Brett ut Budapest! Fra Pest til Buda, fra det kongelige slottet til parlamentet, fra Donaus bredder til byskogen, fra Géllert-badene til Andrassy-avenyen. Guidens unike utbrettskart for hvert område gjør det enkelt å orientere seg og finne frem til opplevelsene. Bestselgeren Gatelangs gir deg også: - Topp 10 severdigheter i byen. - 10 gode tips for å ta pulsen på Budapest. - Spennende utflukter innenfor 1 time fra byen. - 60 av byens mest kjente severdigheter tydelig markert på kartene. - 150 utvalgte restauranter, tesalonger, bad, teatre, barer og markeder markert med symboler på kartene. - Et utvalg hoteller ordnet etter pris. - All den praktiske informasjonen du trenger, bl.a. byens kollektivtransport med rutenett.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Where's Karl?
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Potter Style) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Margaret Powell's Cookery Book: 500 Upstairs Recipes from Everyone's Favorite Downstairs Kitchen Maid and Cook
In the national bestseller Below Stairs , Margaret Powell told readers what it was really like to work in the great houses of England. In Margaret Powell's Cookery Book , she gives readers a closer look at the world inside the vast kitchens of these great houses. It's an eye-opening and mouthwatering snapshot of that world. The upstairs dining room always demanded the best of Continental cuisine and, cooking downstairs, Margaret Powell obliged. Her cookery book is a firsthand account of the way English people cooked and dined in the early twentieth century when houses like those in "Upstairs, Downstairs" and "Downton Abbey" were fully staffed and running like clockwork. Describing kitchen equipment such as the black ranges that had to be shined daily, the fancy moulds that needed screen covers to keep out the flies and tubs of ice that were used instead of refrigerators, she tells readers just how big a job it was to keep the upstairs dining table abundantly filled. Giving away the secrets of the manor, she presents more than 500 recipes, from the simple to the sophisticated. Divided into chapters such as Hors d'oeuvre, Soups, Fish, Entrees, Roasts and Meat Dishes, Savouries, Puddings and others, she shows readers today what it was like to eat well, if you were a member of England's upper class. Classic, but simple, dishes such as Shepherd's Pie and Roast Chicken Stuffed with Herbs alternate with sophisticated fare and long-lost recipes like Potatoes a la Florence, Rabbit Pilau, Compote of Snipe, Sardines a la Bombay and Queen Mab Pudding. With her trademark wit and gimlet eye, she tells readers what it was like to cook for her "betters" but she also states one thing proudly--"Food is more than just food. I like it be prepared and cooked well, and I like trouble taken over it." Behind every well-fed family like the Crawleys of "Downton Abbey" or the Bellamys of "Upstairs, Downstairs" was a cook like Margaret Powell and, now, she invites readers everywhere to the feast.
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Mosen Diego de Valera
Esta obra colectiva reune las ultimas investigaciones de los maximos especialistas en este importante autor del siglo XV castellano que cultivo todos los generos literarios. En este volumen monografico Guido Cappelli escrsobre Valera y el Humanismo; Federica Accorsi analiza la relacion de Valera con los judios conversos; Florence Serrano estudia la presencia de Diego de Valera en Borgona y en su literatura; Gonzalo Ponton se centra en las cartas escritas por Diego de Valera; Jesus Rodriguez Velasco analiza a Diego de Valera como artista microliterario; Cristina Moya analiza la influencia de la cronica Valeriana entre 1482 y 1567; Fernando Gomez Redondo explica las palabras que Juan de Valdes dedica a Valera en su Dialogo de la lengua; Jose Julio Martin Romero analiza la influencia de Diego de Valera en el Nobiliario Vero de Hernan Mexia y, finalmente, Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio prueba que mos de Valera no escribio el Origen de la Casa de Guzman. Cristina Moya Garcia es profesora en la Universidad de Cordoba. This collection contains the latest research by the most important scholars of this fifteenth century Castilian author who cultivated all literary genres. Guido Cappelli writes about Valera and Humanism; Federica Accorsi analyzes the relationship between Valera and the converted Jews; Florence Serrano studies the presence of Diego de Valera in Burgundy and in its literature; Gonzalo Ponton focuses on the letters written by Diego de Valera; Jesus Rodriguez-Velasco studies Diego de Valera as micro-literary artist; Cristina Moya examines the influence of the Valeriana between 1482 and 1567; Fernando Gomez Redondo explains the words dedicated to Diego de Valera by Juan de Valdes (Dialogo de la lengua); Jose Julio Martin Romero discusses the influence of Diego de Valera in Nobiliario Vero of Hernan Mexia; and, finally Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio proves that Mosen Diego de Valera did not write the Origen de la Casa de Guzman. Cristina Moya Garcia is a profesora at the Universidad de Cordoba. Contributors: Federica Accorsi, Guido Cappeli, Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio, Fernando Gomez Redondo, Jose Julio Martin Romero, Cristina Moya Garcia, Gonzalo Ponton, Jesus Rodriguez Velasco, Florence Serrano
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Minner fra Solferino
Boken er en skildring av slager ved Solferino i Nord-Italia i 1859. Dunant gir et nærbilde av redslene på slagmarken, hvor 40.000 døde og sårede lå igjen da kampene var over. Han beskriver også innsatsen til de frivillige hjelpearbeiderne, blant andre Florence Nightingale. Boken er et opprop for å verne om menneskets verdighet og beskyttelse i nød.
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Norsk Bokmål
Functional Gaussian Approximation for Dependent Structures
Functional Gaussian Approximation for Dependent Structures develops and analyses mathematical models for phenomena that evolve in time and influence each another. It provides a better understanding of the structure and asymptotic behaviour of stochastic processes. Two approaches are taken. Firstly, the authors present tools for dealing with the dependent structures used to obtain normal approximations. Secondly, they apply normal approximations to various examples. The main tools consist of inequalities for dependent sequences of random variables, leading to limit theorems, including the functional central limit theorem and functional moderate deviation principle. The results point out large classes of dependent random variables which satisfy invarianceprinciples, making possible the statistical study of data coming from stochastic processes both with short and long memory.The dependence structures considered throughout the book include the traditional mixing structures, martingale-like structures, and weakly negatively dependent structures, which link the notion of mixing to the notions of association and negative dependence. Several applications are carefully selected to exhibit the importance of the theoretical results. They include random walks in random scenery and determinantal processes. In addition, due to their importance in analysing new data ineconomics, linear processes with dependent innovations will also be considered and analysed.
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Integration through Law:The Role of Law and the Rule of Law in ASEAN Integration
Comparative Regional Integration: Governance and Legal Models is a groundbreaking comparative study on regional or supranational integration through international and regional organizations. It provides the first comprehensive and empirically based analysis of governance systems by drawing on an original sample of 87 regional and international organizations. The authors explain how and why different organizations select specific governance processes and institutional choices, and outline which legal instruments - regulatory, organizational or procedural - are adopted to achieve integration. They reveal how different objectives influence institutional design and the integration model, for example a free trade area could insist on supremacy and refrain from adopting instruments for indirect rule, while a political union would rather engage with all available techniques. This ambitious work merges different backgrounds and disciplines to provide researchers and practitioners with a unique toolbox of institutional processes and legal mechanisms, and a classification of different models of regional and international integration.
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Foams are ubiquitous in our daily lives. Their presence is highly desirable in certain foods, drinks and cosmetics, and they are essential in oil recovery and mineral extraction. In some industrial processes (such as the manufacture of glass, paper and wine) foams are an unwelcome by-product.Why do they appear? What controls the rate at which they disappear? Do they flow in the same way as ordinary liquids? All of these questions and more are addressed here, incorporating significant recent contributions to the field of foams. This book is the first to provide a thorough description of all aspects of the physico-chemical properties of foams. It sets out what is known about their structure, their stability, and their rheology. Engineers, researchers and students will find descriptions of all the key concepts, illustrated by numerous applications, as well as experiments and exercises for the reader. A solutions manual for lecturers is available via the publisher's web site.
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Yves Saint Laurent
One of the most distinctive and influential designers of the second half of the twentieth century, Yves Saint Laurent takes his place in the pantheon of French couturiers, alongside Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Jeanne Lanvin. "Yves Saint Laurent", the first comprehensive retrospective of his life's work, will accompany an exhibition of some 250 garments from the collection of the Fondation Pierre Berge-Yves Saint Laurent at the Petit Palais in Paris. From his early days working under Dior and heading the House of Dior after his mentor's death, to the opening of his first pret a porter shop on the Rive Gauche and the debut of the Le Smoking tuxedo, to the muses he adored, Loulou de la Falaise and Catherine Deneuve among them, this volume reveals the breadth and scope of the designer's entire career. With a preface by Pierre Berge, author Faride Chenoune explores the sources of inspiration that drove Saint Laurent's continuous innovation, drawing upon painting, sculpture, theatre, opera, literature, and cinema. The exhibition at the Petit Palais will run March 11-August 29, 2010, and it may also travel to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
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Risk Analysis and Management of Repetitive Actions
Translation of: L'Analisi E La Gestione Del Rischio Nel Lavoro Manuale Ripetitivo-Manuale Per I'uso del Sisterna OCRA.
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Just a Note to Say...
A fully revised edition of Florence Isaacs's bestselling classic, "Just a Note to Say . . . "offers over 150 new sample notes and ideas to help you write warm, meaningful messages that let people know how much they matter. For a decade, "Just a Note to Say . . ." has been an unparalleled resource for choosing the perfect words to express sentiments on any occasion. Brief yet meaningful notes at times of celebration, transition, and sadness are more appreciated than ever. Now, etiquette expert Florence Isaacs updates this bestselling classic with more than 150 new ideas, inspirations, and sample notes to help you stay in touch with friends and family. This fully revised edition confirms that you needn't write a lot to say a lot, offering practical advice to help you articulate your thoughts and let people know how much they matter. Isaacs explores the significance of occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings to help you recognize the recipient's personal connection to an event. A cornucopia of holidays and rites of passage such as First Communion, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, La Quinceanera, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan are also featured, along with tips to inspire warm notes for these occasions. Isaacs also offers new, thoughtful suggestions for writing during sensitive times such as illness, the death of a loved one, and divorce. Plus, a brand-new chapter on the etiquette of using e-mail tells you when it's appropriate to share your good wishes electronically. Whether you're writing an encouraging get-well message or a congratulatory e-mail on a promotion, a sympathy card or an eloquent thank-you note, " Just a Note to Say . . ." helps you speak from the heart.
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The Three Mona Lisas
In this study Rab Hatfield provides a thorough, no-nonsense analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa or Gioconda. The book begins with a consideration of the generally known sources and documents and a careful look at the painting as we know it now. Discussions follow of rarely examined laboratory photographs and of a recently discovered annotation by Ser Agostino Vespucci in a book he owned of letters by Cicero, from which we learn that Leonardo left a portrait of "Lisa del Giocondo" unfinished no later than October 1503. The book concludes with a hitherto unknown letter written in 1515 by Filippo Strozzi to Lorenzo de' Medici, Captain General of the Florentine Armies and soon to become Duke of Urbino, describing some supposed advances these two men made to Mon(n)a Lisa. The laboratory photographs and newly discovered sources make it clear that the Mona Lisa has probably been reworked twice, that it in fact depicts Mon(n)a Lisa del Giocondo, and that it would be better if we spoke of it as La Gioconda rather than the Mona Lisa.
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La Galerie Des Uffizi : The Uffizi Gallery - Florence
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PIC de La Mirandole: Un Itineraire Philosophique
Autodidacte de genie eleve par sa mere, le jeune et beau comte de la Mirandole, prince de Concordia, tenta des son jeune age de maitriser toutes les sciences " humaines et divines ."Apres avoir connu des amours fort romanesques, il etudia les traditions intellectuelles les plus variees, tant chretienne scolastique (en latin), que juive cabalistique (en hebreu) ou paienne (orphisme, pythagorisme et platonisme en grec). Il connut la celebrite en proposant a Rome en 1486 le fameux debat portant sur ses 900 theses philosophiques et theologiques.Soupconne d'heresie, il s'enfuit en France, puis s'etablit a Florence, sous la protection de Laurent le Magnifique, ou il devint un brillant membre de l'Academie de Careggi, aux cotes de Marsile Ficin et de Politien. Il mourut a l'age de 31 ans, sans avoir pu achever son reve d'unifier les ecoles philosophiques de son temps.Cet ouvrage demele la legende de l'histoire et peint la complexite de ce personnage aussi irritant que seduisant, qui n'a cesse de faire rever les intellectuels europeens.
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Florence Nightingales visdom
Den som vil skriva om Florence Nightingale må starte med eit forord. Det var ho tilhengjar av. Slik seier ho det sjølv: »Alle bøker bør ha et forord, så vet en litt om hva en går til. Og vil en ikke gå dit, så er en forfatteren takk skyldig for å ha spart tid» Min eigen grunn til å skrive om F. N. starta i 1986 då eg las den briljante boka av NRK journalisten Gudrun Simonsen: Hvem var du, Florence Nightingale? For meg vart denne boka starten på ei livslang interesse for F.N. sitt liv og virke. Det er slik at bøker kan endre eit liv. Dette vert no freista prova vitskapeleg, men er noko alle bok-elskarar visste frå før. I mitt tilfelle starta det heile med ei glupande interesse for hennar lange kamp for å få familiens godkjenning til å arbeide med sjukepleie. Det var spanande å fylgja hennar eigen personlege utvikling gjennom denne kampen. Men i dei seinare åra har eg enda opp med ei sterk interesse for å forstå hennar syn på helse, og korleis ein med Naturens hjelp kan oppnå det. Pioneren I dette er F. N. framleis ein rykande aktuell pioner sett opp mot vår tid med stadig aukande sjukleggjering, og behandling av kvardagsplager, såkalla medikalisering. Den historiske pandemien me lever i no styrkar hennar aktualitet. Ho la vekt på reinsemd, kosthald, variasjon og lys. F.N. vektla naturleg helse, og ho tenkte forebygging i kvardagen framfor medisinsk behandling i etterkant. Sett opp mot vår tid har vi mykje å lære av hennar tenkning og helsearbeid. Dei største trugslane mot vår eiga helse ligg truleg i globaliseringa og digitaliseringa. Smarttelefonen er no kjend som «den nye «røyken». Men denne gongen er det ikkje lungene som får unngjelde, men hjernen sjølv. Vær restriktiv med bruk av digitale verktøy, tenk forebygging!
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Norsk Nynorsk
La Folie Baudelaire
Roberto Calasso is one of the most original and acclaimed of writers on literature, art, culture and mythology. In Baudelaire's Folly, Calasso turns his attention to the poets and writers of Paris in the nineteenth century who created what was later called 'the Modern.' His protagonist is Charles Baudelaire: poet of nerves, art lover, pioneering critic, man about Paris, whose groundbreaking works on modern culture described the ephemeral, fleeting nature of life in the metropolis - and the artist's role in capturing this - as no other writer had done. With Baudelaire's critical intelligence as his inspiration, Calasso ranges through his life and work, focusing on two painters - Ingres and Delacroix - about whom Baudelaire wrote acutely, and then turns to Degas and Manet, who followed in the tracks Baudelaire laid down in his great essay The Painter of Modern Life. In a mosaic of stories, insights, dreams, close readings of poems and commentaries on paintings, Paris in Baudelaire's years comes to life. In the eighteenth century, a 'folie' was a garden pavilion set aside for people of leisure, a place of delight and fantasy. Here Calasso has created a brilliant and dramatic 'Folie Baudelaire': a place where the reader can encounter Baudelaire, his peers, his city, his extraordinary likes and dislikes, and his world, finally discovering that it is nothing less than the land of 'absolute literature'.Born in Florence, Roberto Calasso lives in Milan, where he is publisher of Adelphi. He is the author of Tiepolo Pink, The Ruin of Kasch, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, winner of the Prix Veillon and the Prix du Meilleur Livre Etranger, Literature and the Gods, Ka and K.
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La Nina Perdida (DOS Amigas #4) / (The Story of the Lost Child: Neapolitan Novels Book Four)
La nina perdida pone punto final a Dos amigas, la historia de dos amigas que nacieron a mediados del siglo XX en Napoles. UNA SAGA MEMORABLE. Las novelas de Elena Ferrante me han tenido atado al sillon, leyendo y celebrando unas paginas donde la emocion nunca es banal. Juan Marse Siempre que disfruto con un libro procuro regalarlo, y el que ahora escogeria seria una de las novelas de Elena Ferrante. Ken Follet Lina y Elena son ahora adultas y han tomado caminos distintos: Elena dejo Napoles para casarse y convertirse en una escritora de exito en Milan. Solo un amor de juventud que vuelve a florecer la devolvera a Napoles, donde la espera Lina, que ahora es madre y ademas ha triunfado muy a su manera en el negocio local. Elena es la senora culta, Lina es en apariencia la mujer de barrio, ignorante y poco dispuesta al refinamiento, pero la inteligencia pura y la intuicion estan del lado de Lina. Los hechos se precipitan cuando un buen dia de repente, la hija de Lina desaparece: asesinato, rapto, muerte? Nadie sabe, y el barrio murmura. Desde entonces, Lina ya no es la misma y la locura acecha. Todo -los hombres, las mujeres, el paisaje, la ciudad entera de Napoles- se convierten en testigos del duelo de una madre que no sabe llorar y un buen dia tambien desaparecera, devolviendo al lector a las primeras paginas de esta esplendida saga. Inteligencia, emocion contenida, escritura que se pliega a los acontecimientos y se ajusta como un guante a la trama: todo esta en estas paginas donde se ha ido cosiendo una de las obras mas brillantes del siglo XXI. Queria contar solo la vida de dos mujeres. Y para hacerlo era necesario que filtrara la historia en el trasfondo de sus existencias, las cosas que de un modo u otro tenian que ver con ellas. Me gustaria que el relato ayudase a contemplar en terminos narrativos un pedazo de la historia de Italia. Elena Ferrante La critica ha dicho... Elena Ferrante ha escrito novelas extraordinarias, honestas hasta la indecencia (...) Con su escritura le arranca la piel a la rutina. The New York Times Los personajes femeninos de Ferrante son verdaderas obras de arte. El Pais Ferrante es un fenomeno literario. Le han rendido pleitesia Zadie Smith, Juan Marse o Ken Follet, entre otros. Nuria Escur, La Vanguardia Toda obra de arte pertenece a un autor, pero cuando es perfecta tiene algo de anonima. Benjamin G. Rosado, Cultura (El Mundo) Seguramente sea la revelacion mas trascendente de la narrativa europea en el ultimo cuarto de siglo. Robert Saladrigas, La Vanguardia Elena Ferrante puede ser una de las mejores autoras de las que hayas oido hablar. Time Una historia de amor epica, destinada a formar parte de las grandes obras de la literatura Occidental. Huffington Post Famosos de todo el mundo alaban su obra... Yo... no tengo palabras para describir lo que se siente al descubrir un tesoro como este. Los que disfrutais con la lectura me entendereis. Como no conocia yo a Elena Ferrante? Su saga de Napoles es fascinante. Carmen Chaparro Se que me sumo tarde a la fiesta... pero este libro es increible James Franco Ferrante es unica (...) Sus libros permaneceran siempre conmigo. Jennifer Morrison, actriz en House, Once Upon a Time ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this book, both are adults; life's great discoveries have been made, its vagaries and losses have been suffered. Through it all, the women's friendship, examined in its every detail over the course of four books, remains the gravitational center of their lives. Both women once fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up--a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. But now, she has returned to Naples to be with the man she has always loved. Lila, on the other hand, never succeeded in freeing herself from Naples. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect her neighborhood. Yet somehow this proximity to a world she has always rejected only brings her role as unacknowledged leader of that world into relief. For Lila is unstoppable, unmanageable, unforgettable
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Moon Rome, Florence & Venice (Second Edition)
Experience world-famous art, stroll romantic streets, and savour the flavors of Italy's top cities. Inside Moon Rome, Florence & Venice you'll find:*Flexible itineraries for 1 to 5 days in Rome, Florence, and Venice that can be combined into a longer trip, including side trips to Assisi, Siena, Pisa, and Lucca*Strategic advice for foodies, art lovers, history buffs, and more*Must-see highlights and unique experiences: Cycle the Borghese park on a sunny day, learn classic Italian recipes in a cooking class, and admire masterworks by Bernini, Botticelli, and Caravaggio. Hike to sprawling hilltop views of Florence, meander through historic museums, or catch the Gregorian chants being sung at the Duomo on a Sunday morning. Stroll through Venice's fish markets, rent a kayak and explore the winding canals, and bask in the afternoon sun as you sip wine on a piazza*Honest advice on where to stay, how to get around, and where to find the best regional cuisine, from pizza al taglio in Rome to gelato in Florence and fritto misto in Venice*Local perspective from American-turned-Roman Alexei Cohen on his adopted home country*Full-colour photos and detailed maps throughout*Background information on the landscape, history, and cultural customs of each city*Handy tools such as visa information, an Italian phrasebook, and tips for traveling with children or as a senior Experience la dolce vita your way with Moon's practical tips and local insight.Exploring more of Italy? Try Moon Milan & the Italian Lakes or Moon Amalfi Coast.
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Encyclopaedia Anatomica
From the eccentric museum La Specola in Florence comes this amazing collection of waxworks depicting human anatomy in all its dazzling complexity. A selection of wax bodies and body part and organ studies from the museum's collection is presented here; from skeletons to vein structures, organs to nerves, and arteries to the delicate pores of the skin, the human body is mapped out in meticulous and exacting detail. Texts explaining the human anatomy in layperson's terms and exploring the historical and cultural significance of the wax figures complete this "total body experience."
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The Anatomical Venus
Beneath the original Venetian glass and rosewood case at La Specola in Florence lies Clemente Susini's Anatomical Venus (c. 1790), a perfect object whose luxuriously bizarre existence challenges belief. This title reveals the evolution of the enigmatic sculptures from wax effigy to fetish figure and the embodiment of the uncanny.
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