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Norsk Bokmål
Å velge suksess: personlig utvikling ved transaksjonsanalyse i arbeid og privatliv
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Norsk Bokmål
God kommunikasjon: utvikling gjennom transaksjonsanalyse
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Norsk Bokmål
Kvinnor som vinnare : transaktionsanalys
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Født til vinner er vi alle: transaksjonsanalyse med gestalteksperimenter
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Philosophies of social science
<ul><li><b><i>"This book will certainly prove to be a useful resource and reference point ... a good addition to anyone's bookshelf."</i></b><i> Network</i><p><i><b>"This is a superb collection, expertly presented. The overall conception seems splendid, giving an excellent sense of the issues... The selection and length of the readings is admirably judged, with both the classic texts and the few unpublished pieces making just the right points."</b> William Outhwaite, Professor of Sociology, University of Sussex</i></p><p><i><b>"... an indispensable book for all of us in philosophy and the social sciences who teach and care about the shape of social knowledge in the future."</b> Steven Seidman, Professor of Sociology, State University of New York Albany</i></p><p><i><b>"For a comprehensive account of the ways in which world transformations affect claims to social scientific knowledge, one need look no further than Gerard Delanty and Piet Strydom's </b></i><b>Philosophies of Social Science<i>. ...this collection captures nicely the increasingly engaged political nature of the philosophy of social science. Debates about pragmatism, feminism and postmodernism are particularly well represented"</i></b><i> The Australian</i></p></li></ul><ul><li><i>What is social science? How does it differ from the other sciences?</i></li><li><i>What is the meaning of method in social science?</i></li><li><i>What is the nature and limits of scientific knowledge?</i></li></ul><i>This collection of over sixty extracts from classic works on the philosophy of social science provides an essential textbook and a landmark reference in the field. It highlights the work of some of the most influential authors who have shaped social science.<br><br>The texts explore the question of truth, the meaning of scientific knowledge, the nature of methodology and the relation of science to society, including edited extracts from both classic and contemporary works by authors such as Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, Alfred Schutz, Max Horkheimer, Jurgen Habermas, Alvin Gouldner, Karl-Otto Apel, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Dorothy Smith, Donna Haraway, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Derrida and Claude Levi-Strauss.<br><br>The readings are representative of the major schools of thought, including European and American trends in particular as well as approaches that are often excluded from mainstream traditions. From a teaching and learning perspective the volume is strengthened by extensive introductions to each of the six sections, as well as a general introduction to the reader as a whole. These introductions contextualise the readings and offer succinct summaries of them.<br><br>This volume is the definitive companion to the study of the philosophy of social science, taught within undergraduate or postgraduate courses in sociology and the social sciences.<br></i>
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Venninner på Manhattan: en roman om Dorothy Parker og vennene hennes
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Vi er ikke alene: lær å se, høre og snakke med intelligent liv utenfor vår verden
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Understanding Developmental Language Disorders
<p>Developmental language disorders (DLD) occur when a child fails to develop his or her native language often for no apparent reason. Delayed development of speech and/or language is one of the most common reasons for parents of preschool children to seek the advice of their family doctor. Although some children rapidly improve, others have more persistent language difficulties. These long-term deficits can adversely affect academic progress, social relationships and mental well-being.</p><p>Although DLDs are common, we are still a long way from understanding what causes them and how best to intervene. Understanding Developmental Language Disorders summarises the recent research developments in genetics and neuroimaging studies, assessment techniques and treatment studies to provide an overview of all aspects of DLD. The book investigates the possible genetic and biological causes of the disorder, how best to assess children's language skills to identify when and where communication breakdown occurs, what the long-term outcomes are for children who grow up with DLD, overlaps between DLD and other childhood disorders such as dyslexia and autism and how best to treat children with the disorder. Each chapter is written by a leading authority in the field in a format accessible to researchers, clinicians and families alike. </p><p>This book, with its focus on both theory and practice, will be invaluable to students and researchers of speech-language pathology, psychology, psychiatry, linguistics and education. It will also be of interest to practicing speech-language pathologists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, educational psychologists, and teachers and parents of children with developmental language disorders.</p>
0.0 av 5
Trollmannen fra Oz
En dag blir huset Dorothy bor i virvlet av sted til det vidunderlig vakre landet Oz. Hun vandrer gjennom en magisk verden for å finne Smaragdbyen og trollmannen som kan hjelpe henne å finne veien hjem. Hun reiser sammen med tre venner: fugleskremslet, blikktømmerhoggeren og løven.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Public Relations and Social Theory
Public Relations and Social Theory: Key Figures, Concepts and Developments broadens the theoretical scope of public relations studies by applying the work of a group of prominent social theorists to make sense of the practice. The volume focuses on the work of key social theorists, including Max Weber, Karl Marx, John Dewey, Jurgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, Michel Foucault, Ulrich Beck, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens, Robert Putnam, Erving Goffman, Peter L. Berger, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Bruno Latour, Dorothy Smith, Zygmunt Bauman, Harrison White, John W. Meyer, Luc Boltanski and Chantal Mouffe. Each chapter is devoted to an individual theorist, providing an overview of that theorist's key concepts and contributions, and exploring how these can be applied to public relations as a practice. Each chapter also includes a box giving a short and concise presentation of the theorist, along with recommendation of key works and secondary literature.
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Muntre vers fra flere alvorlige land
Samlingen inneholder humoristiske dikt av forfattere fra mange land, de fleste fra Norden, bl.a. Wessel, Wildenvey, Skjæraasen, Prøysen, Bellman, Fröding, Nils Ferlin, Piet Hein og Halfdan Rasmussen. Fra tysk og engelskspråklig poesi finner vi bl.a. Heine, Shakespeare, Burns og Dorothy Parker.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Bemerkelsesverdige brev
Bemerkelsesverdige brev er en samling med over hundre underholdende, inspirerende og bemerkelsesverdige brev fra kjente og ukjente personer, brev med glimt av historiske hendelser, fra de smarteste til de flinkeste, fra vanlige folk og de beryktede. Her er Virginia Woolfs hjerteskjærende selvmordsbrev, Iggy Pops nydelige råd til en skakkjørt fan, Leonardo da Vincis jobbsøkerbrev, Elvis Presleys brev til president Nixon der han tilbyr sine tjenester i kampen mot narkotika og Einsteins bekymringsmelding til president Eisenhower om Tysklands atombombeutvikling. Boka er en hyllest til det skrevne ord og fanger på bemerkelsesverdig vis inn alvoret, sorgen, humoren og gleden i det som er selve livet. Boka inneholder brev fra bl.a. Fidel Castro, Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Dickens, Anaïs Nin, Fjodor Dostoevskij, Katherine Hepburn, Charles Darwin, Roald Dahl, Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley, Dorothy Parker, John F. Kennedy, Iggy Pop, Groucho Marx, Nick Cave, Kurt Vonnegut, Mick Jagger, Steve Martin, Emily Dickinson og mange andre. Alle brevene har en kort innledning som setter det inn i en historisk kontekst, og mange av de originale brevene er avbildet i boka.
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Norsk Bokmål
Rules of civility
WHAT THEY SAID about RULES OF CIVILITY:'Everything about this novel, set in 1930s New York, is achingly stylish - from the author's name to the slinky jacket design. Katey Kontent, daughter of Russian immigrants, and Evie Ross, from the sleepy midwest, are an ambitious, wisecracking pair who, despite lack of money and connections, aim to set the city alight. A fortuitous meeting with the apparently wealthy Tinker Grey on New Year's Eve, 1937, will change the course of both their lives.' - Guardian 'If you want shopping at Bendel's, gin martinis at a debutante's mansion and jazz bands playing until 3am, RULES OF CIVILITY has it all and more . . . While you're lost in the whirl of silk stockings, furs and hip flasks, all you care about is what Katey Kontent does next. Another one bartender, please.' - Observer 'Irresistible . . . A cross between Dorothy Parker and Holly Golightly, Katey Kontent is a priceless narrator in her own right - the brains of a bluestocking with the legs of a flapper and the mores of Carrie Bradshaw.' - Telegraph'Towles creates a narrative that sparkles with sentences so beautiful you'll stop and re-read them. A delicious and memorable novel that will leave you wistful . . . and desperate for a martini.' - Stylist'My book of the year. If the unthinkable happened and I could never read another new work of fiction in 2011, I'd simply re-read this sparkling, stylish book, with yet another round of martinis as dry as the author's wit.' - Herald
5.0 av 5
Exciting times
When you leave Ireland aged 22 to spend your parents' money, it's called a gap year. When Ava leaves Ireland aged 22 to make her own money, she's not sure what to call it, but it involves: - a badly-paid job in Hong Kong, teaching English grammar to rich children; - Julian, who likes to spend money on Ava and lets her move into his guest room; - Edith, who Ava meets while Julian is out of town and actually listens to her when she talks; - money, love, cynicism, unspoken feelings and unlikely connections. Exciting times ensue.
2.5 av 5
«Hemmeligheter er en fascinerende historie om mysterier og gåter, teater, tyveri, mord, familie og kjærlighet.»
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Whose Body?
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Clouds of Witness
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Five Red Herrings
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Have His Carcase
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