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My valentine
.My Valentine. er en kvalitetsbok med uforglemmelige kjærlighetssitater av Englands store diktere, som blant annet Emily Dickinson, Sir Walter Ralegh, Elisabeth Barret Browning og Robert Herrick. Dette er boken for romantikeren!
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Norsk Bokmål
Elizabeth og Sandhill Ranch
Elisabeth og fosterfamilien Johnson skulle tilbringe ferien på Sandhill Ranch, Nebraska. Men helt fra begynnelsen var det bare problemer. Hvem var Holly Davis, og hva var den fryktelige hemmeligheten hennes? Hvorfor var alle redde for fosterbarnet Nolen Brown? Og hva mente Old Zeb med at hun skulle bli igjen på ranchen når de andre var dratt? Ville ikke familien Johnson ha henne lenger?
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Norsk Bokmål
Clean Cooking
Learn to both cook and eat clean with fresh fruit and vegetables, wholesome meats, and guilt-free desserts. Cooking without gluten, dairy products, and white sugar is not only easy; the results are also dizzyingly delicious. Clean cooking is a growing trend even among people who aren't allergic to gluten, dairy products, or white sugar, and it boasts the benefits of slimming you down, giving you more energy, packing your body with nutrients, and making you feel healthier. This gorgeously photographed and styled cookbook embodies the gastronomical mantra of clean cooking and eating, featuring Elisabeth Johansson's wonderfully fresh smoothies and juices; alternative breakfasts and snacks; new ways of baking bread; hearty vegetarian, seafood, and meaty meals; and sweet offerings that you can enjoy without a guilty conscience.Johansson offers more than 100 recipes for whole meals down to individual sauces and dressings: * Kombucha "sangria" and blueberry smoothie with coconut * Gluten-free hamburgers and "zero-waist" steaks * Carrot, parsnip, and zucchini "spaghetti" with king crab over green curry * Carnitas, guacamole, and mango salsa * Gluten-free scones with fig jam and "raw food" brownies * And many more! Packed with raw superfoods, an abundance of vegetables, and wholesome meat and seafood products, Clean Cooking will show you how to cook, eat, and feel healthy--while enjoying the entire ride there. Skyhorse Publishing, along with our Good Books and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of cookbooks, including books on juicing, grilling, baking, frying, home brewing and winemaking, slow cookers, and cast iron cooking. We've been successful with books on gluten-free cooking, vegetarian and vegan cooking, paleo, raw foods, and more. Our list includes French cooking, Swedish cooking, Austrian and German cooking, Cajun cooking, as well as books on jerky, canning and preserving, peanut butter, meatballs, oil and vinegar, bone broth, and more.While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
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Problemer på Sandhill Ranch
Elisabeth og fosterfamilien Johnson skulle tilbringe ferien på Sandhill Ranch, Nebraska. Men helt fra begynnelsen var det bare problemer. Hvem var Holly Davis, og hva var den fryktelige hemmeligheten hennes? Hvorfor var alle redde for fosterbarnet Nolen Brown? Og hva mente Old Zeb med at hun skulle bli igjen på ranchen når de andre var dratt? Ville ikke familien Johnson ha henne lenger?
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Norsk Bokmål
Anglo-Norman Studies XXXVI
The contributions collected in this volume demonstrate the full range and vitality of current work on the Anglo-Norman period in a variety of disciplines. They begin with Elisabeth van Houts' Allen Brown Memorial Lecture, which makes a major contribution to understanding the culture of early tenth-century Normandy. A number of essays deal illuminatingly with monastic culture (both male and female) and with associated literary production, from the making of the famous Worcester cartularies to new insights into the cultural world of forgery. Reading in the monastic refectory, the high-quality of female monastic administration, the history of charters for lay beneficiaries in the kingdom of Scots, attitudes to women and power, and an exciting article on the nature of maritime communities on both sides of the Channel also feature, and there is a provocative and fascinating comparison of Henry II's and Frederick Barbarossa's respective treatments of their families. David Bates is Professorial Fellow, University of East Anglia. Contributors: Ilya Afanasyev, Mathieu Arnoux, Robert F. Berkhofer III, Laura Cleaver, Matthew Hammond, Elisabeth van Houts, Susan M. Johns, Catherine Letouzey-Rety, Alheydis Plassmann, Sigbjorn Olsen Sonnesyn, Andrew Wareham, Teresa Webber, Emily A. Winkler.
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Sött & Salt : snacks godis plockmat
Äntligen! 58 recept på godis, kakor, snacks och plockmat som är tillagade med sunda salter och naturlig sötning. Garanterat lika gott - men mycket nyttigare. Sött och salt är mänsklighetens viktigaste, och farligaste, kryddor. Vi varnas ständigt för riskerna med vitt salt och socker. I den här boken lär näringsfysiolog Fredrik Paulún dig att smaksätta smartare. Här hittar du lättlagade och oemotståndliga smårätter som kommer bli nya klassiker på festen. Och gamla favoriter som chokladbollar, äppelkaka och brownies. Recepten är skapade av stjärnkocken Elisabeth Johansson. Varsågod att njuta med gott samvete!
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Ung og sulten: kokebok
Alle ungdommers drømme-kokebok! Aioli, bruchetta, raspeballer, bacalao, paella, tex-mex, fårikål, brownies, smootie og pannekaker i mange varianter... Mmm... Hjemmelaget mat er best! Og det aller beste er god mat laget sammen med gode venner. Denne kokeboka inneholder spennende oppskrifter på mat som ungdom vil elske, og de kan boltre seg i all verdens variasjoner.Ung & sulten inneholder hele spekteret fra mormors kjøttkaker til de hotteste «nye tradisjonene» fra det internasjonale kjøkkenet. Boka gir en rask innføring i basisteknikker, og har gode oppskrifter på middager, småretter, desserter og kaker.De unge kokkene, Anne-Lise Espeseth Solheim og Elisabeth Hjønnevåg, har erfaring fra Hotel Continental og Restaurant Oro i Oslo og har begge vært med i tv-programmet Barmeny på NRK. Resten av gjengen bak boken jobber med ungdomsmagasinet Klikk Libresse.
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Norsk Bokmål
Goethe Yearbook 23
The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 23 features a special section on visual culture with contributions on the visual aesthetics of Goethe's 1815 production of Proserpina (Bersier); on the Farbenlehre (Lande); on Tableaux Vivants in Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften (Solanki); on the relationship between Goethe and C. G. Carus and their respective views on the representation of nature in art and science (Allert); and on visual and verbal bricolage in Clemens Brentano's Gockel, Hinkel und Gackeleia (MacLeod). There are also articles on Goethe and ancient mystery religions (Amrine); on Goethe's fairy-tale aesthetics (Brown); on the concept of neutrality (Holland); on the concept of the mathematical infinite (Smith); on virginity and maternity in Werther (Nossett); on the Classical aesthetics of Schlegel's Lucinde (ter Horst); and on motherless creations in Faust (Nielsen). Contributors: Beate Allert, Frederick Amrine, Gabrielle Bersier, Jane K. Brown, Jocelyn Holland, Joel B. Lande, Catriona MacLeod, Wendy C. Nielsen, Lauren Nossett, John H. Smith, Tanvi Solanki, Eleanor ter Horst. Adrian Daub is Associate Professor of German at Stanford. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California Davis. Book review editor Birgit Tautz is Associate Professor of German at Bowdoin College.
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Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts of the Anthropocene
<p>Living on a damaged planet challenges who we are and where we live. This timely anthology calls on twenty eminent humanists and scientists to revitalize curiosity, observation, and transdisciplinary conversation about life on earth.</p><p>As human-induced environmental change threatens multispecies livability, <i>Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet</i> puts forward a bold proposal: entangled histories, situated narratives, and thick descriptions offer urgent “arts of living.” Included are essays by scholars in anthropology, ecology, science studies, art, literature, and bioinformatics who posit critical and creative tools for collaborative survival in a more-than-human Anthropocene. The essays are organized around two key figures that also serve as the publication’s two openings: Ghosts, or landscapes haunted by the violences of modernity; and Monsters, or interspecies and intraspecies sociality. Ghosts and Monsters are tentacular, windy, and arboreal arts that invite readers to encounter ants, lichen, rocks, electrons, flying foxes, salmon, chestnut trees, mud volcanoes, border zones, graves, radioactive waste—in short, the wonders and terrors of an unintended epoch.</p><p>Contributors: Karen Barad, U of California, Santa Cruz; Kate Brown, U of Maryland, Baltimore; Carla Freccero, U of California, Santa Cruz; Peter Funch, Aarhus U; Scott F. Gilbert, Swarthmore College; Deborah M. Gordon, Stanford U; Donna J. Haraway, U of California, Santa Cruz; Andreas Hejnol, U of Bergen, Norway; Ursula K. Le Guin; Marianne Elisabeth Lien, U of Oslo; Andrew Mathews, U of California, Santa Cruz; Margaret McFall-Ngai, U of Hawaii, Manoa; Ingrid M. Parker, U of California, Santa Cruz; Mary Louise Pratt, NYU; Anne Pringle, U of Wisconsin, Madison; Deborah Bird Rose, U of New South Wales, Sydney; Dorion Sagan; Lesley Stern, U of California, San Diego; Jens-Christian Svenning, Aarhus U.</p>
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Adam Sabir riskerade livet i jakten efter Nostradamus försvunna profetior. Och när de förutspådda händelserna nu börjar slå in är tiden knapp. Dessutom är Sabir inte den enda som söker efter svar. Det hemliga sällskapet Corpus Maleficus fortsätter sitt sökande. De tolv kvarvarande medlemmarna, vanställda sedan födseln, föräldralösa och tränade för grymhet och våld, är beredda att göra allt för att stoppa Sabir. Samtidigt lämnar en ung man sitt hem och ger sig ut på en farlig resa. Han måste återföra en handskriven bok till mayafolket, en av de sista texterna som finns kvar efter spanjorernas härjningar, en högst viktig bok som kan rädda jorden från undergång, och som också hänger samman med hemligheterna bakom Nostradamus försvunna profetior. MARIO READING föddes i Dorset, England men tillbringade stora delar av sin uppväxt i Tyskland och Frankrike. Som ung sålde han antikvariska böcker, red dressyr i Wien, spelade polo i Indien, Spanien, Frankrike och Dubai och arbetade på kaffeplantage i Mexiko. Reading gjorde succé med boken Nostradamus försvunna profetior (Lind & Co, 2010) som har getts ut i över trettio länder och sålts i hundratusentals exemplar. Mayakoden utgör en fristående fortsättning. "Det är fartfyllt och spännande, boken påminner lite om Dan Browns "Da Vinci-koden" i sättet handlingen är uppbyggd" Elisabeth Pettersson, Nerikes Allehanda
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Himmel og helvete
Himmel og helvete (1758) er en detaljert utlegning av livet etter det dennesidige, en forklaring på hvor menneskene havner etter at vårt fysiske legeme har avgått ved døden. Menneskene blir da til engler og djevler. Det er et overveldende emneregister denne boken presenterer, og Swedenborg gir blant annet detaljerte beskrivelser av englenes liv og samfunn, ekteskapets plass i himmelen og småbarns kår. Han omtaler sansningens plass i himmelen, hvordan englene snakker med oss, himmelsk glede og lykke og ikke minst himmelens utstrekning i tid og rom. Det handler om menneskets oppvåkningsprosess i åndeverdenen, men det handler også om forutsetningen for å komme til himmelen - eller til helvete. Alt dette hevder Swedenborg å ha erfart; ifølge ham selv har han hatt kontakt med engler som har fortalt ham at det som bringer en til helvete er egenkjærligheten og kjærligheten til verden, mens kjærligheten til Gud og medmennesker bringer en til himmelen. Swedenborgs teologiske skrifter har i ettertid vært en inspirator for mange av de største forfattere, kunstnere og filosofer i verden. Av disse kan nevnes William Blake, Balzac, Baudelaire, Goethe, Heine. Dostojevskij bruker sin Swedenborg-kunnskap i skildringen av Aljosa og mester Zosima i Brødrene Karamazov. Av et utall andre kan trekkes fram Walt Whitman, Ralph W. Emerson, Henry D. Thoreau, Robert og Elizabeth Browning. Senere forfattere som Gunnar Ekelöf, Jorge Luis Borges og Czeslaw Milosz har alle vært svært influert av Swedenborgs tenkning.
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Norsk Bokmål
The great, influential cultural critic, Elisabeth Bronfen, sets out in this book a conversation between literature, cinema and visual culture. The crossmappings facilitated in and between these essays address the cultural survival of image formulas involving portraiture and the uncanny relation between the body and its visual representability, the gendering of war, death and the fragility of life, as well as sovereignty and political power. Each chapter tracks transformations that occur as aesthetic figurations travel from one historical moment to another, but also from one medium to another. Many prominent artists are discussed during these journeys into the cultural imaginary, include Degas, Francesca Woodman, Cindy Sherman, Paul McCarthy, Eva Hesse, Louise Bourgeois, Wagner, Picasso, and Shakespeare, as well as classic Hollywood's film noir and melodrama and the TV series, The Wire and House of Cards.
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Dancing Through Fields of Color
They said only men could paint powerful pictures, but Helen Frankenthaler (1928-2011) splashed her way through the modern art world. Channeling deep emotion, Helen poured paint onto her canvas and danced with the colors to make art unlike anything anyone had ever seen. She used unique tools like mops and squeegees to push the paint around, to dazzling effects. Frankenthaler became an originator of the influential "Color Field" style of abstract expressionist painting with her "soak stain" technique, and her artwork continues to electrify new generations of artists today. Dancing Through Fields of Color discusses Frankenthaler's early life, how she used colors to express emotion, and how she overcame the male-dominated art world of the 1950s.
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Race and Crime
Criminal justice practices such as policing and imprisonment are integral to the creation of racialized experiences in U.S. society. Race as an important category of difference, however, did not arise here with the criminal justice system but rather with the advent of European colonial conquest and the birth of the U.S. racial state. Race and Crime examines how race became a defining feature of the system and why mass incarceration emerged as a new racial management strategy. This book reviews the history of race and criminology and explores the impact of racist colonial legacies on the organization of criminal justice institutions. Using a macrostructural perspective, students will learn to contextualize issues of race, crime, and criminal justice. Topics include: How "coloniality" explains the practices that reproduce racial hierarchiesThe birth of social science and social programs from the legacies of racial scienceThe defining role of geography and geographical conquest in the continuation of mass incarcerationThe emergence of the logics of crime control, the War on Drugs, the redefinition of federal law enforcement, and the reallocation of state resources toward prison building, policing, and incarcerationHow policing, courts, and punishment perpetuate the colonial order through their institutional structures and policiesRace and Crime will help students understand how everyday practices of punishment and surveillance are employed in and through the police, courts, and community to create and shape the geographies of injustice in the United States today.
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The Knotted Subject
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Even the most brilliant minds have to eat. And for some scholars, food preparation is more than just a chore; it's a passion. In this unique culinary memoir and cookbook, renowned cultural critic Elisabeth Bronfen tells of her lifelong love affair with cooking and demonstrates what she has learned about creating delicious home meals. She recounts her cherished food memories, from meals eaten at the family table in postwar Germany to dinner parties with friends. Yet, in a thoughtful reflection on the pleasures of cooking for one, she also reveals that some of her favorite meals have been consumed alone.
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Perfect Slow Cooking
- Would you like to get the most out of your slow cooker? - Do you want to create healthy home-cooked meals with the minimum of effort? - Do you want to save money and time without compromising on taste? Perfect Slow Cooking is an indispensable guide to this healthy and economical way of preparing meals. Covering everything from how to choose the right appliance to advice on the most affordable cuts of meat, it walks you through every aspect of the slow-cooking method and offers tried-and-tested tips that will help ensure all your meals taste fantastic. With a selection of mouth-watering recipes for soups, curries, roasts and desserts, alternative options for those occasions when you don't have all the ingredients, and useful advice on finding the time to cook during a busy day, Perfect Slow Cooking has all you need to prepare delicious, healthy home-cooked meals on a budget.The Perfect series is a range of practical guides that give clear and straightforward advice on everything from getting your first job to choosing your baby's name. Written by experienced authors offering tried-and-tested tips, each book contains all you need to get it right first time.
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Palestinian Women and Muslim Family Law in the Mandate Period
In this volume, Brownson sheds new light on Palestinian Muslim women's agency in shari`a courts from the British Mandate period to the present. Her extensive archival research on wife-initiated maintenance claims, divorce, and child custody cases deepens our understanding of women's position in the courts, demonstrating that Muslim women were and are active participants in their legal affairs. Using court registers and interviews, Brownson uncovers a variety of ways women have manipulated the system to their benefit despite its patriarchal bias. She also finds that few reforms were implemented during the Mandate period. The British were uninterested in improving colonized women's legal status and sought to avoid further antagonizing Palestinians. At the same time, Palestinians wished to uphold the one indigenous institution they still controlled while both British rule and Zionism threatened their nationalist aspirations. Although Palestinian women have had few alternatives to using this male privileged system to redress grievances with their husbands and in-laws, they continue to resist its injustices every day. Brownson finds that women's understanding of family law fundamentals has enabled some to deftly navigate the system; however, a unified, reformed law reflecting society's current needs is required so women can have full access to their rights.
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Alexander Hamilton and the Development of American Law
Alexander Hamilton is commonly seen as the standard-bearer of an ideology-turned-political party, the Federalists, engaged in a struggle for the soul of the young United States against the Anti-Federalists, and later, the Jeffersonian Republicans. Alexander Hamilton and the Development of American Law counters such conventional wisdom with a new, more nuanced view of Hamilton as a true federalist, rather than a one-dimensional nationalist, whose most important influence on the American founding is his legal legacy.In this analytical biography, Kate Elizabeth Brown recasts our understanding of Hamilton's political career, his policy achievements, and his significant role in the American founding by considering him first and foremost as a preeminent lawyer who applied law and legal arguments to accomplish his statecraft. In particular, Brown shows how Hamilton used inherited English legal principles to accomplish his policy goals, and how state and federal jurists adapted these Hamiltonian principles into a distinct, republican jurisprudence throughout the nineteenth century. When writing his authoritative commentary on the nature of federal constitutional power in The Federalist, Hamilton juxtaposed the British constitution with the new American one he helped to create; when proposing commercial, monetary, banking, administrative, or foreign policy in Washington's cabinet, he used legal arguments to justify his desired course of action. In short, lawyering, legal innovation, and common law permeated Alexander Hamilton's professional career. Re-examining Hamilton's post-war accomplishments through the lens of law, Brown demonstrates that Hamilton's much-studied political career, as well as his contributions to republican political science, cannot be fully understood without recognizing and investigating how Hamilton used Anglo-American legal principles to achieve these ends. A critical re-evaluation of Hamilton's legacy, as well as his place in the founding era, Brown's work also enhances and refines our understanding of the nature and history of American jurisprudence.
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