Fænomenologi: En introduktion
<i>Fænomenologi: En introduktion</i> er en kortfattet og engageret indføring i en af det 20. århundredes dominerende filosofiske bevægelser. <div><br></div><div>På en levende og letforståelig måde introducerer bogen en række fænomenologiske nøglebegreber, som er afgørende for at kunne forstå tænkere som Husserl, Heidegger og Merleau-Ponty. </div><div><br></div><div>Bogen, som er skrevet af en internationalt førende ekspert på området, undersøger centrale spørgsmål som: </div><div><ul><li>Hvad er en fænomenologisk analyse?</li><li>Hvad er fænomenologiens metodologiske fundament? </li><li>Hvad fortæller fænomenologien os om kropslighed og intersubjektivitet?</li><li>Hvordan relaterer fænomenologien sig til andre grene af filosofien? </li><li>Hvordan kan ideer fra den klassiske fænomenologi anvendes i moderne kvalitativ forskning?</li></ul></div><div><br></div><div>Bogen indeholder anbefalinger til videre læsning og opdagelse i fænomenologiens verden, hvilket sammen med bogens omfattende begrebsliste gør den til et oplagt udgangspunkt for enhver, der søger en kortfattet og letlæst introduktion til den rige og komplekse fænomenologiske tradition.</div><div><br></div><div><i>“</i><i>En klar og autoritativ introduktion til fænomenologi af en af verdens førende fænomenologer</i>" Dermot Moran, University College Dublin, Ireland </div><div><br></div><div><i>"Dan Zahavi, en af de mest produktive og indsigtsrige fænomenologer i sin generation, har leveret en kortfattet, klar, og intellektuelt stimulerende indføring i fænomenologien”</i> Alessandro Duranti, University of California, Los Angeles, USA </div><div><br></div><div><i>"Denne klare bog kommer ind til kernen af hvad fænomenologi handler om, og er uundværlig for enhver der ønsker at vide mere om den tradition”</i> Piet Hut, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA </div>
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Husserls Fænomenologi
Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) er kendt som fænomenologiens grundlægger og er en af det 20. århundredes mest indflydelsesrige filosoffer. Husserls fænomenologi er en indføring i en række hovedtemaer og kernebegreber i hans tænkning. Bogen er opdelt i tre hovedafsnit, der til et vist punkt forener systematik og kronologi, for så vidt som den følger udviklingen i Husserls forfatterskab: fra de tidlige analyser af bevidsthedens intentionalitet over hans undersøgelse af den transcendentale subjektivitet til de sene analyser af intersubjektiviteten og livsverdenen.Husserls fænomenologi udkom første gang i 1997, men den foreliggende udgave er stærkt revideret.
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Husserl’s Phenomenology
Well known as the founder of phenomenology and as the teacher of Heidegger, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) is a central figure in twentieth-century philosophy. It is commonly believed that Husserl, despite his best intentions, was unable to free himself from the framework of a classical metaphysics of subjectivity. Supposedly, he never abandoned the view that the world and the Other are constituted by a pure (disincarnated and worldless) transcendental subject, and his thinking in consequence remained Cartesian, idealistic, and solipisistic. Thus, although Husserl is respected as an initiator, later exponents of phenomenology, hermeneutics, and deconstruction maintain that he was irrevocably surpassed by Heidegger…
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Exploring the Self : Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-Experience
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Norsk Bokmål
Husserl's Legacy
Dan Zahavi presents a rich new study of the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology. What kind of philosophical project was Husserl engaged in? What is ultimately at stake in so-called phenomenological analyses? In this volume Zahavi makes it clear why Husserl had such a decisive influence on 20th-century philosophy.
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Self and Other
Can you be a self on your own or only together with others? Is selfhood a built-in feature of experience or rather socially constructed? How do we at all come to understand others? Does empathy amount to and allow for a distinct experiential acquaintance with others, and if so, what does that tell us about the nature of selfhood and social cognition? Does a strong emphasis on the first-personal character of consciousness prohibit a satisfactory account ofintersubjectivity or is the former rather a necessary requirement for the latter?Engaging with debates and findings in classical phenomenology, in philosophy of mind and in various empirical disciplines, Dan Zahavi's new book Self and Other offers answers to these questions. Discussing such diverse topics as self-consciousness, phenomenal externalism, mindless coping, mirror self-recognition, autism, theory of mind, embodied simulation, joint attention, shame, time-consciousness, embodiment, narrativity, self-disorders, expressivity and Buddhist no-self accounts,Zahavi argues that any theory of consciousness that wishes to take the subjective dimension of our experiential life serious must endorse a minimalist notion of self. At the same time, however, he also contends that an adequate account of the self has to recognize its multifaceted character, and that variouscomplementary accounts must be integrated, if we are to do justice to its complexity. Thus, while arguing that the most fundamental level of selfhood is not socially constructed and not constitutively dependent upon others, Zahavi also acknowledges that there are dimensions of the self and types of self-experience that are other-mediated. The final part of the book exemplifies this claim through a close analysis of shame.
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Phenomenology: The Basics
Phenomenology: The Basics is a concise and engaging introduction to one of the dominant philosophical movements of the 20th century. This lively and lucid book provides an introduction to the essential phenomenological concepts that are crucial for understanding great thinkers such as Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. Written by a leading expert in the field, Dan Zahavi examines and explains key questions such as:* What is a phenomenological analysis?* What are the methodological foundations of phenomenology?* What does phenomenology have to say about embodiment and intersubjectivity?* How is phenomenology distinguished from, and related to, other fields in philosophy?* How do ideas from classic phenomenology relate to ongoing debates in psychology and qualitative research?With a glossary of key terms and suggestions for further reading, the book considers key philosophical arguments around phenomenology, making this an ideal starting point for anyone seeking a concise and accessible introduction to the rich and complex study of phenomenology.
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A Phenomenology of Musical Absorption
This book presents a detailed analysis of what it means to be absorbed in playing music. Based on interviews with one of the world's leading classical ensembles, "The Danish String Quartet" (DSQ), it debunks the myth that experts cannot reflect while performing, but also shows that intense absorption is not something that can be achieved through will, intention, prediction or planning - it remains something individuals have to be receptive to. Based in the phenomenological tradition of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty as well as of Dan Zahavi and Shaun Gallagher, it lays out the conditions and essential structures of musical absorption. Employing the lived experience of the DSQ members, it also engages and challenges core ideas in phenomenology, philosophy of mind, enactivism, expertise studies, musical psychology, flow theory, aesthetics, dream and sleep studies, psychopathology and social ontology, and proposes a method that integrates phenomenology and cognitive science.
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Subjective Time
Interdisciplinary perspectives on the feature of conscious life that scaffolds every act of cognition: subjective time.Our awareness of time and temporal properties is a constant feature of conscious life. Subjective temporality structures and guides every aspect of behavior and cognition, distinguishing memory, perception, and anticipation. This milestone volume brings together research on temporality from leading scholars in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, defining a new field of interdisciplinary research. The book's thirty chapters include selections from classic texts by William James and Edmund Husserl and new essays setting them in historical context; contemporary philosophical accounts of lived time; and current empirical studies of psychological time. These last chapters, the larger part of the book, cover such topics as the basic psychophysics of psychological time, its neural foundations, its interaction with the body, and its distortion in illness and altered states of consciousness. ContributorsMelissa J. Allman, Holly Andersen, Valtteri Arstila, Yan Bao, Dean V. Buonomano, Niko A. Busch, Barry Dainton, Sylvie Droit-Volet, Christine M. Falter, Thomas Fraps, Shaun Gallagher, Alex O. Holcombe, Edmund Husserl, William James, Piotr Jaskowski, Jeremie Jozefowiez, Ryota Kanai, Allison N. Kurti, Dan Lloyd, Armando Machado, Matthew S. Matell, Warren H. Meck, James Mensch, Bruno Moelder, Catharine Montgomery, Konstantinos Moutoussis, Peter Naish, Valdas Noreika, Sukhvinder S. Obhi, Ruth Ogden, Alan o'Donoghue, Georgios Papadelis, Ian B. Phillips, Ernst Poeppel, John E. R. Staddon, Dale N. Swanton, Rufin VanRullen, Argiro Vatakis, Till M. Wagner, John Wearden, Marc Wittmann, Agnieszka Wykowska, Kielan Yarrow, Bin Yin, Dan Zahavi
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Phenomenology and Naturalism
At present, `naturalism' is arguably the dominant trend in both Anglo-American and European philosophy. Owing to the influence of the works of W.V.O. Quine, Wilfred Sellars, and Hillary Putnam, among others, naturalism both as a methodological and ontological position has become one of the mainstays of contemporary analytic approaches to knowledge, mind and ethics. From the early 1990s onward, European philosophy in the English-speaking world has been witnessing a turn from the philosophies of the subjects of phenomenology, hermeneutics and existentialism and a revival of a certain kind of vitalism, whether Bergsonian or Nietzschean, and also of a certain kind of materialism that is close in spirit to Spinoza's Ethics and to the naturalism and monism of the early Ionian thinkers. This book comprises essays written by experts in both the European and the Anglo-American traditions such as John Sallis, David Papineau, David Cerbone, Dan Zahavi, Paul Patton, Bernhard Weiss, Jack Reynolds and Benedict Smith, who explore the limit of naturalism and the debate between naturalism and phenomenology. This book also considers the relation between Deleuze's philosophy and naturalism as well as the critique of phenomenology by speculative realism. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
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Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture
The first interdisciplinary investigation of the cultural context of enactive embodiment, offering perspectives that range from the neurophilosophical to the anthropological.Recent accounts of cognition attempt to overcome the limitations of traditional cognitive science by reconceiving cognition as enactive and the cognizer as an embodied being who is embedded in biological, psychological, and cultural contexts. Cultural forms of sense-making constitute the shared world, which in turn is the origin and place of cognition. This volume is the first interdisciplinary collection on the cultural context of embodiment, offering perspectives that range from the neurophilosophical to the anthropological.The book brings together new contributions by some of the most renowned scholars in the field and the latest results from up-and-coming researchers. The contributors explore conceptual foundations, drawing on work by Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, and Sartre, and respond to recent critiques. They consider whether there is something in the self that precedes intersubjectivity and inquire into the relation between culture and consciousness, the nature of shared meaning and social understanding, the social dimension of shame, and the nature of joint affordances. They apply the notion of radical enactive cognition to evolutionary anthropology, and examine the concept of the body in relation to culture in light of studies in such fields as phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and psychopathology. Through such investigations, the book breaks ground for the study of the interplay of embodiment, enaction, and culture.ContributorsMark Bickhard, Ingar Brinck, Anna Ciaunica, Hanne De Jaegher, Nicolas de Warren, Ezequiel Di Paolo, Christoph Durt, John Z. Elias, Joerg Fingerhut, Aikaterini Fotopoulou, Thomas Fuchs, Shaun Gallagher, Vittorio Gallese, Duilio Garofoli, Katrin Heimann, Peter Henningsen, Daniel D. Hutto, Laurence J. Kirmayer, Alba Montes Sanchez, Dermot Moran, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead, Matthew Ratcliffe, Vasudevi Reddy, Zuzanna Rucinska, Alessandro Salice, Glenda Satne, Heribert Sattel, Christian Tewes, Dan Zahavi
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Skaperglede, engasjement og utforskertrang: nye perspektiver på estetiske og tverrfaglige undervisningsmetoder som redskap i pedagogisk virksomhet
Boken gir en bred og helhetlig tilnærming til hvordan lærere kan skape engasjement og utforskertrang hos elevene. Nye perspektiver på estetiske og tverrfaglige undervisningsmetoder fremstilles på en praktisk, men samtidig kritisk måte. Forfatterne viser hvordan slike metoder kan brukes som redskap i pedagogisk virksomhet for å øke elevers trivsel, motivasjon og læringsutbytte. Bidragene i boken er varierte, med perspektiver fra, og på tvers av, ulike fagfelter. Antologien henvender seg til lærerstudenter, lærere, lærerutdannere, skoleledere, skoleeiere, og forskere i skole og utdanning som er interessert i å vite mer om alternative undervisningsformer, menneskelig kreativitet og nyskaping. Redaktører for boken er Kristine Høeg Karlsen og Gunhild Brænne Bjørnstad. Øvrige bidragsytere er Marius Akerbæk, Bennyé D. Austring, Liv Anne Fossbråten, Elisabeth Giske, Johannes Hafnor, Målfrid Irene Hagen, Egil Hjertaker, Ellen Høeg, Birgitte Nordahl Husebye, Joakim Karlsen, Einar Krossbakken, Marianne Maugesten, Pål Kristian Moe, Monica Nordbakke, Virginia Lockhart-Pedersen, Marianne Puvatcha, Dan Roger Sträng, Solveig Toft, Merete Cornét Sørensen og Ilmi Willbergh.
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Norsk Bokmål
Den lille kaninen som så gjerne ville sove: en annerledes godnatthistorie
4.4 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Opprinnelse: en Robert Langdon-thriller
I Opprinnelse fletter Dan Brown inn det som har blitt hans varemerke: koder, vitenskap, religion, historie, kunst og kultur, uten at det går på bekostning av spenningen!Opprinnelse er den etterlengtede, frittstående oppfølgeren til Da Vinci-koden. Dan Brown har solgt mer enn 200 millioner bøker verden over, og bøkene hans er utgitt på 56 språk. «... kombinerer klassisk konstruert spenning og et fascinerende idéinnold» - Pål Gerhard Olsen, Aftenposten «Drivende spenning fra Dan Brown» - Valerie Kubens, Fædrelandsvennen
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
The name of the wind
'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.
4.6 av 5
Førstehjelp på tur: fjell-, høyde- og reisemedisin
Dette er den optimale håndboke for alle som reiser og lever livet utendørs. Her får du profesjonelle tips og råd fra leger og kyndige om alle former for reise og forskjellige eventyr! "Førstehjelp på tur" dekker over reiser i utmarka og i friluft, til havs, på snø, i høyden og på ekspedisjon. Her finner du nyttig informasjon om alle slags alminnelige sykdommer og skader, brudd og ulike former for redning. I den nye utgaven finner du helt nye illustrasjoner. Bakerst i boka finner du et stort register over alle temaer, skjemaer, en parlør, tabeller for konversjon og lignende. Boken er designet for rask og effektiv bruk når situasjonen krever det. "Førstehjelp på tur" brukes av en rekke skoler som pensum, og bør være med deg i bagasjen på backpacking i Asia såvel som en helgetur i Nordmarka.
5.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Da Vinci-koden
Denne utgaven av Da Vinci-koden er tilpasset unge mennesker. Dan Brown sier om boken: «Det er mitt store håp at denne tilpasningen av Da Vinci-koden vil skape den samme begeistringen hos unge mennesker som jeg opplever når jeg utforsker verdens skjulte historier og mysterier.» En kode skjult i verkene til Leonardo da Vinci ... et desperat kappløp gjennom Europas slott og palasser .. en eksplosiv sannhet skjult gjennom århundrene ... avdekket til sist. Sentralt i oppklaringen står professor Robert Langdon, spesialist i religiøs symbologi. Da Vinci-koden er en av verdens mest solgte romaner gjennom alle tider.
4.5 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Fordi vi er mennesker: en bok om samarbeidets etikk
Det er viktig å kunne samarbeide på tvers av profesjoner, generasjoner og kulturer. Boken bruker Bubers, Løgstrups, Levinas og Sartres tenkning til å utdype noen sider ved det gode samarbeid, slik som ansvar, åpenhet, respekt og tillit. Et eget kapittel er viet følelsene, som spiller en viktig og ofte undervurdert rolle i møtet med andre mennesker. Solveig Botnen Eide er førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid Hans H. Grelland er professor i teoretisk kvantekjemi Aslaug Kristiansen er professor i pedagogikk Hans Inge Sævareid er universitetslektor i sykepleievitenskap Dag G. Aasland er dosent i økonomi. Alle ved Universitetet i Agder.
3.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Demens: sykdommer, diagnostikk og behandling
Boka er rettet mot universiteter og høyskoler, og vil være nyttig for helsepersonell som møter personer med demens i sitt arbeid. To av nestorene innenfor arbeidet med demens i Norge i en årrekke, Knut Engedal og Per Kristian Haugen, er redaktører. De har fått med seg et knippe av de mest fremtredende fagfolkene på demens i landet som bidragsytere. Demens - sykdommer, diagnostikk og behandling gir et helhetlig perspektiv og et solid faglig grunnlag, for å kunne ivareta personer med demens. Boka fokusere på at omsorg, utredning og behandling skal være tilpasset hver enkelt person med demens og hans eller hennes nærstående. Boka tar utgangspunkt i at ulike typer demens og de ulike utviklingstrinn i demensforløpet vil gi seg forskjellig utslag psykologisk, atferdsmessig, motorisk og i dagliglivets fungering.
4.7 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
<p>The precise and reliable approach you depend on with the current updates you need</p><br><p>The 10th edition of Quantitative Chemical Analysis continues to set the standard for learning analytical chemistry with distinguished writing, the most up-to-date content, and now the acclaimed Achieve program, supporting exceptional problem-solving practice. New author Charles Lucy joins Dan Harris, infusing additional subject expertise and classroom experience into the 10th edition.</p><br>Quantitative Chemical Analysis is also now supported by Achieve, Macmillan’s new online learning platform. Achieve is the culmination of years of development work put toward creating the most powerful online learning tool for chemistry students. Achieve includes an interactive e-Book as well as our renowned assessments. Students will be able to focus their study with adaptive quizzing and gain a better understanding of what is happening at the atomic or molecular level through instrumentation technique videos.<br>
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