Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition
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Essential Cell Biology 3rd. ed
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Essential Cell Biology : Second Edition
The new knowledge has brought many practical benefits, including improvements in human health and prosperity. At the same time, it has led to ethical debates and controversy over issues such as genetic testing for inherited diseases, the balancing of environmental risks with benefits, genetic modification of crops and animals, the use of DNA fingerprinting in court cases, and the possibility of human reproductive cloning. These are only a few of the biology-based issues that we have to grapple with today. The successful application of the new knowledge will require many difficult decisions for us as citizens. A basic understanding of cell biology is needed if these decisions are to be intelligent ones. Our original purpose in writing this book was to provide a straightfor ward explanation of the workings of a living cell. By "workings," we mean principally the way in which the molecules of the cell-especially the pro tein, DNA, and RNA molecules-cooperate to create a system that feeds, moves, grows, divides, and responds to stimuli-one, in short, that is alive. By "straightforward," we mean an account that can be easily understood by a reader approaching modern biology for the first time. The need for a short, clear account of the essentials of cell biology became apparent to us while we were writing Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBOC), which is now in its fourth edition. MBOC is a large book aimed at advanced undergraduates and graduate students specializing in the life sciences or medicine. Many students and educated lay people who require an introductory account of cell biology would find this text too detailed for their needs. Essential Cell Biology (ECB), in contrast, is designed to provide the fundamentals of cell biology that are required by anyone to understand the biomedical, as well as the broader biological issues that affect our lives. ECB is as short and simple as we can make it, and we have reduced technical vocabulary to a minimum. In this second edition, we have brought the book completely up to date, with a new emphasis on genomes. including an overview of the human genome sequence and a new chapter on How Genes and Genomes Evolve, In response to requests from many....
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Lillee & Thommo
Reign of Terror is the previously untold story of the combined devastating dominance of bowlers Jeff Thompson & Dennis Lillee. During the heyday of Australian cricket, the pair were unstoppable and feared by batsmen everywhere. In the years between 29 December, 1972 and 18 June, 1983 Lillee and Thommo paired up in twenty-six Test matches, five World Series Cricket Supertests and thirty-one One-Day Internationals. At the zenith of their explosive destruction in England during the summer of 1974-5, they combined to take a total of fifty-seven wickets in the six Tests. There was cause for celebration, indeed genuine relief, for batsmen the world over when their 'reign of terror' ended.
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Understanding statistics in psychology with spss
Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS, eighth edition, offers students a trusted, straightforward, and engaging way of learning to do statistical analyses confidently using SPSS. Comprehensive and practical, the text is organised into short accessible chapters, making it the ideal text for undergraduate psychology students needing to get to grips with statistics in class or independently. Clear diagrams and full colour screenshots from SPSS make the text suitable for beginners while the broad coverage of topics ensures that students can continue to use it as they progress to more advanced techniques. Key features · Combines coverage of statistics with full guidance on how to use SPSS to analyse data. · Suitable for use with all versions of SPSS. · Examples from a wide range of real psychological studies illustrate how statistical techniques are used in practice. · Includes clear and detailed guidance on choosing tests, interpreting findings and reporting and writing up research. · Student-focused pedagogical approach including: o Key concept boxes detailing important terms. o Focus on sections exploring complex topics in greater depth. o Explaining statistics sections clarify important statistical concepts. . Dennis Howitt and Duncan Cramer are with Loughborough University.
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Understanding statistics in psychology with SPSS: Eighth edition
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Spiselig hage: alle kan dyrke sin egen mat
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Essentials of Geology, Global Edition
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.
5.0 av 5
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology by Dennis Howitt provides a comprehensive, practical and up to date coverage of the area. For the fourth edition, the text has been extensively revised for easier reading and comprehension. With a clear and straightforward style, the book introduces qualitative research from data collection to analysis. Examples of real research and practical guidance for each methodological approach are included throughout to equip the reader with an understanding of the process and the skills to be able to carry out their own research. There are also dedicated sections on ethics, quality and report writing. All of this is achieved while providing a thorough theoretical and historical context for the qualitative methods.
4.6 av 5
Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS
Revised edition of the authors' Introduction to statistics in psychology, 2013.
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Public Choice III
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Hvorfor ramler ikke månen ned?: og 52 andre ting du lurer på om vitenskap
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Norsk Bokmål
Nattens imperium
NÅDELØSE NÅLESTRIPETE DRESSER, FORFØRENDE FEMMES FATALES OG DØDELIGE TOMMYGØNNERE ... UIMOTSTÅELIG FOR ALLE MED EN GANGSTER I MAGEN, BRENNEVIN I BLODET OG HBO's BOARDWALK EMPIRE PÅ TV'N! Boston, 1926. Joe Coughlin, sønn av generasjoner av politi menn, slår seg opp til å bli en mektig mafi aboss. I en tid da hensynsløse menn, væpnet med penger, ulovlig sprit og våpen, slåss om makten, er det ingen man kan stole på. Én skjebne peker seg ut for menn som Joe: en tidlig død. Men frem til da har han og vennene hans tenkt å leve livet på toppen av nattens imperium ... SLETTEMARK GJØR DET. NETTAVISEN GJØR DET. MANN GJØR DET. BERGENSAVISEN GJØR DET. STAVANGER AFTENBLAD GJØR DET.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Bevisst pust: pusteøvelser for bedre helse og mer energi
Det er enkelt å lære seg pusteteknikker for bedre helse! Lær deg hvordan du kan utnytte pustens kraft for å lindre bekymringer og stress, bedre imunforsvaret og forholde deg til sinne og depresjon på en kontruktiv måte. I prosessen opplever du at du føler deg roligere samtidig som du får mer energi, at du blir fokusert samtidig som du er avslappet. Bevisst pust handler om bedre fysisk og psykisk helse, hjernetrim og styrket immunforsvar. Det forskes stadig på pustens evne til å styrke og hele, og det er enighet blant mange forskerne om at bevisst pusting eller kontrollert pust kan være nøkkelen til god helse. Bevisst pust kan gi både kroppslige og sjelelige fordeler. Blant fordelene er bedre fordøyelse, frigjøring av muskelspenninger, styrket immunforsvar og nervesystem, skjerpet hjerne, lavere stressnivå, bedre søvn og bedre mental helse generelt. Boken er en praktisk guide som med enkle øvelser viser deg hvordan du kan bruke pusten bevisst som meditasjon, uten egentlig å meditere. Med denne boken får du hjelp til å gi slipp på uønskede følelsesmønstre, traumer og spenninger, du får enkle og lette pusteøvelser å følge, gode tips tips og nyttige case studies. Forfatter Rebecca Dennis er grunnleggeren av og pustecoach. Hun slet med depresjon i nesten 20 år før hun oppdaget transformational breathing eller bevisst pust. Hun har en lang liste med klienter hun coacher - og hun hjelper dem med problemer som inkluderer stress, angst, avhengighet, misbruk, depresjon, ME, traume, søvn, fokus, fysiske problemer og lav selvfølelse. I boken tar forfatteren utgangspunkt i sin egen historie, gir tips og beskriver konkrete pusteøvelser som gir energi og styrke til å akseptere oss selv og stå bedre i motgang.
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Hvem inspirerte hvem i kunsten?: 50 malere og kunstretningen de innledet
Denne fascinerende boken viser hvem som inspirerte hvem i malerkunsten, og gir samtidig en lettfattelig innføring i kunsthistorie. Boken tar for seg de "skjulte" forbindelseslinjene mellom 50 innflytelsesrike malere, de som grunnla eller omdefinerte en kunstretning. Kunstnernes nøkkelarbeid blir gransket i detalj for å vise de ulike karakteristiske trekkene og hva slags innflytelse de har hatt på følgende kunstnergenerasjoner. Bruken av familietrær både visualiserer "slektskapet" mellom kunstnerne fra ulike retninger, som idealister, realister, naturalister, ekspresjonister og andre, og viser hvordan særtrekk og inspirasjon er gjengitt i kunst fra den vestlige del av verden.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den tredje tvilling
4.6 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The Balkans: From Constantinople to Communism
" "The Balkans: From Constantinople to Communism" is the new standard against which all other histories of the region will be judged."
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The Valmo model
Som ny
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Modern Industrial Organization, Global Edition
Written by two of the field's most respected researchers, Modern Industrial Organization goes beyond the traditional structure-conduct-performance framework by using the latest advances in microeconomic theory, including transaction cost analysis, game theory, contestability, and information economics.Fully updated to reflect new trends and topics, the Fourth Edition focuses on providing students with a clear, unified structure for analyzing theories and empirical evidence about the organization of firms and industries.MyEconLab not included. Students, if MyEconLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyEconLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.MyEconLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.
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The ValMO Model: Occupational Therapy for a Healthy Life by Doing
The ValMO Model describes the complexity and meaning-creating values involved in what humans do. This model can be used as a tool to describe and understand our occupations (what we do in our everyday lives).The book includes a description of the different perspectives of the ValMO model as well as sections on health, current research and measuring the value of occupations. It also offers a perspective of global sustainability and justice related to the challenges currently facing humanity.The ValMO Model is primarily designed for occupational therapy students and occupational therapists working in various areas of rehabilitation and preventive healthcare. The book is useful reading for everyone interested in health issues integrating humanistic and medical perspectives.
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