ENERGI OG KOMMUNIKASJON Prof. Geoffrey Holister (redaktør) og Erik Tronstad (oversetter).
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ENERGI OG KOMMUNIKASJON Prof. Geoffrey Holister (redaktør) og Erik Tronstad (oversetter).
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Vitenskapens verden 9 : Vitenskapens verktøy
Illustrert vitenskaps bibliotek
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How to Do Mission Action Planning
How to Do Mission Action Planning (SPCK, 2009) was the first book to appear on the MAP process, at a time when it was beginning to have a significant impact. In this fully revised and expanded edition, the authors offer further critical evaluation and theological reflection, by drawing on the experiences of people who have been using the MAP process in different contexts from their own:Fr Damian Feeney, parish priest and Catholic Missioner of Lichfield dioceseCanon David Banbury, leader of Parish Mission Support, Blackburn dioceseThe Rt Revd Dr Alan Smith, Bishop of St AlbansDr Stephen Hance, Canon Missioner of Southwark dioceseLinda Rayner, the United Reformed Church co-ordinator for Fresh Expressions
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Cultural Studies
"This book presents a magisterial overview of Cultural Studies, and of studies of culture more broadly. It synthesizes a bewildering range of writers and ideas into a comprehensible narrative. It's respectful to the history of ideas and completely cutting edge. I learned a lot - you will too."- Professor Alan McKee, University of Technology Sydney "The role of culture in spatial, digital and political settings is a vital aspect of contemporary life. Barker and Jane provide an excellent introduction to Cultural Studies' relationship to these core issues, both through a clear explanation of key concepts and thinkers, alongside well chosen examples and essential questions."- Dr David O'Brien, Goldsmiths, University of LondonWith over 40,000 copies sold, Cultural Studies: Theory and Practice has been the indispensable guide to studying culture for generations of students. Here is everything students need to know, with all the key concepts, theories and thinkers in one comprehensive, authoritative yet accessible resource.Teaching students the foundations of cultural studies - from ideology, representation and discourse to audiences, subcultures and cultural policy - this revised edition:Fully explores the ubiquity of digital media culture, helping readers analyse issues surrounding social media, surveillance, cyber-activism and moreIntroduces students to all the key thinkers they'll encounter, from Stuart Hall and Michel Foucault to Judith Butler and Donna HarawayBalances the classics with cutting edge theory, including case studies on e-commerce, the self-help industry, the transgender debate, and representations of raceEmbraces popular culture in all of its diversity, from drag kings and gaming, to anime fandom and remix culturesIs re-written throughout with a new co-author, making it a more enjoyable read than ever. Unmatched in coverage and used world-wide, this is the essential companion for all students of cultural studies, culture and society, media and cultural theory, popular culture and cultural sociology.
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Objects First With Java
Objects First With Java. A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, 6th Edition
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Lifespan: the revolutionary science of why we age - and why we don't have to
In this paradigm-shifting book from acclaimed Harvard Medical School doctor and one of TIME magazine's 100 most influential people on earth, Dr. David Sinclair reveals that everything we think we know about ageing is wrong, and shares the surprising, scientifically-proven methods that can help readers live younger, longer. For decades, the medical community has looked to a variety of reasons for why we age, and the consensus is that no one dies of old age; they die of age-related diseases. That's because ageing is not a disease - it is inevitable. But what if everything you think you know about ageing is wrong? What if ageing is a disease? And that disease is curable. In LIFESPAN, Dr. David Sinclair, one of the world's foremost authorities on genetics and ageing, argues just that. He has dedicated his life's work to chasing more than a longer lifespan - he wants to enable people to live longer, healthier, and disease-free well into our hundreds. In this book, he reveals a bold new theory of ageing, one that pinpoints a root cause of ageing that lies in an ancient genetic survival circuit. This genetic trick - a circuit designed to halt reproduction in order to repair damage to the genome -has enabled earth's early microcosms to survive and evolve into more advanced organisms. But this same survival circuit is the reason we age: as genetic damage accumulates over our lifespans from UV rays, environmental toxins, and unhealthy diets, our genome is overwhelmed, causing gray hair, wrinkles, achy joints, heart issues, dementia, and, ultimately, death. But genes aren't our destiny; we have more control over them than we've been taught to believe. We can't change our DNA, but we can harness the power of the epigenome to realise the true potential of our genes. Drawing on his cutting-edge findings at the forefront of medical research, Dr. Sinclair will provide a scientifically-proven roadmap to reverse the genetic clock by activating our vitality genes, so we c
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Dracula (Bram Stoker)
Introduction and Notes by Dr David Rogers, Kingston University. 'There he lay looking as if youth had been half-renewed, for the white hair and moustache were changed to dark iron-grey, the cheeks were fuller, and the white skin seemed ruby-red underneath; the mouth was redder than ever, for on the lips were gouts of fresh blood, which trickled from the corners of the mouth and ran over the chin and neck. Even the deep, burning eyes seemed set amongst the swollen flesh, for the lids and pouches underneath were bloated. It seemed as if the whole awful creature were simply gorged with blood; he lay like a filthy leech, exhausted with his repletion.' Thus Bram Stoker, one of the greatest exponents of the supernatural narrative, describes the demonic subject of his chilling masterpiece Dracula, a truly iconic and unsettling tale of vampirism.
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The Proverbs of Middle-Earth
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Oloris Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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ICT Developments In Nigerian Libraries
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and with nearly 140 million peopleaccounts for approximately one-fifth of the continent's population. Although less than25 per cent of Nigerians are urban dwellers, at least 24 cities have populations of morethan 100,000.
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The Book of Signs
"The end times." "The apocalypse." "The day of judgment." Terms such as these are both fascinating and frightening for any student of God's Word. They point to key questions people have wrestled with for centuries, including: What does the Bible tell us about the future?How much can we understand about biblical prophecy and its application in our lives?What signs and signals will precede the end of everything as we know it?Which of those signs and signals have already come to pass, which are we experiencing now, and which are still to come?In this landmark collection, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah offers answers to these questions and much more. Drawing from decades of experience as one of the world's most-respected Bible teachers, Dr. Jeremiah has updated content from previously published works in additional to writing new material on a wide variety of subjects.The result is a truly epic and authoritative guide to biblical prophecy--a must-have resource for Christians seeking to navigate the uncertainties of the present and embrace God's promises for the future.
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Reliability Maintainability And Risk
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Eighth Edition, discusses tools and techniques for reliable and safe engineering, and for optimizing maintenance strategies. It emphasizes the importance of using reliability techniques to identify and eliminate potential failures early in the design cycle. The focus is on techniques known as RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety-integrity). The book is organized into five parts. Part 1 on reliability parameters and costs traces the history of reliability and safety technology and presents a cost-effective approach to quality, reliability, and safety. Part 2 deals with the interpretation of failure rates, while Part 3 focuses on the prediction of reliability and risk. Part 4 discusses design and assurance techniques; review and testing techniques; reliability growth modeling; field data collection and feedback; predicting and demonstrating repair times; quantified reliability maintenance; and systematic failures. Part 5 deals with legal, management and safety issues, such as project management, product liability, and safety legislation. 8th edition of this core reference for engineers who deal with the design or operation of any safety critical systems, processes or operations Answers the question: how can a defect that costs less than $1000 dollars to identify at the process design stage be prevented from escalating to a $100,000 field defect, or a $1m+ catastrophe Revised throughout, with new examples, and standards, including must have material on the new edition of global functional safety standard IEC 61508, which launches in 2010
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The Apollo Missions
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (Arcturus Publishing Ltd) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
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Ponsonby'S: Insects & Spiders
Insects and spiders hold a powerful allure their design is so complex and their scale so entrancingly minute. This book contains a selection of engravings with detail and enhanced by informative text.
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Spårämnen och andra livsnödvändiga ämnen : klinisk tillämpning av hårmineralanalys
Spårelement kan kallas livets tändstift då de behövs för att starta igång hundratals olika enzymreaktioner i kroppen. Mineraler är viktigare än vitaminer. Växter tillverkar vitaminer, medan mineralerna i växterna måste komma från jorden där de växer. Livet är beroende av kroppens möjlighet att utvinna dessa mineraler från växterna och också kunna tillgodogöra sig dem.Mineraler hjälper inte bara till att forma våra kroppar utan även våra sinnen. Om vårt skelett förlorar alltför mycket kalcium kan vår kropp böjas och vittra sönder. Om vår kropp ackumulerar alltför mycket järn kan det hända att man blir arg, aggressiv och fientlig.Mineraler kan ha dubbel effekt. De kan vara välgörande för en person men ha rakt motsatt effekt för en annan. Detta beror till stor del på vilken metabol typ du är. Till exempel:• Kalciumtillskott eller kost med högt kalciuminnehåll kan hjälpa till att förebygga osteporos hos en person, men faktiskt bidra till sköra ben hos en annan.• Zink kan hjälpa till att bekämpa virus, men alltför mycket kan istället bidra till bakterieinfektioner.• Även om koppar är livsnödvändigt för oss kan för mycket orsaka depression, vikt uppgång, PMS och frontal huvudvärk.• Järn är nödvändigt för att förhindra anemi, men för mycket kan orsaka en annan typ av anemi samt bidra till migrän, artrit och cancer.Att ta fel kosttillskott, äta fel sorts kost, stress, läkemedelsintag samt föroreningar kan orsaka mineralobalanser.Brist eller överskott kan också vara ärftligt. Idag behöver man ta näringsstatus i beaktande, inte bara vad en person kan tänkas behöva utan också beakta balansen mellan olika mineraler i kroppen för att få till stånd en normal biokemisk balans i kroppen.David L Watts, D.C., Ph.D., F.A.C.E.P.Dr Watts har varit involverad i klinisk näringslära i över 20 år. Under de senaste 18 åren har hans forskning varit fokuserad på studier av mineralmönster som hittats i mänskligt hår. Efter att ha granskat över 200000 vävnadsmineralprofiler har han identifierat förhållanden mellan mineraler, vitaminer och det neuroendokrina systemet. Han har vidare klassificerat vitaminer, mineraler, örter, mat, vatten och läkemedel i kategorier enligt deras metabola effekter. Hans forskning har lett till utvecklingen av individuella vävnadsmineralmönster som kopplas till olika sjukdomstrender, metabola typer och även känslomässiga mönster. Dr Watts har skrivit över 50 vetenskapliga publikationer och han bjuds in att föreläsa internationellt. Han tillhandahåller näringsmässiga utvärderingar och konsultationer för sjuk och hälsovårdspersonal över hela världen samtidigt som han innehar posten som forskningschef för Trace Elements, Inc., ett statligt licensierat kliniskt laboratorium i USA.
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Music Education of the Future
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Whitwell Publishing) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Ancient Views on the Natural World
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Whitwell Books) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Guide to Simulation and Modeling for Biosciences
This accessible text/reference presents a detailed introduction to the use of a wide range of software tools and modeling environments for use in the biosciences, as well as some of the fundamental mathematical background. The practical constraints and difficulties presented by each modeling technique are described in detail, enabling the researcher to determine quickly which software package would be most useful for their particular problem. This "Guide to Simulation and Modeling for Biosciences" is a fully updated and enhanced revision of the authors earlier "Introduction to Modeling for Biosciences." Written with the particular needs of the novice modeler in mind, this unique and helpful work guides the reader through realistic and concrete modeling projects, highlighting and commenting on the process of abstracting the real system into a model. Topics and features: introduces a basic array of techniques to formulate models of biological systems, and to solve them; discusses agent-based models, stochastic modeling techniques, differential equations, spatial simulations, and Gillespie s stochastic simulation algorithm; provides exercises to help the reader sharpen their understanding of the topics; describes such useful tools as the Maxima algebra system, the PRISM model checker, and the modeling environments Repast Simphony and Smoldyn; contains appendices on rules of differentiation and integration, Maxima and PRISM notation, and some additional mathematical concepts; offers supplementary material at an associated website, including source code for many of the example models discussed in the book. Students and active researchers in the biosciences will benefit from the discussions of the high-quality, tried-and-tested modeling tools described in the book, as well as the thorough descriptions and examples."
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Theme Issue : Electronic Books
The articles in this e-book are each testament to the many important uses to which electronic books are now being put. For example, they are being used for the support of teaching and learning, for the dissemination of technical information and for knowledge sharing in the leisure and health industries.
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