Målrettet samtale: hvordan strukturere og lede gode, matematiske diskusjoner
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Intentional Talk
Not all mathematics discussions are alike. It's one thing to ask students to share how they solved a problem, to get ideas out on the table so that their thinking becomes visible; but knowing what to do with students' ideas where to go with them can be a daunting task. Intentional Talk provides teachers with a framework for planning and facilitating purposeful mathematics discussions that enrich and deepen student learning. According to Elham Kazemi and Allison Hintz, the critical first step is to identify a discussion's goal and then understand how to structure and facilitate the conversation to meet that goal. Through detailed vignettes from both primary and upper elementary classrooms, the authors provide a window into what teachers are thinking as they lead discussions and make important pedagogical and mathematical decisions along the way. Additionally, the authors examine students' roles as both listeners and talkers and, in the process, offer a number of strategies for improving student participation and learning. A collection of planning templates included in the appendix helps teachers apply the right structure to discussions in their own classrooms.Intentional Talk provides the perfect bridge between student engagement and conceptual understanding in mathematical discussions.
4.7 av 5
Intentional Talk
Not all mathematics discussions are alike. It’s one thing to ask students to share how they solved a problem, to get ideas out on the table so that their thinking becomes visible; but knowing what to do with students’ ideas where to go with them can be a daunting task. Intentional Talk provides teachers with a framework for planning and facilitating purposeful mathematics discussions that enrich and deepen student learning.
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The Teacher's Grammar of English with Answers: A Course Book and Reference Guide
Engelsk gramatikk
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Choral Counting & Counting Collections
How to make counting count!This influential book inspires preschool and elementary teachers to experience the joys and rewards of using two activities-Choral Counting and Counting Collections-regularly in their classrooms and in their partnerships with families. It paints a vision for how deeply and creatively children can engage with ideas of number and operations and mathematical sense-making through counting. Megan L. Franke, Elham Kazemi, and Angela Chan Turrou have collected the wisdom of mathematics teachers and researchers across the country who explore activities that are at once playful and intentional, simple and sophisticated. For teachers who want to jumpstart student participation and deepen mathematical understanding, this can be your go-to guide.In six clear, engaging chapters, accompanied by an online Choral Counting tool, you will learn:How to facilitate open-ended counting activities to deepen children's number senseHow counting activities can produce both social and academic benefitsHow teachers can engage with families to build on students' mathematical thinkingHow to facilitate collaborative activities with multiple entry points and multiple ways to be successfulTeachers will see that while the activities stay the same, the mathematics deepens over time and students' learning evolves. Let counting be a gateway into your students' mathematical insights. You might be surprised at what you learn!
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General Health and Oral Health Related Quality of Life
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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A Traumatic Reading of Robert Barclay's If Wishes Were Horses
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Search Foundations
A call to redirect the intellectual focus of information retrieval and science (IR&S) toward the phenomenon of technology-mediated experience.In this book, Sachi Arafat and Elham Ashoori issue a call to reorient the intellectual focus of information retrieval and science (IR&S) away from search and related processes toward the more general phenomenon of technology-mediated experience. Technology-mediated experience accounts for an increasing proportion of human lived experience; the phenomenon of mediation gets at the heart of the human-machine relationship. Framing IR&S more broadly in this way generalizes its problems and perspectives, dovetailing them with those shared across disciplines dealing with socio-technical phenomena. This reorientation of IR&S requires imagining it as a new kind of science: a science of technology-mediated experience (STME). Arafat and Ashoori not only offer detailed analysis of the foundational concepts underlying IR&S and other technical disciplines but also boldly call for a radical, systematic appropriation of the sciences and humanities to create a better understanding of the human-technology relationship.Arafat and Ashoori discuss the notion of progress in IR&S and consider ideas of progress from the history and philosophy of science. They argue that progress in IR&S requires explicit linking between technical and nontechnical aspects of discourse. They develop a network of basic questions and present a discursive framework for addressing these questions. With this book, Arafat and Ashoori provide both a manifesto for the reimagining of their field and the foundations on which a reframed IR&S would rest.
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Engineered Geothermal Systems
Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) technology is expected to increase global geothermal power generation capacity and contributes to greater emission reduction worldwide by providing stable base-load power to industries and households. This book summarizes the current knowledge (and knowledge gaps) regarding the latest research in the field of EGS. It provides overviews of H2O-based and CO2-based EGS technologies and their latest developments, reservoir engineering issues related to EGS, updated research and development of hybrid EGS systems, and the regulations, economics, and environmental impacts of EGS technology.
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Livskraft: en nøkkel til frihet
En roman om hvordan seksualiteten gir kontakt med livskraften i oss. Ved hjelp av livskraften, eller seksualkraften, kan vi helbrede våre sår og frigjøre oss som mennesker. Dette er fortellingen om Elham og hans famile. I barneårene blir han utsatt for en alvorlig tragedie. Senere får han opplæring i hvordan den seksuelle kraften kan brukes til å helberede dype sår. Historien starter i ørkenen og viser hvordan personlig frigjøring kan spre seg mellom mennesker, og på veien møte motstand i form av satte normer og regler i samfunnet.
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Ett öga rött
Ett närmast klassiskt verk, i nyutgåva med ny, snygg form Halim har genomskådat allt. Han har genomskådat Integrationsplanen. Han har genomskådat varför de intellektuella liknar halta kameler. Tyvärr har han också genomskådat sin pappa, som har övergett Kampen och som i stället bara talar om vikten av att tala bra svenska. Men Halim har en egen plan: han ska bli Sveriges mäktigaste revolutionsblatte. En tankesultan, som knäcker koderna och får de snyggaste gussarna. Ett öga rött är en rolig och sorglig berättelse om en ensam ung man, som vänder ut och in på både hjärnan och språket för att hitta sig själv och sin plats i världen. ”En strindbergsk bok som söker sanningen i striden, skönheten i hatet. Han gör det med en intensitet som ingen prosadebutant sedan Nikanor Teratologen, vars nemesis och like han är.” Ragnar Strömberg, Aftonbladet ”Ett öga rött är en viktig debut, inte bara för att den fyller ett tomrum, utan för att den bryter mot några av de förväntningar som genren väcker." Ingrid Elam, Expressen "Mer än en gång under läsningen skrattar jag högt och ordentligt. Det är minor classic-varning på den här utvecklingsromanen om en ung man i kris, den platsar på samma hylla som Leif Panduros Skit i traditionerna , JD Salingers Räddaren i nöden och Emile Ajars Med livet framför sig .” Maria Küchen, Upsala Nya Tidning ”En strindbergsk bok som söker sanningen i striden, skönheten i hatet. Han gör det med en intensitet som ingen prosadebutant sedan Nikanor Teratologen, vars nemesis och like han är.” Ragnar Strömberg, Aftonbladet ” Ett öga rött är en viktig debut, inte bara för att den fyller ett tomrum, utan för att den bryter mot några av de förväntningar som genren väcker." Ingrid Elam, Expressen
4.0 av 5
Dua trenger et bad!
Dua trenger virkelig et bad! Problemet er at Dua ikke er så sikker på det. Han tok nemlig et bad forrige måned! Tror han, da ... Det kommer til å kreve seriøst gode argumenter å få ham til å hoppe i badekaret. «DUAs kvikke og trassige replikker, kombinert med Mo Willems perfekte komiske timing, gjør denne boka hylende morsom, fin & frekk.» - Publishers Weekly «Dua er tilbake. En mester i overtalelseskunst! I denne boken er han tydelig på at han IKKE trenger et bad! «Ren» og «skitten» er vel i grunnen bare ord, ikke sant? Med raffinert overtalelses-teknikk nærmer han seg problemet. Mo Willems-fans vil ikke gå glipp av denne boka og det er en MÅ-HA-BOK i alle bibliotek. I tillegg er den et MUST for alle lesere som setter pris på god overtalelseskunst.» . Mary Elam, fra Skolebibliotek Tidsskriftet MO WILLEMS er mannen bak DUA og ELEFANT & GISSE-bøkene. Han er amerikaner og i Amerika er bøkene så populære at alle vil lese dem. De har havnet på bestselgerlista, vunnet en haug med priser, blitt musikal og er utgitt på 22 forskjellige språk!
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Specialpedagogik - ett gemensamt ansvar : om lagarbete och samverkan i skolan
0.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Roger Fry and Italian Art
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Ad Ilissum) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Free Association Where My Mind Goes During Science Class
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Mrs. Gorski I Think I Have the Wiggle Fidgets
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Last to Finish
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Geometry of design
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Stephen Joseph: Theatre Pioneer and Provocateur
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Shakespeare's Pictures
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