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Viser resultat for 'Elana K. Arnold'

    A Boy Called Bat

    A Boy Called Bat

    Elana K. Arnold

    The first book in a funny, heartfelt, and irresistible young middle grade series starring an unforgettable young boy on the autism spectrum, from acclaimed author Elana K. Arnold and with illustrations by Charles Santoso.For Bixby Alexander Tam (nicknamed Bat), life tends to be full of surprises-some of them good, some not so good. Today, though, is a good-surprise day. Bat's mom, a veterinarian, has brought home a baby skunk, which she needs to take care of until she can hand him over to a wild-animal shelter.But the minute Bat meets the kit, he knows they belong together. And he's got one month to show his mom that a baby skunk might just make a pretty terrific pet."This sweet and thoughtful novel chronicles Bat's experiences and challenges at school with friends and teachers and at home with his sister and divorced parents. Approachable for younger or reluctant readers while still delivering a powerful and thoughtful story" (from the review by Brightly.com, which named A Boy Called Bat a best book of 2017).

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018




    Elana K. Arnold

    *A 2019 Michael L. Printz Award Honor Book*A dark, twisted, unforgettable fairy tale from Elana K. Arnold, author of the National Book Award finalist What Girls Are Made OfThe rite has existed for as long as anyone can remember: When the king dies, his son the prince must venture out into the gray lands, slay a fierce dragon, and rescue a damsel to be his bride. This is the way things have always been. When Ama wakes in the arms of Prince Emory, she knows none of this. She has no memory of what came before she was captured by the dragon or what horrors she faced in its lair. She knows only this handsome young man, the story he tells of her rescue, and her destiny of sitting on a throne beside him. It's all like a dream, like something from a fairy tale.As Ama follows Emory to the kingdom of Harding, however, she discovers that not all is as it seems. There is more to the legends of the dragons and the damsels than anyone knows, and the greatest threats may not be behind her, but around her, now, and closing in.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    What girls are made of

    What girls are made of

    Elana K. Arnold

    Nina's mother always told her that love there's no such thing as unconditional love. Now Nina will do anything for the boy she loves, to prove she's worthy of him. But when he breaks up with her, Nina is lost. What is she, if not a girlfriend? Broken-hearted, Nina tries to figure out what the conditions of love are, and what she's really made of. A powerful and unflinching novel that explores what young women really think and feel about relationships, What Girls Are Made Of is for anyone who has ever had to pick up the pieces of their heart and rebuild it.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 119
    kr 119

    Det jenter er lagd av

    Det jenter er lagd av

    Elana K. Arnold

    «Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice». As if. Da Nina Faye var fjorten, sa moren til henne at det ikke fantes noe som het ubetinget kjærlighet. Nina trodde på henne. Nå er Nina seksten. Og hun er villig til å gjøre hva som helst for den gutten hun elsker, bare for å vise at hun fortjener ham. Men da han gjør det slutt med henne, mister hun grepet fullstendig. Hva er hun hvis hun ikke er noens kjæreste? Hva er hun lagd av? Dette er et slag i magen av en bok. En bok som utfordrer leseren med sin rasende, nådeløse og dønn ærlige kraft - en knallsterk blanding av det brutale og sanselige; en utforskning av kvinnekroppen, tenåringsjentekroppen, og kroppens historie gjennom tidene - dyrkelse, utnytting, misbruk. Det er ubehagelig, og du vrir deg i stolen, men du klarer ikke å legge den fra deg. Ikke rart den var finalist til National Book Award for YA Literature 2017. Den burde ha vunnet.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Bat and the Waiting Game

    Bat and the Waiting Game

    Elana K. Arnold

    In the tradition of Clementine and Ramona Quimby, meet Bat. Author Elana K. Arnold returns with another irresistible story of friendship in this widely acclaimed series starring an unforgettable boy on the autism spectrum.For Bixby Alexander Tam (nicknamed Bat), life is pretty great. He's the caretaker of the best baby skunk in the world-even Janie, his older sister, is warming up to Thor. When Janie gets a part in the school play and can't watch Bat after school, it means some pretty big changes. Someone else has to take care of the skunk kit in the afternoons, Janie is having sleepovers with her new friends, and Bat wants everything to go back to normal.He just has to make it to the night of Janie's performance. . . .

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Bat and the End of Everything

    Bat and the End of Everything

    Elana K. Arnold

    The third book in the funny and joyful series Katherine Applegate has called "tender and important," by National Book Award finalist Elana K. Arnold. Bixby Alexander Tam (nicknamed Bat) has been the caretaker for Thor, the best skunk kit in the world...but the last day of third grade is quickly approaching, and Thor is almost ready to be released into the wild.The end of school also means that Bat has to say good-bye to his favorite teacher, and he worries about the summer care of Babycakes, their adorable class pet. Not only that, but his best friend is leaving for a long vacation in Canada.Summer promises good things, too, like working with his mom at the vet clinic and hanging out with his sister, Janie. But Bat can't help but feel that everything is coming to an end.National Book Award finalist Elana K. Arnold returns with the third story starring an unforgettable boy on the autism spectrum.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


    Robert K. Merton & contemporary sociology

    Robert K. Merton & contemporary sociology

    <p>This volume offers scholars of sociology and allied areas the fruits of an international conference on the contributions of the eminent Robert K. Merton. The assessment, as good in content as well as in participants, took place in Amalfi, Italy, with the participation of Merton himself and under the auspices of the Italian Sociology Association. Carlo Mongardini aptly summarizes the unique impact of Merton on the social theory of our century. "His strength as a classic writer lies in his balance, unveiling complexity, and in his humanism which looks beyond the apparent simplicity and coherence of social reality."</p><p>A special treat is the final chapter by Merton reviewing "Unanticipated Conse-quences and Kindred Sociological Ideas." In it, he ranges from the historical an-tecedents of the concept to his own evolution in the use and expansion of the idea. Merton approaches the development of his thought as installments rather than sim-ple evolution, and in so doing gives us unique insight into how he built upon his originating notions in the context of social science as it existed in the United States. Tensions between integrating scholarship and reaching the general public provide a special insight into Merton that might prove new even to those who know his work well.</p><p>Contributors to this original volume include: Volker Meja, Nico Stehr, Paolo Ammassari, Gianni Statera, Birgitta Nedelmann, Harriet Zuckerman, Piotr Sztompka, Peter Gerlich, Charles Crothers, Elena Besozzi, and Arnold Zongerle, among others. The chapters address the full range of Merlon's work, with special emphasis on such areas as anomie, structural analysis, the relationship of theory to research, patterns of latent and manifest influence, and even the application of Mertonian concepts to the analysis of Merton as a scholar. This unusual compendium, translated from the Italian, will interest social researchers across the academic spectrum.</p>

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1998

    Norsk Bokmål


    Sosiale og emosjonelle vansker

    Sosiale og emosjonelle vansker: barnehagens og skolens møte med sårbare barn og unge

    Hvordan kan pedagoger legge til rette for et læringsmiljø som fremmer en positiv psykososial utvikling? Med utgangspunkt i forskning fokuserer forfatterne på hvordan skoler og barnehager kan forstå, og gripe inn ved, vansker hos sårbare barn og barn i utsatte situasjoner. I seks fagartikler utdyper de innagerende vansker, språk- og atferdsvansker, mobbing, vansker som følge av migrasjon og vanskelige hjemmeforhold. De viser også hvordan vanskene påvirkes av barnehage- og skolekonteksten. Boka presenterer strategier for å skape et inkluderende læringsmiljø for sårbare barn og unge. Dette er den første av to artikkelsamlinger som bygger på arbeid ved Senter for atferdsforskning ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Den andre boka fokuserer på det systematiske arbeidet med å utvikle gode og forebyggende miljøer. Boka Sosiale og emosjonelle vansker er først og fremst skrevet for studenter på masternivå innen spesialpedagogikk og pedagogikk. Det er også en viktig bok for sosiallærere, ansatte i pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste, i skole og og barnehage. Boka er redigert av Unni Vere Midthassel, Edvin Bru, Sigrun K. Ertesvåg og Erling Roland. Øvrige bidragsytere er: Gaute Auestad, Elena Maria Cosmovici, Hildegunn Fandrem, Thormod Idsøe, Ingunn Størksen, Arlene Arstad Thorsen, Elin Thuen, Jarmund Veland Alle er ansatt ved Senter for atferdsforskning. - Dette er ei grundig, god og forskingsbasert artikkelsamling, Den vil absolutt fylle eit behov innafor masterutdanningane i spesialpedagogikk. Boka dekkjer mange emne og mange sentrale tema og vil kunne bidra til å auke kunnskapen om dette viktige området. Boka anbefalast. (Grete Dalhaug Berg, Spesialpedagogikk nr. 10, 2011) -

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 119
    kr 119

    Eana lea suttu luohti

    Eana lea suttu luohti: balláda

    Timo K. Mukka

    Jovnna Ánde Vest har oversatt Timo K. Mukka.s roman "Maa on syntynen laulu" til nordsamisk. " På nordsamisk heter den "Eana lea suttu luohti. (Jorda er en syndens sang). Hovedpersonene i boka er Mäkelä-Mártá og Nahkamaa-Oula. En av bokas hovedtemaer er deres umulige kjærlighet, som blir brutt mot deres vilje. Romanen fører oss til et lite sted i Tornedalen. Livet er hardt etter andre verdenskrig, og folk prøver å livnære seg som best de kan i det strenge nærmiljøet. Døden og livet går hand i hand. De er ikke vant til å vise følelser. Alle slags kjærlige og ømme følelser snues ofte til grovheter og vold. Dette er en episk fortelling med innslag av erotiske dikt.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Fraktal'nyy Podkhod K Uporyadocheniyu Opyta

    Fraktal'nyy Podkhod K Uporyadocheniyu Opyta

    Loginova Elena

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Struktura I Dinamika Normativnogo Krizisa Perekhoda K Vzroslosti

    Struktura I Dinamika Normativnogo Krizisa Perekhoda K Vzroslosti

    Soldatova Elena

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Palmarium Academic Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Min første abc

    Min første abc: b-boken min

    Elna Greig

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål


    Andre utgaver · 10

    kr 20

    Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi

    Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi

    J.K. Rowling

    Harry Potterin tavallinen ja surkea elämä muuttuu täysin, kun hän saa 11-vuotispäivänään merkillisen kirjeen. Kirje on kutsu Tylypahkan velhojen ja noitien kouluun ja se avaa Harrylle kokonaan uuden kiehtovan maailman. Samalla Harry saa kuulla totuuden vanhemmistaan, heidän kuolemastaan, taikavoimista ja kirouksesta.Tylypahkassa Harry opiskelee taikuuden alkeita, kuten muodonmuutoksia, taikajuomien tekoa, loitsuja ja suojautumista pimeyden voimilta. Koulunkäynti on hauskaa, mutta henkeäsalpaavan jännittäväksi se muuttuu, kun Harry ryhtyy ratkomaan kiehtovaa arvoitusta ystäviensä Ron Wesleyn ja Hermione Grangerin kanssa.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015



    Mixed Signals

    Mixed Signals

    B.K. Borinson

    A bashful man who can rock a Hawaiian shirt. A hopeful and dreamy bakery owner. Enough sweets to give you a cavity, and your favourite Inglewild residents . . . --------- 'Sweet and sexy. Everything you’d ever need in a romance. I’ll buy everything B.K Borison writes' - Hannah Grace, author of Icebreaker 'Borison’s words have a special kind of magic' - Elena Armas, author of The Spanish Love Deception Mixed Signals is a sweet and steamy small-town romance from TikTok favourite author B. K. Borison, for fans of Tessa Bailey and Hannah Grace. Layla Dupree has given up on love. Apparently, owning the bakery at Inglewild’s most romantic destination does not help one’s love life – despite her best efforts. All she wants is a partner who gives her butterflies, not someone who ghosts her at dinner and leaves her with the cheque. Caleb Alvarez can never make it past the first date. Which has nothing to do with his long-term crush on the hot bakery owner who serves him coffee every morning . . . nothing at all. After saving Layla from a date gone bad, he has a simple proposition: one month of no-strings dating. He’ll do his best to renew her faith in love while she rates his romantic game. It’s a win-win situation. But there’s one thing they haven’t considered. The chemistry between them is red hot. Will Caleb be the secret ingredient that Layla has been missing? Mixed Signals is a standalone romance and the third book in the Lovelight series, a collection of interconnected novels. ------- 5* Reader Reviews 'I love this book. Wholeheartedly. One of the best romance out there.' 'I have fallen helplessly in love with Caleb and everything about this book.' 'I just can’t. This book is just too beautiful. B.K. Borison is definitely an auto-buy for me from now on'

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 169

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 169

    The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research

    The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research

    Norman K. (EDT) Denzin

    The substantially updated and revised Fifth Edition of this landmark handbook presents the state-of-the-art theory and practice of qualitative inquiry. Representing top scholars from around the world, the editors and contributors continue the tradition of synthesizing existing literature, defining the present, and shaping the future of qualitative research. The Fifth Edition contains 19 new chapters, with 16 revised-making it virtually a new volume-while retaining six classic chapters from previous editions. New contributors to this edition include Jamel K. Donnor and Gloria Ladson-Billings; Margaret Kovach; Paula Saukko; Bryant Keith Alexander; Thomas A. Schwandt and Emily F. Gates; Johnny Saldana; Uwe Flick; Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Maggie MacLure, and Jasmine Ulmer; Maria Elena Torre, Brett G. Stoudt, Einat Manoff, and Michelle Fine; Jack Bratich; Svend Brinkmann; Eric Margolis and Renu Zunjarwad; Annette N. Markham; Alecia Y. Jackson and Lisa A. Mazzei; Jonathan Wyatt, Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon, and Bronwyn Davies; Janice Morse; Peter Dahler-Larsen; Mark Spooner; and David A. Westbrook.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    kr 879
    kr 879

    Jorda er en syndefull sang

    Jorda er en syndefull sang: en ballade

    Timo K. Mukka

    Ungjenta Martta bor i ei bygd ved en innsjø i finske Lappland. Hun opplever sin seksuelle oppvåkning en høst på slutten av 1940-tallet, og trekkes særlig mot Oula, en reindriftssame med rykte for å være en som bruker kvinner. Dårlig rykte får Martta også, særlig når det viser seg at hun er gravid. Sladderen går, skinnhelligheten har gode kår og manifesterer seg særlig i en predikant som kommer til bygda, refser folket for det syndefulle livet de lever, og misbruker Elina, Marttas venninne. Timo K. Mukka skrev debutromanen sin da han var bare tenåring, og brukte sitt eget oppvekstmiljø som utgangspunkt. Den ble utgitt første gang i 1964 og beskriver et samfunn hvor menneskene undertrykker hverandre med vold, hån og sladder, søker forløsning fra angst og smerte gjennom alkoholmisbruk eller religiøs ekstase, men når det kreves, likevel er i stand til å vise hverandre medmenneskelighet og omtanke. Historien blir fortalt i prosaform, men blir brutt opp av dikt, som i sitt eget, drømmeaktige språk varsler om skjebnen som venter Martta og Oula

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 150
    kr 150

    In The Weeds

    In The Weeds

    B.K. Borinson

    A hot but grumpy farmer. A sunshine, no-nonsense social media influencer. A small town of busybodies, and four very cute kittens . . . ----- 'I found my happy falling in love with Beckett and Evie. This book is grumpy and sunshine in its greatest form' – Hannah Grace author of ICEBREAKER 'A delicious indulgence’ – Chloe Liese, author of TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT In the Weeds is a sweet and steamy second-chance romance about finding your happiness, from TikTok favourite author B.K. Borison, for fans of Elena Armas and Hannah Grace. Evelyn St. James isn’t the kind of woman you forget. Beckett Porter certainly hasn’t. One incredible weekend in Maine and he’s officially a man distracted. So when she suddenly appears on his farm as part of a social media contest, he’s . . . confused. He had no idea that the sweet and sexy woman he met at a bar is actually a social media influencer and global phenomenon. Feeling disconnected from her work and increasingly unhappy, Evelyn is trying to find her way back to something real. She returns to the last place she was happy – Lovelight Farms and the tiny town of Inglewild. It has absolutely nothing to do with the hot farmer she spent two incredible nights with. Nothing at all . . . In the Weeds is the second book in a quartet of cosy romances. Enjoy more seasonally-inspired stories with Lovelight Farms and Mixed Signals. ------- 5* READER REVIEWS 'Can I rate a book higher than a 5? Go read this if you haven't. Now.' 'EVERYTHING that my soul needed to feel happy and at home' 'This book was everything I hoped it would be, and so much more'

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 69
    kr 69

    lovelight farms

    lovelight farms

    B.K. Borison

    A handsome, freckled data analyst. A messy, optimistic Christmas tree farm owner. A small town with the best hazelnut lattes on the east coast. 'B.K Borison is the most exciting new voice in romance' – Hannah Grace, author of Icebreaker 'This is the easiest I’ve ever fallen in love with a romance, Borison’s words have a special kind of magic' – Elena Armas, author of The Spanish Love Deception Lovelight Farms is a sweet and steamy romance, by B. K. Borison, a holiday happily-ever-after for fans of Tessa Bailey and Hannah Grace. In an effort to save the Christmas tree farm she’s loved since she was a child, Stella enters a contest with insta-famous influencer Evelyn St. James. With the added publicity and the huge cash prize, she might just be able to save the farm from its financial woes. There’s just one problem. To make the farm seem like a romantic destination for the holidays, she lied on the application and said that she owns Lovelight Farms with her boyfriend. Only . . . there is no boyfriend. Enter best friend Luka Peters. He just came home for some hot chocolate, and somehow got a farm and a serious relationship in the process. Will their fake love affair save Lovelight Farms in time for Christmas? 'Festive, small town swoon is folded lovingly into every single page' – Tessa Bailey, author of It Happened One Summer 'The Lovelight series is my happy place' – Sarah Adams, author of The Cheat Sheet 5* Reader Reviews: 'I enjoyed every second of this book' 'The chemistry is off the charts!' 'I literally could not put Lovelight Farms down, I am OBSESSED' Lovelight Farms is the first in the Lovelight series of interconnected, standalone romcoms. Continue the cosy, spicy fun with book two, In the Weeds . . .

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023


    kr 120
    kr 120

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells -  Basics and Clinical Application II

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells - Basics and Clinical Application II

    Engineered MSCs from Patient-Specific iPS Cells, by Irina Eberle, Mohsen Moslem, Reinhard Henschler, Tobias Cantz Fate of Intravenously Injected Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Significance for Clinical Application, by Beate Wagner, Reinhard Henschler The Implications of Stem Cell Applications for Diseases of the Respiratory System, by Mei Ling Lim, Philipp Jungebluth, Paolo Macchiarini Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Applications in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, by Birgit Weyand, Peter M. Vogt General Principles for the Regeneration of Bone and Cartilage, by Michael Jagodzinski, C. Haasper Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells Explored in the Dental Field, by K. M. Fawzy El-Sayed, C. Doerfer, F. Fandrich, F. Gieseler, M. H. Moustafa, H. Ungefroren Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy and Lung Diseases, by Khondoker M. Akram, Sohel Samad, Monica Spiteri, Nicholas R. Forsyth Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Cellular Immunotherapeutics in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, by Claudia Papewalis, Daniela Topolar, Barbara Goetz, Stefan Schoenberger, Dagmar DillooNew Cell-Based Therapy Paradigm: Induction of Bone Marrow-Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells into Pro-Inflammatory MSC1 and Anti-inflammatory MSC2 Phenotypes, by Aline M. Betancourt Interactions Between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Dendritic Cells, by Grazia Maria Spaggiari, Lorenzo Moretta MSC and Tumors: Homing, Differentiation, and Secretion Influence Therapeutic Potential, by Naomi D'souza, Jorge Sans Burns, Giulia Grisendi, Olivia Candini, Elena Veronesi, Serena Piccinno, Edwin M. Horwitz, Paolo Paolucci, Pierfranco Conte, Massimo Dominici Sources of Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Current and Future Clinical Use, by Michela Pozzobon, Martina Piccoli, Paolo De Coppi Role of the EU Framework in Regulation of Stem Cell-Based Products, by Giovanni Migliaccio, Cristina Pintus

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Interactive Task Learning

    Interactive Task Learning

    Experts from a range of disciplines explore how humans and artificial agents can quickly learn completely new tasks through natural interactions with each other.Humans are not limited to a fixed set of innate or preprogrammed tasks. We learn quickly through language and other forms of natural interaction, and we improve our performance and teach others what we have learned. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie the acquisition of new tasks through natural interaction is an ongoing challenge. Advances in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and robotics are leading us to future systems with human-like capabilities. A huge gap exists, however, between the highly specialized niche capabilities of current machine learning systems and the generality, flexibility, and in situ robustness of human instruction and learning. Drawing on expertise from multiple disciplines, this Strungmann Forum Report explores how humans and artificial agents can quickly learn completely new tasks through natural interactions with each other.The contributors consider functional knowledge requirements, the ontology of interactive task learning, and the representation of task knowledge at multiple levels of abstraction. They explore natural forms of interactions among humans as well as the use of interaction to teach robots and software agents new tasks in complex, dynamic environments. They discuss research challenges and opportunities, including ethical considerations, and make proposals to further understanding of interactive task learning and create new capabilities in assistive robotics, healthcare, education, training, and gaming.ContributorsTony Belpaeme, Katrien Beuls, Maya Cakmak, Joyce Y. Chai, Franklin Chang, Marc Destefano, Mark d'Inverno, Kenneth D. Forbus, Simon Garrod, Kevin A. Gluck, Wayne D. Gray, James Kirk, Kenneth R. Koedinger, Parisa Kordjamshidi, John E. Laird, Christian Lebiere, Stephen C. Levinson, Elena Lieven, John K. Lindstedt, Aaron Mininger, Tom Mitchell, Shiwali Mohan, Ana Paiva, Katerina Pastra, Peter Pirolli, Charles Rich, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Paul S. Rosenbloom, Nele Russwinkel, Dario D. Salvucci, Matthew-Donald D. Sangster, Matthias Scheutz, Julie A. Shah, Catherine Sibert, Candace Sidner, Michael Spranger, Luc Steels, Suzanne Stevenson, Terrence C. Stewart, Arthur Still, Andrea Stocco, Niels A. Taatgen,Andrea L. Thomaz, J. Gregory Trafton Han L. J. van der Maas, Paul Van Eecke, Kurt VanLehn, Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Janet Wiles, Robert E. Wray III, Matthew Yee-King

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019


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