Det 19. Århundres Kunst: Cambridge Innføring i Kunstens Historie
An academic introduction to 19rh century art. It includes Neo classical and Romantic, Sculpture, realism and impressionism, and symbolism. Short notes on some important artists are given near the e...
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Norsk Bokmål
Det 19: århundres kunst
1800-tallets kunst, særlig maleri og skulptur. Boken tar for seg utviklingen fra neoklassisme og romantikk frem til realisme, impresjonisme og postimpresjonisme. Mindre retninger som nazarenere, prerafaelitter og Arts and Crafts-bevegelsen er fyldig behandlet, og mange kunstnere særlig omtalt.
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Norsk Bokmål
Selling Hope, Selling Risk
In the midst of globalization, technological change and economic anxiety, we have deep doubts about how well that task of investor protection is being performed. In the U.S., the focus is on the Securities & Exchange Commission. Part of the explanation is economic and political: the failure to know the right balance between investor protection and capital formation, and the resulting battle among interest groups over their preferred solutions. This book's mainclaim, however, is that regulation is also frustrated at nearly every turn by human nature, as exhibited both on the buy-side (investors) and sell-side (corporate executives, bankers, stockbrokers). There is plenty of savvy and guile, but also ample hope, fear, ego, overconfidence, social contagion andthe like that persistently filter and distort the messages regulators try to send. This book is the first sustained effort to link the key initiatives of securities regulation with our burgeoning awareness in the social sciences of how people and organizations really behave in economic settings. It examines why corporate fraud occurs and how best to deter it and compensate its victims; the search for an edge via insider trading; the disclosure apparatus and its gatekeepers; sales efforts andmanipulation in Ponzi schemes, internet scams, private offerings and crowdfunding; and how this all helps explain the recent global financial crisis. It ends by turning these insights back on the task of regulation itself, and the strategies (and frustrations) of making regulation work in afinancial world that is at once increasingly sophisticated yet deeply human and incurably flawed.
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Behind the Curtain
Behind the Curtain takes a look where the Leftist billionaire's club doesn't want you to go-into the world of dark money and influence that has only one goal: to stop conservatives and Donald Trump by any means necessary.You're probably familiar with George Soros. You may be familiar with Tom Steyer. You may even know who their other billionaire buddies are on the Left, and which foundations they use to exert political pressure. But do you know how they organize their dollars and their organizations to have maximum impact, while shielding themselves from voter scrutiny and criminal charges? Behind the Curtain is a look into the murky world of dark money-massive amounts of it aligned to push a far-left agenda that would make even mainstream liberals shiver.Behind the Curtain reveals the sordid web of limousine liberals and subversive billionaires in a chilling tale of power, greed, envy, and the politics of personal destruction. It is also the story of the lengths to which the organized Left will go to overturn the results of the 2016 election using the courts, a shadowy network of nonprofit organizations and consulting firms, and an increasingly compliant media.
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Meadow Lane
It's January, 1955, and for the residents of Meadow Lane, a small community of seven terraced houses, the New Year is about to bring some new challenges. There's Grace, Bill, and Evie Gow; Thomas (Hopalong) Cassidy; Anna and Thomasina, also known as Tommy; Maryanne Roberts; Bella Duff (aka Granny); Martha and Eliza Potter; Albert Scott; and newcomers Donald and Morag MacCallum. Each household has its own story. Maryanne is seriously ill, Bella has lost her fiance in the war and also now her mother, and Eliza is being kept from marriage by her domineering mother. Albert is having nightmares following his wartime exploits, and Morag is expecting a baby any minute.Then, with Maryanne ill, the sudden return of her daughter Sadie and grandson Eddie from Canada--without her husband--throws the Lane into turmoil. As soon as she can, Sadie tries to rekindle an old flame, despite him being a married man with two children. Unhappy with his mother and the enforced separation from his father, Eddie runs away from home, trying to get back to Canada. Everyone is worried for the boy's safety, but, when they eventually find him, he is reunited with his father who takes him back to Canada. Depressed by how her life is turning out, Sadie starts drinking, with tragic consequences as she accidentally starts a terrible fire in Meadow Lane that will changes all their lives forever.
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Tort Law: Text and Materials
The sixth edition of this celebrated book brings together a selection of carefully chosen extracts from cases and materials with insightful author text. Each section begins with a clear overview of the law, followed by illustrating extracts from case law and from government reports and scholarly literature, which are supported by the authors' expert explanation and analysis.Opportunities for further research are highlighted by the many suggestions for additional readings that are woven throughout the text. This approach enables students to gain a rich and contextual understanding of the law of tort.
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Texas Ranger N. O. Reynolds, the Intrepid
In this second edition, historians Chuck Parsons and Donaly E. Brice present a complete picture of N. O. Reynolds (1846-1922), a Texas Ranger who brought a greater respect for the law in Central Texas. Reynolds began as a sergeant in famed Company D, Frontier Battalion in 1874. He served honorably during the Mason County ""Hoo Doo"" War and was chosen to be part of Major John B. Jones's escort, riding the frontier line. In 1877 he arrested the Horrells, who were feuding with their neighbors, the Higgins party, thus ending their Lampasas County feud. Shortly thereafter he was given command of the newly formed Company E of Texas Rangers. Also in 1877 the notorious John Wesley Hardin was captured; N.O. Reynolds was given the responsibility to deliver Hardin to trial in Comanche, return him to a safe jail during his appeal, and then escort him safely to the Huntsville penitentiary.
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The GAA and Revolution in Ireland 1913-1923
The decade between the labour conflict (the `Lockout') of 1913 and the end of the Civil War in 1923 was one of seismic upheaval. How the GAA - a major sporting and national body - both influenced and was influenced by this upheaval is a rich and multifaceted story. Leading writers in the field of modern Irish history and the history of sport explore the impact on `ordinary' life of major events. They examine the effect of the First World War, the 1916 Rising and its aftermath, the emergence of nationalist Sinn Fein and its triumph over the Irish Parliamentary Party, as well as the War of Independence (1919-21) and the bitter Civil War (1922-23). This is an original and engrossing perspective through the lens of a sporting organisation. Contributors: Eoghan Corry, Mike Cronin, Paul Darby, Paraic Duffy, Diarmaid Ferriter, Donal McAnallen, James McConnel, Richard McElligott, Cormac Moore, Sean Moran, Ross O'Carroll, Gearoid O Tuathaigh, Mark Reynolds, Paul Rouse
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Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System
With its focus on the normal and abnormal mechanical interactions between the muscles and joints of the body, Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition provides a foundation for the practice of physical rehabilitation. This comprehensive, research-based core text presents kinesiology as it relates to physical rehabilitation in a clinically relevant and accessible manner. It provides students and clinicians with the language of human movement - and acts as a bridge between basic science and clinical management. Full-color anatomic and kinesiologic illustrations clearly demonstrate the anatomy, functional movement, and biomechanical principles underlying movement; and dynamic new video clips help you interpret new concepts with visual demonstration.More than 900 high-quality illustrations provide you with the visual accompaniments you need to comprehend the material. Clinical Connections boxes at the end of each chapter in Sections II through IV highlight or expand upon a particular clinical concept associated with the kinesiology covered in the chapter.Special Focus boxes interspersed throughout the text provide numerous clinical examples that demonstrate why kinesiologic information is needed.Critical thinking questions challenge you to review or reinforce the main concepts contained within each chapter.Evidence-based approach emphasizes the importance of research in physical therapy decision-making.Evolve site for students comes with video clips, answers to study questions, and references linked to Medline.Evolve site for instructors includes an image collection from the text, teaching tips, and lab activities.NEW! Kinesiology of Running chapter covers the biomechanics of running. NEW! Video clips help you interpret new concepts with visual demonstration.NEW! All-new content on the pelvic floor.NEW! Thoroughly updated references emphasize the evidence-based presentation of information in the text. NEW! QR codes linked to videos for easy viewing on mobile devices.NEW! Pageburst enhanced edition allows you to access multimedia content from the eBook without going to another website.
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The design of everyday things
Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. The fault, argues this ingenious,even liberating,book, lies not in ourselves, but in product design that ignores the needs of users and the principles of cognitive psychology. The problems range from ambiguous and hidden controls to arbitrary relationships between controls and functions, coupled with a lack of feedback or other assistance and unreasonable demands on memorization. The Design of Everyday Things shows that good, usable design is possible. The rules are simple: make things visible, exploit natural relationships that couple function and control, and make intelligent use of constraints. The goal: guide the user effortlessly to the right action on the right control at the right time.In this entertaining and insightful analysis, cognitive scientist Don Norman hails excellence of design as the most important key to regaining the competitive edge in influencing consumer behaviour. Now fully expanded and updated, with a new introduction by the author, The Design of Everyday Things is a powerful primer on how,and why,some products satisfy customers while others only frustrate them.
4.3 av 5
How democracies die: what history reveals about our future
How does a democracy die? What can we do to save our own? What lessons does history teach us? In the 21st century democracy is threatened like never before. Drawing insightful lessons from across history - from Pinochet's murderous Chilean regime to Erdogan's quiet dismantling in Turkey - Levitsky and Ziblatt explain why democracies fail, how leaders like Trump subvert them today and what each of us can do to protect our democratic rights.
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Her på berget: tekstbok : norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere
Her på berget er et læreverk i norsk og samfunnskunnskap beregnet på voksne innvandrere og studenter som allerede har et godt vokabular i norsk, og som har kjennskap til hovedtrekkene i den norske grammatikken. Læreverket tar, som i tidligere utgaver, for seg sentrale emner innen norsk kultur, historie og samfunnsforhold, og møter kravene i Læreplan i norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere, nivå B2/C1. Her på berget er praktisk å bruke for både kursdeltakere og lærere, med sin ryddige struktur og progresjon. Læreverket er tilrettelagt for norskprøver på B2-nivå og Test i norsk – høyere nivå (Bergenstesten), og inkluderer stoff på C1-nivå. Det er tilpasset trinn 3 på universitetsnivå. Her på berget Tekstbok tar opp ulike emner innenfor norske samfunnsforhold. Boka inneholder forskjellige sjangrer, som fortellende tekster, dialoger, faktainformasjon, reklame, avisinnlegg, debattartikler og litterære tekster. Målet med tekstene er at de skal øve opp språkferdigheter, gi nyttig informasjon og samtidig inspirere til samtaler og diskusjoner i klassen. På den måten gir tekstboka både leseferdigheter og samtaletrening. Det er dessuten et mål at innholdet skal bidra til større forståelse av samfunnet i dag, av leveforhold og verdier. Derfor er det lagt vekt på å få fram begivenheter og utviklingslinjer som viser sammenhengene mellom fortid og nåtid. En slik samfunnsforståelse gjør det enklere for deltakerne å være med i diskusjoner og uttrykke egne meninger og vurderinger. Foran i tekstboka under overskriften Hvordan kan jeg si det? har vi samlet fraser og uttrykk som kan være til nytte når man skal formulere seg, skriftlig og muntlig: Hvordan argumenterer man for og imot ulike alternativer? Hvordan uttrykker man enighet og uenighet? Bak i tekstboka er det en minigrammatikk og en ordliste med forklaringer på norsk. Forfatterne Elisabeth Ellingsen og Kirsti Mac Donald har skrevet flere læreverk og har lang undervisningserfaring ved Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier ved Universitetet i Oslo. Her på berget består av: • Tekstbok • Arbeidsbok • CD til tekstbok • CD til arbeidsbok • Elevnettsted, gratis • Lærerressurs på nettstedet
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Den fantastiske Mikkel Rev
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk grammatikk: norsk som andrespråk : arbeidsbok
Norsk grammatikk. Arbeidsbok følger teoriboka og gir anledning til å gå grundigere inn på hvert emne. Ved å bruke arbeidsboka parallelt med teoriboka vil man få mange flere eksempler på de ulike strukturene, og dessuten få praktisert reglene gjentatte ganger, slik at systemet forhåpentlig blir klarere. Norsk grammatikk gir en systematisk oversikt over norsk grammatikk, med vekt på å beskrive de grammatiske strukturene og bruken av de ulike formene i et andrespråks- perspektiv. Teoriboka og arbeidsboka er nært knyttet sammen. For å ha utbytte av læreverket må man kunne en del norsk. Lærere som underviser i faget, vil også ha nytte av læreverket. Norsk grammatikk passer for deltakere på spor 2 og 3, nivå B. På nettstedet er det selvinstruerende øvelser til hvert kapittel der deltakerne får direkte respons på svarene. Mange av oppgavene er med lyd.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Political ideologies and The Democratic ideal
<p>Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal analyzes political ideologies to help readers understand individual ideologies, and the concept of ideology, from a political science perspective. This best-selling title promotes open-mindedness and develops critical thinking skills. It covers a wide variety of political ideologies from the traditional liberalism and conservatism to recent developments in liberation politics, the emergence of the Alt-Right, and environmental politics. </p><p><p>NEW TO THIS EDITION</p><ul><li><p></li><li>Focus on the recent rise of populism and an "illiberal democracy" and how this poses a real challenge to the pillars of Western Liberal democracy;</li><li><p><p></li><li>A look at early Conservatives and the idea of "natural aristocracy" with focus on the thoughts of Edmund Burke;</li><li><p><p></li><li>A new discussion on whether Donald Trump is really a conservative, and if so, to what extent this is true;</li><li><p><p></li><li>An expanded look at Stalinism and the apparent rebirth of "Mao Zedong thought" in China through "Xi Jinping thought";</li><li><p><p></li><li>A more in-depth look at the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party and how "myth" was crucial to legitimizing both the man and the party; </li><li><p><p></li><li>New section on the history of American Fascism, from its origins to the recent emergence of the "Alt-Right";</li><li><p><p></li><li>Expansion of the discussion around the recent protest movements Black Lives Matter, and #MeToo, along with the repercussions of these movements; </li><li><p><p></li><li>Discussion on the obstacles facing transgender people implemented in recent years, including the bathroom laws and the ban from US military service; </li><li><p><p></li><li>Account of how Donald Trump has galvanized the environmental movement like never before, through his ardent anti-environment policies and appointments; </li><li><p><p></li><li>In-depth look at how the effects of climate change are increasingly turning people into "environmental migrants" and how the presence of these people has fueled far-right movements across Europe and the US;</li><li><p><p></li><li>Additional photos throughout;</li><li><p><p></li><li>An updated, author-written Instructor's Manual and Test Bank.</li></ul>
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Stein på stein: Tekstbok : norsk og samfunnskunnskap for voksne innvandrere, nivå B1
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Norsk Bokmål
In this updated edition of his outstanding introduction to Kant, Paul Guyer uses Kant's central conception of autonomy as the key to his thought.
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Norsk Nynorsk
Essentials of Meteorology
ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY, 8th Edition, is written for students interested in gaining insights into the dynamic workings of the atmosphere. The authors' ability to explain relatively complicated ideas in an easy-to-understand way lets both science and nonscience majors visualize the principles of meteorology. Online animations help you to immediately apply the text material and understand the underlying meteorological principles, and appendices allow you to explore meteorological data such as world temperature extremes and precipitation extremes over a 30-year period.
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Det hvite hotellet
Lisa Erdman er operasangerinne, av jødisk ætt, og blir Sigmund Freuds pasient i 20-årenes Wien.
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Norsk Bokmål
Trump: The Art of the Deal
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Ballantine Books) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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