Modern Standard Arabic
Tekstbok i Arabisk. Brukes ved Universitetet i Bergen
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Standard Arabic
This book presents a comprehensive foundation course for beginning students of written and spoken Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), providing an essential grounding for successful communication with speakers of the many colloquial varieties. This long-established and successful text has been completely revised with the needs of English-speaking learners especially in mind, and will prove invaluable to students and teachers alike. • Step-by-step guide to understanding written and spoken texts • Develops conversational ability as well as reading and writing skills • Arabic-English Glossary containing 2600 entries • Fresh texts and dialogues containing up-to-date data on the Middle East and North Africa • Includes Arab folklore, customs, proverbs, and short essays on contemporary topics • Grammatical terms also given in Arabic enabling students to attend language courses in Arab countries • Provides a wide variety of exercises and drills to reinforce grammar points, vocabulary learning and communicative strategies • Includes a key to the exercises • Accompanying cassettes also available
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Meine Schule des Theaters : Seminare, Vorlesungen, Demonstrationen, Diskussionen
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Lehrpläne und Richtlinien für den schulischen Musikunterricht in Deutschland vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in die Gegenwart : eine Dokumentation
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Norsk Bokmål
Prozessrecht Und Materielles Recht: Liber Amicorum Fur Wolfram Henckel Aus Anlass Seines 90. Geburtstages
Die deutsche Zivilprozessrechtswissenschaft wurdigt mit diesem Liber Amicorum eine ihrer bedeutendsten Gelehrtengestalten der zweiten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Wolfram Henckel, der am 21.04.2015 seinen 90. Geburtstag wird feiern konnen. Der Sammelband, den ihm Freunde, Schuler und Kollegen darbringen, steht unter einem Titel, der das gesamte Arbeitsleben Wolfram Henckels umspannt und fur den er heute noch die zentrale Referenz darstellt: "Prozessrecht und materielles Recht." Das war der Titel seiner Gottinger Antrittsvorlesung (1962), einer weltbekannten, grundlegenden Monographie (1970) und vieler weiterer wissenschaftlicher Beitrage. Prozessrecht war fur ihn nie Selbstzweck oder Formalitat, sondern das Mittel zum Zweck der materiellen Rechtsverwirklichung. Unter diesem Dach sind insgesamt 21 Beitrage zu Prozess- und Insolvenzrecht vereinigt, die sich im Wesentlichen auf die Arbeitsgebiete des Jubilars fokussieren. Mit Beitragen von: Martin Ahrens, Reinhard Bo rk, Jurgen Costede, Erwin Deutsch, Uwe Diederichsen, Diederich Eckardt, Ulrich Foerste, Hans-Friedhelm Gaul, Walter Gerhardt, Rudiger Krause, Bruno M. Kubler, Volker Lipp, Wolfgang Marotzke, Joachim Munch, Hans Prutting, Bruno Rimmelspacher, Herbert Roth, Eberhard Schilken, Ekkehard Schumann, Andreas Spickhoff, Rolf Sturner
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Geometrodynamics of Gauge Fields
This monograph aims to provide a unified, geometrical foundation of gauge theories of elementary particle physics. The underlying geometrical structure is unfolded in a coordinate-free manner via the modern mathematical notions of fibre bundles and exterior forms. Topics such as the dynamics of Yang-Mills theories, instanton solutions and topological invariants are included. By transferring these concepts to local space-time symmetries, generalizations of Einstein's theory of gravity arise in a Riemann-Cartan space with curvature and torsion. It provides the framework in which the (broken) Poincare gauge theory, the Rainich geometrization of the Einstein-Maxwell system, and higher-dimensional, non-abelian Kaluza-Klein theories are developed.Since the discovery of the Higgs boson, concepts of spontaneous symmetry breaking in gravity have come again into focus, and, in this revised edition, these will be exposed in geometric terms. Quantizing gravity remains an open issue: formulating it as a de Sitter type gauge theory in the spirit of Yang-Mills, some new progress in its topological form is presented. After symmetry breaking, Einstein's standard general relativity with cosmological constant emerges as a classical background. The geometrical structure of BRST quantization with non-propagating topological ghosts is developed in some detail.
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New directions in later medieval manuscript studies : essays from the 1998 Harvard conference
The study of manuscripts is one of the most active areas of current research in medieval studies: manuscripts are the basic primary material evidence for literary scholars, historians and art-historians alike, and there has been an explosion of interest over the past twenty years. Manuscript study has developed enormously: codices are no longer treated as inert witnesses to a culture whose character has already been determined by the modern scholar, but are active participants in a process of exploration and discovery. The articles collected here discuss the future of this process and vital questions about manuscript study for tomorrow's explorers. They deal with codicology and book production, with textual criticism, with the material structure of the medieval book, with the relation of manuscripts to literary culture, to social history and to the medieval theatre, and with the importance to manuscript study of the emerging technology of computerised digitisation and hypertext display. The essays provide an end-of-millennium perspective on the most vigorous developments in a rapidly expanding field of study. Contributors: A.I. Doyle, C. David Benson, Martha W. Driver, J.P. Gumbert, Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Linne R. Mooney, Eckehard Simon, Alison Stones, John Thompson. DEREK PEARSALL is former Professor and Co-Director of the Centre for Medieval Studies, York, and Professor of English at Harvard University.
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Norsk Bokmål
Prosesskjemi: anlegg og utstyr
Tar for seg hvordan kjemiske anlegg er bygget opp, hvordan apparatene virker, innføring i kjemiske prosesser, spesielle måle-, styrings-, regulerings- og prosessteknikker, og gir grunnlag i miljøteknikk og sikkerhet i arbeidet.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Nynorsk
Moderne Dialekte - Neue Dialektologie: Akten Des 1. Kongresses Der Internationalen Gesellschaft Fuer Dialektologie Des Deutschen (Igdd) Am Forschungsi
In Marburg veranstaltete die Internationale Gesellschaft fuer Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD) 2003 ihren ersten Kongress am erneuerten Forschungsinstitut fuer deutsche Sprache aDeutscher Sprachatlaso. Der vorliegende, zentrale Kongressband fasst mit der Veroffentlichung der drei Hauptvortrage und weiteren ausgewahlten Beitragen aus den Plenarsitzungen und Sektionen die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zusammen. Damit liegt auf knapp 800 Seiten eine umfangreiche Ubersicht und ergiebige Quelle zum aktuellen Forschungsstand ueber moderne Dialekte und Dialektologie vor. Der Band macht einmal mehr deutlich, dass die heutige Dialektologie ihre Funktion als empirisches Laboratorium der Sprachwissenschaft mit neuen Ideen erfolgreich fortzusetzen vermag. .
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Inside the Work: Documentation 13 Years KUB
In August 1993, Bregenz, Austria issued a building permit for a new museum. Work on Peter Zumthor's design began in 1994; the roof was finished in November 1996. By the following June the administration building was ready, and on July 25, 1997, the Kunsthaus Bregenz opened its doors. On its tenth anniversary, this comprehensive volume documents its history and its increasingly strong exhibition program--over the five years between the end of 2001 and the end of 2006, the Kunsthaus put up a total of 31 exhibitions, all but one self-produced, and saw more than 20 new works created in conjunction with its architecture. Its programs place prominent thematic emphasis on interactions and connecting points between contemporary art and architecture/design; real space becomes a central theme--not just the museum's exceptional building, with its installation-friendly facade, but its location on the shoreline of Lake Constance, at the point where Switzerland, Austria and Germany come together. Inside the Work presents, in text and image, the curatorial practice and outreach work that make the Kunsthaus Bregenz stand out, and tracks its exhibitions through short artist statements and large-format illustrations.
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The Macroeconomics of Finance-Dominated Capitalism - and its Crisis
In this timely and thought-provoking book, Eckhard Hein illustrates that the Great Recession, which hit the world economy in 2008/09, is rooted in the contradictions of finance-dominated capitalism. The author provides an in-depth exploration of the macroeconomics of finance-dominated capitalism, its problems and its crisis, and presents economic policy lessons and alternatives. In particular, he shows that since the early 1980s, finance-dominated capitalism has affected long-run economic developments via three distinct channels:* the re-distribution of income at the expense of low labour incomes,* the dampening of investment in real capital stock,* and an increasing potential for wealth-based and debt-financed consumption.The author concludes that against the background of these basic macroeconomic tendencies, increasing instability potentials at the national economy levels and rising current account imbalances at both global and European levels have developed and have contributed to the severity of the Great Recession.This systematic study of finance-dominated capitalism presented from a macroeconomic perspective will prove a thought-provoking read for academics, researchers, graduate students and economic policy consultants with an interest in macroeconomics, financial economics, economic policies, and distribution and growth.
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Antipädagogik : Studien z. Abschaffung d. Erziehung
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Das Volksschauspiel im nördlichen Tirol : Renaissance u. Barock
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Sozialgeschichte des Jazz in den USA
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Bevegelsesleker for barn
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Norsk Bokmål
Microsoft QuickC-Wegweiser Grundkurs
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Vieweg+teubner Verlag) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Die späten Quartette Beethovens : Substanz und Substanzverarbeitung
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Jazzmusiker : Materialien zur Soziologie der afro-amerikanischen Musik
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Norsk Bokmål
Zwischen Bekenntnis und Volkskirche : der theologische Weg der Evangelischen Kirche der altpreussischen Union (1922-1953) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Synoden, ihrer Gruppen und der theologischen Begründungen
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Jesus in Jerusalem
This is the first book to describe and analyze, sequentially and in detail, all the persons, places, times, and events mentioned in the Gospel accounts of Jesus's last week in Jerusalem. Part reference guide, part theological exploration, Eckhard Schnabel's Jesus in Jerusalem uses the biblical text and recent archaeological evidence to find meaning in Jesus's final days on earth. Schnabel profiles the seventy-two people and groups and the seventeen geographic locations named in the four passion narratives. Placing the events of Jesus's last days in chronological order, he unpacks their theological significance, finding that Jesus's passion, death, and resurrection can be understood historically as well as from a faith perspective.
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