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Viser resultat for 'Constantius Flood'

    Under krigen 1807 - 1814

    Under krigen 1807 - 1814

    Constantius Flood

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1892


    Ufredstid. Fortelling fra forrige århundrets begynnelse

    Ufredstid. Fortelling fra forrige århundrets begynnelse

    Constantius Flood

    Bearbeidd av E. L. Lenning. Blix Forlag, Oslo. Nasjonal Samlings Boktrykkeri, Oslo. 272 s.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Ritter & Co. En fortelling fra kapertiden

    Ritter & Co. En fortelling fra kapertiden

    Constantius Flood

    Bearbeidd av E. I. Lenning. Tegninger av A. Bloch. Blix Forlag, Oslo. 216 s.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 119
    kr 119

    Sterke Jansen

    Sterke Jansen


    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1942

    kr 99
    kr 99

    Udvalgte fortællinger I

    Udvalgte fortællinger I

    Flood, Constantius

    Veldig bra

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1893

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Under kaperflagg

    Under kaperflagg

    Constantinus Flood

    Originalutgaven utkom i 1895. 2nen utgave bearbeidet av O. M. Overn og E. J. Lenning. Originaltegninger av Rolf Egeberg. Blix Forlag, Oslo. 227 s.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 129
    kr 129



    Constatinus Flood

    Se bildet

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål


    York's Military Legacy

    York's Military Legacy

    Ian D. Rotherham

    One of the oldest settlements in Western Europe, York grew up on dry land with protective rivers and associated wetlands giving security and mobility. Early, prehistoric settlement was on nearby drier, raised areas along the floodplain. Here the Romans built a great, northern, fortified city and military settlement from which they could foray overland into northern England or by ship and the coastal route to Scotland and the Picts. York s significance was emphasized when Constantine was made Emperor whilst residing there. Lean times followed after Roman abandonment and Saxon neglect before the Vikings swept into northern England, with Jorvic, re-born as their capital, York, much to their liking. Once subsumed into Anglo-Saxon Northumbria, York continued its huge strategic and military significance through late Saxon times, during the Norman Conquest, and into medieval England. Indeed, two of the most far-reaching battles in English history were fought at nearby Fulford and Stamford Bridge. York s military significance grew again during the Wars of the Roses, with the Battle of Towton in 1461 described as the most barbaric ever fought on British soil.Following oscillating and vicious disputes over religion during the reigns of the later Tudors, divisive and punitive civil war played out again under the Stuart kings and Parliamentary Commonwealth. Through all this, York was a major strategic location in northern England; an important base for those commanding it, a significant prize for those who did not. This military importance declined into modern times but the city retains garrison and regimental ties. The last direct conflict occurred when York was targeted for retaliatory Baedeker raids by German bombers during April 1942\. York s remarkable history and longevity, and its significance in English and sometimes international politics and economics, have left a unique, unparalleled military history.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Adolescence Is Not a Disease: Beyond Drinking, Drugs, and Dangerous Friends: The Journey to Adulthood

    Adolescence Is Not a Disease: Beyond Drinking, Drugs, and Dangerous Friends: The Journey to Adulthood

    Ma Jeffrey Leiken

    HOW TO PREPARE YOUR TEEN TO SUCCEED IN A COMPLEX WORLD There are so many influences on teens and young adults today, the flood is impossible to control. Often, teens questions about themselves and their futures are too much for parents to handle alone, or worse, go unnoticed and unanswered. The consequence of ignoring these can lead to decades of unnecessary struggle. Adolescence Is Not a Disease offers innovative, real-life, real-world solutions to problems both parents and teens face. Internationally recognized mentor, Jeffrey Leiken, explains the three distinct stages of the deep and complex inner journey each teen goes through in becoming a self-sufficient adult, and how you can help your teens answer their most urgent and challenging questions and move toward fulfilling adulthoods. Leiken shares themes, struggles, and solutions almost all teens and their parents face, highlighting the differences between coming-of-age in the twenty-first century, while honoring the universal constants that we all went through. Leiken poignantly discourages parents from blindly deferring to the pervasive, contemporary, one-dimensional, feardriven expert advice that too often pathologizes adolescence, misunderstands it, and creates the problems it then tries (and mostly fails) to fix. Rather than try to become an expert in parenting, Leiken will help you to instead become an expert in raising your own."

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    The taxidermist's daughter

    The taxidermist's daughter

    Kate Mosse

    The enthralling new Sunday Times bestselling gothic novel from the author of THE WINTER GHOSTS, CITADEL and LABYRINTH. The clock strikes twelve. Beneath the wind and the remorseless tolling of the bell, no one can hear the scream ...1912. A Sussex churchyard. Villagers gather on the night when the ghosts of those who will not survive the coming year are thought to walk. And in the shadows, a woman lies dead. As the flood waters rise, Connie Gifford is marooned in a decaying house with her increasingly tormented father. He drinks to escape the past, but an accident has robbed her of her most significant childhood memories. Until the disturbance at the church awakens fragments of those vanished years ...

    3.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    kr 59

    Pocket · 2014


    kr 69

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 59


    Gjentagelsen: et forsøk i den eksperimenterende psykologi

    Søren Kierkegaard

    Det er forfatterens egne livsvalg og deres moralske og filosofiske implikasjoner som er utgangspunktet for filosoferingen i boken. Temaet er det filosofiske begrep gjentagelsen, som utforskes fra meget forskjellige kanter og ikke minst dikterisk i boken.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 2001



    Romersk historie

    Romersk historie

    Ammianus Marcellinus

    Ammianus Marcellinus ble født ca. 330 i Antiokia (i dag tyrkisk Antakya). Han var jevnaldrende med Julian "den frafalne", og ingen har mer inngående skildret Julian som kronprins (Caesar) og keiser (Augustus). Beretningen om den skjebnesvangre ekspedisjonen mot perserne i 363 er et høydepunkt i Ammianus' verk. Som betrodd offiser under Constantius og Julian er Ammianus nær begivenhetenes sentrum i 15 år rundt om på ulike arenaer i Romerriket. Han deltar i og er øyenvitne til dramatiske hendelser, men vet også å benytte samtidige kilder og vitnesbyrd til livfulle skildringer. Det verk han forfattet på latin i Roma under Valentinian og Valens, står i tradisjonen fra Herodot, Thukydid og Tacitus og regnes som det siste betydelige bidrag til historieskrivningen i antikken. Det omfattet opprinnelig hele tidsrommet fra drapet på Domitian (96 e.Kr.) til Valens' død (378), men bare den siste halvdel, samtidsdelen av verket, er bevart. Ammians historie var i tysk oversettelse den viktigste kilden for Ibsen til Kejser og galilæer. Verket er nyoversatt av Kari Skard, mangeårig lektor i latin ved Oslo Katedralskole. Innledning og noter er ved professor em. i klassisk filologi ved Universitet i Oslo og tidligere kommentator for bl.a. Kejser og galiæer i Henrik Ibsens Skrifter (2008).

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål


    Imperial Invectives against Constantius II

    Imperial Invectives against Constantius II

    The Roman emperor Constantius II (337-361) has frequently been maligned as a heretic, standing in sharp contrast to his father Constantine I, who set in motion the Christianisation of the Roman world and the establishment of Nicene orthodoxy. This reputation is the result of the overwhelming negative presentation of Constantius in the surviving literature written by orthodox Christians, who regarded him as an 'Arian' persecutor.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    The Reign of Constantius II

    The Reign of Constantius II

    Nicholas John Baker-Brian

    This book examines the dynastic context for Constantius II's reign as a member of the Constantinian family, first as a joint ruler with his brothers and then from 350 AD as sole Augustus. The following chapters investigate the involvement of Constantius in the imperial, administrative, legal, religious, and cultural life of the Roman empire in the fourth century AD. Constantius' handling of various threats to Roman hegemony such as the ambitions of the neighbouring Sasanian empire, and his relationships with Gallus and with Julian are explored. The book's analysis is guided by the epigraphic, iconographic, literary and legal evidence of the Roman and Byzantine periods but it is not a conventional imperial 'biography'. Rather, it examines the figure of Constantius in light of the numerous historiographical issues surrounding his memorialisation in the historical and literary sources, for instance as 'Arian' tyrant or as internecine murderer. The over-arching aim is to investigate power in the post-Constantine period, and the way in which imperial and episcopal networks related to one another with the ambition of participating in the exercise of power.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Priestess of Avalon

    Priestess of Avalon

    Marion Zimmer Bradley, Diana L. Paxson

    I år 296 kommer Constantius til Storbritannia og forelsker seg i Prinsesse Eilan, for romerne er hun kjent som Helena. Hun er datter av King Coel og yppersteprestinnen av Avalon. Helena ser muligheten for å forene de to familene gjennom et ekteskap. Men for å kunne være sammen med Constantius må hun svike sin søster og snu ryggen til sikkerheten i Avalon, for å kunne starte et nytt liv i den farlige byen til fienden.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2002



    Pocket · 2001



    Andre utgaver · 3


    Cambridge Classical Studies

    Cambridge Classical Studies

    Muriel (Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt Am Main) Moser

    Sheds new light on the relationship between the emperor and his senators in the later Roman Empire, focusing on Constantius II, son of Constantine the Great. Provides new insights into imperial relations to the senates in Constantinople and Rome and the construction of late antique imperial rule and ideology.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    The Nisibis War 337 - 363

    The Nisibis War 337 - 363

    John S. Harrel

    The war of 337-363 (which the author dubs the 'Nisibis War'), was an exception to the traditional Roman reliance on a strategic offensive to bring about a decisive battle. Instead, the Emperor Constantius II adopted a defensive strategy and conducted a mobile defense based upon small frontier (limitanei) forces defending fortified cities, supported by limited counteroffensives by the Field Army of the East. These methods successfully checked Persian assaults for 24 years. However, when Julian became emperor his access to greater resources tempted him to abandon mobile defense in favor of a major invasion aimed at regime change in Persia. Although he reached the Persian capital, Ctesiphon, he failed to take it, was decisively defeated in battle and killed. The Romans subsequently resumed and refined the mobile defense, allowing the Eastern provinces to survive the fall of the Western Empire.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016


    Imperial Triumph

    Imperial Triumph

    Michael Kulikowski

    Imperial Triumph presents the history of Rome at the height of its imperial power. Beginning with the reign of Hadrian in Rome and ending with the death of Julian the Apostate on campaign in Persia, it offers an intimate account of the twists and often deadly turns of imperial politics in which successive emperors rose and fell with sometimes bewildering rapidity. Yet, despite this volatility, the Romans were able to see off successive attacks by Parthians, Germans, Persians and Goths and to extend and entrench their position as masters of Europe and the Mediterranean. Imperial Triumph shows how they managed to do it. Michael Kulikowski describes the empire's cultural integration in the second century, the political crises of the third when Rome's Mediterranean world became subject to the larger forces of Eurasian history, and the remaking of Roman imperial institutions in the fourth century under Constantine and his son Constantius II. The Constantinian revolution, Professor Kulikowski argues, was the pivot on which imperial fortunes turned - the beginning of the parting of ways between the eastern and western empires.This sweeping account of one of the world's greatest empires is incisive, readable and authoritative.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016

    kr 150

    Pocket · 2018

    kr 150

    The Last Pagan Emperor

    The Last Pagan Emperor

    H. C. Teitler

    Flavius Claudius Julianus was the last pagan to sit on the Roman imperial throne (361-363). Born in Constantinople in 331 or 332, Julian was raised as a Christian, but apostatized, and during his short reign tried to revive paganism, which, after the conversion to Christianity of his uncle Constantine the Great early in the fourth century, began losing ground at an accelerating pace. Having become an orphan when he was still very young, Julian was taken care of byhis cousin Constantius II, one of Constantine's sons, who permitted him to study rhetoric and philosophy and even made him co-emperor in 355. But the relations between Julian and Constantius were strained from the beginning, and it was only Constantius' sudden death in 361 which prevented an impendingcivil war.As sole emperor, Julian restored the worship of the traditional gods. He opened pagan temples again, reintroduced animal sacrifices, and propagated paganism through both the spoken and the written word. In his treatise Against the Galilaeans he sharply criticised the religion of the followers of Jesus whom he disparagingly called 'Galilaeans'. He put his words into action, and issued laws which were displeasing to Christians-the most notorious being his School Edict. This provoked theanger of the Christians, who reacted fiercely, and accused Julian of being a persecutor like his predecessors Nero, Decius, and Diocletian. Violent conflicts between pagans and Christians made themselves felt all over the empire. It is disputed whether or not Julian himself was behind such outbursts.Accusations against the Apostate continued to be uttered even after the emperor's early death. In this book, the feasibility of such charges is examined.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    Strasbourg AD 357

    Strasbourg AD 357

    Raffaele (Author) D'Amato, Andrea Frediani

    Civil war in the Western Roman Empire between AD 350-53 had left the frontiers weakly defended, and the major German confederations along the Rhine - the Franks and Alemanni - took advantage of the situation to cross the river, destroy the Roman fortifications along it and occupy parts of Roman Gaul. In 355, the Emperor Constantius appointed his 23-year-old cousin Julian as his Caesar in the provinces of Gaul with command of all troops in the region. Having recaptured the city of Cologne, Julian planned to trap the Alemanni in a pincer movement, but when the larger half of his army was forced into retreat, he was left facing a much larger German force outside the walls of the city of Strasbourg. This new study relates the events of this epic battle as the experience and training of the Roman forces prevailed in the face of overwhelming German numbers.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


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