NINJAGOTM verden er i alvorlig fare! Mester Wu velger ut fire fryktløse ninjaer i kampen mot Den onde Lord Garmadon; Kai, Jay, Cole og Zane. Zane er isens mester, han elsker å lære, men er ikke så flink til å more seg. Lær om ninjaenes verden og løs utfordrende oppgaver.
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Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu: Spøkelseshistorier
Lego bok
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NINJAGO Slanger i gresset
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Krokodiller mot verden
I tusen år levde stammene i Chima sammen i fred. De lekte sammen, de arbeidet sammen. Alle var venner. Helt til striden om CHI brøt ut ... Les den spennende historien om Chimas legender. I denne boken møter vi krokodillene.
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Norsk Bokmål
Fryktens gård
Ninjaene snudde seg og så gjørmen i grisebingen bevege seg. Plutselig spratt tre venomarier opp og hveste hissig mot Jay og de andre ... Klarer de modige ninjaene å beskytte Ninjago mot den nye faren som truer? Boken er tilpasset nivået Leser alene. Den inneholder spennende historier som kan leses på egenhånd, og en quiz som oppsummerer og sjekker om leseren har forstått innholdet i historien.
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Norsk Bokmål
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Norsk Bokmål
NINJAGO? verden er i alvorlig fare! Mester Wu velger ut fire fryktløse ninjaer i kampen mot Den onde Lord Garmadon; Kai, Jay, Cole og Zane. Kai er Ildens mester, han er utålmodig og blir fort sint. Lær om ninjaenes verden og løs utfordrende oppgaver.
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Norsk Bokmål
Ørner mot ulver
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Løver mot krokodiller
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Join Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the crew in this jam-packed guide. It includes top-secret information about each hero and villain, from their favourite weapons to their coolest vehicles. complete with a wow-factor wall poster!
0.0 av 5
Lego Chima: Sammen for chima
Lego Chima bok. Veldig fin bok for barn som elsker lego
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Lego Ninjago: Dark Island Trilogy Part 2
After the events of Skybound , a new darkness threatens the Ninjago universe. While on a mission to find Misako and Ronin, a monstrous storm trashes the Destiny's Bounty , scattering the ninja across the sinister Dark Island. Each must try to survive against impossible odds as they search for their friends before it's too late. As Wu and the ninja journey across Dark Island, they'll be faced with new and old threats alike. Will their Spinjitzu and mastery over the elements be enough to stop the end of the world? Includes an exclusive EPISODE GUIDE and WU'S JOURNAL-the Master's secret thoughts on the ninja, their enemies, and more. Join your favorite heroes as they go up against a threat that could destroy the Ninjago world as we know it This brand new adventure is the second part in an epic trilogy. This middle grade graphic novel is not to be missed LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configuration, NINJAGO, the NINJAGO logo and the Minifigure are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. (c)2016 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
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Gorillaer mot ravner
I tusen år levde stammene i Chima sammen i fred. De lekte sammen, de arbeidet sammen. Alle var venner. Helt til striden om CHI brøt ut ... Les den spennende historien om Chimas legender. I denne boken møter vi gorillaene og ravnene.
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Norsk Bokmål
Ingenting i mørket
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
NINJAGO? verden er i alvorlig fare! Mester Wu velger ut fire fryktløse ninjaer i kampen mot den onde Lord Garmadon; Kai, Jay, Cole og Zane. Jay er Lynninjaen som også lager mat, bygger modeller og lager stadig nye oppfinnelser. Lær om ninjaenes verden og løs utfordrende oppgaver.
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Norsk Bokmål
Elementenes mestere: Ninjago
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Bionicle : klistremerkesamling
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Norsk Bokmål
Vinnende verdiforslag: hvordan skape produkter og tjenester som kundene vil ha : kom i gang med
4.4 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Sales force management : Leafership, innovation, technology
<p>In this 13th edition of <i>Sales Force Management</i>, Mark Johnston and Greg Marshall continue to build on the book’s reputation as a contemporary classic, fully updated for modern sales management teaching, research, and practice. The authors have strengthened the focus on the use of technology in sales management, offered new discussions on innovative sales practices, and further highlighted sales and marketing integration. </p> <p>By identifying recent trends and applications, <i>Sales Force Management </i>combines real-world sales management best practices with cutting-edge theory and empirical research in a single, authoritative source. Pedagogical features include:</p> <ul><li><p> </p></li><li>Engaging breakout questions designed to spark lively discussion</li><li><p> <p> </p></li><li>Leadership Challenge assignments and Minicases at the end of every chapter are to help students understand and apply the principles they have learned in the classroom</li><li><p> <p> </p></li><li>Leadership, Innovation, and Technology boxes that simulate real-world challenges faced by salespeople and their managers</li><li><p> <p> </p></li><li>Ethical Moment boxes in each chapter put students on the firing line of making ethical choices in sales</li><li><p> <p> </p></li><li>Role-Play exercises at the end of each chapter, designed to enable students to learn by doing</li><li><p> <p> </p></li><li>A comprehensive selection of updated and revised longer sales management case studies, in the book and on the companion website.</li><li><p></li></ul> <p>This fully updated new edition offers a thorough and integrated overview of accumulated theory and research relevant to sales management, translated clearly into practical applications – a hallmark of <i>Sales Force Management </i>over the years. It is an invaluable resource for students of sales management at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.</p> <p>The companion website features an instructor’s manual, PowerPoints, case studies, and other tools to provide additional support for students and instructors.</p>
5.0 av 5
Halvt hund, halvt menneske og hundre prosent helt. Thomas og Harald har skapt nok en helt Hundemannen. Politihunden Greg og hundeføreren hans blir livstruende skadet, og operasjonen som følger, skal endre historien for all fremtid. Men noen dager våkner villdyret samtidig som plikten kaller Gå ikke glipp av den fantastiske nye serien til Dav Pilkey! «Ustyrtelig morsom og original!» School Library Journal
4.9 av 5
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