Verden under vann: en oppdagelsesreise i havet
Som barn kunne Pia Ve Dahlen ligge i timevis på brygga og beundre livet i sjøen under seg. Ved hjelp av bestefarens feltmikroskop og naturhåndbok utforsket hun naturen over og under vann, og for hver ting hun lærte, oppsto nye spørsmål. Nysgjerrigheten vokste til en lidenskap for å forstå hvordan livet i det gedigne havet har utviklet seg. Havet utgjør nemlig 99 prosent av området hvor dyr kan leve på kloden. Det var der livet oppsto, og artene har fått utvikle seg med helt andre forutsetninger enn på land. I Verden under vann kan du lese om de vakre, intelligente og fryktinngytende dyrene i havet som er resultatet av evolusjonens eksperimenter. Fra det yrende livet i det næringsrike tangbeltet og helt ned til dyphavsslettene, der noen få arter har spesialisert seg på å overleve - i stummende mørke og under enormt trykk. Målet med denne boka er å ta deg med på en reise ned i min verden. Ned i tareskogen, til de stupbratte sidene til undervannsvulkaner, ned i det knusende, beksvarte dypet og inn i det bankende hjertet av jordkloden.Fra boka «Et sprelsk og svært artig stykke populærvitenskap som kan få den mest inngrodde sofasliter til å betrakte naturen med nye øyne.» Leif Bull, Dagens Næringsliv «Dette er som å være med David Attenborough på et av hans mange fantastiske dyreprogram ...» Andrew Kroglund, Vårt land «Alle som er interessert i livet i havet har her fått en entusiastisk og sakkyndig guide. Supplert med flotte illustrasjoner av Gunvor Rasmussen.» Jon Kvalbein, Dagen
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Norsk Bokmål
Fuglenes verden
Boken presenterer fugler fra alle verdenshjørner. Den gir kunnskap om blant annet fuglenes forhistoriske stamfedre, deres evne til å møte farer, og artenes særtrekk og levemåte. Har stikkordregister.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future
Read this book to learn, but also to honour the man. We shall never see his like again.' - Sunday Times See the world. Then make it better. 'I am 94. I've had an extraordinary life. It's only now that I appreciate how extraordinary. As a young man, I felt I was out there in the wild, experiencing the untouched natural world - but it was an illusion. The tragedy of our time has been happening all around us, barely noticeable from day to day - the loss of our planet's wild places, its biodiversity. I have been witness to this decline. A Life on Our Planet is my witness statement, and my vision for the future. It is the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake - and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. We have one final chance to create the perfect home for ourselves and restore the wonderful world we inherited.' All we need is the will to do so.'
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Et liv på vår planet: mitt vitnesbyrd og en visjon for fremtiden
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Norsk Bokmål
Journeys to the other side of the world: further adventures of a young naturalist
The further adventures of a young David Attenborough - from Madagascar and New Guinea to the Pacific Islands and the Northern Territory of Australia. Following the success of the original Zoo Quest expeditions, in the late 1950s onwards the young David Attenborough embarked on further travels in a very different part of the world. From Madagascar and New Guinea to the Pacific Islands and the Northern Territory of Australia, he and his cameraman companion were aiming to record not just the wildlife, but the way of life of some of the indigenous people of these regions, whose traditions had never been encountered by most of the British public before. From the land divers of Pentecost Island and the sing-sings of New Guinea, to a Roya Kava ceremony on Tonga and the ancient art of the Northern Territory, it is a journey like no other. Alongside these remarkable cultures he encounters paradise birds, chameleons, sifakas and many more animals in some of the most unique environments on the planet. Written with David Attenborough's characteristic charm, humour and warmth, Journeys to the Other Side of the World is an inimitable adventure among people, places and the wildest of wildlife.
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Life on Earth: the greatest story ever told
Updated edition of David Attenborough's groundbreaking Life on Earth. David Attenborough's unforgettable meeting with gorillas became an iconic moment for millions of television viewers. Life on Earth, the series and accompanying book, fundamentally changed the way we view and interact with the natural world setting a new benchmark of quality, influencing a generation of nature lovers. Told through an examination of animal and plant life, this is an astonishing celebration of the evolution of life on earth, with a cast of characters drawn from the whole range of organisms that have ever lived on this planet. Attenborough's perceptive, dynamic approach to the evolution of millions of species of living organisms takes the reader on an unforgettable journey of discovery from the very first spark of life to the blue and green wonder we know today. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the book's first publication, David Attenborough revisited Life on Earth, completely updating and adding to the original text, taking account of modern scientific discoveries from around the globe. This paperback edition also includes more than 60 full colour photographs, chosen by the author to help illustrate the book in a much greater way than was possible forty years ago. This updated edition provides a fitting tribute to an enduring wildlife classic, destined to enthral the generation who saw it when first published and bring it alive for a whole new generation.
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Life on earth: A natural history
Første bok i Attenboroughs trilogi om livet på jorden. Flott illustrert, fra BBC serien med samme navn.
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Living planet: the web of life on earth
A new, fully updated narrative edition of David Attenborough's seminal biography of our world, The Living Planet.Nowhere on our planet is devoid of life. Plants and animals thrive or survive within every extreme of climate and habitat that it offers. Single species, and often whole communities adapt to make the most of ice cap and tundra, forest and plain, desert, ocean and volcano. These adaptations can be truly extraordinary: fish that walk or lay eggs on leaves in mid-air; snakes that fly; flightless birds that graze like deer; and bears that grow hair on the soles of their feet.In The Living Planet, David Attenborough's searching eye, unfailing curiosity and infectious enthusiasm explain and illuminate the intricate lives of the these colonies, from the lonely heights of the Himalayas to the wild creatures that have established themselves in the most recent of environments, the city. By the end of this book it is difficult to say which is the more astonishing - the ingenuity with which individual species contrive a living, or the complexity of their interdependence on each other and on the habitations provided by our planet.In this new edition, the author, with the help of zoologist Matthew Cobb, has added all the most up-to-date discoveries of ecology and biology, as well as a full-colour 64-page photography section. He also addresses the urgent issues facing our living planet: climate change, pollution and mass extinction of species.
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Life in the Undergrowth
An insect disguises itself as a flower or leaf. A spider lassoes its prey. A beetle persuades a bee to care for its young. This beautifully illustrated book by veteran naturalist Sir David Attenborough offers a rare glimpse into the secret life of invertebrates, the world's tiniest--and most fascinating--creatures. Small by virtue of their lack of backbones, this group of living things plays a surprisingly large role in the evolutionary cycle. These diverse creatures (more than one million species are believed to exist) roamed the earth before us and will still be here when we have gone. They are the pollinators, cleaners, and recyclers of life on earth. Without them, we would not last long. Attenborough has studied and enjoyed these diminutive beings since he was a schoolboy in the Leicestershire countryside of England. Life in the Undergrowth , part of his innovative series on natural history topics, looks at invertebrates the world over: their arrival on land and mastery of every habitat, and their fantastic variety of hunting, mating, and highly organized social behaviors. Adults are prejudiced against insects--handicapped by their ignorance and fears and limited by their size and vision. Children, who are closer to insects in size, notice and enjoy the tiny creatures. In this companion book to the Animal Planet television program, Attenborough shares his childlike curiosity for invertebrates, taking us down wormholes and into insect homes for an up-close-and-personal look at their habitats. As the biblical book of Proverbs implores: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard: consider her ways and be wise." David Attenborough does go. It is worth going with him.
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Kampen for tilværelsen: en beretning om dyrenes adferd
En beretning om dyrenes atferd. Attenboroughs fremragende nye bok og fjernsynsserie er en fortsettelse av hans to tidligere bøker, denne gang om hvordan dyrene opptrer. Hvert kapittel viser oss i dramatiske, ofte rørende eksempler hvordan dyrene må løse sine problemer - fra fødsel og oppvekst,e sameksistens og kamp, til kommunikasjon og slektens fortsettelse. Boken er praktfullt illustrert.
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Norsk Bokmål
Livet på jorden
David Attenborough beskriver livets utvikling fra de første enkle organismer oppsto i havet for3 1/2 milliard år siden, og fram til menneskenes og sivilisasjonens utvikling.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Adventures of a young naturalist: the zoo quest expeditions
THE EARLY ADVENTURES OF A YOUNG DAVID ATTENBOROUGH Zoo Quest expeditions in Guyana, Indonesia and Paraguay - the perfect Christmas present for fans of Blue Planet 2, Gerald Durrell and Ranulph Fiennes THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER - The gripping adventures of a young David Attenborough, published in a beautiful gift hardback, with a new introduction and a new selection of 90 pictures, including colour In 1954, a young David Attenborough was offered the opportunity of a lifetime - to travel the world finding rare and elusive animals for London Zoo's collection, and to film the expeditions for the BBC for a new show called Zoo Quest. This book records those voyages, which mark the very beginning of a career that spans decades and stretches across continents, from Life on Earth to Blue Planet II, from the deepest oceans, the darkest jungles and everywhere in between'. Staying with local tribes while trekking in search of giant anteaters in Guyana, Komodo dragons in Indonesia and armadillos in Paraguay, he and the rest of the team battled with cannibal fish, aggressive tree porcupines and escape-artist wild pigs, as well as treacherous terrain and unpredictable weather, to record the incredible beauty and biodiversity of these regions. The methods may be outdated now, but the fascination and respect for the wildlife, the people and the environment - and the importance of protecting these wild places - is not. Written with Attenborough's trademark wit and charm, Adventures of a Young Naturalist is not just the story of a remarkable adventure, but of the man who made us fall in love with the natural world, and who is still doing so today.
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Amazing Rare Things
From the fifteenth century onwards, as European explorers sailed forth on grand voyages of discovery, their encounters with exotic plants and animals fanned intense scientific interest. Scholars began to examine nature with fresh eyes, and pioneering artists transformed the way nature was seen and understood. In Amazing Rare Things, renowned naturalist and documentary-maker David Attenborough joins with expert colleagues to explore how artists portrayed the natural world during this era of burgeoning scientific interest.The book focuses on an exquisite selection of natural history drawings and watercolors by Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Marshal, Maria Sibylla Merian, and Mark Catesby, and from the collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo-works all held in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. Attenborough and his coauthors offer lucid commentary on topics ranging from the 30,000-year history of human drawings of the natural world, to Leonardo's fascination with natural processes, to Catesby's groundbreaking studies that introduced Europeans to the plants and animals of North America. With 160 full color illustrations, this beautiful book will appeal to readers with interests that extend from art and science to history and nature.
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The first Eden
Five and a half million years ago, the waters of the Atlantic flooded across an isthmus joining Morocco and Spain and into a vast trench in the earth's crust. The resulting cataract plunged for a century or so over a cliff many miles long and fifty times higher than Niagara, until at last the basin was filled and the Mediterranean Sea had been born. No other sea, or indeed any large-scale feature on the face of the earth, could have had such a dramatic beginning. In "The First Eden", David Attenborough journeys into the field of natural history, he explores the history and current state of this fascinating region, which became the cradle of civilization.
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A life on our planet: my witness statement and vision for the future
See the world. Then make it better. I am David Attenborough. At time of writing, I am 93 years old. I've had an extraordinary life. It's only now that I appreciate how extraordinary. As a young man, I felt I was out there in the wild, experiencing the untouched natural world - but it was an illusion. The tragedy of our time has been happening all around us, barely noticeable from day to day - the loss of our planet's wild places, its biodiversity. I have been witness to this decline. A Life on Our Planet contains my witness statement, and my vision for the future - the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake, and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. We have the opportunity to create the perfect home for ourselves and restore the wonderful world we inherited. All we need is the will do so.
5.0 av 5
Plantenes eventyrlige verden
Plantene lever i en annen tidsdimensjon enn vi gjør, de er i konstant bevegelse, utvikler seg, kjemper, unngår eller utnytter rovdyr eller naboer, strever for å finne mat, forplanter seg og prøver å finne en plass i solen. Ved hjelp av moderene film- og fototeknikker viser Attenboroug oss naturens verden. Med stikkordregister. Illustrert.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The private life of plants
Natur-faktabok om plantenes hemmelige liv. Basert på tv serien fra BBC Earth. Med mange vakre fotografier i farger. 320 sider.
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The Trials of Life
This is, quite simply, the best thing I’ve ever done.’ Sir David Attenborough on the TV series, The Trials of Life, upon which this book is based. This is the third and last of Sir David’s great natural history books based on his TV series and competes his survey of the animal world that began with Life on Earth and continues with Living Planet. In Life on Earth, Sir David showed how each group of animals evolved. In Living Planet he looked at the way they have adapted to the whole range of habitats in which they live. Now, in Trials of Life, he completes the story by revealing how animals behave – and why.
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The Life of Mammals
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Life in the undergrowth
David Attenborough reveals a secret universe it is teeming with life and is all around us, yet we never see it. It is the world of the very small, and it is a world of sex, drugs and violence. Here David shows us not just bugs, beetles and creepy-crawlies, but scorpions and centipedes, mites and mantids, spiders and dragonflies. And not just life in the undergrowth, but the dramatic battles between predator and prey that are happening in the corner of your living room and in your larder. See magnificent spectacles: swarming antler moths; millions of desert locusts; a mountain of locusts. For every pound of humans on Earth, there are 300 pounds of insects
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