Handbook of mechanical engineering: 2. utgave
<p>This resource covers all areas of interest for the practicing engineer as well as for the student at various levels and educational institutions. It features the work of authors from all over th...
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The Reluctant Fundamentalist
The Reluctant Fundamentalist is Mohsin Hamid's thrillingly provocative international bestseller, available as a Penguin Essential for the first time. Shortlisted for the Man Booker prize in 2007Now a major film directed by Mira Nair and starring Kate Hudson and Kiefer Sutherland'Excuse me, sir, but may I be of assistance? Ah, I see I have alarmed you. Do not be frightened by my beard. I am a lover of America . . . 'So speaks the mysterious stranger at a Lahore cafe as dusk settles. Invited to join him for tea, you learn his name and what led this speaker of immaculate English to seek you out. For he is more worldy than you might expect; better travelled and better educated. He knows the West better than you do. And as he tells you his story, of how he embraced the Western dream -- and a Western woman -- and how both betrayed him, so the night darkens. Then the true reason for your meeting becomes abundantly clear . . .Challenging, mysterious and thrillingly tense, Mohsin Hamid's masterly The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a vital read teeming with questions and ideas about some of the most pressing issues of today's globalised, fractured world.'Masterful . . . A multi-layered and thoroughly gripping book, which works as a poignant love story, a powerful dissection of how US imperialist machinations have turned so many people against the world's superpower - and as a thriller that subtly ratchets up the nerve-jangling tension towards an explosive ending' Metro'Beautifully written . . . more exciting than any thriller I've read for a long time' Philip Pullman'A brilliant book' Kiran Desai'Admirably spare and amazingly exciting' Rachel Cooke, New StatesmanMohsin Hamid is the author of The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Moth Smoke and How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia. His fiction has been translated into over 30 languages, received numerous awards, and been shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. He has contributed essays and short stories to publications such as the Guardian, The New York Times, Financial Times, Granta, and Paris Review. Born and mostly raised in Lahore, he spent part of his childhood in California, studied at Princeton University and Harvard Law School, and has since lived between Lahore, London, and New York.
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Exit west
An extraordinary story of love and hope from the bestselling, Man Booker-shortlisted author of The Reluctant Fundamentalist. This is Nadia. She is fiercely independent with an excellent sense of humour and a love of smoking alone on her balcony late at night. This is Saeed. He is sweet and shy and kind to strangers. He also has a balcony but he uses his for star-gazing. This is their story: a love story, but also a story about how we live now and how we might live tomorrow. Saeed and Nadia are falling in love, and their city is falling apart. Here is a world in crisis and two human beings travelling through it. Exit West is a heartfelt and radical act of hope - a novel to restore your faith in humanity and in the power of imagination.
4.0 av 5
Slik blir du styrtrik i Asia!
Helten i fortellingen kunne ha vært hvem som helst av oss, et menneske som sulter etter et annet liv. Og skjebnen som venter ham kunne fort ha blitt vår egen ... I denne etterlengtede oppfølgeren til bestselgeren hans, Den motvillige fundamentalist, befester Mohsin Hamed sin posisjon som en radikalt oppfinnsom forteller med en finger på verdens puls. En oppslukende fortelling om en manns reise fra utarmet bondegutt til nærlingslivsmagnat låner sin form fra forretnings-selvhjelpsbøkene som blir slukt av unge mennesker over hele "det fremvoksende Asia". Den følger sin navnløse helt til den vidstrakte metropolen der han begynner å bygge opp et imperium basert på en flytende og stadig knappere ressurs: vann. Likevel lengter han i sitt hjerte etter noe annet, en vakker jente hvis stjerne stiger i takt med hans egen, mens sporene deres krysses igjen og igjen i et kjærlighetsforhold som skiftevis antennes og slukkes av de samme kreftene som former deres slingrende skjebner. "Rått og godt om kynisme og korrupsjon i Asia" TERNING 5, Bjarne Tveiten, Fædrelandsvennen "Det er en velskrevet og bilderik liten roman, dette, som fyller sine 169 sider med stil." Leif Ekle, NRK P2 "Fantastisk og rørende." TIME Magazine "En lystig bitende satire om entreprenørvirksomhet og globaliseringens ustoppelige kraft ... Vil bli stående som en av årets fremragende romaner." Guardian
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Elva er et annet sted: bilder fra tømmerfløting på Glomma
I 1985 var Hans Hamid Rasmussen en ung tømmerfløter med fotoapparat rundt halsen. Elva var både natur og industri, metafor og infrastruktur, en scene for små og store begivenheter som dette året utspilte seg for siste gang. Elva er et annet sted er en bildefortelling fra de siste årene med tømmerfløting på Glomma. Med utgangspunkt i et unikt bildemateriale har Rasmussen komponert en historie som bearbeider og dramatiserer minner fra arbeidet som fløter. Fotografiene er annotert av Rasmussen og akkompagneres av Per Pettersons erindringer fra et fløteskue ved Bingsfossen i 1960. Elva er et annet sted er den første boka i serien Verdenskunst - hverdagskunst, som utgis av Torpedo Press i samarbeid med Guttormsgaards arkiv og redigeres av Ellef Prestsæter. Navnet på serien er inspirert av den danske kunstformidleren og bokkunstneren Rudolf Broby-Johansens bok Hverdagskunst - verdenskunst fra 1942. Ifølge Broby var verdenskunst og hverdagskunst to sider av samme sak, og kunst var noe alle kunne tilegne seg gjennom å se og lese. Den demokratiske sprengkraften i prosjektet til Broby lå først og fremst i ideen om «hverdagskunst». Ordet «verdenskunst» forbandt han fortsatt med den vestlige kulturens ypperste frambringelser. Ved å snu om på rekkefølgen i Brobys formel, markerer bokserien Verdenskunst - hverdagskunst en ny orientering: Hvordan kan en reell og inkluderende verdenskunst arte seg i dag?
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Norsk Bokmål
Den motvillige fundamentalist
Ved et kafébord i Lahore blir en utilpass amerikaner tilsnakket av en pakistansk mann med fullskjegg, som insisterer på å fortelle sin personlige historie. Og mens skumringen bringer de to mennene inn i natten tar fortellingen som fører fram til dette avgjørende møtet form. Det handler om et ganske vanlig liv. Om Changez, en ung pakistansk mann som utdanner seg i USA, og som lever livet sitt der som ung voksen. Han føler seg mer eller mindre helt som amerikaner. Han forelsker seg i en amerikansk jente, jobber i et amerikansk firma, liker det amerikaniserte livet sitt. Så treffer de to flyene tvillingtårnene, og livet hans blir brått et helt annet.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The Arab Spring : The End of Postcolonialism
In this landmark book, Hamid Dabashi argues that the revolutionary uprisings from Morocco to Iran and from Syria to Yemen were driven by a 'delayed defiance' - a point of rebellion against domestic tyranny and globalized disempowerment alike - that signifies no less than the end of Postcolonialism.
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Norsk Bokmål
Iranian cinema : a political history
Recent, post-revolutionary Iranian cinema has of course gained the attention of international audiences who have been struck by its powerful, poetic and often explicitly political explorations. Yet mainstream, pre-revolutionary Iranian cinema, with a history stretching back to the early twentieth century, has been perceived in the main as lacking in artistic merit and, crucially, as apolitical in content. This highly readable history of Iran as revealed through the full breadth of its cinema re-reads the films themselves to tell the full story of shifting political, economic and social situations. Sadr argues that embedded within even the seemingly least noteworthy of mainstream Iranian films, we find themes and characterisations which reveal the political contexts of their time and which express the ideological underpinnings of a society. Beginning with the introduction of cinema to Iran through the Iranian monarchy, the book covers the broad spectrum of Iran's cinema, offering vivid descriptions of all key films."Iranian Cinema" looks at recurring themes and tropes, such as the rural versus the 'corrupt' city and, recently, the preponderance of images of childhood, and asks what these have revealed about Iranian society. The author brings the story up to date explaining Iranian filmmaking after the events of September 11, from Mohsen Makhmalbaf's astonishing Kandahar to Saddiq Barmak's angry work Osama, to explore this most recent and breathtaking revival in Iranian cinema.
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Norsk Bokmål
Pravention Von Sexuellem Missbrauch
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Grin Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Managing the dynamics of new technology : issues in manufacturing management
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Afghānān pah Austirālīya ke
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Norsk Bokmål
I'dām mayit
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The Failure of Democracy in Iraq
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10 Minute ENT Consult
Covering the full-range of disorders, this book helps primary care physicians diagnose and treat ear, nose, and throat problems. Easy-to-read, concise, and uniquely symptom-based rather than disease-based, it guides the physician as to how to make a diagnosis, what other tests to order, how to decide on treatment, and what the warning signs are for referral to a specialist.
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Regional economic outlook
The past year has been one of strong economic performance for the Western Hemisphere, notwithstanding somewhat slower growth in the United States in recent quarters. Can this performance be sustained, and what challenges does the region face? Reviewing macroeconomic prospects and risks, this report pays particular attention to the influence of the external environment on Latin America, and addresses the question of whether Latin America has now succeeded in breaking with its history of periodic growth reversals.
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Constitutional Development in the Caribbean
The post-independence history of the Commonwealth Caribbean has witnessed continuous constitutional debate. The contrasting opinions of Eric Williams and Norman Manley as to whether or not the Commonwealth Caribbean constitutional foundations are imported or indigenous, respectively, lay the foundation as the philosophical starting point for the examination of the political dimensions of the constitutional controversies.In Constitutional Development in the Commonwealth Caribbean, Hamid Ghany delves into constitutional evolution in the Caribbean and demonstrates how political elites in the Caribbean have manipulated political processes to maintain their hold on power behind a facade of a desire for change. The retention of the Westminster-Whitehall model has resulted in lasting institutions that, to the detriment of the populace they serve, are resistant to change.Ghany deconstructs and examines the differences between the Westminster-Whitehall constitutions of the Commonwealth Caribbean and the original Westminster model in the United Kingdom and provides an understanding of the continuing inability to craft significant reforms.
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Freedom Hospital
It is spring 2012 and 40,000 people have died since the start of the Syrian Arab Spring. In the wake of this, Yasmine has set up a clandestine hospital in the north of the country. The town that she lives in is controlled by Assad's brutal regime, but is relatively stable. This story of Syria illuminates a complicated situation in detail.
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Environmental Challenges in the MENA Region
The region comprised of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is well known for its abundant natural resources and important geostrategic position. That image, however, is often overshadowed by ongoing sectarian violence and trans-boundary conflicts that threaten the stability of the entire region and dominate much of the global news cycle. Although the region's fragile environmental state has increasingly preoccupied policymakers in individual countries, there is as yet insufficient concerted effort to recognize and address problems relating to sustainability and climate change. And despite the urgency of these challenges, there are very limited academic resources, if any, dedicated to studying MENA's environmental future. Environmental Challenges in the MENA Region draws from the proceedings of a seminal international conference on the subject at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. The chapters in this book are predicated upon two critical premises: that expertise and awareness from a wide range of disciplines is required to understand and address environmental challenges; and that, to have a real chance of success, MENA countries need to confront these problems as common and shared threats. The interdisciplinary nature of this book mirrors the conclusion reached: that these nations must cooperate on all fronts in order to shape the future of their mutual environment.
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The Shahnameh
Hamid Dabashi insightfully traces the history, authorship, poetic significance, complicated legacy, and enduring significance of the Iranian epic poem the Shahnameh. In addition to explaining what makes it such a distinctive literary work, he makes a powerful case that we need to rethink the notion of "world literature" in light of the Shahnameh.
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Close up : Iranian cinema : past, present and future
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Norsk Bokmål
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