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Viser resultat for 'Emil J. Djupedal'

    Dar finst korkje vind elder væte

    Dar finst korkje vind elder væte: munnlege folketradisjonar frå Selje

    Emil J. Djupedal

    Her er dikt og eventyr, segner og soger, regler og gåtar, leiker, balladar og folkelege viser. Saman gir dei eit bilete av livet i Selje i gamledagar. Illustrert.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1993

    Norsk Nynorsk

    kr 249
    kr 249

    Formulation and Stoichiometry

    Formulation and Stoichiometry

    Emil J. Margolis

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Springer) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    Program Evaluation

    Program Evaluation

    USA) Posavac Emil J. (Loyola University Chicago

    Comprehensive yet accessible, this text provides a practical introduction to the skills, attitudes, and methods required to assess the worth and value of human services offered in public and private organizations in a wide range of fields. Students are introduced to the need for such activities, the methods for carrying out evaluations, and the essential steps in organizing findings into reports. The text focuses on the work of people who are closely associated with the service to be evaluated, and is designed to help program planners, developers, and evaluators to work with program staff members who might be threatened by program evaluation.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Program Evaluation

    Program Evaluation

    USA) Linfield Kenneth J. (Spalding University, USA) Posavac Emil J. (Loyola University Chicago

    This text provides a solid foundation in program evaluation, covering the main components of evaluating agencies and their programs, how best to address those components, and the procedures to follow when conducting evaluations. Different models and approaches are paired with practical techniques, such as how to plan an interview to collect qualitative data and how to use statistical analyses to report results. In every chapter, case studies provide real world examples of evaluations broken down into the main elements of program evaluation: the needs that led to the program, the implementation of program plans, the people connected to the program, unexpected side effects, the role of evaluators in improving programs, the results, and the factors behind the results. In addition, the story of one of the evaluators involved in each case study is presented to show the human side of evaluation. The Ninth Edition offers enhanced and expanded case studies, making them a central organizing theme, and adds more international examples. The new edition also features online resources with an instructor test bank, sample program evaluation reports, and additional annotated resources.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    «Så lenge…»

    «Så lenge…»: William Booth for 100 år siden og i dag

    William Booth, Anne Christiansen, Hallgeir J. Elstad, Nils-Petter Enstad, Marta Maria, Gudrun Lydholm, Jostein Nielsen, Emil Skartveit, Sten Sørensen

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Gustaf Mannerheim

    Gustaf Mannerheim

    Steven J. Zaloga

    Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim is a legendary figure, whose life and career were deeply influential in Finnish and European history. He is viewed by many as the father of modern Finland after leading the 'White' faction to victory and independence in the Finnish Civil War of 1918. That conflict preceded a sequence of bitter clashes between Finland, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany in the buildup to, and during, World War II: The Winter War in 1940, the Continuation War and the Lapland War in 1944-45. Throughout these fierce clashes in the ice and snow, Mannerheim managed his forces with great skill, even though the initiative was to swing back and forth between the adversaries. This study provides a fascinating insight into Mannerheim's career, analysing his traits, his biggest victories and his key enemies. Complete with uniform artwork and detailed tactical maps, it is a comprehensive guide to one of history's most capable military leaders and statesmen.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Rundø «jorden rundt på tomannshånd»

    Rundø «jorden rundt på tomannshånd»

    Carl Emil Petersen, Erling Brunborg

    Reisebeskrivelse innbundet utgitt på J.W. Cappelen forlag

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1960

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 279
    kr 279

    Romerske keisere

    Romerske keisere

    J.P. Weisse

    Ny utgave ved Emil Smith Steensballe

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 75
    kr 75



    J.P. Weisse

    B18. Populære forelesninger. 445 s. Oslo. P.F.Steensballes boghandels 1946. Ny utgave ved Dosent Emil Smith. Orginalb.med shirtingrygg. Foto/illustr.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1946

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 90
    kr 90

    Comanches and Germans on the Texas Frontier

    Comanches and Germans on the Texas Frontier

    Christopher P. Wickham, Daniel J. Gelo

    In 1851, an article appeared in a German journal, Geographisches Jahrbuch (Geographic Yearbook), that sought to establish definitive connections, using language observations, among the Comanches, Shoshones, and Apaches. Heinrich Berghaus's study was based on lexical data gathered by a young German settler in Texas, Emil Kriewitz, and included a groundbreaking list of Comanche words and their German translations. Berghaus also offered Kriewitz's cultural notes on the Comanches, a discussion of the existing literature on the three tribes, and an original map of Comanche hunting grounds.Perhaps because it was published only in German, the existence of Berghaus's study has been all but unknown to North American scholars, even though it offers valuable insights into Native American languages, toponyms, ethnonyms, hydronyms, and cultural anthropology. It was also a significant document revealing the history of German-Comanche relations in Texas.Daniel J. Gelo and Christopher J. Wickham now make available for the first time a reliable English translation of this important nineteenth-century document. In addition to making the article accessible to English speakers, they also place Berghaus's work into historical context and provide detailed commentary on its value for anthropologists and historians who study German settlement in Texas.Comanches and Germans on the Texas Frontier will make significant contributions to multiple disciplines, opening a new lens onto Native American ethnography and ethnology.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    J P E Hartmann

    J P E Hartmann

    J.P.E. Hartmann (1805-1900) is one of Denmark's greatest composers. Throughout his long life he played a central role, not only in Danish musical life but in the entire cultural life of the nineteenth century, although he never became as well known abroad as his son Emil Hartmann (1836-1898) or his son-in-law Niels W. Gade (1817-1890). This book offers a survey of his prolific works, including nearly five hundred works composed over the span of seventy-six years, and it will be an essential tool for future research in Danish music and cultural history during the nineteenth century.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Nya lovtal

    Nya lovtal

    Per Wästberg

    Nya lovtal är en samling tal som Per Wästberg har hållit i samband med att författare har belönats med Nobelpriset, Tranströmerspriset, Övralidspriset, Wahlström & Widstrands Wästbergpris och Bernspriset. De är personliga, lärorika och underhållande porträtt av en rad författarskap: Nobelpristagarna J.M. Coetzee, Doris Lessing och Harold Pinter samt bland andra Lars Gustafsson, Bengt Emil Johnson, Ronny Ambjörnsson, Anders Ehnmark, Jesper Svenbro, Anders Paulrud och Ryszard Kapuscinski. Per Wästberg förmedlar smittande och initierat den läsglädje han själv har upplevt i mötet med dessa många diktargärningar. Om Nya lovtal (2009): ”Det finns en elegant pregnans i Wästbergs sätt att teckna de inre konturerna i skiftande författarlandskap som påminner om de stora litteraturhistorikerna Henrik Schück och Fredrik Böök. (…) Hans språk äger en lyster som få kan tävla med.” Christer Enander, Sundsvalls Tidning

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009



    The German Historicist Tradition

    The German Historicist Tradition

    Frederick C. Beiser

    This is the first full study in English of the German historicist tradition. Frederick C. Beiser surveys the major German thinkers on history from the middle of the eighteenth century until the early twentieth century, providing an introduction to each thinker and the main issues in interpreting and appraising his thought. The volume offers new interpretations of well-known philosophers such as Johann Gottfried Herder and Max Weber, and introduces others who arescarcely known at all, including J. A. Chladenius, Justus Moeser, Heinrich Rickert, and Emil Lask. Beyond an exploration of the historical and intellectual context of each thinker, Beiser illuminates the sources and reasons for the movement of German historicism-one of the great revolutions in modernWestern thought, and the source of our historical understanding of the human world.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    The Social Gospel in American Religion

    The Social Gospel in American Religion

    Christopher H. Evans

    A remarkable history of the powerful and influential social gospel movement. The global crises of child labor, alcoholism and poverty were all brought to our attention through the social gospel movement. Its impact on American society makes it one of the most influential developments in American religious history. Christopher H. Evans traces the development of the social gospel in American Protestantism, and illustrates how the religious idealism of the movement also rose up within Judaism and Catholicism. Contrary to the works of previous historians, Evans demonstrates how the presence of the social gospel continued in American culture long after its alleged demise following World War I. Evans reveals the many aspects of the social gospel and their influence on a range of social movements during the twentieth century, culminating with the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. It also explores the relationship between the liberal social gospel of the early twentieth century and later iterations of social reform in late twentieth century evangelicalism. The Social Gospel in American Religion considers an impressive array of historical figures including Washington Gladden, Emil Hirsch, Frances Willard, Reverdy Ransom, Walter Rauschenbusch, Stephen Wise, John Ryan, Harry Emerson Fosdick, A.J. Muste, Georgia Harkness, and Benjamin Mays. It demonstrates how these figures contributed to the shape of the social gospel in America, while arguing that the movement's legacy lies in its profound influence on broader traditions of liberal-progressive political reform in American history.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Pocket · 2017




    Computer scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers discuss the conceptual foundations of the notion of computability as well as recent theoretical developments. In the 1930s a series of seminal works published by Alan Turing, Kurt Goedel, Alonzo Church, and others established the theoretical basis for computability. This work, advancing precise characterizations of effective, algorithmic computability, was the culmination of intensive investigations into the foundations of mathematics. In the decades since, the theory of computability has moved to the center of discussions in philosophy, computer science, and cognitive science. In this volume, distinguished computer scientists, mathematicians, logicians, and philosophers consider the conceptual foundations of computability in light of our modern understanding.Some chapters focus on the pioneering work by Turing, Goedel, and Church, including the Church-Turing thesis and Goedel's response to Church's and Turing's proposals. Other chapters cover more recent technical developments, including computability over the reals, Goedel's influence on mathematical logic and on recursion theory and the impact of work by Turing and Emil Post on our theoretical understanding of online and interactive computing; and others relate computability and complexity to issues in the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of mathematics.ContributorsScott Aaronson, Dorit Aharonov, B. Jack Copeland, Martin Davis, Solomon Feferman, Saul Kripke, Carl J. Posy, Hilary Putnam, Oron Shagrir, Stewart Shapiro, Wilfried Sieg, Robert I. Soare, Umesh V. Vazirani

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    Pocket · 2013




    Coaching: å hjelpe ledere og medarbeidere til å lykkes

    Morten Emil Berg, Ellen Ribe

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139

    Pocket · 2006

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 139

    Sosial ulikhet i helse

    Sosial ulikhet i helse: en samfunnsvitenskapelig innføring

    Emil Øversveen, Håvard Thorsen Rydland

    I det norske samfunnet finnes det en sterk, systematisk og veldokumentert sammenheng mellom helse og sosial posisjon. De med høy inntekt, utdanning og yrkesstatus har i gjennomsnitt en høyere levealder enn de lenger nede i det sosiale hierarkiet, og er også mindre utsatt for fysiske og psykiske helseplager og sykdommer. Disse sosiale helseforskjellene blir ofte omtalt som et folkehelseproblem, og har blitt forsøkt redusert gjennom omfattende politiske tiltak. Samtidig tyder forskningen på at de sosiale helseforskjellene er større i Norge enn i mange andre europeiske land, og at de også har økt over tid. Denne boka gir en bred innføring i den norske og internasjonale forskningen på sosiale helseforskjeller, med vekt på hvordan temaet aktualiserer sentrale samfunnsvitenskapelige problemstillinger. Blant bokas hovedtemaer er hvordan helsa vår påvirkes av samfunnet vi lever i, hvordan man har forklart og håndtert tilstedeværelsen av sosiale helseforskjeller i den norske velferdsstaten, og forholdet mellom medisinske og samfunnsvitenskapelige kunnskapsformer. Sosial ulikhet i helse er skrevet for et bredt publikum. Boka egner seg for studenter og forskere innenfor sosiologi og andre samfunnsvitenskapelige disipliner, helse- og omsorgsfag og medisinske studier, og alle med interesse for forholdet mellom samfunn, ulikhet og helse. Emil Øversveen er postdoktor ved NTNU hvor han forsker og underviser i sosiologisk teori, ulikhetsforskning og kvalitativ metode. Håvard Thorsen Rydland er forsker ved NORCE, hvor han er tilknyttet forskningsgruppa Helsetjenester og helseøkonomi. Både Øversveen og Rydland har tatt sin doktorgrad ved CHAIN-senteret for global helseulikhetsforskning ved NTNU.

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199


    Ledelse: verktøy og virkemidler

    Morten Emil Berg

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2008

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79

    Pocket · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 99

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 79

    Når språket svikter

    Når språket svikter: norsk grammatikk i et klinisk perspektiv

    Marianne Lind, Kristian Emil Kristoffersen

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 199
    kr 199



    Morten Emil Berg, Ellen Ribe

    Individet har store ressurser i form av «skjulte» talenter, men greier som oftest ikke å utvikle sitt potensial alene. Coaching handler om å støtte og utfordre individ og team til å utvikle tanker, følelser og atferd for å realisere viktige personlige og organisatoriske mål. Coaching - Å hjelpe ledere og medarbeidere til å lykkes er kanskje den mest komplette og grundige boken om emnet på norsk. Inspirert av positiv psykologi, kognitiv atferdsterapi og med utgangspunkt i mangeårig teoretisk så vel som praktisk erfaring, presenterer forfatterne en klar og helhetlig metodikk for coaching. Boken har vært gjenstand for en fullstendig revisjon og fremstår som tilnærmet nyskrevet. Den er faglig ajourført og inneholder nye og aktuelle eksempler.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 459
    kr 459

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