonstrates how scientific, economic, political and civil society actors can participate in inclusive risk governance.' Jobst Conrad, Senior Scientist, Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany 'Renn offers a remarkably fair-minded and systematic approach to bringing together the diverse fields that have something to say about 'risk'. Risk Governance moves us along the path from the noisy, formative stage of thinking about risk to one with a stronger empirical, theoretical, and analytical foundation.' Baruch Fischhoff, PhD, Howard Heinz University Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA 'I cannot describe how impressed I am at the breadth and coherence of Renn's career's work! Written with remarkable clarity and minimal technical jargon...[this] should be required reading in risk courses!'John Graham, former director of the Harvard Risk Center and former deputy director of the Office of Budget and Management of the Unites States Administration This book, for the first time, brings together and updates the groundbreaking work of renowned risk theorist and researcher Ortwin Renn, integrating the major disciplinary concepts of risk in the social, engineering and natural sciences. The book opens with the context of risk handling before flowing through the core topics of assessment, evaluation, perception, management and communication, culminating in a look at the transition from risk management to risk governance and a glimpse at a new understanding of risk in (post)modern societies.
0.0 av 5
Basic & Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices
Basic & Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices, 4th Edition combines logically organized and updated content in a highly readable way that makes difficult concepts easy to understand. This essential text enables you to develop a solid understanding of all areas of blood banking by utilizing common theory, clinical scenarios, case studies, and critical-thinking exercises. Additional content on HIV testing, ABID panels, immunology and serology, HLA, and global blood banking keeps this book current so you're learning the skills necessary to work in the modern lab. Further your knowledge with the QR codes in the margins that link to new images and websites. Illustrated blood group boxes provide you with the ISBT symbol, number, and the clinical significance of the antibodies at a glance throughout Chapter 7, Other Red Cell Blood Group Systems, Human Leukocyte Antigens, and Platelet Antigens.Study questions and critical thinking exercises give you an opportunity to review what you've learned.Margin notes and definitions highlight important material in each chapter and offer you additional help.Coverage of advanced topics includes transplantation and cellular therapy, the HLA system, molecular techniques and applications, automation, electronic cross-matching, and therapeutic apheresis.Chapter summaries recap the most important points of the chapter.Learning objectives help frame the chapter and set expectations.NEW! QR codes in the margins further learning by linking to new images or websites related to chapter content.NEW! Completely updated content prepares you to work in today's clinical lab environment with lessons about HIV testing and confirmation rules from the CDC, ABID panels, immunology and serology, HLA, and global blood banking.
5.0 av 5
Leading minds: an anatomy of leadership
In Leading Minds, Howard E. Gardner and his research associate, Emma Laskin, take a novel approach to the study of leadership, exploring it from a cognitive perspective to glean powerful lessons for decision makers of all sorts. Drawing on Gardner's groundbreaking work on intelligence and creativity, they show how effective leaders both create new stories and tap into the power of existing narratives. With deep understanding, Gardner and Laskin consider a wide spectrum of leaders-including Manhattan Project director J. Robert Oppenheimer, Pope John XXIII, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, and more-to offer fascinating insights about the messages and the methods of influential people. Updated and expanded by the author, Leading Minds stands as the definitive psychological study of leadership.
5.0 av 5
Kunsten å være lykkelig: en håndbok i å leve
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The fountainhead
The fountainhead
4.0 av 5
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
0.0 av 5
Mange intelligenser i klasserommet
Boken er en praktisk veileder for lærere, basert på Howard Gardners teorier om åtte intelligenser, og har med et eget kapittel om en mulig niende (eksistensialistisk). Hvert kapittel har oppgaver. Tips og ideer viser hvordan de åtte intelligensene kan utvikles hos den enkelte elev. Har litteraturlister og stikkordregister.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Environmental health: From global to local
Third edition
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