The Nordic countries have a veritable smoergasbord of relationships with the European Union, from in to out to somewhere in between.So, what does that mean for Scotland?Well, somewhere in this incredible diversity of relationships with Europe is an arrangement that's likely to be good for Scotland too - strangely enough, maybe more than one. Inside or outside the UK, Scotland wants to keep trade and cultural links with Europe - that much is clear. But is the EU really the best club in town for an independent Scotland?Or would Scots benefit from `doing a Norway' - joining the halfway house of the EEA and keeping the Single Market but losing the troublesome Common Fisheries and Agriculture Policies?Would an independent Scotland need the support and shelter of another union - or could the nation stand alone like the tiny Faroes or Iceland?These tough questions have already been faced and resolved by five Nordic nations and their autonomous territories within the last 40 years. Perhaps there's something for Scotland to learn?The unique combination of personal experience and experts' insights give this book its hands-on character: pragmatic and thought-provoking, challenging and instructive, full of amazing stories and useful comparisons, enriching the debates about Scotland's post-Brexit future as a Nordic neighbour.Scotland's response to Britain's divided Brexit vote has been positively Nordic - Scots expect diversity and empowerment to be entirely possible - whilst Westminster's reaction has been decidedly British. One singer - one song. One deal for everyone - end of. Lesley RiddochOf course, the majority of Nordic nations are eu members. But perhaps the eea is a closer fit for Scotland? Perhaps, too, a viable halfway house option would boost support for Scottish independence? Especially since Holyrood may not automatically retrieve powers from Europe post Brexit. Paddy Bort
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Spørreskjema som metode: for helsefagene
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Norsk Bokmål
Die Charakterisierung Von Lawinenereignissen Mit Hilfe Der Vegetation
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (AV Akademikerverlag) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainf
This new edition of Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests applies the large body of knowledge, experience and tradition available to those who study tropical rainforests. Revised and updated in light of developments in science, technology, economics, politics, etc. and their effects on tropical forests, it describes the principles of integrated conservation and management that lead to sustainability, identifying the unifying phenomena that regulate the processes within the rainforest and that are fundamental to the ecosystem viability. Features of the natural forest and the socio-cultural ecosystems which can be mimicked in the design of self-sustaining forests are also discussed. A holistic approach to the management and conservation of rainforests is developed throughout the book. The focus on South-East Asian forestry will be widened to include Africa and Latin America. Recent controversial issues such as biofuels and carbon credits with respect to tropical forests and their inhabitants will be discussed. This book is a substantial contribution to the literature, it is a valuable resource for all those concerned with rainforests. Cover Photo: The group of five Iban resting on rocky cliffs in the Ulu Katibas in 1957 were traditional shag (Sect. 2.2, p. 86) farmers from the longhouse of Penguluh Ngali in the steep-hilly Ulu Ai (Ai river headwaters) below the Lanyak Entimau Protected Forest in the PFE (see p. 339). They were part of the native Iban complement in an exploratory survey by F.G. Browne, (Chief) Conservator of Forests Sarawak and Chairman of the Iban Resettlement Board, myself as SFO Kuching and team leader, and my assistant, D. Parson. We had crossed the watershed eastward along a former headhunter trail and got lost for an additional week in the legendary, fascinatingly wild, almost virgin-primary, timber- and biodiversity/species-rich Mixed Dipterocarp Forest (MDF, see pp. xiv and 397) of the Ulu Katibas-Kapuas hill country. Our mission was to assess three alternative land-use options: logging and conversion to production forestry; agriculture; or TPA-NP (pp. xiv-xv). Our conclusion at the end of the crossing was that only TPA - NP was feasible; the Iban farming community had to be resettled on better, more suitable land and soil in Northern Sarawak. Upon returning to Kuching, we recommended the creation of a large, continuous TPA-NP. Iban villagers, tribal leaders and the Government (Governor Sir Anthony Abell) agreed. Strict adherence to the decreed Forest Policy (see pp. 171-173) and the application of the classic phronesis approach (see p. 341) had ensured the establishment and survival of large tracts of MDF and other forest types as TPA, such as the Batang Ai National Park (20,040 ha), Ulu Sebuyau National Park (18,287 ha) and Lanyak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary (182,983 ha), and enabled their inclusion in the current Malaysian (Sarawak and Sabah)-Indonesian transboundary 'Heart of Borneo' programme of biodiversity, species preservation, nature conservation and environmental protection (Photo EFB, 1957).
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Arbeidskrafttilbudet fra gifte kvinner med barn : en empirisk undersøkelse av et marked med kvantumsrestriksjoner
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Norsk Bokmål
Kleist : Leben und Werk im Bild
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Norsk Bokmål
W.A. Mozart : Innovation und Praxis zum Quintett Es-Dur KV 452
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Spørre- og lytteteknikk : utviklingsprogram for selgere
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Norsk Bokmål
Retorikk for selgere : 54 tips om hvordan selgere kan forbedre sin samtaleteknikk
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Norsk Bokmål
Skriftlig kommunikasjon for selgere : 54 tips om hvordan selgere kan øke salget med effektiv korrespondanse
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Norsk Bokmål
Complex Analysis
All needed notions are developed within the book: with the exception of fundamentals which are presented in introductory lectures, no other knowledge is assumedProvides a more in-depth introduction to the subject than other existing books in this areaOver 400 exercises including hints for solutions are included
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Hörermüdung Und Adaptation Im Tierexperiment Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen Am Innenohr
Seit nahezu 100 Jahren weiss man, dass die Empfindlichkeit des Gehors un ter dem Einfluss akustischer Belastungen zuruckgehen kann*). Gibt man auf das gesunde Ohr einen schwellennahen Dauerton beliebiger Frequenz, so wird dieser Ton in schallarmer Umgebung uber Stunden und Tage annahernd gleich laut empfunden. Reizt man dagegen mit einem um 20 bis 80 dB uber schwelligen Ton, so bleibt die Lautheit nicht mehr konstant, sondern sinkt unmittelbar nach Reizbeginn ab. Dieser Lautheitsabfall wachst mit der Starke des Reiztones (11), erreicht aber durchweg schon nach wenigen Minuten einen stationaren Endwert. Das Ohr hat sich, so kann man folgern, dem belastenden Reizton angepasst und befindet sich - nach HOOD (11) - im Zustand der "perstimulatorischen Adaptation." Uberschreitet der Belastungston einen kritischen Schalldruck von etwa 10 ub, so erreicht der Lautheitsabfall keinen stationaren Endwert mehr, sondern schreitet fort. Diese progrediente Empfindlichkeitsabnahme des Gehors gegenuber starken Dauertonen nennen wir mit G.v. BEKESY (1) "Hor ermudung." Das Ermudungsphanomen des Ohres ist reversibel, zeigt aber fliessende Ubergange zum irreversiblen akustischen Trauma."
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Hitlers Weltanschauung : Entwurf einer Herrschaft
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Festigkeit im Apparate- und Anlagenbau : Festigkeitsberechnung und Konstruktion von Elementen des Apparate- und Anlagenbaues unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Dampfkessel- und Reaktorbaues
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Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact Groups
Provides a road map to roughly 50 years of research detailing the role that the Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras have played in not only helping to better understand the nature of locally compact groups, but also in building bridges between abstract harmonic analysis, Banach algebras, and operator algebras. All of the important topics have been included.
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The Hitler Conspirator
Kurt Baron von Plettenberg (1891-1945) was the descendant of Westphalian aristocratic family, and a soldier in both world wars. The expectations, which he along with many of his later fellow conspirators of the 20 July 1944 plot to kill Hitler initially had of the "Third Reich," are soon disappointed, when he recognizes the true nature of the regime. When he accepts the office as general agent of the former Prussian royal house of the Hohenzollerns in 1942, he already belongs to the inner circle of the resistance planning Operation Valkyrie. After the assassination attempt, however, he is not immediately discovered as one of the conspirators. Out of consideration for the house of Hohenzollern, which Hitler considers to be his most dangerous internal enemy, he acted more carefully than many others. Yet only a few weeks before the end of the war Plettenberg is finally denounced and arrested, too. This biography shows for the first time how Kurt von Plettenberg, who belonged to the inner circle of conspirators around Stauffenberg, found a way to prevail during those difficult times and how significantly he influenced the resistance.
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Donald School Textbook: Current Status of Clinical Use of 3D/4D Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
<p>Part of the renowned Donald School series, this second edition provides obstetricians and gynaecologists with the latest advances in the clinical use of 3D and 4D ultrasound.</p><p>The book has been fully revised and updated and each chapter explains the application of the technique for different obstetric and gynaecologic disorders.</p><p>Each topic features a summary of key points and boxes for quick review, as well as further reading suggestions.</p><p>Authored by internationally recognised experts in the field, the book includes more than 850 ultrasound images, diagrams and tables.</p><p><strong>Key points</strong></p><ul><li>Presents latest advances in clinical use of 3D and 4D ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology</li><li>Part of the renowned Donald School series</li><li>Fully revised, second edition with more than 850 images</li><li>Internationally recognised author team</li></ul>
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Censorship and Propaganda in World War I
Pocketversjon av Eberhard Demms bok om propagandabruk under første verdenskrig
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Novum testamtum graece 28: With dictionary
Novum Testamentum Graece er en utgave av Det nye testamente på sin opprinnelige Koine-gresk, og danner grunnlaget for de fleste moderne bibeloversettelser og bibelsk kritikk. Det er også kjent som Nestle-Aland-utgaven etter de mest innflytelsesrike redaktørene, Eberhard Nestle og Kurt Aland. The 28th revised edition of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (NA28). NA28 is the standard scholarly edition of the Greek New Testament used by scholars, Bible translators, professors, students and pastors worldwide. Includes Greek-English Dictionary prepared by Barclay M. Newman
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The Inner Workings of Life
Living systems are dynamic and extremely complex and their behaviour is often hard to predict by studying their individual parts. Systems biology promises to reveal and analyse these highly connected, regulated and adaptable systems, using mathematical modelling and computational analysis. This new systems approach is already having a broad impact on biological research and has potentially far-reaching implications for our understanding of life. Written in an informal and non-technical style, this book provides an accessible introduction to systems biology. Self-contained vignettes each convey a key theme and are intended to enlighten, provoke and interest readers of different academic disciplines, but also to offer new insight to those working in the field. Using a minimum amount of jargon and no mathematics, Voit manages to convey complex ideas and give the reader a genuine sense of the excitement that systems biology brings with it, as well as the current challenges and opportunities.
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