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Viser resultat for 'Harald Maxmillian Stoltenberg'

    Turbotvillingene og den store kanonballkampen

    Turbotvillingene og den store kanonballkampen

    Robert Stoltenberg, Harald M. Stoltenberg, Harald Stoltenberg, Harald Maxmillian Stoltenberg

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2022

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 130
    kr 130

    Turbotvillingene og ordførerens onde plan

    Turbotvillingene og ordførerens onde plan

    Harald Maxmillian Stoltenberg, Robert Stoltenberg

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2024

    Norsk Bokmål


    Hester danser ikke ballett

    Hester danser ikke ballett

    Harald Stoltenberg, Harald Maxmillian Stoltenberg

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1996

    Norsk Bokmål


    Sverre Skrot og Ingenting

    Sverre Skrot og Ingenting

    Harald Stoltenberg, Harald Maximillian Stoltenberg, Harald Maxmillian Stoltenberg

    Sverre Skrot bor på en gård sammen med moren sin. Hver dag drar Sverre rundt og samler skrot og sorterer alt sammen i riktige hauger. Det eneste moren er opptatt av er at Sverre skal bli kjæreste med en dame som kan lage mat, sy gardiner og danse flamenco. Men Sverre finner ingen dame. Han har ingen venner heller. En dag reiser moren bort, og Sverre kjeder seg. Naboen hans Lydia sier at han kan lage seg en venn, kanskje han kan finne noe på skrothaugen? Plutselig står Ingenting ved siden av Sverre. Men hvordan kan man være venn med Ingenting? Hva vil moren si når hun kommer hjem? Visste du at man plutselig kan havne i flamenco-land? At luftballong er et fint fremkomstmiddel? Eller at en fotball passer som et hode? At mødre kan være skikkelig sure og kjipe? Og hva skjer egentlig når man forelsker seg i Ingenting, og Ingenting forsvinner? Dette er en historie spekket med varme, sprø påfunn og humor - både i tekst og illustrasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30
    kr 30

    Samfunnsfag 1+2 fra Cappelen Damm

    Samfunnsfag 1+2 fra Cappelen Damm: Elevbok

    Magnus Henrik Sandberg, Anne Synnøve Steinset, Harald M. Stoltenberg, Anneli Klepp, Harald Stoltenberg, Harald Maxmillian Stoltenberg

    Samfunnsfag 1+2 er en kombinert lese- og arbeidsbok for 1. og 2. trinn. Boka inneholder gode, elevtilpassede tekster, rik bildestøtte og varierte oppgaver som legger vekt på kreativitet, refleksjon og kritisk tenking.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Nynorsk


    Quantum Field Theory

    Quantum Field Theory

    Germany) Fritzsch Harald (Ludwig Maximilian Univ Of Munich

    The matter in our universe is composed of electrons and quarks. The dynamics of electrons and quarks is described by the Standard Model of particle physics, which is based on quantum field theories. The general framework of quantum field theories is described in this book. After the classical mechanics and the relativistic mechanics the details of classical scalar fields, of electrodynamics and of quantum mechanics are discussed. Then the quantization of scalar fields, of spinor fields and of vector fields is described.The basic interactions are described by gauge theories. These theories are discussed in detail, in particular the gauge theories of quantum electrodynamics (QED) and of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), based on the gauge group SU(3). In both theories the gauge bosons, the photon and the gluons, have no mass. The gauge theory of the electroweak interactions, based on the gauge group SU(2) x U(1), describes both the electromagnetic and the weak interactions. The weak force is generated by the exchange of the weak bosons. They have a large mass, and one believes that these masses are generated by a spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry.It might be that the strong and the electroweak interactions are unified at very high energies ('Grand Unification'). The gauge groups SU(3) and SU(2) x U(1) must be subgroups of a big gauge group, describing the Grand Unification. Two such theories are discussed, based on the gauge groups SU(5) and SO(10).

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Dikterpresten Kaj Munk

    Dikterpresten Kaj Munk

    Preben Ramløv

    Kaj Harald Leininger Munk (ofte kalt Kaj Munk) (13. januar 1898 – 4. januar 1944) var en dansk dramatiker og luthersk pastor, kjent for sitt kulturelle engasjement og sitt martyrdød under okkupasjonen av Danmark under andre verdenskrig. Han blir minnet som martyr i den lutherske kirkes helligekalender 14. august, sammen med Maximilian Kolbe Han ble født Kaj Harald Leininger Petersen på øya Lolland, Danmark, og oppvokst av en familie ved navn Munk etter foreldrenes død. Fra 1924 til sin død var Munk sokneprest i Vedersø på Vestjylland. Munks skuespill ble for det meste fremført og offentliggjort i løpet av 1930-årene, selv om mange ble skrevet på 1920-tallet. Mye av hans andre arbeider gjelder "filosofi-om-liv-debatten" (religion – marxisme – darwinisme) som preget mye av dansk kulturliv i denne perioden.] Ved en anledning, tidlig på 1930-tallet, uttrykte Munk i en kommentar som kom tilbake for å hjemsøke ham i senere år beundring for Hitler (for å forene tyskere) og ønsket en lignende samlende skikkelse for dansker. Imidlertid snudde Munks holdning til Hitler (og Mussolini) til åpenhjertig avsky da han var vitne til Hitlers forfølgelse av det tyske jødiske samfunnet, og Mussolinis gjennomføring av krigen i Etiopia. I 1938 publiserte den danske avisen Jyllands-Posten på sin forside et åpent brev til Benito Mussolini skrevet av Kaj Munk som kritiserte jødeforfølgelsene. Munk var tidlig en sterk motstander av den tyske okkupasjonen av Danmark (1940–1945), selv om han stadig motsatte seg ideen om demokrati som sådan, og foretrakk ideen om en "nordisk diktator" som skulle forene de nordiske landene og holde dem nøytrale. i perioder med internasjonal krise. Hans skuespill Han sidder ved Smeltediglen («Han sitter ved smeltediglen») og Niels Ebbesen var direkte angrep på nazismen. Sistnevnte, sentrert på figuren til Niels Ebbesen, en middelaldersk godseier ansett som en nasjonalhelt for å ha myrdet en tidligere tysk okkupant av Danmark, grev Gerhard III, var en moderne analog til Danmark fra andre verdenskrig. Til tross for venner som oppfordret Munk til å gå under jorden, fortsatte han å forkynne mot dansker som samarbeidet med nazistene. Gestapo arresterte Munk natt til 4. januar 1944, en måned etter at han hadde trosset et nazistisk forbud og holdt den første adventsprekenen ved den nasjonale katedralen i København. Munks kropp ble funnet i en grøft ved veikanten i landlige Hørbylunde ved Silkeborg neste morgen med en lapp om «Svin, du jobbet for Tyskland akkurat det samme». Munks lik ble levert tilbake til sognekirken hans, Vedersø, hvor det er gravlagt utenfor koret. Et enkelt steinkors ble også reist på en liten høyde med utsikt over stedet der Munks lik ble dumpet. Halvparten av januarnummeret 1944 av motstandsavisen De frie Danske var viet Munk med hans portrett som fylte forsiden. Nekrologen Danmarks store Søn—Kaj Munk (Den store sønnen til Danmark—Kaj Munk) fylte neste side, etterfulgt av utdrag fra en nyttårspreken han hadde holdt. Deretter kom en beskrivelse av drapet hans og en fotoreportasje fra begravelsen hans. Til slutt inneholdt avisen fordømmende reaksjoner fra innflytelsesrike skandinaver, nemlig prins Wilhelm, hertugen av Södermanland, Jarl Hemmer, Johannes Jørgensen, Sigrid Undset, Erling Eidem og Harald Bohr. Den danske regjeringen lot hans enke, Lise, bo på menighetshuset til hun døde i 1998. Kirken og menighetshuset ble restaurert som et minnesmerke og åpnet for publikum i 2010. Munk brukte ofte en historisk bakgrunn for sine skuespill – blant hans innflytelser var William Shakespeare, Adam Oehlenschläger, Henrik Ibsen og George Bernard Shaw. Som dramatiker ble Munk kjent for "sterke karakterer" - integrerte mennesker som kjemper helhjertet for sine idealer (enten de er gode eller dårlige). I hans skuespill En Idealist, for eksempel, er "helten" kong Herodes hvis kamp for å opprettholde makten er motivet bak alle hans handlinger inntil han til slutt blir beseiret av en vise av vennlighet til Kristus-barnet i et svakt øyeblikk. Hans skuespill Ordet (Ordet) fra 1925 anses generelt for å ha vært hans beste verk; det er en undersøkelse av mirakler fra det unike (i det minste til teater) synspunktet til en som ikke var villig til å avvise dem. En familie av bønder – av ulik grad av tro – finner seg forsonet med naboene gjennom et mirakel. En filmatisering fra 1943 med tittelen The Word ble regissert av Gustaf Molander. En filmversjon av Ordet fra 1955 ble regissert av Carl Theodor Dreyer, og vant en rekke priser, inkludert Gullløven på den 16. Venezia internasjonale filmfestival og 1956 Golden Globe Award for beste fremmedspråklige film

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1947

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 99
    kr 99

    Wolf Prize In Physics

    Wolf Prize In Physics

    The Wolf Foundation began its activities in 1976, with an initial endowment donated by the Wolf family. Within a very short period of time after its initiation, the Wolf prize has become one of the major signs for recognition of scientific achievements and excellence.This volume is devoted to a selection of Wolf Prize laureates in Physics and each has included two respective major publications as well as a commentary written by the laureate describing his scientific career. Readers around the world are provided a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of how scientific processes work in physics, and to comprehend how these laureates have left an indelible imprint on scientific history.Contributors: Michael E Fisher; Leo P Kadanoff; Martin M Perl; Peter B Hirsch; Albert J Libchaber; Joseph H Taylor, Jr.; Michael V Berry; Anthony J Leggett; Bertrand I Halperin; Francois Englert; Peter W Higgs; Daniel Kleppner; Albert Fert; John F Clauser; Anton Zeilinger; Maximilian Haider; Harald Rose; Jacob D Bekenstein; Juan Ignacio Cirac; Peter Zoller.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Innbundet · 2016


    Almost Impossible Ally : Harold Macmillan and Charles De Gaulle

    Almost Impossible Ally : Harold Macmillan and Charles De Gaulle

    Peter. Mangold

    <![CDATA[On 14 January 1963, General de Gaulle brutally vetoed Britain's first bid to join the Common Market. It was a blow that delayed Britain's entry for a decade and hastened the end of Harold Macmillan's political career. Peter Mangold writes in arresting detail about the fascinating personal duel that shaped high politics and Anglo-French diplomacy. He portrays two of the most complex and skilful leaders of the post-war era, old friends from their association in Algiers during World War II: de Gaulle the dour, lofty moralist obsessed with high notions of France; and Macmillan, the canny,

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål


    Dangerous to Know

    Dangerous to Know

    Harry Chapman Pincher

    "Can nothing be done to supress or get rid of Mr Chapman Pincher." Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister Harry Chapman Pincher is a legend among journalists. As an investigative reporter, he struck terror into those trying to hide the murky secrets of state. After early careers as a teacher, a scientist and a soldier, Chapman Pincher joined Lord Beaverbrook's then all-powerful Daily Express in the summer of 1945 - and quickly became the master of the journalistic scoop. His first splash, a top-secret account of the development of the atomic bomb, sparked a furious transatlantic row. It was only the start of a career in which his name became synonymous with high-level exclusives from the most secret corners of government. When he finally retired from journalism, the leaks kept coming, leading to a series of best-selling books on the infiltration of Britain's intelligence services by Moscow which culminated in the allegation in Their Trade is Treachery that the head of MI5, was a Soviet spy. Colourful, indiscreet and compelling, this life of a true journalistic colossus also reveals the secret history of the century he bestrode.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Duncan Sandys and the Informal Politics of Britain's Late Decolonisation

    Duncan Sandys and the Informal Politics of Britain's Late Decolonisation

    Peter Brooke

    This book throws new light on the impact of informal `old boy' networks on British decolonisation. Duncan Sandys was one of the leading Conservative politicians of the middle decades of twentieth-century Britain. He was also a key figure in the Harold Macmillan's `Winds of Change' policy of decolonisation, serving as Secretary for the Colonies and Commonwealth Relations from 1960 to 1964. When he lost office he fought strenuously to undermine the new Labour Government's attempts to accelerate colonial withdrawal and improve race relations in Britain. Sandys developed important private business interests in Africa and intervened personally through both public and official channels on the question of Rhodesia, Commonwealth immigration and the `East of Suez' withdrawal in the late 1960s. This book will appeal to students of decolonisation and twentieth-century British politics alike.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Politics and Economics of Decolonization in Africa

    The Politics and Economics of Decolonization in Africa

    Andrew Cohen

    The slow collapse of the European colonial empires after 1945 provides one of the great turning points of twentieth century history. With the loss of India however, the British under Harold Macmillan attempted to enforce a 'second' colonial occupation - supporting the efforts of Sir Andrew Cohen of the Colonial Office to create a Central African Federation. Drawing on newly released archival material, The Politics and Economics of Decolonization offers a fresh examination of Britain's central African territories in the late colonial period and provides a detailed assessment of how events in Britain, Africa and the UN shaped the process of decolonization. The author situates the Central African Federation - which consisted of modern day Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi - in its wider international context, shedding light on the Federation's complex relationships with South Africa, with US Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy and with the expanding United Nations. The result is an important history of the last days of the British Empire and the beginnings of a more independent African continent.

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    Innbundet · 2017


    Limbang Rebellion

    Limbang Rebellion

    Eileen Chanin

    Between 8 and 12 December of 1962, world attention focused on a surprise rebel uprising that sprang up in northern Borneo, where hostages were taken and threatened with execution. The small river town of Limbang, administrative center of the Fifth Division of the British Crown colony of Sarawak, was the pivot of the confrontation that Harold Macmillan told John F. Kennedy was as dangerous a situation in South East Asia as the Western Allies had seen since the Second World War. The Brunei revolt turned out to be the opening act of the diplomatic and military conflict between Indonesia and Malaysia known as Confrontation ('Konfrontasi').Britain and the Malayan Prime Minister aimed to create a federation of Malaysia by combining the two British colonies in Borneo and the island colony of Singapore with already independent Malaya. Opposition to this came from Brunei Malay politician Sheikh A. M. Azahari. The self-styled Prime Minister of a 'united' northern Borneo mounted an anti-Malaysia insurrection. This uprising became known as the Brunei revolt. An amphibious dawn assault at Limbang on 12 December by L Company of 42 Commando British Royal Marines liberated the hostages whom Azahari's rebel forces were preparing to hang.The story of Limbang and what it represents has not been fully told until now. While terrifying, Limbang was also a life-affirming experience for those involved and forged lifelong bonds. It ends not with the heroic release of the hostages in a commando raid, where British forces faced heavy resistance, but with the impact these events had on the lives of all concerned.

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    Innbundet · 2014


    The Prime Minister's Ironing Board and Other State Secrets

    The Prime Minister's Ironing Board and Other State Secrets

    Adam Macqueen

    Stored in Whitehall's archives are everything from blood-chilling warnings of imminent nuclear attack to comical details of daily life in the corridors of power. Concerned notes from ministers on the subject of the Heir to the Throne's potential brainwashing by Welsh terrorists are shelved alongside worries about housemaids 'on the wobble' at Chequers.Detailed and surprising plans for royal funerals sit beside reports on suspected spies in the showbiz world and bawdy poetry about the monkeys on the Rock of Gibraltar. And Mary Whitehouse's complaints about the sex education syllabus nestle next to thank-you notes from prisoner 13260/62, also known as Nelson Mandela.Adam Macqueen, author of the highly acclaimed bestseller Private Eye: The First 50 Years, has searched high and low to present us with some of the most unlikely revelations since the Official secrets act was inaugurated one hundred years ago. Not only about Mrs Thatcher's ironing board, but Ted Heath's car, Harold Macmillan's bedroom carpet, Imelda Marcos and her son Bong Bong's trip to Buckingham Palace and President Eisenhower's particular problem with Winston Churchill's trousers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    JFK: Volume one : 1917-1956

    Fredrik Logevall

    The definitive biography of John F. Kennedy, from Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Fredrik Logevall. This is the untold story of how the rise of President Kennedy and the rise of the United States mirror one another - from 1917, when Kennedy was born, to 1963, when he died and the US was at the peak of its power. Full of new material from sources including a huge number of Oval Office tapes, a large volume of interviews with Jackie Kennedy, and never-before-seen CIA documents, Harvard professor Logevall focuses on international relations more so than any other biographer of this misunderstood figure. For example, he uncovers detailed material not only on President Kennedy's father as ambassador to Britain but also on his rapidly-established relationship with Harold Macmillan, and on his and Jackie's relationships with individuals in the United Kingdom. Peerlessly authoritative, this is a biography for the ages.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1953-1965

    Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1953-1965

    Wilfried (EDT) Loth

    This title examines the role of the Europeans in the Cold War during the 'Khrushchev Era'. It was a period marked by the struggle for a regulated co-existence in a world of blocs, an initial arrangement to find a temporary arrangement failed due to German desires to quickly overcome the status quo. It was only when the danger of an unintended nuclear war was demonstrated through the crises over Berlin and Cuba that a tacit arrangement became possible, which was based on a system dominated by a nuclear arms race. The book provides useful information on the role of Konrad Adenauer and the beginnings of the German 'new Eastern policy', as well as examining the Western European power policy in the era of Harold Macmillan and Charles de Gaulle.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003



    Secrets and Lies

    Secrets and Lies

    Christine Keeler

    Christine Keeler s name is as synonymous with the sixties sexual revolution as the Pill. Having found fame and success as a model the portrait of her naked astride a chair is iconic her short affair with the Minister for War, John Profumo, led to his downfall and the end of Harold Macmillan s Conservative government, and was at the heart of the social and political earthquake that followed. She became the subject of scandal, intrigue, and gossip, and was tried for perjury and briefly jailed following the death of Stephen Ward, the socialite who had introduced her to Profumo. Now that those directly involved are no longer alive, Christine is finally able to tell the full story of that extraordinary time. "Secrets and Lies" charts the life s journey of a woman whom history has refused to let go, who can never escape being Christine Keeler. She remains a headline and will do so forever. It is the fascinating and shocking account of her enormous personal sacrifice, her unstinting resolve, and her triumphant survival, set against a backdrop of political turmoil and Cold War espionage. The story that Christine Keeler has been brave enough to tell will shatter many preconceptions, and has the power to rewrite history."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    More Dashing

    More Dashing

    Patrick Leigh Fermor

    The second volume of exuberant, lively letters from legendary travel writer Patrick Leigh FermorThe first collection of letters from Patrick Leigh Fermor, Dashing for the Post, delighted critics and public alike. This second volume, More Dashing, presents a further selection of letters that exude a zest for life and adventure characteristic of the man known to all as `Paddy'. Paddy's exuberant letters contain glimpses of the great and the good: a chance conversation with the Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden, when Paddy opens the wrong door, or a glass of ouzo under the pine trees with Harold Macmillan. They describe encounters with such varied figures as Jackie Onassis, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Oswald Mosley and Peter Mandelson, while also relating adventures with the humble: a `pick-nick' with the stonemasons at Kardamyli, or a drunken celebration in the Cretan mountains with his old comrades from the Resistance, most of them simple shepherds and goatherds. Paddy was at ease in any company - unfailingly charming, boyish, gentle and fun. Patrick Leigh Fermor has long been recognised as one of the greatest travel writers of his time. Nowhere is his restless curiosity and delight in language more dazzlingly displayed than in his letters, skilfully edited in this collection by Adam Sisman.

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    Innbundet · 2018


    Survivors of a Kind

    Survivors of a Kind

    Brian Bond

    This original book shows that many memoirs of the Western Front are not only literary masterpieces but are also of great value to historians. Brian Bon examines a range of works in this neglected genre which demonstrate the remarkable variety of combat experiences and post-war reflections, ranging from poets like Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon and Edmund Blunden striving to overcome traumas; to warriors or `Fire Eaters' like Lord Reith and Alf Pollard who enjoyed the war; and two exceptionally brave Old Etonians, Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan whose military distinction proved to be an asset in their political careers. He goes on to explore the view from the ranks (Frederic Manning and Frank Richards); the grandeur and misery of service in the Guards; the highly irregular career of a senior office (Brigadier-General F.P. Crozier) and the sharply contrasting war in the air as recorded by two distinguishing pilots.All these men were survivors of a kind, profoundly affected by their experience of combat; damaged physically or psychologically, and haunted by memories of destruction, suffering and lost friends. Yet the majority remained enthralled by the spirit of comradeship which could not be replicated in civil war.Most of the writers featured were discussed in the authors MA Special Subject class in the Department of War Studies at King's College London. His hope is that this may provide a stimulus for similar courses at other universities. This accords with his belief that 1st World War memoirs are a seriously neglected source whose contents are much more varied and interesting than the stereotype of `anti war' literature suggests.This book puts the war in the trenches and those who wrote about it into a fresh perspective and will stimulate readers to explore for themselves these eloquent and deeply moving classics of literature."In this collection of essays Brian Bond brings a lifetime's study of the Western Front to the analysis of some of the best-known memoirs of the campaign. Literary and military historians alike will find the result of great value for their own studies, while for the general reader it should help destroy many long-standing myths, It is a worthy climax to a long and distinguished career". Professor Sir Michael Howard.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    The Reinvention of Britain 1960-2016

    The Reinvention of Britain 1960-2016

    Scott Newton

    The Reinvention of Britain 1960-2016 explores the transformation of contemporary Britain, tracing its evolution from the welfare state of the post-1945 era to social democracy in the 1960s and 1970s and the liberal market society of 1979 onwards. Focusing primarily on political and economic change, it aims to identify which elements of State policy led to the crucial strategy changes that shaped British history over the past six decades.This book argues that since 1960 there have been two reinventions of the political economy of the United Kingdom: a social-democratic shift initiated by the Conservative government of Harold Macmillan and developed by Labour under Harold Wilson, and a subsequent change of direction towards a free market model attempted by the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher. Structured around these two key policy reinventions of the late twentieth century, chapters are organized chronologically, from the development of social democracy in the early 1960s to the coalition government of the early 2010s, the Conservative election win that followed and the `Brexit' referendum of 2016.Providing a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the political and economic history of this period, The Reinvention of Britain 1960-2016 is essential reading for all students of contemporary British history.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


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