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Viser resultat for 'Donna Leon'


    Springflo: en ny sak for commissario Brunetti

    Donna Leon

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 59

    Hellig død

    Hellig død

    Donna Leon

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Finale i Venezia

    Finale i Venezia

    Donna Leon

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 59

    Doctored evidence

    Doctored evidence

    Donna Leon

    When the body of an wealthy elderly woman is found, brutally murdered in her Venetian flat, it is soon clear to the police that the prime suspect is her Rumanian maid, who has disappeared and is heading for Rumania. When the woman is approached by the border police as her train is leaving Italy, she makes a run for it and is killed as she crosses the tracks in front of an oncoming train. She has a considerable sum of money on her and her papers are obvious forgeries. Case closed. But when the old woman's neighbour returns from a business trip in London, it becomes clear that the maid could not have had time to kill the old woman before catching her train, and that the money on her was not stolen. Commissario Brunetti decides - unofficially - to take the case on himself. As Brunetti learns more of the old woman's family, it becomes clear that this is probably not a crime motivated by greed, rather that the probable motive connects with the temptations of lust. But perhaps Brunetti is following a false trail and thinking of the wrong deadly sin altogether. This is the 13th novel about Commissario Brunetti.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2005


    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2004


    kr 69

    Oman käden oikeus

    Oman käden oikeus

    Donna Leon

    Venetsialaiskomisario panee jälleen peliin koko sielukkaan ja salaviisaan charminsa.Perinteikkään sotilasakatemian kylpyhuoneesta löytyy kuollut poika. Onko hän tehnyt itsemurhan? Miksi pojan isä, moitteettomuudestaan kuulu ex-parlamentaarikko, on niin vastahakoinen auttamaan tutkimuksissa? Komisario Brunetti eläytyy juttuun tavallistakin vahvemmin, olihan Ernesto Moro kuollessaan samanikäinen kuin Brunettin oma poika. Brunetti joutuu pohtimaan myös armeijainhoaan, puhumattakaan yhteiskuntaa läpäisevästä korruptiosta ja eliitin häikäilemättömyydestä.Lisähuolta aiheuttavat Questuran sisäiset vihanpidot ja signorina Elettran mielialat. Onneksi Paola-vaimo kuuntelee kärsivällisesti­ ja laittaa taivaallista ruokaa.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2010



    Dödlig bekantskap

    Dödlig bekantskap

    Donna Leon

    Fest för alla Brunetti-fans På en middagsbjudning hos sina svärföräldrar träffar kommissarie Brunetti den eleganta Franca Marinello. Hon är gift med en framgångsrik affärsman i Venedig. Brunetti blir charmad av kvinnan som är kultiverad och citerar klassisk italiensk litteratur – men det är något underligt med hennes ansikte. Några dagar senare får Brunetti besök av en kollega i ett närliggande distrikt. Han arbetar med en utredning om maffians verksamhet och vill ha information om en åkeriägare som har hittats mördad på sin arbetsplats. Kollegan tror att mannens död är kopplad till illegal transport av giftigt miljöfarligt avfall. Brunetti finner det hela överdrivet, men när ytterligare ett dödsfall sker tvingas han omvärdera sin uppfattning. Dessutom dyker den fascinerande Franca upp i sammanhang där hon inte borde befinna sig … Varför? Och vad är det egentligen som har hänt med hennes ansikte? Donna Leons nya roman är skarpsinnig, gripande och aktuell. Och ger en målande bild av Venedig och italiensk kultur. ”Detaljerna med hemlagad mat och familjegräl vid sidan av en aldrig sinande ström av brott tillför något extra till Leons berättelser och gör hennes karaktärer så trovärdiga och böckerna så läsvärda.” INDEPENDENT

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    The temptation of forgiveness

    The temptation of forgiveness

    Donna Leon

    In the twenty-seventh novel in Donna Leon's bestselling crime series, a suspicious accident leads Commissario Guido Brunetti to uncover a longstanding scam with disturbing unintended consequences. When important information is leaked from inside the Venetian Questura, Commissario Guido Brunetti is entrusted with the task of uncovering which of his colleagues is responsible. But before Brunetti can begin his investigation, he is surprised by the appearance in his office of a friend of his wife's, who is fearful that her son is using drugs. A few weeks later, Tullio Gasparini, the woman's husband, is found unconscious with a serious head injury at the foot of a bridge, and Brunetti is drawn to pursue a possible connection to the boy's behaviour. But the truth is not straightforward. Following various contradictory leads, Brunetti navigates his way through a world of mysterious informants, underground deals and secret longstanding scam networks, all the while growing ever more impressed by the intuition of his fellow Commissario, Claudia Griffoni, and by the endless resourcefulness of Signorina Elettra, Vice-Questore Patta's secretary and gate-keeper. With Gasparini's condition showing no signs of improvement, and his investigations leading nowhere, Brunetti is steadied by the embrace of his own family and by his passion for the classics. He turns to Sophocles's Antigone in an attempt to understand the true purpose of justice, and, in its light, he is forced to consider the terrible consequences to which the actions of a tender heart can lead.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 69

    Pocket · 2018



    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 69

    Earthly remains

    Earthly remains

    Donna Leon

    During the interrogation of an entitled, arrogant man suspected of giving drugs to a young girl who then died, Commissario Guido Brunetti acts rashly, doing something he will quickly come to regret. In the aftermath, he begins to doubt his career choices and realises that he needs a break from the stifling problems of his work. Granted leave from the Questura, Brunetti is shipped off by his wife, Paola, to a villa owned by a wealthy relative on Sant'Erasmo, one of the largest islands in the Venetian laguna. There, he intends to pass his days rowing, and his nights reading Pliny's Natural History. The recuperative stay goes according to plan and Brunetti is finally able to relax, until Davide Casati, the caretaker of the house, goes missing following a sudden storm. Nobody can find him - not his daughter, not his friends, and not the woman he'd been secretly visiting. Now, Brunetti feels compelled to investigate, to set aside his holiday and discover what happened to the man who had recently become his friend. In Earthly Remains, Donna Leon shows Venice through an insider's eyes. From family meals and vaporetti rides to the never-ending influx of tourists and suffocating political corruption, the details and rhythms of everyday Venetian life are at the core of this thrilling novel, and of the terrible crime at its heart.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Pocket · 2017


    Andre utgaver · 3


    Opprørt sjø

    Opprørt sjø: en ny sak for commissario Brunetti

    Donna Leon

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 50
    kr 89

    Drawing-Conclusjons A case of accidental death? Or murder?

    Drawing-Conclusjons A case of accidental death? Or murder?

    Donna Leon

    A young woman returns from holiday to find her elderly neighbour dead on the floor. A hard attack seems the likely casue, but Commissario Brunetti is not so sure and decides to take a closer look. Soom he discovers that she was part of an organisation that cares for abused women and that her apartment was a safe-house. Convinced that this is the lead he has been looking for, Brunetti begins his search for answers. But as he sets out to discover the truth behind her death, he is drawn into a decades-old story of lies and deceit that has blighted love and ruined lives - and has claimed this innocent woman as its newest victim.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012


    kr 89
    kr 89

    Suffer the little children

    Suffer the little children

    Donna Leon

    When Commissario Brunetti is summoned to the hospital bedside of a senior paediatrician whose skull has been brutally fractured, he is confronted with more questions than answers. Three men have burst into the doctor's apartment in the middle of the night, attacked him and took his 18-month-old son - but why? As he investigates, Brunetti finds infertility, desperation, and babies for sale. Meanwhile, Inspector Vianello uncovers a scam between pharmacists and doctors in the city. And certain information about one's neighbours can lead to all kinds of corruption and all sorts of pain...Donna Leon's new novel is as subtle and gripping as ever, set in a beautifully realised Venice, seething with small-town malice.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2008


    kr 59

    Pocket · 2007


    kr 59
    kr 59

    Blood from a Stone

    Blood from a Stone

    Donna Leon

    On a cold night shortly before Christmas, an immigrant street vendor is killed in Venice's Campo Santo Stefano. The nearest witnesses to the event are the tourists who had been browsing the man's wares before his death - fake handbags of every designer label - but they have seen nothing that might be of much help to the police.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009


    kr 30

    Pocket · 2006



    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 30

    Unto us a son is given

    Unto us a son is given

    Donna Leon

    As a favour to his wealthy father-in-law, the Count Falier, Commissario Guido Brunetti agrees to investigate the seemingly innocent wish of the Count's best friend, the elderly and childless Gonzalo, to adopt a younger man as his son. Under Italian inheritance laws, this man would become the sole heir to Gonzalo's substantial fortune, something which Gonzalo's friends, including the Count, find appalling. For his part, Brunetti wonders why they're so intent on meddling in the old man's business. Not long after Brunetti meets with Gonzalo, the elderly man unexpectedly passes away from natural causes. Old and frail, Gonzalo's death goes unquestioned, and a few of his oldest friends gather in Venice to plan the memorial service. But when Berta, a striking woman and one of Gonzalo's closest confidantes, is strangled in her hotel room, Brunetti is drawn into long-buried secrets from Gonzalo's past. What did Berta know? And who would go to such lengths to ensure it would remain hidden?

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    kr 89

    Innbundet · 2019


    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 89

    Friends in high places

    Friends in high places

    Donna Leon

    Commissario Guido Brunetti aner uråd når den unge byråkraten Franco Rossi ringer ham på jobben, tydelig skremt av en opplysning han ønsker å formidle til politiet. Like etterpå blir han funnet død, og etterforskningen fører Brunetti til Venezias lyssky miljøer med narkotikamisbrukere og lånehaier. Samtidig presses Brunetti av sjefen sin, Patta, for at sønnen hans skal kunne sno seg unna en narkotikasak. Brunetti blir etterhvert så rasende at han benytter seg av midler han vanligvis ikke ville ha brukt, men som så ofte før, sitter de skyldige høyere opp i systemet. Dette er den niende boka om førstebetjent Brunetti

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 89

    Pocket · 2009



    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 89

    A Noble Radiance

    A Noble Radiance

    Donna Leon

    In a small village at the foot of the Italian Dolomites, the gardens of a deserted farmhouse have lain untouched for decades. But the new owner, keen for renovations to begin, is summoned urgently to the house when his workmen disturb a macabre grave. Wild animals have done their grisly work and the human corpse is badly decomposed. Then a valuable signet ring is found close by, providing the first vital clue. It leads Commissario Guido Brunetti right to the heart of aristocratic Venice, to a family still grieving for its abducted son ...

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009



    Pocket · 1999



    Uniform justice

    Uniform justice

    Donna Leon

    Brunetti blir satt til å etterforske ei sak hvor man antar at en ung kadett har tatt livet sitt. Han blir møtt med en mur av taushet, siden de militære beskytter sine egne og de sivile er svært uvillige til å snakke. Dette er den 12. romanen om Brunetti.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004


    kr 69

    Innbundet · 2003


    kr 89
    kr 69

    Død og dom

    Død og dom: en ny sak for commissario Brunetti

    Donna Leon

    En mektig advokat er blitt funnet skutt og drept på toget mellom Padua og Venezia, og avisenes overskrifter forteller om et mislykket ran. Men Brunetti får mistanker om at dette må være noe mer enn et overfall. Etter bare noen dagers etterforskning får han sine mistanker bekreftet når noen meget myndige og effektive revisorer presenterer et opplagt selvmord - og Brunetti prøver å finne en forbindelse mellom de to dødsfallene. En internasjonal drapsliga med de rikeste og mektigste blant Venezias innbyggere følger med i bakgrunnen ...

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Pocket · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Transient desires

    Transient desires

    Donna Leon

    'The series that has shadowed Brunetti for three decades is an epic achievement' The Times Chosen as Star Pick in the Sunday Times Crime Club Chosen as a 'Best New Crime Novel' in the Sunday Times _____________________________________________ When two young American women are badly injured in a boating accident, joy riding in Venice's Laguna with two young Italians, Commissario Guido Brunetti's curiosity is aroused by the behaviour of the young men, who abandoned the victims after taking them to the hospital. As Brunetti and his colleague, Claudia Griffoni, investigate, they discover that one of the young men works for a man rumoured to be involved in more sinister night-time activities in the Laguna. To get to the bottom of the mystery, Brunetti needs to enlist the help of both the Carabinieri and the Guardia Costiera. Determining how much trust he and Griffoni can put in these unfamiliar colleagues only adds to the difficulty of solving this peculiarly horrible crime. Donna Leon's landmark thirtieth Brunetti novel is as powerful as any she has written, testing Brunetti to his limits, forcing him to listen very carefully for the truth. ______________________________________________ 'Leon's books are a joy' Guardian 'She is a truly fine novelist, period, and should be acclaimed as such.' TLS

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021



    Transient desires

    Transient desires

    Donna Leon

    'The series that has shadowed Brunetti for three decades is an epic achievement' The Times Chosen as Star Pick in the Sunday Times Crime Club Chosen as a 'Best New Crime Novel' in the Sunday Times _____________________________________________ When two young American women are badly injured in a boating accident, joy riding in Venice's Laguna with two young Italians, Commissario Guido Brunetti's curiosity is aroused by the behaviour of the young men, who abandoned the victims after taking them to the hospital. As Brunetti and his colleague, Claudia Griffoni, investigate, they discover that one of the young men works for a man rumoured to be involved in more sinister night-time activities in the Laguna. To get to the bottom of the mystery, Brunetti needs to enlist the help of both the Carabinieri and the Guardia Costiera. Determining how much trust he and Griffoni can put in these unfamiliar colleagues only adds to the difficulty of solving this peculiarly horrible crime. Donna Leon's landmark thirtieth Brunetti novel is as powerful as any she has written, testing Brunetti to his limits, forcing him to listen very carefully for the truth. ______________________________________________ 'Leon's books are a joy' Guardian 'She is a truly fine novelist, period, and should be acclaimed as such.' TLS

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 69
    kr 69

    Wilful behaviour

    Wilful behaviour

    Donna Leon

    Da en av Paolas studenter oppsøker ham med et vagt ønske om å undersøke muligheten for at bestefaren hennes kan få oppreisning for en forbrytelse han blei dømt for for mange år siden, tenker ikke Commissario Brunetti så mye på det. Da studenten blir funnet drept kort tid etterpå, er hun ikke lenger bare Paolas student, nå er hun blitt Brunettis sak. Dette er den 11. romanen om Commissario Brunetti.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003


    kr 40

    Innbundet · 2002


    kr 40

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