Lily fra Ardnavarna
Lily, eldste datter av Lord Molyneux var rik, vakker, bortskjemt, hensynsløs, utemmet og uimotståelig. Hun var vant til å få det som hun ville, og hun tok sin priviligerte situasjon for gitt. Men uansett hvor tankeløs hun var, var hun også sin mors datter - varm, ømhjertet og lett bevegelig.
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Norsk Bokmål
Duften av mimosa
En ung kvinne blir funnet i en kløft. Hun lever fremdeles, men har mistet hukommelsen. Etterhvert husker hun små glimt fra sitt tidligere liv: Piken på trappen, fottrinnene som nærmet seg, den mørke skyen som falt over henne. Men best av alt husker hun duften av mimosa.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Nå eller aldri
4.9 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The Charmers
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (MINOTAUR BOOKS) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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The hotel riviera
Lola Lafloret's husband has disappeared, the police consider her a prime suspect and her home and business belong to an ex-arms dealer. Danger seems to walk through the door for Lola and when it walks through the door of the Hotel Riviera in the form of Jack Farrar she knows she's in real trouble.
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Den russiske juvel
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The last time I saw Paris
Lara Lewis's marriage is fizzling. Her surgeon husband is far too busy for her, too busy even to go on their long-planned second honeymoon to France, and Lara suspects that he's backed out of it because he's found another woman to replace her. Then she meets Dan Holland, earthy, unsophisticated, California-handsome and a good guy, and takes him on the second honeymoon that was meant to have saved her marriage. Except that Dan doesn't know this. Trouble comes when the lover finds out he is the stand-in for her husband on the second honeymoon, and then her husband shows up in Paris and wants her back
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En morder venter
Millionæren Ed Vincent blir rammet av et kuleregn idet han klatrer ut av sitt lille Cessna-fly på flyplassen La Guardia. I det ene øyeblikket er han en fremgangsrik entreprenør, nyforelsket og meget fornøyd med livet. I det neste ligger han på en båre og får øyeblikkelig hjelp av helsepersonell. Han kommer ikke til å klare det. Ed Vincent hører hva legene sier, men han kan ikke svare. Noen har forsøkt å drepe ham, og han vet hvem som står bak. Men han klarer ikke å få fortalt det til noen. Og han kan heller ikke få advart kvinnen han kaller Zelda. Zeldas virkelige navn er Melba Eloise Merrydew - Mel blant venner. Fortvilet, men ubøyelig, forlanger hun å få sitte ved Eds sykeseng natt og dag. Hun føler at han vet at hun er der, selv om det ikke er tegn til liv hos mannen hun elsker. De har ikke kjent hverandre lenge, bare lenge nok til å bli forelsket. Politimannen Marco Camelia får oppdraget å finne mannen som skjøt Ed. Og ganske snart går det opp for Marco at Ed har en fortid som selv ikke Mel har visst om. En fortid fylt av tragedie og sorg. En fortid som nå er i ferd med å innhente ikke bare Ed, men også Mel. For der ute lurer en farlig mann. En mann som ikke skyr noe for å oppnå det han vil. En mann fra fortiden.
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Før eller senere
Hans signatur var en gang velkjent . en x skåret inn i likets ansikt . fra hårfeste til hårfeste. Men nå hadde han tilbrakt 20 år innestengt på en psykiatrisk klinikk. Lenge nok til at verden hadde glemt ham. Men ikke lenge nok til at han hadde glemt dem . den rike, gamle damen og hennes vakre barnebarn. Nå er han en fri mann. Som enearving til familiens en gang så formidable formue deler Ellie Parrish Duveen tiden sin mellom å drive en liten restaurant i Santa Monica og å ta seg av sin elskede gamle bestemor. Det siste hun har tid til å tenke på, er menn. Dan Cassidy, tidligere New York-politimann og nå eier av en nedlagt og forfallen vingård i California, har det også for travelt for kjærlighet. Men en dag står han i døren til Ellies lille restaurant, og øynene deres møtes. Han kom som sendt fra himmelen. For snart faller hele livet til Ellie i grus. Hennes bestemor blir brutalt myrdet, og Ellie er den eneste mistenkte. Nå føler hun at det er noen der ute. Noen som følger etter henne. Noen som kikker. Det er hennes halvbror . Buck Duveen som ble utstøtt av familien for tjue år siden og bortgjemt på en klinikk i New York. Nå er han kommet tilbake til California for å gjøre krav på det livet som kunne vært hans. Han vil ha familiens herskapshus og formue og de privilegiene han ble snytt for, og mest av alt vil han hevne seg på Lottie Parrish, kvinnen som sendte ham bort. En hevn som inkluderer alt hun har kjært . også hennes barnebarn Ellie.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Living with Lymphoma
When neurobiologist Elizabeth M. Adler was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma almost twenty years ago, she learned everything she could about the disease, both to cope with the emotional stress of her diagnosis and to make the best possible decisions for her treatment. In Living with Lymphoma, she combines her scientific expertise and personal knowledge with a desire to help other people who have lymphoma manage this complex and often baffling disease.With the availability of more effective treatment regimens, many people with lymphoma are living longer; in fact, there are more than 700,000 lymphoma survivors in the United States alone. Given this change in the lymphoma landscape, the second edition of this book places a greater emphasis on survivorship. The new edition includes the latest information on lymphoma diagnosis, treatment, and incidence and describes the most recent update to the WHO system of lymphoma classification and staging. Adler discusses new targeted therapies like ibrutinib and idelalisib and describes how other treatments, including radiation therapy and stem cell transplants, have been modified while others have been discontinued. She also addresses new developments, such as the possible role of lack of sunlight and vitamin D in the pathogenesis of lymphoma, and the use of medical marijuana. The book includes suggestions for further reading, including the latest material available online.
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How much is your child worth? That's the question Hugo and Emily Cox must answer when they get a ransom demand for their child - from Alice, the surrogate mother they paid to carry their baby. The police are helpless. No law has been broken -- the baby belongs to their surrogate. And Hugo has a secret he's keeping from his wife that makes their search even more desperate. Now Hugo and Emily must find their missing daughter... even if it costs them everything they own. Fans of Elizabeth Haynes, Sophie Hannah and Mark Edwards will love this gripping and fast-moving thriller.
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Governance Feminism
An interdisciplinary, multifaceted look at feminist engagements with governance across the global North and global SouthGovernance Feminism: Notes from the Field brings together nineteen chapters from leading feminist scholars and activists to critically describe and assess contemporary feminist engagements with state and state-like power. Gathering examples from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, it complements and expands on the companion volume Governance Feminism: An Introduction. Its chapters argue that governance feminism (GF) is institutionally diverse and globally distributed-emerging from traditional sites of state power as well as from various forms of governance and operating at the grassroots level, in the private sector, in civil society, and in international relations. The book begins by confronting the key role that crime and punishment play in GFeminist projects. Here, contributors explore the ideological and political conditions under which this branch of GF became so robust and rethink the carceral turn. Other chapters speak to another face of GFeminism: feminists finding, in mundane and seemingly unspectacular bureaucratic tools, leverage to bring about change in policy and governance practices. Several contributions highlight the political, strategic, and ethical challenges that feminists and LGBT activists must negotiate to play on the governmental field. The book concludes with a focus on feminist interventions in postcolonial legal and political orders, looking at new policy spaces opened up by conflict, postconflict, and occupation.Providing a clear, cross-cutting, critical lens through which to map developments in feminist governance around the world, Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field makes sense of the costs and benefits of current feminist realities to reimagine feminist futures. Contributors: Libby Adler, Northeastern U; Aziza Ahmed, Northeastern U; Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College; Amy J. Cohen, Ohio State U; Karen Engle, U of Texas at Austin; Jacob Gersen, Harvard U; Leigh Goodmark, U of Maryland; Aeyal Gross, Tel Aviv U; Aya Gruber, U of Colorado, Boulder; Janet Halley, Harvard U; Rema Hammami, Birzeit U, Palestine; Vanja Hamzic, U of London; Isabel Cristina Jaramillo-Sierra; Prabha Kotiswaran, King's College London; Maleiha Malik, King's College London; Vasuki Nesiah, New York U; Dianne Otto, Melbourne Law School; Helen Reece; Darren Rosenblum, Pace U; Jeannie Suk Gersen, Harvard U; Mariana Valverde, U of Toronto.
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Enda Bedre Sex: En Praktisk Veiledning for kvinner
ENDA BEDRE SEX En Praktisk Veiledning for kvinner. Denne boken hjelper deg til et bedre og rikere seksualliv. Den er en ny type håndbok som legger like stor vekt på følelser og psykologi som på teknikk, Boken er gjennomillustrert. AV INNHOLDET: Skjemaer for egenanalyse hjelper deg til å forstå din seksualitet. egen Spørreskjemaer gjør det mulig for deg å fastslå dine seksuelle behov og din seksuelle legning. Sexterapi-programmer bidrar til at du blir lykkeligere og sunnere i omgang med andre. Maurice Yaffé er klinisk psykolog ved et sykehus i London og spesialist på sexterapi og analyse av seksuell adferd. Elizabeth Fenwick er profesjonell skribent og har bidratt til en rekke bøker og tidsskrifter med stoff om medisin og helse. ISBN 82-03-15207-4 9788203 152078 ASCHEHOUG
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Norsk Bokmål
How to do the work: recognise your patterns, heal from your past, and create your self
'If LePera's Instagram feed is full of aha moments illuminating the inner workings of your psyche, the revelations in the book are more like a full firework display.' Red magazine 'This book is a must-read for anyone on a path of personal growth.' GABBY BERNSTEIN, author of number one New York Times bestsellers Super Attractor and The Universe Has Your Back 'The book I wish I had read in my twenties.' ELIZABETH DAY, author of How to Fail 'How to Do the Work will transform how you see yourself and your ability to change. I believe this book could change lives, if not the world.' HOLLY BOURNE, bestselling author of How Do You Like Me Now? 'Want more from life? Looking for answers? How to Do the Work will teach you how to find them within yourself. A masterpiece of empowerment - this book changed my life and, trust me, it'll change yours too.' MEL ROBBINS, author of The 5 Second Rule As a clinical psychologist, Dr Nicole LePera found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. Wanting more for her patients - and for herself - she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual health that equips people with the tools necessary to heal themselves. After experiencing the life-changing results herself, she began to share what she'd learned with others - and The Holistic Psychologist was born. Now Dr LePera is ready to share her much-requested protocol with the world. In How to Do the Work, she offers both a manifesto for self-healing and an essential guide to creating a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life. Drawing on the latest research from both scientific research and healing modalities, Dr LePera helps us recognise how adverse experiences and trauma in childhood live with us, keeping us stuck engaging in patterns of codependency, emotional immaturity, and trauma bonds. Unless addressed, these self-sabotaging
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En løgn å tro på
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Religion in the Kitchen
Honorable Mention, 2019 Barbara T. Christian Literary Award, given by the Caribbean Studies AssociationWinner, 2017 Clifford Geertz Prize in the Anthropology of Religion, presented by the Society for the Anthropology of Religion section of the American Anthropological AssociationFinalist, 2017 Albert J. Raboteau Prize for the Best Book in Africana Religions presented by the Journal of Africana ReligionsAn examination of the religious importance of food among Caribbean and Latin American communitiesBefore honey can be offered to the Afro-Cuban deity Ochun, it must be tasted, to prove to her that it is good. In African-inspired religions throughout the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States, such gestures instill the attitudes that turn participants into practitioners. Acquiring deep knowledge of the diets of the gods and ancestors constructs adherents' identities; to learn to fix the gods' favorite dishes is to be "seasoned" into their service.In this innovative work, Elizabeth Perez reveals how seemingly trivial "micropractices" such as the preparation of sacred foods, are complex rituals in their own right. Drawing on years of ethnographic research in Chicago among practitioners of Lucumi, the transnational tradition popularly known as Santeria, Perez focuses on the behind-the-scenes work of the primarily women and gay men responsible for feeding the gods. She reveals how cooking and talking around the kitchen table have played vital socializing roles in Black Atlantic religions.Entering the world of divine desires and the varied flavors that speak to them, this volume takes a fresh approach to the anthropology of religion. Its richly textured portrait of a predominantly African-American Lucumi community reconceptualizes race, gender, sexuality, and affect in the formation of religious identity, proposing that every religion coalesces and sustains itself through its own secret recipe of micropractices.
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Rose Under Fire
Rose Justice is a young American ATA pilot, delivering planes and taxiing pilots for the RAF in the UK during the summer of 1944. A budding poet who feels most alive while flying, she discovers that not all battles are fought in the air. An unforgettable journey from innocence to experience from the author of the best-selling, multi-award-nominated Code Name Verity. From the exhilaration of being the youngest pilot in the British air transport auxiliary, to the aftermath of surviving the notorious Ravensbruck women's concentration camp, Rose's story is one of courage in the face of adversity. Code Name Verity is shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.
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Groundwater Recharge With Reclaimed Water
An assessment of the effects on human health of reclaimed water. The assessment compares health data on cancer incidence, mortality, and cases of infectious disease in the Montebello Forebay area, which has received some reclaimed water in its water supply for almost 30 years, with a control area that received no reclaimed water. The epidemiologic study took an ecologic approach, in which the unit of analysis is a group of people, not an individual. The results of the study do not provide evidence that reclaimed water has an adverse effect on health.
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Where There's Hope
In her fearless memoir, My Story, Elizabeth Smart related, for the first time, the horrific experiences she went through as a fourteen-year-old girl, when she was abducted from her home and held captive for nine months. Since then, she's travelled the world as the president of the Elizabeth Smart Foundation, sharing her story in the hopes of helping others along the way.Over and over, Elizabeth hears the same question from women who've gone through horrible experiences: How do you find the hope to go on? In this powerful book, she seeks out others who have overcome adversity to help find the answers. Through conversations with victims of violence, disease, war, and the loss of loved ones, Elizabeth explores the meaning and power of hope to heal our lives.Through discussions with well-known figures like Anne Romney and Diane Von Furstenburg, spiritual leaders like Archbishop John C. Wester and Elder Richard Hinckley, and her own parents, Ed and Lois Smart, Elizabeth gives readers the tools they need to take control and embrace life.
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