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      John Gillow (2)
      A. Gullo (2)
      Stefan Gillow Reynolds (2)
      Ruby Smith (1)
      Rolf Tamnes (1)
      Jacob Børresen (1)
      Jack Dixon (1)
      Insa. Gulzow (1)
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Viser resultat for 'Gullow Gjeseth'

    Norsk forsvarshistorie. Bd. 5

    Norsk forsvarshistorie. Bd. 5: allianseforsvar i endring : 1970-2000

    Jacob Børresen, Gullow Gjeseth, Rolf Tamnes

    Norsk forsvarshistorie er i fem bind og tar for seg historien om Norges forsvar fra vikingtiden og frem til år 2000. Verket tar sikte på å dekke alle viktige sider ved forsvarets historie, med særlig vekt på sivilmilitære forhold og den sentrale forsvarsledelsen. Hovedtemaet i bind 5 er om sikkerhetspolitikk og trusselen fra øst, strukturendringer i Forsvaret, deltakelse i internasjonale operasjoner og arbeidsdelingen mellom Forsvaret og politiet. Har oversikt over forkortelser, litteraturliste og register.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 349
    kr 349

    Hæren i omveltning

    Hæren i omveltning: 1990-2005

    Gullow Gjeseth

    Knapt noen gang siden den norske hæren ble født i 1628 har den gjennomgått så store endringer på så kort tid som i perioden fra 1990 til 2005. Slutten på den kalde krigen førte til en omfattende reduksjon av Hærens styrker og organisasjon. Boka tar utgangspunkt i den radikale endringen av Hærens oppdrag på 1990-tallet. Fra å stå for eksistensforsvaret av Norge ble Hæren etter hvert et redskap for løpende nasjonal og internasjonal politikk. Hæren i omveltning forteller om hvordan avstanden mellom oppgaver og ressurser, drift og investeringer stadig ble større i løpet av 1990-tallet, og førte til en omfattende omlegging fra begynnelsen av det nye årtusenet. Forfatteren følger historien frem til 2005 og tiden da den nye Hæren fikk internasjonale operasjoner og krisekontroll som sine hovedoppgaver. Gullow Gjeseth (f. 1937) er pensjonert generalmajor. Han har blant annet vært sjef for presse- og informasjonsavdelingen i Forsvarets overkommando, Landkommandør i Sør-Norge og direktør for Forsvarets høgskole. Han var redaktør for Norsk Militært Tidsskrift i perioden 1996–2007 og medforfatter i bind 5 av Norsk forsvarshistorie. Gjeseth er medlem av Svenska krigsvetenskapsakademien.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål


    Hovedtrekk ved sovjetisk strategi

    Hovedtrekk ved sovjetisk strategi

    Gullow Gjeseth

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1981

    Norsk Bokmål


    Landforsvarets krigsplaner under den kalde krigen

    Landforsvarets krigsplaner under den kalde krigen

    Gullow Gjeseth

    Landforsvarets krigsplaner under den kalde krigen beskriver hvordan landforsvarets krigsplaner ble utviklet fra 1940-tallet og frem til 1990. Landforsvaret Hæren og Heimevernet hadde en hovedrolle i invasjonsforsvaret, og det ble gjennomført et omfattende planleggingsarbeid for hvordan stående og mobiliserbare styrker skulle brukes. Forfatteren tar også for seg samarbeidet med Sjø- og Luftforsvaret, og i hvilken grad allierte forsterkninger var en forutsetning for et effektivt forsvar. Boken er i stor grad basert på kildemateriale som først nylig er blitt avgradert. Den bidrar dermed til å komplettere bildet av norsk forsvarshistorie. Både historie- og forsvarsinteresserte kan her få et mer detaljert bilde av hvordan landforsvaret hadde planlagt å møte et angrep. Gullow Gjeseth (f. 1937) er pensjonert generalmajor. Han har blant annet vært landkommandør i Sør-Norge og direktør for Forsvarets høgskole. Gjeseth var redaktør for Norsk Militært Tidsskrift i perioden 1996 2007. Han var medforfatter av Norsk forsvarshistorie, Bind 5 fra 2004, forfatter av Hæren i omveltning fra 2008 og medforfatter av Heimevernet og Hæren fra 2010. Gjeseth er medlem av Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademien i Stockholm. «Forfatteren har nedlagt et meget grundig og banebrytende arbeid for å belyse et felt som relativt få arbeidet med. Håper at flere kilder åpnes slik at det kan bli ytterligere belyst. Boken anbefales sterkt!» - Erik Ianke, Forsvarets forum «Et banebrytende arbeid. (...) Dette er en bok som burde engasjere langt flere enn gårsdagens - og morgendagens offiserer. Anbefales.» - Sven-Erik Grieg-Smith, Norges forsvar «Gjeseth har skrivit en välstrukturerad, väldokumenterad och balanserad bok om en viktig och mycket resurskrävade fråga under efterkrigstiden.» - Magnus Petersson, Historisk Tidsskrift

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Over Saltfjellet langs Telegrafruta

    Over Saltfjellet langs Telegrafruta

    Gullow Gjeseth

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 59
    kr 59

    The Wisdom of Love in the Song of Songs

    The Wisdom of Love in the Song of Songs

    Stefan Gillow Reynolds

    Dr Gillow Reynolds argues for a unique interpretation of this sensual and mysterious poem, long considered the most important book of the Hebrew Scriptures but nowadays relatively unknown, and sheds new light on, and insight into, one of the greatest love poems of all time.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Cyprian Und Novatian: Der Briefwechsel Zwischen Den Gemeinden in ROM Und Karthago Zur Zeit Der Verfolgung Des Kaisers Decius

    Cyprian Und Novatian: Der Briefwechsel Zwischen Den Gemeinden in ROM Und Karthago Zur Zeit Der Verfolgung Des Kaisers Decius

    Henneke Gulzow

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Mohr Siebeck) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1975



    Indian Textiles

    Indian Textiles

    John Gillow, Nicholas Barnard

    This comprehensive survey of textiles from every region of the Indian subcontinent runs the gamut of commercial, tribal and folk textiles. The authors first place them in cultural context by examining the history, materials and various techniques - weaving, dyeing, printing and painting. They then give a detailed region-by-region account of traditional textile production, including chapters on Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. A dazzling array of images provides an unsurpassed visual account of the textiles, while a detailed reference section with further reading, museums and information on technical terms completes this essential guide.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014


    Living with the Mind of Christ

    Living with the Mind of Christ

    Stefan Gillow Reynolds

    Through the teachings of Jesus, and Christian mystics such as St Augustine and Meister Eckhart, Stefan Gillow Reynolds demonstrates that the practice of Mindfulness leading to silent meditation, recommended by many therapists, is not a modern fad but has always had a place within contemplative Christianity.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016




    Arne Gullo

    Bildet er av boken som selges. Om gentlemandetektiven Erik Winge. En minneverdig tittel og omslagsillustrasjon! 169 sider. Originalomslag signert LW. Heftet. Utgitt av John Griegs forlag 1943.

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1943

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    African Textiles

    African Textiles

    John Gillow

    Now available in a compact paperback edition, this book remains the most comprehensive survey of African textiles on the market today, illustrating in over 570 spectacular colour photographs the traditional, handcrafted, indigenous textiles of the whole continent. Covering, region by region, the handmade textiles of West, North, East, Central and Southern Africa, African Textiles outlines the vast array of techniques used as well as the different types of loom, materials and dyes that help to create these sumptuous textiles. With a useful glossary and map, a guide to collections open to the public, and suggestions for further reading, this book provides a wealth of information on the rich art of African textiles.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Implicit Bias in Schools

    Implicit Bias in Schools

    USA) Gullo Gina Laura (Lehigh University, USA) Capatosto Kelly (Ohio State University, Cheryl Staats

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Innbundet · 2018


    Practice Dying

    Practice Dying

    Rachel Stolzman Gullo

    On the cusp of turning 30, Jamila has achieved the hard-earned ability to live her life as an I, not a we. But this elusive achievement is thrown off when she falls in love with Salam, an Indian pastry chef and writer, temporarily in New York City. Salam is the first person besides her twin, David, with whom she longs to be paired. Their romance is passionate but doomed, and Jamila's suicide attempt as the affair breaks apart calls David back to New York to ensure his sister's safety. David is going through his own personal and spiritual crisis while he helps Jamila. At the age of eight, David started down a path apart from anyone else he knew, the path of a devoted Buddhist, and eventually takes the vows of a bodhisattva. He miraculously gains access to the mentorship of the 14th Dalai Lama. In his late 20s, he wanders around the Himalayan plateau of Sichuan Province, Tibet, ignoring the instructions of his lifelong mentor to enter a monastery there. Instead, he obsessively follows a self-immolation survivor who he longs to connect with as desperately as his sister wishes to connect with Salam. The twins' reunion in New York coincides with a devastating trend of self-immolations in Tibet and the Dalai Lama's own conviction that he must alter Tibetan Buddhist tradition in an unthinkable way if the culture is to survive at all.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    The Acquisition of Intensifiers : A Comparative Analysis of English and German

    The Acquisition of Intensifiers : A Comparative Analysis of English and German

    Insa. Gulzow

    How do young children negotiate and comment on their participation in a given event? The study presented gives an insight into German and English children's use of intensifiers and related expressions at early stages of language development. The longitudinal production data of six German-speaking and six English-speaking children is examined with regard to when and in which contexts the intensifiers German selbst/selber and English x-self (myself, yourself, himself, etc.) appear. It is demonstrated that by integrating intensifiers into their utterances, children develop an important linguistic

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2006



    Children of the Welfare State

    Children of the Welfare State

    Laura Gilliam, Eva Gullov

    This original ethnographic study looks at how children are `civilised' within child institutions, such as schools, day care centres and families, under the auspices of the welfare state.As part of a general discussion on civilising projects and the role of state institutions, the authors focus on Denmark, a country characterised by the extent of time children use in public institutions from an early age. They look at the extraordinary amount of attention and effort put into the process of upbringing by the state, as well as the widespread co-operation in this by parents across the social spectrum.Taking as its point of departure the sociologist Norbert Elias' concept of civilising, Children of the Welfare State explores the ideals of civilised conduct expressed through institutional upbringing and examine how children of different age, gender, ethnicity and social backgrounds experience and react to these norms and efforts. The analysis demonstrates that welfare state institutions, though characterised by a strong egalitarian ideal, create distinctions between social groups, teach children about moral hierarchies in society and prompts them to identify as more or less civilised citizens of the state.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 89

    Innbundet · 2016

    kr 89

    Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine - A.P.I.C.E.

    Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine - A.P.I.C.E.

    A. Gullo

    This critical care medicine book substantially differs from others due to the range of peculiarities that characterize it. Since it deals with acute patients in critical conditions, this is, as it were, a 'borderline'book,in the sense that it is intended for those, who, in their activity, need a continuous and in-depth interdisciplinary approach to optimize the quality of the treatments offered to critically-ill patients. This book helps to have a better understanding of the current limits of human intervention and aims at supplying updated guidelines; in particular, it is intended for those who, although having to guarantee continuity and top-quality therapies, must decide when and why the collaboration with and intervention by experts is necessary.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1995



    Apice 1996

    Apice 1996

    A. Gullo

    This volume on anaesthesiology reviews pathophysiological concepts, with emphasis on the cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and neurologic systems. Reference is made to the pharmacologic and biotechnologic strategies being used to support vital functions that are affected by severe diseases. The topics of infection, sepsis and SIRS are considered and updated, and particular focus is placed on ethics.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1996



    Design for Safety

    Design for Safety

    Louis J. Gullo, Jack Dixon

    A one-stop reference guide to design for safety principles and applications Design for Safety (DfSa) provides design engineers and engineering managers with a range of tools and techniques for incorporating safety into the design process for complex systems. It explains how to design for maximum safe conditions and minimum risk of accidents. The book covers safety design practices, which will result in improved safety, fewer accidents, and substantial savings in life cycle costs for producers and users. Readers who apply DfSa principles can expect to have a dramatic improvement in the ability to compete in global markets. They will also find a wealth of design practices not covered in typical engineering books--allowing them to think outside the box when developing safety requirements. Design Safety is already a high demand field due to its importance to system design and will be even more vital for engineers in multiple design disciplines as more systems become increasingly complex and liabilities increase. Therefore, risk mitigation methods to design systems with safety features are becoming more important. Designing systems for safety has been a high priority for many safety-critical systems--especially in the aerospace and military industries. However, with the expansion of technological innovations into other market places, industries that had not previously considered safety design requirements are now using the technology in applications. Design for Safety Covers trending topics and the latest technologiesProvides ten paradigms for managing and designing systems for safety and uses them as guiding themes throughout the bookLogically defines the parameters and concepts, sets the safety program and requirements, covers basic methodologies, investigates lessons from history, and addresses specialty topics within the topic of Design for Safety (DfSa)Supplements other books in the series on Quality and Reliability Engineering Design for Safety is an ideal book for new and experienced engineers and managers who are involved with design, testing, and maintenance of safety critical applications. It is also helpful for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in engineering. Design for Safety is the second in a series of "Design for" books. Design for Reliability was the first in the series with more planned for the future.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018




    Ruby Smith

    Gallow is a country facing tumultuous change, and nowhere is that more apparent than in its capital, Cerrano. A city made of immigrants and inventors, coming to the heart of the old world to rebuild it anew. Those without magic are beginning to question their low status in society.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Olympiske vinterleker 1924-1994

    Olympiske vinterleker 1924-1994: høydepunkter, resultater og medaljevinnere

    Inge Bergeland

    Boken har oversikt over arrangørsteder, resultater etter øvelser, som viser hvem som vant hva, kort omtale av norske OL-medaljevinneres meritter utenom OL, nasjonsvis fordeling av medaljene og medaljevinnere med minst to gullog to sølvmedaljer.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 129
    kr 129

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