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    Coaching: hva - hvorfor - hvordan

    Susann Gjerde

    Coachingfaget har vært gjennom en rivende utvikling siden første utgaven av Coaching - hva hvorfor hvordan ble utgitt i 2003. Fra å være et fag som i stor grad baserte seg på egenutviklete metoder, ser vi nå en utvikling mot et sterkere og mer samstemt teori- og metodegrunnlag. Coaching - hva hvorfor hvordan 2. utgave har beholdt kapittelstrukturen fra forrige utgave, men alt innhold, herunder teori, eksempler og metoder er oppdatert i henhold til ny forskning. Flere nye temaer er også kommet til. Til sammen gjør dette at vi nå har fått en mer helhetlig bok, basert på ny og forskningsbasert kunnskap innenfor coachingfaget og tilhørende fagområder. Av nye temaer kan vi nevne: Trender, kjennetegn og motstridende trekk ved coaching Utviklingshjulet og formålet med de ulike prosessene i coaching Indre motivasjon og selvbestemmelse Positiv psykologi, sterke sider og fallgruver Evidensbaserte coachingmetoder Makt og asymmetri i coachingrelasjonen Tilbakemelding og trekantsamtaler Bevissthet og erkjennelse, Nå-øyeblikk og av gjørende endringsøyeblikk «Røde flagg» (varselsignaler om at fokuspersonen heller kan trenge terapi) Etiske dilemmaer og etiske prinsipper Effekten av et læringsorientert tankesett Intuisjon forklart som følelser i bevissthetens ytterkant Boken har fire deler og begynner med en teoretisk innføring i faget og dets historie, deretter følger en gjenomgang av teori med eksempler, og en innføring i coachingferdigheter og virkemidler. Siste del gir en gjennomgang av gode coachingmetoder, samt spørsmål til refleksjon og øvelser. Boken kan enten leses sammenhengende, eller benyttes som oppslagsverk og inspirasjon og bevisstgjøring i forbindelse med utøvelse av coaching. Den inneholder mange eksempler på coaching og tips til øvelser man selv kan gjøre. Susann Gjerde har doktorgrad i ledelse og organisasjon fra Handelshøyskolen NMBU, er utdannet siviløkonom fra Universitetet i Fribourg, Sveits, samt master of science med spesialisering i organisasjonspsykologi fra Handelshøyskolen BI. Hun er også sertifisert coach fra The Coaches Training Institute (CTI), London. Hun har arbeidet som coach og organisasjonskonsulent siden 2000 og har undervist på diverse bachelor- og masterprogrammer i Skandinavia siden 2001. Hun arbeider i dag som førsteamanuensis ved Markedshøyskolen, Campus Kristiania, der hun forsker på og underviser i bla ledelse, lederutvikling, coaching, identitet og rolle.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 409

    Innbundet · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 109
    kr 409

    The Economy

    The Economy: Economics for a changing world

    The core

    Brukes som pensum i samfunnsøkonomi

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 349

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 89
    kr 349

    Case Study Research. What, Why and How?

    Case Study Research. What, Why and How?

    Peter Swanborn

    How should case studies be selected? Is case study methodology fundamentally different to that of other methods? What, in fact, is a case? Case Study Research: What, Why and How? is an authoritative and nuanced exploration of the many faces of case-based research methods. As well as the what, how and why, the author also examines the when and which - always with an eye on practical applications to the design, collection, analysis and presentation of the research.Case study methodology can prove a confusing and fragmented topic. In bringing diverse notions of case study research together in one volume and sensitizing the reader to the many varying definitions and perceptions of 'case study', this book equips researchers at all levels with the knowledge to make an informed choice of research strategy.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2010

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Etikk for journalister

    Etikk for journalister

    Svein Brurås

    Boka er en innføring i det yrkesetiske regelverket som profesjonelle journalister er forpliktet på, og som de redaktørstyrte mediene legger til grunn for sitt arbeid.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 299

    Pocket · 2020

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 289

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 299

    Exploring Strategy

    Exploring Strategy: Twelfth Edition

    Richard Whittington,

    Understand basics and develop expertise to think and behave like a manager Exploring Strategy, 12th Edition, by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson and Scholes has long been the essential introduction to strategy for the managers of today and tomorrow and has sold over one million copies worldwide. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations - how they prosper, how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. This is the Text Only edition, and the Text and Cases edition also provides a wealth of extra case studies written by experts in the subject to aid and enrich your understanding. Examples are taken from events and organisations as diverse as Adnams, Siemens, Air Asia, Apple, Handelsbanken, Glastonbury and the Indian Premier League. New to this edition: The 12th Edition of Exploring Strategy has been comprehensively updated to help you: * Understand clearly the key concepts and tools of strategic management * Explore hot topics, including business models, corporate governance, innovation and entrepreneurship * Learn from case studies on world-famous organisations such as ITV, IKEA, Uber, Airbnb, Alibaba, and the Chinese movie business. Richard Whittington is Professor of Strategic Management at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Duncan Angwin is Dean of Nottingham University Business School. Patrick Regner is Professor of Strategic Management at Stockholm School of Economics. Gerry Johnson is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management at Lancaster University School of Management. Kevan Scholes is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management and formerly Director of the Sheffield Business School.Pearson, the world's learning company.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 269
    kr 269

    Metode og økonometri

    Metode og økonometri: en moderne innføring

    Genaro Sucarrat

    Boka gir en innføring i generell samfunnsvitenskapelig metode og moderne økonometri. Økonometri forstås i sin videste betydning, det vil si som statistisk analyse av økonomiske data, og bokas hovedfokus er den multiple regresjonsmodellen. Boka er praktisk orientert ved at ideer og metoder illustreres i diverse datasett. Hvert kapittel avsluttes med teoretiske og praktiske øvingsoppgaver. 2. utgave inneholder et nytt kapittel og et nytt appendiks, i tillegg til at mindre endringer er gjort gjennom hele boka. Det nye kapitlet gir en introduksjon til analyse av kategoriske variabler, mens det nye appendikset gir en kortfattet hjelp til å komme i gang med STATA, det vil si den statistiske programvaren som brukes i dataoppgavene. Når du kjøper denne boka, får du tilgang til en digital utgave (PDF) som du enkelt kan bevege deg rundt i (du er aldri mer enn tre klikk unna hvilket som helst avsnitt i boka). Videre er datasett, STATA-videoer og annet stoff også tilgjengelig via klikkbare lenker. Tilgang til den digitale utgaven er omtalt i begynnelsen av boka. Genaro Sucarrat er førsteamanuensis ved Handelshøyskolen BI.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 79
    kr 79

    Software Engineering

    Software Engineering

    For courses in computer science and software engineering The Fundamental Practice of Software Engineering Software Engineering introduces students to the overwhelmingly important subject of software programming and development. In the past few years, computer systems have come to dominate not just our technological growth, but the foundations of our world's major industries. This text seeks to lay out the fundamental concepts of this huge and continually growing subject area in a clear and comprehensive manner. The Tenth Edition contains new information that highlights various technological updates of recent years, providing students with highly relevant and current information. Sommerville's experience in system dependability and systems engineering guides the text through a traditional plan-based approach that incorporates some novel agile methods. The text strives to teach the innovators of tomorrow how to create software that will make our world a better, safer, and more advanced place to live.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 299

    Pocket · 2018


    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 299

    Exploring Strategy

    Exploring Strategy

    Gerry Johnson

    With over one million copies sold worldwide, Exploring Strategy has long been the essential strategy text for managers of today and tomorrow. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations- how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. Texts and Cases also provides a wealth of extra case studies written by experts in the subject to aid and enrich your understanding. Examples are taken from events and organisations as diverse as Glastonbury, Mondelez and Formula 1 racing.

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 349

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 119

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 349

    Exploring strategy - text and cases

    Exploring strategy - text and cases: Twelfth edition

    Richard Whittington, Patrick Regner, Duncan Angwin, Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes

    Understand basics and develop expertise to think and behave like a manager Exploring Strategy, 12th Edition, by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson and Scholes has long been the essential introduction to strategy for the managers of today and tomorrow and has sold over one million copies worldwide. From entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals, charities to government agencies, this book raises the big questions about organisations – how they prosper, how they grow, how they innovate and how they change. Text and Cases also provides a wealth of extra case studies written by experts in the subject to aid and enrich your understanding. Examples are taken from events and organisations as diverse as Adnams, Siemens, Air Asia, Apple, Handelsbanken, Glastonbury and the Indian Premier League. New to this edition: The 12th Edition of Exploring Strategy has been comprehensively updated to help you: ·    Understand clearly the key concepts and tools of strategic management ·    Explore hot topics, including business models, corporate governance, innovation and entrepreneurship ·    Learn from case studies on world-famous organisations such as ITV, IKEA, Uber, Airbnb, Alibaba, and the Chinese movie business. Richard Whittington is Professor of Strategic Management at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Duncan Angwin is Dean of Nottingham University Business School. Patrick Regner is Professor of Strategic Management at Stockholm School of Economics. Gerry Johnson is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management at Lancaster University School of Management. Kevan Scholes is Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management and formerly Director of the Sheffield Business School.   Pearson, the world’s learning company.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 349
    kr 349

    Educational Psychology

    Educational Psychology: Fourteenth edition

    Anita Woolfolk

    For Introduction to Educational Psychology courses. Forty-four easy-to-read modules facilitate students’ learning and retention In clear and jargon-free prose, Educational Psychology, 14th ...

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 300

    Innbundet · 2016


    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 300

    Metode og økonometri

    Metode og økonometri: en moderne innføring

    Genaro Sucarrat

    Boka gir en innføring i generell samfunnsvitenskapelig metode og moderne økonometri. Økonometri forstås i sin videste betydning, det vil si som statistisk analyse av økonomiske data, og bokas hovedfokus er den multiple regresjonsmodellen. Boka er praktisk orientert ved at ideer og metoder illustreres i diverse datasett. Hvert kapittel avsluttes med teoretiske og praktiske øvingsoppgaver. 2. utgave inneholder et nytt kapittel og et nytt appendiks, i tillegg til at mindre endringer er gjort gjennom hele boka. Det nye kapitlet gir en introduksjon til analyse av kategoriske variabler, mens det nye appendikset gir en kortfattet hjelp til å komme i gang med STATA, det vil si den statistiske programvaren som brukes i dataoppgavene. Når du kjøper denne boka, får du tilgang til en digital utgave (PDF) som du enkelt kan bevege deg rundt i (du er aldri mer enn tre klikk unna hvilket som helst avsnitt i boka). Videre er datasett, STATA-videoer og annet stoff også tilgjengelig via klikkbare lenker. Tilgang til den digitale utgaven er omtalt i begynnelsen av boka. Genaro Sucarrat er førsteamanuensis ved Handelshøyskolen BI.

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 119

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 119


    Blindgang: kriminalroman

    Jørn Lier Horst

    4.2 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 59

    Animal behavior

    Animal behavior

    Dustin R. Rubenstein & John Alock

    A comparative and integrative overview of how and why animals as diverse as insects and humans behave the way that they do, linking behaviors to the brain, genes, and hormones, as well as to the surrounding ecological and social environments.

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    kr 249
    kr 249

    En fortelling om kjærlighet og mørke

    En fortelling om kjærlighet og mørke

    Amos Oz

    Dette er Amos Oz. mesterverk, en stor fortelling om et liv, om en slekt og om Israels historie. Det er en selvbiografi som er skrevet som om den skulle vært en roman. Den har grunntråder i Oz-familiens røtter, forfatterens barndom og ungdom i Jerusalem og i kibbutz, det tragiske livet til foreldrene, med mange brede episke skildringer som utspiller seg i Jerusalem, Tel Aviv og diverse andre kibbutzer i 30-, 40- og 50-årene. Et vidt spekter av befolkningen som kommer med: fra klassiske boklærde jøder fra Odessa til småbønder fra Litauen, her er svorne romantikere som svermer for de nye jødene som skal vokse frem i et selvstendig Israel, og som mangler sans for de beinharde realitetene. Her opptrer også mange av statens grunnleggere, både politisk og kulturelt, som Tsjernikovski og Ben Gurion, Begin og Agnon, alle de som konkret skulle gjøre jødene til et sekulært folk og virkeliggjøre vyene fra Basel-kongressen. De mørke kreftene virker hele tiden med: linjene som fører frem til Netanyahu og Sharon. Oz borer i dybden og får åpenhjertig frem spenningene generasjonene imellom, han lar gang på gang drømmene bli knust i møte med realitetene.

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 95

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 95

    Elektroteknisk formelsamling

    Elektroteknisk formelsamling

    Peter Bastian, Hans Rinn, Günther Springer, Klaus Tkotz, Ulrich Winter

    Elektroteknisk formelsamling, et nyttig hjelpemiddel Formelsamlingen inneholder nyttige formler for skoleelever, studenter og yrkesutøvere. Den dekker blant annet matematikk, lengde, areal, volum, masse, mekanikk og varmelære foruten elektrotekniske forhold som motstander, måleområder, spenningsdeler, omforminger stjerne-/trekantkoplinger, arbeid og effekt, virkningsgrad, strømpriser, vernetiltak, elektriske og magnetiske felt, forhold omkring enfaset og trefaset vekselstrøm, lederberegninger, maskiner, belysning, elektrokjemi, elektronikk, kjøling av elektroniske halvlederkomponenter, antenner og diverse tabeller.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 229

    Pocket · 1993

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 229

    The Skilled Communicator in Social Work

    The Skilled Communicator in Social Work

    Karen Healy

    A vital part of a social worker's role is to build strong relationships based on confidence and trust, with people across all stages of the life course and from a broad range of backgrounds, in what can be extremely challenging circumstances. In this, her latest collaboration with Palgrave, bestselling social work author Karen Healy turns her attention to the key topic of communication and the importance of developing into a skilled communicator across all areas of professional practice.Split into two distinct sections, the text provides a thorough exploration of:* The foundations of effective communication in social work practice, focusing on the basic knowledge and skills that are essential to forming working alliances with service users in a broad range of practice situations; and* The specialised communication skills required to work with people with specific capacities and needs - from children, young people and older adults to people from diverse cultures and linguistic groups, those who experience trouble with verbal communication and those with mental health challenges.With helpful learning features such as practice exercises and chapter summary questions to enable you to review and reflect on what you have learned, this is an essential resource for social work students new to this complex area of practice.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Populism: A Very Short Introduction

    Populism: A Very Short Introduction

    Cas Mudde

    Populism is a central concept in the current media debates about politics and elections. However, like most political buzzwords, the term often floats from one meaning to another, and both social scientists and journalists use it to denote diverse phenomena. What is populism really? Who are the populist leaders? And what is the relationship between populism and democracy? This book answers these questions in a simple and persuasive way, offering a swift guide topopulism in theory and practice.Cas Mudde and Cristobal Rovera Kaltwasser present populism as an ideology that divides society into two antagonistic camps, the "pure people" versus the "corrupt elite," and that privileges the general will of the people above all else. They illustrate the practical power of this ideology through a survey of representative populist movements of the modern era: European right-wing parties, left-wing presidents in Latin America, and the Tea Party movement in the United States. The authorsdelve into the ambivalent personalities of charismatic populist leaders such as Juan Domingo Peron, H. Ross Perot, Jean-Marie le Pen, Silvio Berlusconi, and Hugo Chavez. If the strong male leader embodies the mainstream form of populism, many resolute women, such as Eva Peron, Pauline Hanson, and SarahPalin, have also succeeded in building a populist status, often by exploiting gendered notions of society.Although populism is ultimately part of democracy, populist movements constitute an increasing challenge to democratic politics. Comparing political trends across different countries, this compelling book debates what the long-term consequences of this challenge could be, as it turns the spotlight on the bewildering effect of populism on today's political and social life.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    kr 119
    kr 119

    White Space Is Not Your Enemy

    White Space Is Not Your Enemy

    USA) Golombisky Kim (School of Mass Communications University of South Florida, University of South Florida; President and principle designer at Sky Lake Studio) Hagen Rebecca (School of Mass Communications

    White Space Is Not Your Enemy is a practical graphic design and layout guide that introduces concepts and practices necessary for producing effective visual communication across a variety of formats-from web to print. Sections on Gestalt theory, color theory, and WET layout are expanded to offer more in-depth content on those topics. This new edition features new covering current trends in web design-Mobile-first, UI/UX design, and web typography-and how they affect a designer's approach to a project. The entire book will receive an update using new examples and images that show a more diverse set of graphics that go beyond print and web and focus on tablet, mobile and advertising designs.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 239
    kr 239

    Atkins' Physical Chemistry

    Atkins' Physical Chemistry

    University of Oxford) Atkins Peter (Fellow of Lincoln College, US) De Paula Julio (Professor of Chemistry Lewis & Clark College, Cambridge) Keeler James (Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge and Walters Fellow in Chemistry of Selwyn College

    The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make this new edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. Re-organised into discrete Topics, the text is more flexible to teach from and more readable for students. Now in its eleventh edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features and maths support to demonstrate the absolute centrality of mathematics to physical chemistry. Increasing the digestibility of the text in this new approach, the reader is brought to a question, then the maths is used to show how it can be answered and progress made. The expanded and redistributed maths support also includes a greatly increased number of 'Chemist's toolkits' which provide students withsuccinct reminders of mathematical concepts and techniques right where they need them. Checklists of key concepts at the end of each Topic add to the extensive learning support provided throughout the book, to reinforce the main take-home messages in each section. The coupling of the broad coverage of the subject with a structure and use of pedagogy that is even more innovative will ensure Atkins' Physical Chemistry remains the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. Online resourcesAtkins' Physical Chemistry is accompanied by a range of online resources: For registered adopters of the book:* Figures and tables from the book, in ready to download format* Tables of key equations* Instructor's Solutions ManualFor students:* Web links to a range of additional physical chemistry resources on the internet* Group theory tables, available for downloading* Molecular modelling problems* Impact sections show the application of physical chemistry in a diverse range of modern contexts* 'Further Information' sections which consist of longer derivations

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    kr 349

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 349

    101 ways to work with communicative skills

    101 ways to work with communicative skills: theoretical and practical approaches in the English classroom

    How can English teachers work in up-to-date and inspirational ways to enhance students' communicative skills? Which English skills do students need in an increasingly diverse and globalised society? How can teachers explore key areas such as digital skills, multicultural topics and multilingual resources in the English subject in practical and engaging ways? These are some of the subject-specific questions raised in this book. The book contains practical teaching ideas and theoretical perspectives on communicative skills in English. Part I includes seven peer-reviewed articles on central aspects concerning communicative skills in English. Part II presents 101 practical teaching activities to enhance students' communicative skills in English. The suggestions connect theory and practice based on empirical experiences and central insights from classroom research. 101 Ways to work with Communicative Skills. Theoretical and Practical Approaches in the English Classroom offers fresh research about English Education in Norway. It is a treasure trove for every practicing teacher working with English in years 1-13. The target group for this book is teachers, students, teacher educators, and researchers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    kr 349
    kr 349

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