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Viser resultat for 'David Goggins'


    CAN'T HURT ME: Master your mind and defy the odds

    David Goggins

    For David Goggins, childhood was a nightmare — poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse colored his days and haunted his nights. But through self-discipline, mental toughness, and hard work, Goggins transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man with no future into a U.S. Armed Forces icon and one of the world's top endurance athletes. The only man in history to complete elite training as a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller, he went on to set records in numerous endurance events, inspiring Outside magazine to name him “The Fittest (Real) Man in America.” In Can't Hurt Me, he shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities. Goggins calls this The 40% Rule, and his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full potential.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    kr 59
    kr 59

    Can’t hurt me

    Can’t hurt me: Master your mind and defy the odds

    David Goggins

    New York times best seller. Poverty, prejudice and physical abuse colored his days and haunted his nights. But through self-dicipline, mental toughness, and hard work, Goggins transformed himself from depressed, overweight young man with no future. Into a U.S armed forces icon and one of the world’s top endurance athletes.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2020


    kr 349
    kr 349

    Can't hurt me

    Can't hurt me

    David Goggins

    Master your mind and defy the odds

    4.4 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018



    Usårlig: bli sjef i eget hode og slå oddsen

    David Goggins

    Endelig på norsk! David Goggins er et av verdens største TikTok-fenomen, kjent som et forbilde for unge gutter og menn som ønsker å mestre en større del av tilværelsen og forberede seg fysisk eller mentalt. For David Goggins var barndommen farget av fattigdom, fordommer og fysisk mishandling. Men gjennom selvdisiplin, mental utholdenhet og hardt arbeid forvandlet Goggins seg fra en deprimert, overvektig ung mann uten fremtid til et ikon for det amerikanske forsvaret og en av verdens beste utholdenhetsutøvere. Goggins er den eneste mannen i historien som fullførte elitetrening som Navy SEAL, Army Ranger og Air Force Tactical Air Controller. Han har satt en rekorder i en rekke ultraløp og har blitt omtalt av Outside magazine som "The Fittest (Real) Man in America". I boken USÅRLIG deler han sin forbløffende livshistorie og viser en vei som alle kan følge for å trosse smerte, knuse frykt og nå sitt fulle potensial. Boken beskriver blant annet "the 40% rule", en overbevisning om at de fleste av oss bare utnytter 40% av kapasiteten vår.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2023

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Never finished

    Never finished: Unshackle Your mind and win the war Within

    David Goggins

    This is not a self-help book. It’s a wake-up call! Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins’ smash hit memoir, demonstrated how much untapped ability we all have but was merely an introduction to the power of the mind. In Never Finished, Goggins takes you inside his Mental Lab, where he developed the philosophy, psychology, and strategies that enabled him to learn that what he thought was his limit was only his beginning and that the quest for greatness is unending. The stories and lessons in this raw, revealing, unflinching memoir offer the reader a blueprint they can use to climb from the bottom of the barrel into a whole new stratosphere that once seemed unattainable. Whether you feel off-course in life, are looking to maximize your potential or drain your soul to break through your so-called glass ceiling, this is the only book you will ever need.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 139

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 139

    The Sirtfood Diet Recipe Book

    The Sirtfood Diet Recipe Book

    Aidan Goggins

    THE OFFICIAL RECIPE BOOK TO BESTSELLING ORIGINAL THE SIRTFOOD DIET. Over 100 more delicious SIRTFOOD recipes to help you lose up to 7lbs in 7 days and stay lean and healthy for life!'The weight loss phenomenon' Times'The plan that will change the way you do healthy eating' Red Jumpstart your way to better health with over 100 tried-and-tested recipes from the bestselling authors of The Sirtfood Diet. This easy-to-use recipe book combines the latest nutritional advice with an essential meal plan to help you lose weight and feel great. Revolutionising the way we eat, through their scientifically researched plan for health and weight loss, nutritional medicine experts Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten show how these sirtuin-activating recipes will switch on our body's fat-burning powers to supercharge weight loss, improve energy levels, and promote amazing health. These recipes are brimming with flavour and include the official top 20 Sirtfoods, such as kale, parsley, strawberries, buckwheat, walnuts, turmeric, dark chocolate, and even coffee! With a flexible meal plan adjustable to your routine, budget and diet, and containing nutritional advice and tips throughout, this is the essential recipe book to make sure every meal you cook is SIRTified. Pioneers of the 'modern day medicine movement', advocating the need to complement medical intervention with nutrition and lifestyle changes, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten both hold Master's Degrees in Nutritional Medicine and are recognized authorities on nutrition and health.Recipes created with the help of Chef Mark McCulloch, a professional chef for 25 years who is passionate about creating healthy food without compromising on flavour.'The diet for people who actually like to cook and eat.... it's like having your own personal nutritionist' Times'I'm eating like a king these days thanks to the Sirtfood Diet' Conor McGregor, UFC World Champion 'A non-faddy diet that offers incredible health benefits and weight loss. I'm a huge fan!' Lorraine Pascale, BBC TV chef and food writer'A revelation to my diet, introducing Sirtfoods has allowed me to attain a body composition and wellbeing previously unimaginable' David Haye, Heavyweight Champion Boxer www.aidangoggins.com @Aidan_Gogginswww.glenmatten.com @glenmatten

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    The Sirtfood Diet

    The Sirtfood Diet

    Aidan Goggins, Glen Matten

    THE OFFICIAL, ORIGINAL SIRTFOOD DIET THAT WILL HELP YOU LOSE 7LBS IN JUST 7 DAYS!Switch on your body's fat-burning powers, supercharge weight loss, gain energy and help stave off disease with this easy-to-follow diet developed by the experts in nutritional medicine who proved the impact of Sirtfoods.Dark chocolate, coffee, kale - these are all foods that activate sirtuins and switch on the so-called 'skinny gene' pathways in the body. These are the same pathways more commonly activated by fasting and exercise - meaning they help the body to burn fat, increase muscle and improve health.Based on trials that showed an increase in lean muscle, as well as consistent weight loss of 7lbs over the course of just one week, The Sirtfood Diet is revolutionizing sports nutrition and healthy eating.Written by the nutritional experts behind those trials, and the only book rooted in their scientific research, The Sirtfood Diet gives you:- a simple, healthy way of eating for weight loss- inspirational case studies- delicious, easy-to-make recipes- a maintenance plan for prolonged successTV chef Lorraine Pascale, heavyweight champion boxer David Haye, model Jodie Kidd and The America's Cup team team GB leader Sir Ben Ainslie have all discovered the secret power of Sirtfoods. The Sirtfood Diet is a diet of inclusion not exclusion, and Sirtfoods are widely available and affordable for all. This is a diet that encourages you to pick up your knife and fork, and enjoy eating delicious healthy food while seeing the health and weight-loss benefits. Pioneers of the 'modern day medicine movement', advocating the need to complement medical intervention with nutrition and lifestyle changes, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten both hold Master's Degrees in Nutritional Medicine and are recognized authorities on nutrition and health.www.aidangoggins.com @Aidan_Gogginswww.glenmatten.com @glenmatten

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Contemporary graphic design

    Contemporary graphic design

    Charlotte Fiell

    This title is a Taschen 25 - Special edition! Packing a powerful visual punch, this compendium showcases the extraordinary cutting-edge work of 100 of the world's most progressive graphic designers, from the hard-hitting political messages of Jonathan Barnbrook to the lyrical digital compositions of Peter Saville to the iconoclastic imagery of Stefan Sagmeister. Alongside the array of visually stunning and thought-provoking advertisements, CD covers, posters, packaging, websites, and corporate identities are texts by each designer expressing his or her individual approach to graphic design practice as well as personal insights into the motivations that lie behind the work. There is an accompanying introductory essay that highlights the current issues surrounding graphic design practice, from the ascendancy of digital tools to the amorality of consumerism. By presenting a provocative survey of the most experimental and forward-looking graphic design from around the globe, this book provides a unique and totally unforgettable snapshot of where the discipline stands today and hopefully offers directions for its future. "Contemporary Graphic Design" is absolutely essential to anyone interested in the power of images. List of entries includes: 3KG, Adapter, Ames Bros, Peter Anderson, Antoine + Manuel, Philippe Apeloig, Yomar Augusto, Jonathan Barnbrook, Ruedi Baur, Nicholas Blechmann, Irma Boom, Buro Destruct, buro fur form, Buro Uebele Visuelle Kommunikation, Buro Weiss, Francois Chalet, Leslie Chan, Counterspace, Cyan, de-construct, DED Associates, Delaware, designby frank scheikl, Dextro, Pierre di Sciullo, Dress Code, Vladimir Dubko, Daniel Eatock, Rafael Esquer, Experimental Jetset, Farrow, Fellow Designers, Fluor, David Foldvari, Christina Follmer, Form, Vince Frost, FUEL, Genevieve Gauckler, Gavillet & Rust, Alexander Gelman, Gluekit, James Goggin, Francesca Granato, Fernando Gutierrez, Hahn Smith Design, Hamansutra, He Jianping, and Fons Hickmann M23. List of entries also includes: Kim Hiorthoy, Craig Holden Feinberg, Cavan Huang, Yang Huang, Rian Hughes, Angus Hyland, Ryoji Ikeda, Hideki Inaba, Inkahoots, Intro, KesselsKramer, Scott King, KM7, Christian Kusters, Zack Kyes, Lateral, Jurg Lehni, Tommy Li, Harmen Liemburg, Lust, M-A-D, M/M (Paris), Karel Martens, ME Company, Mevis & van Deursen, m-o-n-a-m-o-u-r, Maureen Mooren + Daniel van der Velden, Mutabor Design, Hideki Nakajima, Philip O'Dwyer, Aylin Onel, Martijn Oostra, Gabor Palotai, Punkt, Rinzen, Bernardo Rivavelarde, Ruiz + Company, Stefan Sagmeister, Peter Saville, Scandinavian DesignLab, Walter Schonauer, Ralph Schraivogel, Carlos Segura, Wolfgang Seidl, Spin, Vladan Srdic, Slavimir Stojanovic, Strange Attractors Design, Studio Boot, Studio FM Milano, Niko Stumpo, Suburbia, Sweden Graphics, Kam Tang, The Designers Republic, Thirst, Andrea Tinnes, Toffe, and Tycoon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010


    kr 139

    Pocket · 2007


    kr 139

    Vernepleierens kjerneroller

    Vernepleierens kjerneroller: en refleksjonsmodell

    Ole David Brask, Atle Ødegård, May Østby

    Hva er det som foregår i og rundt vernepleieren i praksisøyeblikket? Hvilke mønstre er det som avtegner seg i vernepleierens forståelse og tilnærminger? Denne boka handler om vernepleierens kjerneroller. Boka er skrevet i håp om å kaste lys over vernepleierens kompetanse, verdigrunnlag og handlingsalternativer. Forhåpentligvis vil den inspirere til økt bevissthet og større fleksibilitet hos vernepleieren, samtidig som flest mulige valg skjer i nær samhandling med brukeren. Helt avgjørende for boka er at 16 vernepleiere har bidratt med sterke, relevante, spennende og lærerike situasjoner fra praksis. Det gjør at boka har høy relevans for kvalitetsforbedringer til det beste for brukeren. Forfatterne er ansatt ved Høgskolen i Molde. Ole David Brask er psykologspesialist og førstelektor, May Østby er vernepleier og førstelektor, og Atle Ødegård er psykologspesialist og professor.

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 89

    Etikk for beslutningstakere

    Etikk for beslutningstakere: virksomheters bærekraft og samfunnsansvar

    Tom Skauge, Siri Granum Carson, David Keeping, Thomas Laudal, Norunn Kosberg

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 119

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59
    kr 119

    The Digital Transformation Playbook

    The Digital Transformation Playbook

    David L. Rogers

    A practical action plan for businesses seeking to adapt and grow in today's digital market.

    4.6 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    kr 459
    kr 459

    linear algebra and its applications 6th edition

    linear algebra and its applications 6th edition

    David Lay, Steven Lay, Judi McDonald

    Fosters the concepts and skills needed for future careers Linear Algebra and Its Applications offers a modern elementary introduction with broad, relevant applications. With traditional texts, the early stages of the course are relatively easy as material is presented in a familiar, concrete setting, but students often hit a wall when abstract concepts are introduced. Certain concepts fundamental to the study of linear algebra (such as linear independence, vector space, and linear transformations) require time to assimilate GÇö and students' understanding of them is vital. Lay, Lay, and McDonald make these concepts more accessible by introducing them early in a familiar, concrete setting, developing them gradually, and returning to them throughout the text so that students can grasp them when they are discussed in the abstract. The 6th Edition offers exciting new material, examples, and online resources, along with new topics, vignettes, and applications.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 409
    kr 409

    ISE Social Psychology

    ISE Social Psychology

    David Meyers, Jean M. Twenge

    Myers, D. & Twenge, M. (2022). Social psychology (14. utg.). McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 9781266024221

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2022


    kr 299
    kr 299



    Gregory David Roberts

    A novel of high adventure, great storytelling and moral purpose, based on an extraordinary true story of eight years in the Bombay underworld.'In the early 80s, Gregory David Roberts, an armed robber and heroin addict, escaped from an Australian prison to India, where he lived in a Bombay slum. There, he established a free health clinic and also joined the mafia, working as a money launderer, forger and street soldier. He found time to learn Hindi and Marathi, fall in love, and spend time being worked over in an Indian jail. Then, in case anyone thought he was slacking, he acted in Bollywood and fought with the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan . . . Amazingly, Roberts wrote Shantaram three times after prison guards trashed the first two versions. It's a profound tribute to his willpower . . . At once a high-kicking, eye-gouging adventure, a love saga and a savage yet tenderly lyrical fugitive vision.' Time Out

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 59

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Andre utgaver · 6

    kr 59

    Ulikhetens pris

    Ulikhetens pris: hvorfor likere fordeling er bedre for alle

    Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett

    En av de mest innflytelsesrike og omtalte bøkene som er skrevet om samfunnet vårt de siste ti årene. Hvorfor stoler briter mindre på hverandre enn nordmenn gjør? Hvorfor er det flere tenåringsmødre i USA enn i Frankrike? Hva er det som gjør at svenskene er tynnere enn australierne? Svaret er det samme på alle spørsmålene: økonomisk ulikhet. Boka er fremdeles et brennaktuelt innlegg i debatten om hva som skaper et bedre samfunn. Norge kommer godt ut i sammenligningene, men den økonomiske ulikheten har økt de siste tiårene, spesielt under den sittende regjeringen. I et forord skrevet spesielt for den norske utgaven, hevder forfatter Richard Wilkinson at også Norge vil tjene på en enda likere fordeling. "Sterk dokumentasjon av at land med små forskjeller greier seg bedre." - Jonas Gahr Støre "...en av de ti viktigste bøkene som er utkommet i dette århundret." - Klassekampen "...så overbevisende at selv høyrekrefter som magasinet The Economist og statsminister David Cameron i Storbritannia har stilt seg bak konklusjonene." - Morgenbladet "...leverer fakta til en følelse mange har av at samfunnet forvitrer, at noe i utviklingen er grunnleggende galt." - Nationen "...en av vår tids viktigste bøker" - Audun Lysbakken "Det er all grunn til å glede seg over at Norge er blant de landene i verden med lavest ulikhet." - Dagens Næringsliv

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 69
    kr 69

    Film Art: An introduction

    Film Art: An introduction

    David Bordwell, Kristin Thompson, Jeff Smith

    Twelfth edition

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 249
    kr 249

    An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology

    An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology

    UK) Groome David (Formerly at the University of Westminster, UK) Eysenck Michael (Emeritus Professor of Psychology in the psychology department at Royal Holloway University of London

    An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology offers an accessible review of recent research in the application of cognitive methods, theories, and models. Using real-world scenarios and engaging everyday examples this book offers clear explanations of how the findings of cognitive psychologists have been put to use. The book explores all of the major areas of cognitive psychology, including attention, perception, memory, thinking and decision making, as well as some of the factors that affect cognitive processes, such as drugs and biological cycles.Now in full colour, this new edition has been thoroughly updated to include cutting-edge research and theories. There are also new chapters on perceptual errors and accidents, the influence of emotion, and the role of cognitive factors in music and sport.Written by well-respected experts in the field, this textbook will appeal to all undergraduate students of cognitive psychology, as well as professionals working in the areas covered in the book, such as education, police work, sport, and music.

    4.5 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 89

    Innbundet · 2016

    kr 89

    Corporate finance

    Corporate finance

    David Hillier, Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe, Bradford Jordan

    The fourth edition of Corporate Finance takes an applied approach to cover all the latest research and topic areas important to students taking Finance courses. The new edition provides an international perspective on all areas of corporate finance and has been updated to include discussion on current trends such as the rise of populism and trade barriers on international finance, the advent of Financial Technology, and key regulatory changes impacting the sector.<br><br><br> Understanding and Application<br>*Clear, user-friendly style<br>*<b>Example </b>boxes in every chapter provide hypothetical examples to illustrate theoretical concepts such as cash flow timing, dividend smoothing and differential growth.<br>*<b>Real World Insight</b> boxes use real companies like Siemens, Avast and Adidas to show how they have applied corporate finance theories and concepts to their businesses and business decisions.<br>*<b>Chapter links</b> in the margin provide quick cross-referencing to show students the connections between topics.<br><br>Practice and Proficiency<br>*<b>Mini and Practical cases</b> present scenarios and questions to practice applying what you have learnt. <br>*Rigorous testing: between 30 and 40 <b>Questions and Problems</b> per chapter are categorised by topic and level of difficulty.<br>*<b>Numbered maths equations</b> and <b>key notation boxe</b>s listing the variables and acronyms that will be encountered in each chapter, designed to encourage mastery of Maths.<br>*<b>Exam Questions</b> designed to take 45 minutes and test you on material learned in a more formal exam style.<br>*Connect (R) resources include algorithmic questions designed to ensure equations and calculations are not learned by rote but by thorough understanding and practice <br><br>New to This Edition<br>*<b>Updated discussions</b> on peer-to-peer trading, cash flow forecasting methods, import/export partners and additional investment appraisal methods<br>*<b>Updated chapters </b>on corporate governance to reflect global changes, efficient markets and mergers and acquisition to reflect new research, financial distress to reflect new data with discussion on trends and insolvencies and fully updated chapter on Leasing to reflect new IFRS standards<br>*<b>New section</b> on Modified Internal Rate of Return and Margin of Safety in Investment Appraisal, Net Asset Value, Islamic Financing, and alternatives to CAPM to reflect research developments<br><br><br><i>Available with McGraw-Hill Education's Connect (R), the well-established online learning platform, which features our award-winning adaptive reading experience as well as resources to help faculty and institutions improve student outcomes and course delivery efficiency. To learn more, visit mheducation.co.uk/connect </i><br><br><br><b>Are you a student? </b>Gain easy online access to homework, tests and quizzes with immediate feedback on your progress as well as access to practice materials.<br><b>Are you an instructor?</b> You can create auto-graded assignments, tests and quizzes. Detailed visual reporting allows you to easily monitor student progress. Explore the updated instructor resources that include an instructor's manual, solutions manual, PowerPoints, glossary and appendices. <br><br><br><b>David Hillier </b>is Associate Principal and Executive Dean of the University of Strathclyde Business School. A Professor of Finance, David was recognized as being in the top 3 per cent of the most prolific finance researchers in the world over the past 50 years (Heck and Cooley, 2009) and appears regularly in the media as a busin

    4.4 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 299
    kr 299

    Callister’s Materials science and engineering

    Callister’s Materials science and engineering

    David Wiley Miller

    Callister's Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 10th Edition promotes student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 459
    kr 459

    Den profesjonelle hjelperrollen

    Den profesjonelle hjelperrollen: en refleksjonshåndbok for studenter og utøvere innen helse- og sosialfag

    Ole David Brask, May Østby, Atle Ødegård

    En kompleks praksishverdag stiller høye krav til refleksjons- og relasjonskompetanse hos helse- og sosialprofesjonene. Denne kompetansen er selve kjernen i den profesjonelle hjelperrollen og vektlegges i den nye felles rammeplanen for helse- og sosialutdanningene. Leseren inviteres med på kritisk refleksjon rundt praksiseksempler hentet fra et utvalg av helse- og sosialprofesjoner: barnevernspedagog, ergoterapeut, fysioterapeut, sosionom, sykepleier og vernepleier. Stadig større krav til rollefleksibilitet er en felles utfordring for helse- og sosialprofesjonene, men gjør også at vi trenger profesjoner med ulik kompetanse. En refleksjonsmodell anvendes til å kaste lys over hjelpe- og samarbeidsrelasjoner og over muligheter som oppstår der perspektiver møtes. Ole David Brask er psykologspesialist og førstelektor ved Høgskolen i Molde, May Østby er vernepleier og førstelektor ved Høgskolen i Østfold, og Atle Ødegård er psykologspesialist og professor ved Høgskolen i Molde.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

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