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4.2 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
A historical novel and love story set during a time of catastrophe on the front lines of the American civil war. It tells the story of John March, known to us as the father away from his family of girls in Little Women, Louisa May Alcott's classic American novel. In Brooks' telling, March emerges as an abolitionist and idealistic chaplain on the front lines of a war that tests his faith in himself and in the Union cause when he learns that his side, too, is capable of barbarism and racism. As he recovers from a near-fatal illness in a Washington hospital, he must reassemble the shards of his shattered mind and body, and find a way to reconnect with a wife and daughters who have no idea of the ordeals he has been through. As Alcott drew on her real-life sisters in shaping the characters of her little women, so Brooks turned to the journals and letters of Bronson Alcott, Louisa May's father, an idealistic educator, animal rights exponent and abolitionist who was a friend and confidante of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.The story spans the vibrant intellectual world of Concord and the sensuous antebellum South, through to the first year of the Civil War as the North reels under a series of unexpected defeats.
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The Secret Chord
An action-packed, violent and surprising novel about the life of a real historical figure, from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of People of the Book and March.
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Hest: roman
Et kassert maleri i en skrothaug, et skjelett på et loft og den fremste veddeløpshesten i USAs historie: Av disse trådene fletter Geraldine Brooks en storslått beretning om mot, besettelse og urettferdighet i amerikanske historie. Kentucky, 1850. En slavegutt og et brunt føll knytter et vennskapsbånd; en legende skapes, hesten setter rekorder og innkassere seire over hele det sørlige USA. En omflakkende kunstmaler skaper seg et navn med bilder av den samme veddeløpshesten. Han deltar på nordstatene side da borgerkrigen bryter ut i landet. En farefull natt møter han igjen hingsten og hestepasseren, milevis unna veddeløpsbanens glans. New York City, 1954. En gallerieier som er kjent for å satse på provoserende samtidskunstnere, blir besatt av et hestemaleri fra 1800-tallet med en gåtefull opprinnelse. Washington D.C., 2019. En australsk forsker ved Smithsonian Institution og en nigeriansk-amerikansk kunsthistoriker har en felles interesse for denne hesten - den ene studerer hingstens skjelett for å forstå hvorfor den var så sterk og utholdende, den andre avdekker den tapte historien om den glemte svarte hestearbeideren som hesten ikke kunne ha gjort suksess uten. «Hest» er inspirert av den helt spesielle sanne historien om fullblodshesten Lexington, som ble USAs fremste avlshingst. Det er en historie om kunst og vitenskap, kjærlighet og besettelse, og USAs manglende oppgjør med rasismen.
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Norsk Bokmål
Year of wonders: a novel of the plague
Den søvnige landsbyen Eyam er først og fremst kjent for sin blyutvinning. Den skal snart bli kjent for noe langt dystrere: Pesten. Romanen tar utgangspunkt i historiske hendelser som følge av pesten i 1666. Anna, tobarnsmor, enke og hushjelp på prestegården, skal snart få flere roller å fylle. Hun blir jordmor, sykepleier, dyrker urter og bistår presten og prestekona i sine bestrebelser på å bekjempe sykdommen. Men her er det mer å kjempe mot, ettersom prest Montpellions beslutning om å isolere landsbyen fra omverdenen slipper djevelen løs i folk. Grusomhet og barmhjertighet avløser hverandre i et skrekkens år, der alle mister noen av sine kjære. Men om tragedien rammer hardt og landsbyens befolkning halveres, åpner pesten også for muligheter som ellers ville vært utenkelig. Romanen er som en klassisk tragedie, der personers skjebne fullbyrdes i henhold til deres karakter, med middelalderske dyder og laster stilt opp mot hverandre. Resultatet er blitt en moderne roman om menneskelige relasjoner.
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Caleb's crossing
The new novel from Pulitzer Prize-winner Geraldine Brooks, author of the Richard and Judy bestseller `March', Sunday Times bestseller `Year of Wonders' and `People of the Book'.Martha's Vineyard, 1650s: Bethia Mayfield is a young girl growing up in the tiny settlement of Great Harbor, amid a small band of pioneers and Puritans. Restless, bright and curious, but denied the education that her brothers receive, she slips away as often as she can to explore the island's wild landscapes and observe its native Wampanoag inhabitants. At the age of twelve, she encounters Caleb, the young son of a chieftain, and the children form a secret friendship that gradually draws each into the alien world of the other.Meanwhile, Bethia's minister father is trying to convert the Wampanoag, awakening the wrath of the tribe's shaman against whose magic he must test his own beliefs. And when he takes it upon himself to educate Caleb, it will further divide the communities - within a year the boy is learning Latin and Greek, and leaves the island to study at Harvard. As Caleb makes the crossing into white culture, Bethia finds herself pulled in the opposite direction. Trapped by the narrow strictures of her faith and her gender, she seeks connections with Caleb's world that will challenge her beliefs and set her at odds with her community...
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People of the book
The new novel from the author of `March' and `Year of Wonders' takes place in the aftermath of the Bosnian War, as a young book conservator arrives in Sarajevo to restore a lost treasure. When Hannah Heath gets a call in the middle of the night in her Sydney home about a precious medieval manuscript which has been recovered from the smouldering ruins of wartorn Sarajevo, she knows she is on the brink of the experience of a lifetime. A renowned book conservator, she must now make her way to Bosnia to start work on restoring The Sarajevo Haggadah, a Jewish prayer book - to discover its secrets and piece together the story of its miraculous survival. But the trip will also set in motion a series of events that threaten to rock Hannah's orderly life, including her encounter with Ozren Karamen, the young librarian who risked his life to save the book. As meticulously researched as all of Brooks's previous work, `People of the Book' is a gripping and moving novel about war, art, love and survival.
5.0 av 5
Undrenes år
Den søvninge landsbyen Eyam er først og fremst kjent for sin blyutvinning. Den skal snart bli kjent for noe langt dystrere: Pesten. Den søvnige landsbyen Eyam er først og fremst kjent for sin blyutvinning. Den skal snart bli kjent for noe langt dystrere: Pesten. Undrenes år tar utgangspunkt i historiske hendelser som følge av pesten i 1666. Anna, tobarnsmor, enke og hushjelp på prestegården, skal snart få flere roller å fylle. Hun blir jordmor, sykepleier, dyrker urter og bistår presten og prestekona i sine bestrebelser på å bekjempe sykdommen. Men her er det mer å kjempe mot, ettersom prest Montpellions beslutning om å isolere landsbyen fra omverdenen slipper djevelen løs i folk. Grusomhet og barmhjertighet avløser hverandre i et skrekkens år, der alle mister noen av sine kjære. Men om tragedien rammer hardt og landsbyens befolkning halveres, åpner pesten også for muligheter som ellers ville vært utenkelige. Romanen er som en klassisk tragedie, der personers skjebne fullbyrdes i henhold til deres karakter, med middelalderske dyder og laster stilt opp mot hverandre. Resultatet er blitt en moderne roman om menneskelige relasjoner
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Norsk Bokmål
Islams døtre: om muslimske kvinners skjulte verden
Med tradisjonell klesdrakt får Brooks, en utsendt reporter i Midtøsten, en inngangsbillett til hverdagsliv og til miljøer som vanligvis er stengt for vestlige journalister. Brooks går til historien, Koranen og skildringer av profeten Muhammads liv for å finne bakgrunnen for muslimenes holdninger til bl.a. ekteskap, utroskap, omskjæring, hellig krig, klesdrakt og utdannelse. Men først og fremst lar hun kvinnene komme til orde, og skaper dermed et utfordrende bilde av en mangfoldig og kompleks kultur. Har ordliste og bibliografi.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Railwayman's Wife
'So poised and beautiful ... She can't write a bad sentence' Guardian'Melancholic, but in the best possible way' Lady'Exquisitely written and deeply felt ... a true book of wonders' Geraldine Brooks 'A lovely, absorbing, and uplifting read.' M.L. Stedman'overflows with gratitude for the hard, beautiful things of this world' Helen GarnerIn 1948 in a small town on the land's edge, in the strange space at a war's end, a widow, a poet and a doctor each try to find their own peace, and their own new story.Anikka Lachlan has all she ever wanted--until a random act transforms her into another post-war widow, destined to raise her daughter on her own. Awash in grief, she looks for answers in the pages of her favourite books and tries to learn the most difficult lesson of all: how to go on living.A local poet, Roy McKinnon, who found poetry in the mess of war, has lost his words and his hope. His childhood friend Dr. Frank Draper also seeks to reclaim his pre-war life but is haunted by his failure to help those who needed him most--the survivors of the Nazi concentration camps.Then one day, on the mantle of her sitting room, Ani finds a poem. She knows neither where it came from, nor who its author is. But she has her suspicions. An unexpected and poignant love triangle emerges, between Ani, the poem, and the poet--whoever he may be.Written in clear, shining prose, The Railwayman's Wife explores the power of beginnings and endings - and how difficult it can be to tell them apart. It is an exploration of life, tragedy, and joy, of connection and separation, longing and acceptance, and an unadulterated celebration of love.
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A Stranger Here Below
<b>For fans of C.J. Box's Joe Pickett series, a fabulous historical mystery series set in early America.</b><br><br>"Deeply imagined and intricately plotted, <i>A Stranger Here Below</i> marries richly textured historical fiction with the urgency of a mystery novel. Fergus knows certain things, deep in the bone: horses, hunting, the folkways of rural places, and he weaves this wisdom into a stirring tale." - Geraldine Brooks, author of <i>March</i> and <i>People of the Book</i><br><br>Set in 1835 in the Pennsylvania town of Adamant, Fergus's first novel in a new mystery series introduces Sheriff Gideon Stoltz, who, as a young deputy, is thrust into his position by the death of the previous sheriff. Gideon faces his first real challenge as death rocks the small town again when the respected judge Hiram Biddle commits suicide. No one is more distraught than Gideon, whom the old judge had befriended as a mentor and hunting partner. Gideon is regarded with suspicion as an outsider: he's new to town, and Pennsylvania Dutch in the back-country Scotch-Irish settlement. And he found the judge's body.<br><br>Making things even tougher is the way the judge's death stirs up vivid memories of Gideon's mother's murder, the trauma that drove him west from his home in the settled Dutch country of eastern Pennsylvania. He had also discovered her body.<br><br>At first Gideon simply wants to learn why Judge Biddle killed himself. But as he finds out more about the judge's past, he realizes that his friend's suicide was spurred by much more than the man's despair. Gideon's quest soon becomes more complex as it takes him down a dangerous path into the past.<br><br>A Stranger Here Below is so atmospheric, so compelling and convincing, that readers will taste the grit of the dirt roads, cringe at the unsanitary conditions and medical superstitions that inflame a flu epidemic, and marvel at the immensely arduous task of carrying out an investigation using the primitive tools of the early 1800s. Fergus leaves us breathlessly waiting for the next Gideon Stoltz mystery.
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<DIV>An intellectual and emotional jigsaw puzzle of a novel for readers ofA. S. Byatt's <I>Possession</I>and Geraldine Brooks's <I>The People of the Book</I></DIV>
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On the Same Page
"N. D. Galland has created a delectable romantic comedy set in her home town of Martha's Vineyard long after the summer crowds have departed. With a satirist's eye and a pitch-perfect ear for the social nuances of small-town life, it's Pride and Prejudice for the Bumble generation." - Geraldine Brooks, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of March and The Secret ChordFrom the critically acclaimed author of Stepdog and The Fool's Tale comes a romantic comedy that tells the story of one journalist secretly juggling two bylines for competing newspapers on a small island.One island, two newspapers, and the reporter who played them bothJoanna Howes is a Martha's Vineyard native who left the Island at eighteen and moved to New York City to become a writer. Now in her thirties, she reluctantly returns to care for her cranky, injured uncle. Needing income, she freelances for one island newspaper (the one Uncle Hank likes). But that doesn't cover her bills, so she creates an alter ego to write for the rival paper (the one Uncle Hank doesn't like). The Vineyard has a split personality - part elite summer resort, part working-class small town. The Island's two papers -the Journal and the Newes - are famously at odds with each other and reflect the seasonal schism in their reporting. Everybody's shoulder seems to have a chip on it.Joanna gets personally ensnared in a messy situation she's assigned to write about for both papers: a wealthy seasonal resident sues the town for the right to use his private helicopter. When Johanna agrees to a cup of coffee with the witty, handsome stranger she meets at a zoning board meeting, she has no idea she's made a date with Orion Smith, helicopter owner. Orion, meanwhile, doesn't realize Joanna is the niece of his political nemesis, Henry Holmes.Joanna scrambles to keep her disparate identities separate from each other in the tiny off-season community, but everything she does just gets her into deeper trouble...and further complicates her budding romance with the exasperating charmer she's doing her best not to fall for.A story about the half-truths we tell ourselves - and others - especially when our hearts are on the line."The most exciting story of skullduggery, intrigue and drama on Martha's Vineyard since the last time Alan Dershowitz was snubbed at a cocktail party."- Peter Sagal, Host of NPR's "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!" and author of The Incomplete Book of Running"[A] gem of a novel. . . . this rollicking rom-com unfolds on Martha's Vineyard, which has spun its own share of fables. Quick, somebody call Hollywood. This one is ready for the big screen."- Bob Drogin, author of Curveball: Spies, Lies and the Con Man Who Caused a War
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Kingdom of Olives and Ash
Published to coincide the with 50th anniversary of the Israel occupation of the West Bank, an anthology that explores the human cost of the conflict there as witnessed by such notable writers as Colum McCann, Colm Toibin, Dave Eggers, Madeleine Thien, Eimear McBride, Taiye Selasi and editors Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman.
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Sadness Is a White Bird
A 2018 National Jewish Book Award Finalist for Debut FictionIn this "nuanced, sharp, and beautifully written" (Michael Chabon) debut novel, a young man prepares to serve in the Israeli army while also trying to reconcile his close relationship to two Palestinian siblings with his deeply ingrained loyalties to family and country.The story begins in an Israeli military jail, where-four days after his nineteenth birthday-Jonathan stares up at the fluorescent lights of his cell and recalls the series of events that led him there. Two years earlier: Moving back to Israel after several years in Pennsylvania, Jonathan is ready to fight to preserve and defend the Jewish state. But he is also conflicted about the possibility of having to monitor the occupied Palestinian territories, a concern that grows deeper and more urgent when he meets Nimreen and Laith-the twin daughter and son of his mother's friend. From that morning on, the three become inseparable: wandering the streets on weekends, piling onto buses toward new discoveries, laughing uncontrollably. They share joints on the beach, trading snippets of poems, intimate secrets, family histories, resentments, and dreams. But with his draft date rapidly approaching, Jonathan wrestles with the question of what it means to be proud of your heritage, while also feeling love for those outside of your own family. And then that fateful day arrives, the one that lands Jonathan in prison and changes his relationship with the twins forever. "Unflinching in its honesty, unyielding in its moral complexity" (Geraldine Brooks, Pulitzer Prize-winning author), Sadness Is a White Bird explores one man's attempts to find a place for himself, discovering in the process a beautiful, against-the-odds love that flickers like a candle in the darkness of a never-ending conflict.
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5.0 av 5
The creative home: inspiring ideas for beautiful living
Let Geraldine James show you how to reinvent your home with new and exciting ways to make it uniquely yours. Whether you live in a bustling home where a family of different ages with varying tastes and interests needs to be accommodated, in a compact city pied a terre, or in a country or seaside retreat, you will find inspiration here for your ideal living space. The Creative Home brings together the best of Geraldine James's Creative series of books and shows how to apply these ideas in your own home. There are four chapters on different areas of the house - Cook and Eat features kitchens and dining areas, Relax and Socialize covers living rooms, Work and Create includes home offices and studios, and Sleep and Bathe, of course, shows bedrooms and bathrooms. A final chapter, Store and Display, shows how your home can be used to show off your treasures and store your collections. Each chapter features rooms of different styles - from sleek and minimal, to Aladdin's caves belonging to collectors of anything and everything, thrifty chic-style rooms furnished with second-hand buys, and renovated homes with no expense spared - as well as displays featuring designer items alongside inherited family heirlooms. However, the one thing every room has in common, whatever its style or purpose, is that it has been furnished and decorated with great attention to detail.
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Creative Display
Whether you have a single treasured objet d'art or a collection of nature finds gathered on a country walk, a family of framed photographs or a set of leatherbound books, a trio of glass candlesticks or an ever-growing pile of bone china plates, here you will find new and exciting ways to present them. In Creative Display, Geraldine James shows how you can create the perfect table setting from mismatched plates and cutlery trawled from a fleamarket, how the simplest set of shelves can be arranged to create a miniature still-life and how essential storage can become something beautiful in its own right. With a natural talent for seeking out the unusual, Geraldine introduces new ways to upcycle the everyday and recycle the reclaimed - a weathered barn door becomes a striking side table, a stack of magazines reinvents itself as a lamp table and a gently rusting metal radiator cover finds a new life as a display shelf for a treasured collected of seashells. In Geraldine's hands, the everyday item becomes a work of art and even the most mundane objects can be seen in a new light. In Creative Display you will find new and unusual ways to turn all your treasures into exciting art forms.
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Dora Incites the Sea-Scribbler to Lament
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Smith/Doorstop Books) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Fiction: Level 10 More Pack A: Noisy Neighbours
Mr Flinch hates noise. His neighbours in Noisy Neighbours, a mechanic and a music teacher, can't help making a racket. Mr Flinch plots to get rid of them...TreeTops Fiction contains a wide range of quality stories enabling children to explore and develop their own reading tastes and interests. It contains stories from a variety of genres including humour, sci-fi, adventure, mystery and historical fiction. These exciting stories are ideal for introducing children to a wide selection of authors and illustrators. There is huge variety to ensure every reader finds books they will enjoy and can read.Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with children's reading development also available at books are finely levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book.
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