Den gang det het Christiania
Boken er en kavalkade i tekst og fotografier fra Christiania, fra fotokunstens barndom frem til tiden omkring 1914. Bildene formidler noe av atmosfæren fra den gangen. Her er det bilder fra Karl Johan, Røverstatene, Pipervika, Kvadraturen, Torvet, Vaterland, Akerselva, Bjørvika, Fiskebryggen, Grünerløkka, Kampen og Holmenkollbanen m.m. Bildene er i Oslos Bymuseums samlinger.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Christiania 1814-1905 : byen og menneskene
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Kristiania: inn i den nye tid
En fotokavalkade fra hovedstaden ved århundreskiftet, i utvalg ved Thorleif Sjøgren-Erichsen. Et omfattende og for en stor del tidligere upubliserte fotomatriale gir et enestående tidsbilde - fattigdommen som spøkte i bakgrunnen.
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Christiania 1814 - 1905
0.0 av 5
Den gang det het Christiania
0.0 av 5
Norsk familiealbum
Grøndahl & Søns Forlag, 168 sider
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Turen går til Cypern
Reisehåndboka inneholder blant annet bakgrunnsstoff om reisemålet, kart, informasjon om severdigheter, turforslag, miniparlør, m.m. Med stikkordregister.
0.0 av 5
Justin and the Magic Stone
A "tween" book that should also resonate with adults, Justin and the Magic Stone is a gorgeously illustrated story about a boy learning to accept the fact that he is growing up.Justin has just moved to a new town where he doesn't know anyone. He misses his best friend, Tom, and spends his lonely days daydreaming about his former life. One day, after discovering a vaguely heart-shaped stone, he realizes that he can suddenly hear the voices of all the creatures in the yard. He begins to hear something else in their words: a call to a new life and a new way of seeing things.Over the summer, Justin and his new friends map out the yard and its environs. One day, while using a magnifying glass, Justin suddenly tumbles through the glass and into a miniature world he never knew existed around him. There, he meets and befriends Barney Beetle and Artie Ant, who lead him on many adventures around the yard, including getting swept up on a milkweed seed and landing in a bird's nest. Later, Justin soars through the garden on the wings of a beautiful yellow butterfly, who becomes a close friend. After returning to his normal size, Justin finds himself contemplating his reflection in the mirror, puzzled by the physical changes he sees appearing there. Again, he falls through the glass, and explores the "reverse world" of the new house. In the meantime, he discovers that he is changing on the inside as well.Finally, after playing with the stone one day in the yard, he realizes he can connect with his former pal, Tom, just by thinking of him. What's more, once they're together, they discover they can use the stone to walk through a telescope into a whole new place, even onto the surface of the moon As Justin's summer comes to an end, he realizes that soon he must begin classes at a new school. But first, he reunites with all his friends from the yard, along with his old friend, Tom. He realizes the stone has taught him to see and hear things in a new way; and that -- just by thinking about them -- he can be transported back to this magical summer when he first began to listen to the voice of things.
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The Elves and the Otterskin (The World of the Alfar #2)
Ivarr had been sold to the witch Birna. But now Birna was dead, slain by the evil sorcerer Lorimer. Ivarr was stranded in the land of the elves. His only chance to return to his own realm was to become a hero for group of outcast, incompetent elves and a wizard of doubtful qualifications. As he discovered, being a hero was a little difficult. First he had to seek out a magic sword concealed somewhere in the land of the fire giants. Then, to seize a horde of gold, he must somehow find and destroy a terrible dragon. And, finally, he would have to overcome the power of Lorimer and an army of dark elves. Ivarr knew nothing about being a hero, and the more he heard, the less he liked the idea. But a hero he'd be--or else!
0.0 av 5
Fagdidaktikk i mat og helse
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Everything I know about love
Award-winning journalist Dolly Alderton survived her twenties (just about) and in Everything I Know About Love, she gives an unflinching account of the bad dates and squalid flat-shares, the heartaches and humiliations, and most importantly, the unbreakable female friendships that helped her to hold it all together. Glittering with wit, heart and humour, this is a book to press into the hands of every woman who has ever been there or is about to find themselves taking that first step towards the rest of their lives.'Alderton is Nora Ephron for the millennial generation' Elizabeth Day'Steeped in furiously funny accounts of one-night stands, ill-advised late-night taxi journeys up the M1, grubby flat-shares and the beauty of female friendships, as Alderton joyfully booze-cruises her way through her twenties.
4.2 av 5
Kartlegging av barns språk i tidlig alder
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Being Ethnographic
Being Ethnographic is an essential introductory guidebook to the methods and applications of doing fieldwork in real-world settings. It discusses the future of ethnography, explores how we understand identity, and sets out the role of technology in a global, networked society.Driven by classic and anecdotal case studies, Being Ethnographic highlights the challenges introduced by the ethnographers' own interests, biases and ideologies and demonstrates the importance of methodological reflexivity. Addressing both the why and how questions of doing ethnography well, Madden demonstrates how both theory and practice can work together to produce insights into the human condition. This fully updated second edition includes:New material on intersubjectivity Information on digital inscription tools A practical guide to qualitative analysis software New coverage of cyberethnography and social media Expanded information on ethnographic possibilities with animalsFilled with invaluable advice for applying ethnographic principles in the field, it will give researchers across social sciences everything they need to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.
4.0 av 5
Flerspråklige barn med språkvansker og utviklingsforstyrrelser: hvordan oppdage språkvanskene og tilrettelegge for flerspråklighet i barnehagen?
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Jeg burde kanskje sagt nei: historier om alt som har skjedd meg fordi jeg er så dårlig til å sette grenser
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Else går til psykolog
Else går til psykolog består av to år med samtaler mellom den nevrotiske og pratsomme Else og terapeuten hennes. Det er en bok som åpner døren til terapirommet, et rom heftet med mange myter og feiloppfatninger, og som med vidd og en god porsjon alvor reiser et spørsmål som er like personlig som det er allmennmenneskelig: Hva bør vi bør vi snakke om, og hva er det lurest å la ligge?
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The final book in the ground-breaking HUNGER GAMES trilogy. Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she's made it out of the bloody arena alive, she's still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what's worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss's family, not her friends, not the people of District 12.
4.6 av 5
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
My Year of Rest and Relaxation
From one of our boldest, most celebrated new literary voices, a novel about a young woman's efforts to duck the ills of the world by embarking on an extended hibernation with the help of one of the worst psychiatrists in the annals of literature and the battery of medicines she prescribes. Our narrator should be happy, shouldn't she? She's young, thin, pretty, a recent Columbia graduate, works an easy job at a hip art gallery, lives in an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan paid for, like the rest of her needs, by her inheritance. But there is a dark and vacuous hole in her heart, and it isn't just the loss of her parents, or the way her Wall Street boyfriend treats her, or her sadomasochistic relationship with her best friend, Reva. It's the year 2000 in a city aglitter with wealth and possibility; what could be so terribly wrong? My Year of Rest and Relaxation is a powerful answer to that question. Through the story of a year spent under the influence of a truly mad combination of drugs designed to heal our heroine from her alienation from this world, Moshfegh shows us how reasonable, even necessary, alienation can be. Both tender and blackly funny, merciless and compassionate, it is a showcase for the gifts of one of our major writers working at the height of her powers.
3.9 av 5
Undervisningsplanlegging for yrkesfaglærere
Boka presenterer en didaktisk relasjonsmodell som gjør det mulig å utvikle et bevisst og reflektert forhold til utdanning, undervisning og læring Lærerens viktigste oppgave er å legge til rette for læring.Hvordan kan undervisningen i yrkesfag gjennomføres slik at elevene lærer best mulig?Hvordan kan elevene få medinnflytelse i læringsarbeidet?Boka inneholder en didaktisk relasjonsmodell som gjør det mulig å utvikle et bevisst og reflektert forhold til utdanning, undervisning og læring. Elevenes læreforutsetninger, rammefaktorer, mål, innhold, læreprosess og vurdering er hovedbegreper i modellen. Gjennom systematisk didaktisk analyse og refleksjon over utdanningsarbeid kan lærerstudenter og lærere oppnå pedagogisk utviklingskompetanse og profesjonalitet.Denne nye utgaven av boka fokuserer på utfordringer i Kunnskapsløftet.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
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