Urter i hagen: enkle prosjekter for weekend-gartneren
En urtebok som inneholder alt du trenger å vite for å lykkes med dyrking av urter enten du har stor eller liten plass. Intet dufter så godt som nyhøstede urter fra din egen veranda, terrasse eller hage! Lettdyrkede urter som gressløk og persille, dill og koriander er kjent for de fleste, men her lærer du også å dyrke basilikum, timian, lavendel og salvie og mange, mange flere. I tillegg til smak og duft har urter ofte fargesprakende blomster og vakkert bladverk, noe som gjør at de tar seg godt ut enten du har plass til et stort eller lite urtebed, eller må nøye deg med krukker, kasser eller plantetønner. Finner du ingen blomsterkasser som passer spesielt til ditt formål, kan du lage dine egne ved hjelp av bokens instruktive trinn-for-trinn-forklaringer. Bakerst i boken finnes en detaljert og rikholdig oversikt over en lang rekke urter .; velkjente så vel som mer eksotiske .; med opplysninger om stell og krav til vokseplass.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
George's Magic Garden: Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary
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Innred med planter
Planter gir utallige muligheter om man vil sette sitt personlige preg på et interiør og berike innredningen. I denne nyskapende boken viser den ledende hagedesigneren George Carter hvordan planter kan brukes til å forandre et interiør. Forfatteren behandler plantene tematisk og viser hvordan man kan skape ulike stilarter . rustikk, formelt og elegant eller moderne og samtidig. Alle de viktigste rommene i huset behandles etter tur, og for hvert rom gir han et vell av ideer for hvordan man kan anvende planter virkningsfullt og fantasirikt og få mest mulig ut av form, farge og tekstur. Et nytt blikk på hvordan man kan bruke planter for å berike hjemmet. Viser hvordan inneplanter kan være sofistikerte, ekstravagante, dramatiske, elegante og ganske enkelt morsomme: Nyttig planteoversikt forklarer hvordan plantene skal stelles, og beskriver ideelle vekstforhold, fra trekkfulle hjørner til lyse og varme vinduskarmer.
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Norsk Bokmål
Perfect Pots for Small Spaces
Combining inspiration with practicality, Perfect Pots for Small Spaces offers 20 exciting projects, each simple enough to complete in a weekend. Containers come in all sorts of materials, sizes and shapes, and can be used to enhance any outdoor space, from a small terrace to a large garden. In this highly informative and superbly illustrated book, award-winning gardener George Carter explains how to make the most of them. Divided into four sections - on terra cotta, masonry, metal and wood - it has step-by-step instructions and ideas for seasonal planting plans that make container gardening accessible to all. Among the imaginative projects are painted pots, a wirework hanging basket, a rustic window box, a trough with trellis screen, a wooden obelisk and a painted galvanised washtub. The projects are complemented by a plant directory, information on care and maintenance of containers and plants and an extensive list of resources.
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Urter i Hagen
Praktiske råd om hvordan du kan dyrke urter i Hagen din. Trinn-for-trinn-forklaringer.
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Norsk Bokmål
Krukker og kasser i hagen
Inspirererende og praktisk utbrettsbok Krukker og kasser i hagen En praktisk utbrettsbok som viser deg hvordan du trinn for trinn kan lage, dekorere og beplante krukker, kasser og potter. Slik gir du hagen, balkongen eller vinduskarmen et personlig preg. Boken har en omfattende planteoversikt med trivselsvilkår for hver plante. Oversatt og bearbeidet for norske forhold av Inger Handegård Serien består av følgende bøker: Krukker og kasser i hagen, Urter i hagen, Blomsterbed i hagen og Hekker i hagen.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Gyldendals kreative hagebok: 56 prosjekter for hagen din
Sett ditt personlige preg på hagen! Mulighetene er mange enten du vil ha en brukshage, en prydhage eller en hage hovedsakelig basert på vekster i krukker og kasser. Plant i høyden om hagen er liten, og ta i bruk vegger og gjerder som støtte for busker, trær og høye planter. Plant aromatiske urter og fargerike blomsterbed om du vil bringe duft og farge inn i hagen din eller lag en kjøkkenhage. Det viktigste er å oppleve den gode følelsen det er å ta en tur i hagen og nyte synet av fargerike planter og smaken av friske bær, saftig frukt og velsmakende urter. I denne praktiske utbrettsboken finner du 56 prosjekter for hagen med trinn-for-trinn-forklaringer og vakre illustrasjoner.
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Norsk Bokmål
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Norsk Bokmål
The Other Side of the Street (Lavender Road 5)
THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET is an irresistible, romantic and heart-warming saga of south London's women during the Second World War. 'A delightful experience... I can thoroughly recommend it' Ellie DeanIt's 1944. Londoners are weary of air raids and rationing. But now, with rumours of an invasion of France, the tide of war seems to be turning. In Lavender Road, however, everyone still has challenges to face.Young widow Louise Rutherford longs to make a new life for herself. When a glamorous American officer arrives at her factory to recruit volunteers for a secret project, she senses an opportunity, only to find her efforts hampered by ten-year-old war orphan, George Nelson.Jen Carter's relationship with theatrical producer Henry Keller hits a hurdle when an old flame reappears. And when V1 retaliation rockets start hitting London, her mother Joyce's tentative romance is threatened too.Will the war finally wear down the women of Lavender Road, or can love thrive even in the toughest of times?
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The hate u give
Movie tie-in edition of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller and Waterstones Children's Book Prize winner. Now a major motion picture from Twentieth Century Fox, starring Amandla Stenberg Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping novel about one girl's struggle for justice. Bonus content includes an exclusive interview: Angie Thomas "in conversation" with Amandla Stenberg and director George Tillman Jr. Plus, an excerpt from Angie's new novel, On the Come Up.
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Norsk Bokmål
Suveren psykologisk thriller
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Et rom med utsikt
E.M. Forsters berømte kjærlighetsroman forteller om unge Lucy Honeychurch som må bruke både hjertet og hjernen når hun søker etter den store, ekte kjærligheten. Hennes begjær, hennes drømmer og hennes jakt på sannheten og ærligheten gjør ikke livet lett når hun må velge mellom sine to beundrere: Den kyniske og velstående Cecil - og George, som er mer upolert og som kommer fra enklere kår. Med sitt skarpe, men også vare og følsomme blikk, ser og avslører Forster den britiske middelklassens stive omgangsform - både i utlandet og hjemme. At Forster ofte er underfundig og vittig, preger boken. Fortellingen utspiller seg både i det romantiske Firenze og på den engelske landsbygda. Mange har sett filmen Et rom med utsikt med Helena Bonham Carter og Maggie Smith og TV-serien med med Elaine Cassidy.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Principles of Econometrics, 3rd Edition
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Gangs and Organized Crime
In Gangs and Organized Crime, George W. Knox, Gregg W. Etter, and Carter F. Smith offer an informed and carefully investigated examination of gangs and organized crime groups, covering street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, and organized crime groups from every continent. The authors have spent decades investigating gangs as well as researching their history and activities, and this dual professional-academic perspective informs their analysis of gangs and crime groups. They take a multidisciplinary approach that combines criminal justice, public policy and administration, law, organizational behavior, sociology, psychology, and urban planning perspectives to provide insight into the actions and interactions of a variety of groups and their members. This textbook is ideal for criminal justice and sociology courses on gangs as well as related course topics like gang behavior, gang crime and the inner city, organized crime families, and transnational criminal groups. Gangs and Organized Crime is also an excellent addition to the professional's reference library or primer for the general reader. More information is available at the supporting website -
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Understanding the Patterns of Your Life
What if you could recognize patterns in your life and then use that knowledge to get ahead, manage your well being, and prepare for both good and bad times? What if the blueprint of your existence was within your grasp via an extensively researched mathematical calculation that was easy to understand and apply to your specific life? Wait no longer. Now you can do just that. Researcher George Pan Kouloukis has delved into the lives of 22 prominent people from over the last 500 yearsaeveryone from Beethoven to Jimmy Carterato prove his summation that there are patterns to both good and bad seasons in all people's lives, and then he teaches you how to identify your own. This new and innovative exploration into the existence of patterns puts you in the driver's seat when making critical decisions about your career, marriage, family, relationships, health, and all other life's issues. Better get started. The sooner you know, the sooner you can take charge!
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The Human Factor : Inside the CIA's Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture
George W. Bush's presidency was poisoned by a lack of human source intelligence on 9/11, Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. Carter was humiliated by the hostage crisis in Iran. The Bay of Pigs was President Kennedy's greatest blunder. Vietnam ended the Johnson presidency and Korea ended Truman's. In each case, American blood and treasure were spent; and in each case, a lack of reliable intelligence played a great role.CIA officers are, needless to say, skilled and accomplished professionals. Unfortunately, the organization they inhabit is stifling, misguided, and careless. In the d
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Norsk Bokmål
Writing on the Image
From an examination of the politically-laden spectacle of George IV's visit to Edinburgh in 1822 (as stage-managed by the celebrated novelist Sir Walter Scott), to an analyses of Google Earth's role in the construction of a new kind of political map (one that is no longer primarily structured by boundary lines and coloured territories, but instead through a politics of image resolution), the remarkable essays in this book present innovative ways of understanding visual phenomena in historical and contemporary culture. Writing on the Image brings together a series of Mark Dorrian's celebrated critical writings, developed over the last twelve years. Focusing on issues of elevated vision, spectacle, atmosphere and the limits of aesthetic experience, Dorrian explores the ideological effects of images, in their specific contexts, and the politics of representation. Seamlessly drawing together sources from architecture, art, literature, history, geography and film, the essays gathered here exemplify Mark Dorrian's pioneering 'post-disciplinary' approach to visual culture.Featuring a Foreword by Professor Paul Carter, and an Afterword by Dr Ella Chmielewska, Writing on the Image begins with a sequence of four historically-oriented chapters that lead onto the second half of the book, which deals with key events in architectural, urban and visual culture over the past decade.Whether it be an eighteenth-century engraving that depicts a magnified drop of tap water as an alien planet swarming with monstrous creatures; an artwork showing a car with the silhouette of a building mounted on its roof; the covering up of a tapestry in the UN before a televised news conference; or a large-scale satellite image that is affixed to the basement floor of a public building, vertiginously dissolving its solidity, Dorrian finds each artefact or event he examines to be eloquent in its ability to problematise a larger set of relations beyond itself.
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James Bond og operasjon Tordensky
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Stewards of Memory
Mount Vernon, despite its importance as the estate of George Washington, is subject to the same threats of time as any property and has required considerable resources and organization to endure as a historic site and house. This book provides a window into the broad scope of preservation work undertaken at Mount Vernon over the course of more than 160 years and places this work within the context of America's regional and national preservation efforts.It was at Mount Vernon, beginning with efforts in 1853, that the American tradition of historic preservation truly took hold. As the nation's oldest historic house museum, Mount Vernon offers a unique opportunity to chronicle preservation challenges and successes over time as well as to forecast those of the future. Stewards of Memory features essays by senior scholars who helped define American historic preservation in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, including Carl R. Lounsbury, George W. McDaniel, and Carter L. Hudgins. Their contributions-complemented by those of Scott E. Casper, Lydia Mattice Brandt, and Mount Vernon's own preservation scholars-offer insights into the changing nature of the field. The multifaceted story told here will be invaluable to students of historic preservation, historic site professionals, specialists in the preservation field, and any reader with an interest in American historic preservation and Mount Vernon.Support provided by the David Bruce Smith Book Fund and the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon.
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CVC: Book Three
The best of today's Canadian short fiction is showcased in this third volume of the Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Anthology Series, which features the 12 stories short-listed-among them the three winners-for the 2013 $15,000 Vanderbilt/Exile Short Fiction Competition. The book contains contemporary writing that reflects a diversity in emerging and established Canadian writers, including Austin Clarke, Leon Rooke, Priscilla Uppal, Greg Hollingshead, Sang Kim, Matthew R. Loney, Helen Marshall, George McWhirter, Rob Peters, David Somers, Yakos Spiliotopoulos and Liz Windhorst Harmer. The collection contains the winners, including Kim's ""When John Lennon Died,"" a story about loss, homesickness, and nostalgia; Uppal's ""Cover Before Striking,"" a disturbing, poetic tale sure to make readers' hearts race; and Clarke's ""They Never Told Me,"" a haunting, unforgettable story that reaches the deepest places in the mind and heart. Following the stories are biographies of each contributor.
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