Bot, bedring eller brød? Om bedømming og behandling av sosial nød fra reformasjonen til velferdsstaten
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Norsk Bokmål
Bot, bedring eller brød?: om bedømming og behandling av sosial nød fra reformasjonen til folketrygden
I vår sosialpolitiske historie finnes det et gjennomgående problem: Enhver offentlig ytelse som ikke går til alle, må beskyttes av ordninger som skiller dem som egentlig har rett til godene fra alle de andre. viktigste metodene som er blitt brukt til å finne fram til de "rette trengende" og til å unngå de mer tvilsomme brukere - fra reformasjonen til vår egn tid. Forfatteren beskriver hvordan disse spørsmålene over tid tilleggs ulik vekt og hvordan dette virker inn på forholdet mellom de nødstilte og det offentlige.
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Norsk Bokmål
Musikkpaviljongen: belgisk kolonisering i Guatemala 1842-1854
Det europeiske kappløpet om kolonier på 1800-tallet har mange sider, og ikke alle er like godt kjent. Fortsatt er det behov for nye fortellinger, og det er slikt pionerarbeid som presenteres i denne boka. Den viser også hvor fruktbart det er å veve den lille og konkrete historien i et beskjedent område, i dette tilfelle på kysten av Guatemala, sammen med den store historien om grådighet og rasistisk nedvurdering i global målestokk. Samtidig får vi enda et eksempel på hvordan storslåtte planer faller i grus når europeere tror at de har kunnskap om lokale forhold. Den fascinerende historien er dessuten fortalt i en form som gjør boka til en fryd å lese. Tore Linné Eriksen. Professor em., OsloMet-Storbyuniversitetet Musikkpaviljongen. Belgisk kolonisering i Guatemala 1842-1854 er ei bok skriven med stor forteljarglede om ein kort periode av Belgia si kolonihistorie. Forfattaren har førstehands kjennskap til så vel Belgia som Guatemala, og solid dokumentasjon set han i stand til å gi levande skildringar av dei som var med på prosjektet. Georges Midré presenterer ambisjonar og problem i samband med finansiering og etablering av den kortliva kolonien, i tillegg til røynsler i møtet med ulike etniske grupper. Motiva for å ta del i prosjektet varierte i høg grad, frå det å ville skapa utopisk-sosialistiske kollektiv via noko ein gjerne omtalar som «sivilisatoriske» hensikter og til ønsket om belgisk dominans i det utvalde området. Boka er spekka med avslørande opplysningar og gode analysar. Johannes Nymark. Førsteamanuensis, Norges Handelshøgskole.
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Norsk Bokmål
Bot, bedring eller brød? : om bedømming og behandling av sosial nød fra reformasjonen til velferdsstaten
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Norsk Bokmål
Å bli gammel -En sosiologisk beskrivelse av aldring i en utkantkommune
Innleggelse på aldersinstitusjon gir trygghet for eldre mennesker. Men de mister sin frihet og sin selvstendighet. For mange blir det en ekstra belastning- som kommer i tillegg til det fysiske og ofte også psykiske og økonomiske ressurstap det betyr å bli gammel, viser forfatteren av denne boken
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Norsk Bokmål
Bot, bedring eller brød? Om bedømming og behandling av sosial nød fra reformasjonen til velferdsstaten
STUDER I JUS OG SAMFUNNSVITENSKAP 3 GEORGES MIDRÉ BOT, BEDRING ELLER BRØD? Om bedømming og behandling av sosial nød fra reformasjonen til velferdsstaten RÅDET FOR SAMFUNNS- VITENSKAPELIG FORSKNING NAVF UNIVERSITETS- FORLAGET. Avgrensningsinstitusjonen: et dilemma i sosialpolitikken Frostatingsloven, som ble nedtegnet en gang på 1100-tallet, inneholder en sosial kontrakt mellom de fattige og de mer velstående i samfunnet. Loven anerkjenner at enkelte ikke kan klare seg selv, og trenger hjelp ut over den ætten kan gi. De som har slike behov, blir definert gjennom en spesifisering av hvem som ikke har det. Dette er de friske og arbeidsuvil- lige, som er «heilir oc vilia eigi vinna»>, Hjelpen det dreier seg om, er retten til å anmode om almisser, tillatelse til å tigge eller betle. I Magnus Lagaboters lov for hele landet fra hundre- Aret etter er bestemmelsene utformet i større detalj: «Hver fuldvoksen mand, som gaar husimellem og tigger almisse, han har ingen retsbot at kræve for sig, saalænge han gaar med betlerstav, selv om han mot sin vilje blir jaget væk, om han er frisk og arbeidsfør («heill oc verkfør»), medmindre han søker tjeneste og ikke faar (abidi ser vistar oc fae eigin).»2 Sosialpolitikkens skillelinjer Den lovlige tiggingen eller betlingen er en enkel form for sosial hjelp. Ut- valgte personer får rett til å anmode om hjelp. Samtidig har de mer velstå- ende en moralsk plikt til å gi almisser til de trengende. Men det er tale om en allmenn plikt. Det er ikke bestemte personer som blir utpekt som giv- ere. Heller ikke er det bestemt hvor mye som skal gis. I bestemmelsene som er referert her, skisseres noen fundamentale sam- menhenger. Her er kimen til et arbeidsmarked hvor frie menn som ellers mangler muligheter for å underholde seg selv, har plikt til å finne en plass. I betleriet og almissene ligger en begynnelse til en offentlig velferds- ordning beregnet på dem som ikke klarer seg selv, og som heller ikke har muligheter til å få hjelp gjennom ætten.³ Ikke alle får tillatelse til å betle. Landsloven deler tiggerne inn i to grup- per, en med rett til å betle og en annen som ikke får det. Denne inndeling- en i grupper reiser et nytt problem. Hvordan skille dem som har rett til
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Norsk Bokmål
A photographic ode to the rich history of The Moon. With images by, among others, J.W. Draper, Pierre Puiseux and Maurice Loewy, John Adams Whipple, Georges Melies, Rene Burri, Lee Balterman, Ralphe Morse, Penelope Umbrico, Alexandra Mir, Cristina de Middel, Vincent Fournier, Annemie Augustijns. This book is published on the occasion of MAAN/MOON at the Antwerp Museum of Photography (FOMU) (July-September 2019).On July 21, 1969, the first man set foot on The Moon. When Neil Armstrong was asked if this made him feel big, he answered: "No, it made me feel really, really small."50 years later, this publication celebrates that special moment that put life on earth into a totally different perspective. It collects pictures of the world's best photographers from the 1840s until today. Next to historical photographs and imagery printed in media, the publication features many artists that each in their own way reflect on this mystical celestial body, we call 'moon'. The book shows the diversity of meanings of The Moon, it's relation to mankind and to nature.The Moon has always both attracted and scared people around the world. It is our everyday connection to the unfathomable universe. Since time immemorial it is revered for its beauty, its stillness and mysterious appearance and yet also feared for its supernatural-seeming qualities. In mythology The Moon has always been given a central place. With its magnetic forces it changes the tides and has a direct and uncontrollable impact on mankind from above.In 1840, barely three years after the invention of photography, J.W. Draper makes the first picture ever made of The Moon and since that day photographers have never stopped following his example. The paradoxical aspects of the moon continue to fascinate and inspire. Like a photograph The Moon depends on sunlight to be visible. It has no light of its own and no apparent strength to resist our nightly city lights either. Photographers feel this close connection to The Moon's characteristics and find the perfect object in its aesthetics.The landing on The Moon was a culmination point of the1960's Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union, which quickly became a symbol of the Cold War. The images of the landing became the bearer of values and symbols of the United States and were widely spread through various media. In 1973 NASA abolished its moon program. The Moon had been conquered and the public seemed to have had lost interest. However, today people still find The Moon fascinating, and humanity continues to dream about setting foot on the sun's shadow.
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Driftige damer: lærde og ledende kvinner gjennom tidene
Denne boka setter den ledende kvinnen i et kulturhistorisk perspektiv, som strekker seg fra middelalderen og frem til begynnelsen av vårt eget århundre. Vi møter blant andre Jeanne d'Arc, Leonora Christina, Madame Tussaud, Florence Nightingale, George Eliot og George Sand. Alle inspirerte og provoserte de sin samtid, og fortsatte å anspore døtre og døtres døtre. Har noter, register, litteraturliste og bildekilder.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Arab seafaring
Om sjøfart på det indiske hav i oldtid og tidlig middelalder
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Exile on Front Street
So many days I felt like a god, drunk with freedom and power, riding a motorcycle I'd crafted with my own two hands with that winged skull on my back. George Christie was president of the notorious Ventura charter of the Hells Angels for three decades. While Sonny Barger was the club's reckless leader, George was the negotiator, the spokesman. In Exile on Front Street he takes us on an action-packed ride through his years as a Hells Angel, from the bloody brawl that started the war with the Mongols to learning that a contract had been taken out on him by the head of the Outlaws. He describes the brotherhood and the betrayals, being targeted by the Feds and his stretches in prison. He also reveals how the club changed, why he decided to leave for the sake of his family and how the leadership turned on him. Now Christie has decided to set the record straight in this hard-hitting account of what it means to be a Hells Angel through good times and bad.
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Nightmare Envy and Other Stories
What has it meant to be an Americanist? What did it mean to be an Americanist through fascism, war, and occupation? Nightmare Envy and Other Stories is a study of Americanist writing and institutions in the 20th century. Four chapters trace four routes through the midcentury decades. The first chapter is the hidden history of American Studies in the United States, Europe, and Japan. The second is the strange career of national character in anthropology. Thethird is a contest between military occupation and cultural diplomacy in Europe. The fourth is the emergence and fate of the American Renaissance, as the scholar and literary critic F.O. Matthiessen carried a canon of radical literature across the Iron Curtain. Each chapter culminates in the postwar period,when the ruin of postwar Europe led writers and intellectuals on both sides of the Atlantic to understand America in new ways. Many of our modern myths of the United States and Europe were formed in this moment. Some saw the United States assume the mantle of cultural redeemer. Others saw a stereotypical America, rich in civilization but poor in culture, overtake a stereotypical Europe, rich in culture and equally rich in disaster. Drawing on American and European archives, the book weavescultural, intellectual, and diplomatic history, with portraits of Matthiessen, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, David Riesman, Alfred Kazin, and Ralph Ellison. It excavates the history of the Salzburg Seminar in American Civilization, where displaced persons, former Nazis, budding Communists, andglad-handing Americans met on the common ground of American culture. Others found keys to their own contexts in American books, reading Moby-Dick in the ruins. Nightmare Envy and Other Stories chronicles American encounters with European disaster, European encounters with American fiction, and the chasms over which culture had to reach.
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Nordisk fiske i oldtid og middelalder
This eye-opening and well-researched companion to the first volume of Executing Democracy enters the death-penalty discussion during the debates of 1835 and 1843, when pro-death penalty Calvinist minister George Barrell Cheever faced off against abolitionist magazine editor John O'Sullivan. In contrast to the macro-historical overview presented in volume 1, volume 2 provides micro-historical case studies, using these debates as springboards into the discussion of the death penalty in America at large. Incorporating a wide range of sources, including political poems, newspaper editorials, and
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Norsk Bokmål
Becoming George Orwell
The remarkable transformation of Orwell from journeyman writer to towering iconIs George Orwell the most influential writer who ever lived? Yes, according to John Rodden's provocative book about the transformation of a man into a myth. Rodden does not argue that Orwell was the most distinguished man of letters of the last century, nor even the leading novelist of his generation, let alone the greatest imaginative writer of English prose fiction. Yet his influence since his death at midcentury is incomparable. No writer has aroused so much controversy or contributed so many incessantly quoted words and phrases to our cultural lexicon, from "Big Brother" and "doublethink" to "thoughtcrime" and "Newspeak." Becoming George Orwell is a pathbreaking tour de force that charts the astonishing passage of a litterateur into a legend.Rodden presents the author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four in a new light, exploring how the man and writer Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair, came to be overshadowed by the spectral figure associated with nightmare visions of our possible futures.Rodden opens with a discussion of the life and letters, chronicling Orwell's eccentricities and emotional struggles, followed by an assessment of his chief literary achievements. The second half of the book examines the legend and legacy of Orwell, whom Rodden calls "England's Prose Laureate," addressing his influence on everything ranging from cyberwarfare to "fake news." The closing chapters address both Orwell's enduring relevance to burning contemporary issues and the multiple ironies of his popular reputation, showing how he and his work have become confused with the very dreads and diseases that he fought against throughout his life.
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Emil Milan: Midcentury Master
- The first publication dedicated to the artist Emil Milan, illustrated with his finest artistic creations- Previously unseen documents and photographs- Rare artwork- The artist is illuminated through stories and interviews from those who knew him best- Milan's life story is woven through American history, including WWII and the American studio craft movement- Midcentury modern designArtist Emil Milan (American, 1922-1985) was a major contributor to the studio craft movement in the 1950s and 60s. He was an innovator in woodworking tools and techniques, and a pioneer in using power tools to boost production. After training to be a sculptor at the Art Students League of New York, he developed and produced a distinctive line of "functional sculpture" - wooden bowls, trays, and serving ware - that captured the essence of Midcentury Modern Design. He stood with now legendary artists and designers like Wharton Esherick, Sam Maloof, Wendell Castle, Charles Eames, George Nakashima, and Bob Stocksdale (among others) in the most important exhibitions of fine craft in America. His wares were tailored for and sold in high-end retailers such as Hammacher Schlemmer, Saks Fifth Avenue and the original Pottery Barn store in Manhattan. After moving to rural Pennsylvania in 1961, he re-emerged as a teacher, mentor, and role model for dozens of successful artists and woodworkers who found inspiration in his teaching, his methods, and his self-sufficient lifestyle close to nature. After fading into obscurity following his death, this book rekindles awareness and appreciation of this remarkable American artist. AwardsFirst Prize - 2018 - Exhibition Catalogues American Alliance of Museums - Museum Publications Design Competition CATEGORY: Institutions with budgets under $1,000,000 https: // Gold Medal - 2018 - Regional Non-Fiction Books, Mid-Atlantic Independent Publisher Book Awards http: // Regional Winner - 2018 - Editorial Books, Midwest PRINT Regional Design Awards To be published in The Best of Design, Spring 2019 Winner - 2018 Creative Quarterly 53 To be published in January 2019
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Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field makes a formidable intervention into the emerging field of ecopoetics. The volume's essays model new and provocative methods for reading twentieth and twenty-first century ecological poetry and poetics, drawing on the insights of ecocriticism, contemporary philosophy, gender and sexuality studies, black studies, Native studies, critical race theory, and disability studies, among others. Contributors offer readings of a diverse range of poets, few of whom have previously been read as nature writers-from midcentury Beat poet Michael McClure, Objectivist poet George Oppen, and African American poets Melvin Tolson and Robert Hayden; to contemporary writers such as Dine poet Sherwin Bitsui, hybrid/ collage poets Claudia Rankine and Evelyn Reilly, emerging QPOC poet Xandria Phillips, and members of the Olimpias disability culture artists' collective. While addressing preconceptions about the categories of nature writing and ecopoetics, contributors explore, challenge, and reimagine concepts that have been central to environmental discourse, from apocalypse and embodiment to toxicity and sustainability. This collection of essays makes the compelling argument that ecopoetics should be read as "coextensive with post-1945 poetry and poetics," rather than as a subgenre or movement within it. It is essential reading for any student or scholar working on contemporary literature or in the environmental humanities today.
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Transatlantic Aliens
The intellectual migration to the United States of European writers, intellectuals, and artists in the 1930s and 1940s has often been narrowly seen as a clash between a rarefied European modernist sensibility and a debased American mass culture. In Transatlantic Aliens, Will Norman reorients our understanding of midcentury American culture by thinking dialectically about the interfusion of aesthetic and intellectual practices across both the cultural hierarchy and the Atlantic. The transatlantic exchanges of midcentury emerge in the book as a crisis point for modernism at which claims for the autonomy of high culture became increasingly untenable, the geographical center of cultural authority was displaced, and the governing principles of the American cultural field went through a phase of dramatic instability.Norman relays this critical narrative through a series of interlinked case studies of key figures, including C. L. R. James, Theodor Adorno, George Grosz, Raymond Chandler, Simone de Beauvoir, Vladimir Nabokov, and Saul Steinberg. He discovers the strange afterlives of European modernism in disorientating and uncanny juxtapositions: the aesthetics of French symbolism flicker among the neon signs of a small town in the dead of night, and echoes of Mondrian's grids are observed in the form of a boardroom sales chart. At the heart of Transatlantic Aliens is a conception of alienation that encompasses both its political and aesthetic valences. What unites the exilic figures it addresses is the desire to transform the practical experience of alienation into a positive resource for criticizing and coping with a reconfigured postwar landscape. Addressed to scholars and readers of American and comparative literatures as well as of cultural history and visual culture, the book combines assessments of individual artworks, novels, and other texts with more distant readings spanning time and space. A gallery of color plates beautifully illuminates the book's analysis. Examining hardboiled fiction through Flaubert, New Yorker cartoons through modernist painting, and Bette Davis through Hegel and Marx, Transatlantic Aliens challenges and changes the way we understand modernism's place in midcentury American culture.
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The American Farmer in the Eighteenth Century
An illuminating study of America's agricultural society during the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Founding eras In the eighteenth century, three-quarters of Americans made their living from farms. This authoritative history explores the lives, cultures, and societies of America's farmers from colonial times through the founding of the nation. Noted historian Richard Bushman explains how all farmers sought to provision themselves while still actively engaged in trade, making both subsistence and commerce vital to farm economies of all sizes. The book describes the tragic effects on the native population of farmers' efforts to provide farms for their children and examines how climate created the divide between the free North and the slave South. Bushman also traces midcentury rural violence back to the century's population explosion. An engaging work of historical scholarship, the book draws on a wealth of diaries, letters, and other writings-including the farm papers of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington-to open a window on the men, women, and children who worked the land in early America.
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Beatles hele livet
Beatles hele livet er historiene om hver eneste innspilling The Beatles gjorde på sekstitallet. Vi følger historien om The Beatles gjennom platene fra debuten i oktober 1962 til avskjeden i mai 1970: hvilke steder, hendelser, personer og substanser som inspirerte John, Paul, George og Ringo til å lage noen av rockens beste og mest slitesterke innspillinger. Platene presenteres kronologisk, slik de i sin tid ble gitt ut. I tillegg har boken utførlige kapitler om samleplatene, det store Anthology-prosjektet fra nittitallet, og selvsagt fjorårets suksess Love. Boken er en reise gjennom sekstitallet, en tid da uskylden ble satt på prøve og ingen utfordring var for stor. Hvorfor sang John Lennon Help!? Hvem var Mother Mary i sangen Let It Be? Hva er egentlig Norwegian Wood? Hvordan kom LSD inn i livet til The Beatles, og hvilke sanger resulterte det i? Dette, og alt annet du måtte lure på om sangene til The Beatles, får du svar på i denne boken! Forfatteren er født i 1960, og det første han husker fra oppveksten er lyden av She Loves You på radioen. Han er til daglig programleder i NRK P1, der han blant annet serverer Vår daglige Beatles og P.I.L.S. sammen med Finn Tokvam. Han ble i 1998 tildelt NOPAs mediapris for sitt arbeid med å fremme norsk musikk i media. Bård Ose har vært prosjektleder for CDsamlinger med bl. a. Arne Bendiksen, Ivar Medaas, Jonas Fjeld og Kurt Foss & Reidar Bøe, og han var medredaktør for bokverket Norsk pop- og rock-leksikon.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Queer Communism and the Ministry of Love
It is well known that many of the best-known queer writers of the 1930s were involved with leftist politics. Why, then, has there been no extended examination of this striking juncture of dissident sex and socialism? What, for instance, does it mean for Sylvia Townsend Warner to call for Stephen Spender to be "purged" from the Communist Party? What if Christopher Isherwood was far more engaged with Communism in Berlin than he later claimed? How do we account for the marked homophobia of much anti-fascist writing, even in queer writers such as Katherine Burdekin? How are the dominant sexual politics of Home Front Britain epitomized by the wartime essays of George Orwell informed by the shifts in leftist cultural strategy of the late 1930s? And how do queer leftists' incessant itinerancies and investments in Communist internationalism provide new ways of interrogating both the transnational turn in queer studies and the internationalist aspirations of contemporary gay rights discourse? "Good Comrades" addresses these questions, among others, to transform current narratives of midcentury literary, cultural, and intellectual history from a queer Marxist perspective.
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Den norske revolusjon: historien om et folkemord
DEN NORSKE REVOLUSJON, er romanen om de tre 19 år gamle jusstudentene og barndomskameratene Christoffer Ludvig Henriksen, David Leo Goldstein og Christian Dalseg. Men det er også en roman om blodig revolusjon, kjærlighet, svik, politisk uenighet, nazisme, rasisme, homohat og jødehat, religiøs fanatisme, terrorisme og Irak-krigen. Lørdag 1. mai 1999, stormer cirka 790.000 revolusjonære norske borgere den store middelalderborgen Akershus Festning og Stortinget, dermed er revolusjonen et faktum. Tre år senere, tirsdag 11. september 2001, skjer grusomme ting i USA. Nitten flykaprere fra Midt-Østen kaprer til sammen fire passasjerfly og styrter dem rett inn i World Trade Center og Pentagon-komplekset og en eng i Pennsylvania. Litt over tre tusen uskyldige mennesker blir til sammen drept i terroraksjonene i Washington D.C, New York City og Pennsylvania. USAs president George W. Bush Jr, erklærer nasjonal unntakstilstand i hele USA, og sverger krig mot alle verdens terrorister og de som skjuler og hjelper dem. Mandag 21. januar 2002, holdes et topphemmelig konferansemøte i den store Olavshallen på Akershus Festning. Temaet på konferansen er: den fysiske utryddelsen av alle verdens pedofile. Metoden for akkurat dette er å bygge store Auschwitz-inspirerte krematorier med store underjordiske gasskamre og avkledningsrom. Gassen som vil bli brukt på de pedofile, er den beryktede giftgassen Zyklon-B. Da revolusjonen slutter rundt den 17. mars 2014, er landet Norge helt utkjørt etter nesten 16 års blodig revolusjon med massakrer, nabokrangler, massegassinger og giljotineringer. Mot slutten av revolusjonen i Norge, er cirka 23. millioner mennesker blitt myrdet.
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Norsk Bokmål
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