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Viser resultat for 'Constantinus Flood'

    Under kaperflagg

    Under kaperflagg

    Constantinus Flood

    Originalutgaven utkom i 1895. 2nen utgave bearbeidet av O. M. Overn og E. J. Lenning. Originaltegninger av Rolf Egeberg. Blix Forlag, Oslo. 227 s.

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    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 129
    kr 129

    Under krigen 1807 - 1814

    Under krigen 1807 - 1814

    Constantius Flood

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1892




    Constatinus Flood

    Se bildet

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål


    Ufredstid. Fortelling fra forrige århundrets begynnelse

    Ufredstid. Fortelling fra forrige århundrets begynnelse

    Constantius Flood

    Bearbeidd av E. L. Lenning. Blix Forlag, Oslo. Nasjonal Samlings Boktrykkeri, Oslo. 272 s.

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    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    Ritter & Co. En fortelling fra kapertiden

    Ritter & Co. En fortelling fra kapertiden

    Constantius Flood

    Bearbeidd av E. I. Lenning. Tegninger av A. Bloch. Blix Forlag, Oslo. 216 s.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1942

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 119
    kr 119

    Sterke Jansen

    Sterke Jansen


    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1942

    kr 99
    kr 99

    Udvalgte fortællinger I

    Udvalgte fortællinger I

    Flood, Constantius

    Veldig bra

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1893

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 139
    kr 139

    York's Military Legacy

    York's Military Legacy

    Ian D. Rotherham

    One of the oldest settlements in Western Europe, York grew up on dry land with protective rivers and associated wetlands giving security and mobility. Early, prehistoric settlement was on nearby drier, raised areas along the floodplain. Here the Romans built a great, northern, fortified city and military settlement from which they could foray overland into northern England or by ship and the coastal route to Scotland and the Picts. York s significance was emphasized when Constantine was made Emperor whilst residing there. Lean times followed after Roman abandonment and Saxon neglect before the Vikings swept into northern England, with Jorvic, re-born as their capital, York, much to their liking. Once subsumed into Anglo-Saxon Northumbria, York continued its huge strategic and military significance through late Saxon times, during the Norman Conquest, and into medieval England. Indeed, two of the most far-reaching battles in English history were fought at nearby Fulford and Stamford Bridge. York s military significance grew again during the Wars of the Roses, with the Battle of Towton in 1461 described as the most barbaric ever fought on British soil.Following oscillating and vicious disputes over religion during the reigns of the later Tudors, divisive and punitive civil war played out again under the Stuart kings and Parliamentary Commonwealth. Through all this, York was a major strategic location in northern England; an important base for those commanding it, a significant prize for those who did not. This military importance declined into modern times but the city retains garrison and regimental ties. The last direct conflict occurred when York was targeted for retaliatory Baedeker raids by German bombers during April 1942\. York s remarkable history and longevity, and its significance in English and sometimes international politics and economics, have left a unique, unparalleled military history.

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    Pocket · 2017


    Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum : Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken Welt. 2 11 : Supplement Birkat ham-minim Carmen ad quendam senatorem (Forts.) - Constantinus II

    Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum : Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken Welt. 2 11 : Supplement Birkat ham-minim Carmen ad quendam senatorem (Forts.) - Constantinus II

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Poisoned Throne (Tintagel Book II)

    The Poisoned Throne (Tintagel Book II)

    M. K. Hume

    A decade has passed since the death of Caradoc, King of the Dumnonii tribe, and his friend, Flavius Magnus Maximus. Britain is battered by Pict invaders, and centurion Constantinus and his legionnaires are fighting them to the death. Maximus's daughter, Lady Severa, holds the key to the throne of the High King of the Britons and when she is threatened with abduction, Constantinus escorts her to the safety of Tintagel. Agreeing to marry her, he is crowned the High King, and Severa bears him two sons, Ambrosius and Uther. But, as the ruler of Britain, Constantinus is poisoned by greed and jealousy, and his thirst for greatness in the Roman Empire will cost him dear...

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    Pocket · 2016


    God's City: Byzantine Constantinople

    God's City: Byzantine Constantinople

    Nic Fields

    Byzantium. Was it Greek or Roman, familiar or hybrid, barbaric or civilized, Oriental or Western? In the late eleventh century Constantinople was the largest and wealthiest city in Christendom, the seat of the Byzantine emperor, Christ's vice-regent on earth, and the center of a predominately Christian empire, steeped in Greek cultural and artistic influences, yet founded and maintained by a Roman legal and administrative system. Despite the amalgam of Greek and Roman influences, however, its language and culture was definitely Greek. Constantinople truly was the capital of the Roman empire in the East, and from its founding under the first Constantinus to its fall under the eleventh and last Constantinus the inhabitants always called themselves Romaioi, Romans, not Hellenikes, Greeks. Over its millennium long history the empire and its capital experienced many vicissitudes that included several periods of waxing and waning and more than one 'golden age'. Its political will to survive is still eloquently proclaimed in the monumental double land walls of Constantinople, the greatest city fortifications ever built, on which the forces of 'barbarism' dashed themselves for a thousand years. Indeed, Byzantium was one of the longest lasting social organizations in history. Very much part of this success story was the legendary Varangian Guard, the elite body of axe-bearing Northmen sworn to remain loyal to the true Christian emperor of the Romans. There was no hope for an empire that had lost the will to prosecute the grand and awful business of adventure. The Byzantine empire was certainly not of that stamp.

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    Innbundet · 2017



    Gjentagelsen: et forsøk i den eksperimenterende psykologi

    Søren Kierkegaard

    Det er forfatterens egne livsvalg og deres moralske og filosofiske implikasjoner som er utgangspunktet for filosoferingen i boken. Temaet er det filosofiske begrep gjentagelsen, som utforskes fra meget forskjellige kanter og ikke minst dikterisk i boken.

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    Innbundet · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål


    Pocket · 2001



    Romersk historie

    Romersk historie

    Ammianus Marcellinus

    Ammianus Marcellinus ble født ca. 330 i Antiokia (i dag tyrkisk Antakya). Han var jevnaldrende med Julian "den frafalne", og ingen har mer inngående skildret Julian som kronprins (Caesar) og keiser (Augustus). Beretningen om den skjebnesvangre ekspedisjonen mot perserne i 363 er et høydepunkt i Ammianus' verk. Som betrodd offiser under Constantius og Julian er Ammianus nær begivenhetenes sentrum i 15 år rundt om på ulike arenaer i Romerriket. Han deltar i og er øyenvitne til dramatiske hendelser, men vet også å benytte samtidige kilder og vitnesbyrd til livfulle skildringer. Det verk han forfattet på latin i Roma under Valentinian og Valens, står i tradisjonen fra Herodot, Thukydid og Tacitus og regnes som det siste betydelige bidrag til historieskrivningen i antikken. Det omfattet opprinnelig hele tidsrommet fra drapet på Domitian (96 e.Kr.) til Valens' død (378), men bare den siste halvdel, samtidsdelen av verket, er bevart. Ammians historie var i tysk oversettelse den viktigste kilden for Ibsen til Kejser og galilæer. Verket er nyoversatt av Kari Skard, mangeårig lektor i latin ved Oslo Katedralskole. Innledning og noter er ved professor em. i klassisk filologi ved Universitet i Oslo og tidligere kommentator for bl.a. Kejser og galiæer i Henrik Ibsens Skrifter (2008).

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    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål


    Thyroid Function and Bone Health

    Thyroid Function and Bone Health

    Constantinos Paschalides

    Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (VDM Verlag) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.

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    Pocket · 2010



    Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities

    Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities

    Constantinos N. Phellas

    Bringing together research from the UK, USA, Europe and Australasia, this innovative collection rethinks traditional methodologies, creating new epistemologies and applying new approaches, whilst critically examining key issues, including communities, identities, relationships, sexualities, homosexual parenthood, fostering, civil marriage, and politics. As such, it will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students across the social sciences and health professionals.

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    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål


    Fluorescence-Guided Neurosurgery

    Fluorescence-Guided Neurosurgery

    Constantinos G. Hadjipanayis, Walter Stummer

    The definitive textbook on state-of-the-art fluorescence-guided neurosurgeryAdvances in fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) have resulted in a paradigm shift in neurosurgical approaches to neuro-oncological and cerebrovascular pathologies. Edited by two of the foremost authorities on the topic, Fluorescence-Guided Neurosurgery: Neuro-oncology and Cerebrovascular Applications encompasses the depth and breadth of this groundbreaking, still nascent technology. The book reflects significant contributions made by world renowned neurosurgeons Constantinos Hadjipanayis, Walter Stummer, and esteemed contributors on the growing uses of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) and other FGS agents.The European Medicine Agency approved 5-ALA in 2007, heralding the birth of FGS globally. In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved 5-ALA (Gleolan) as an imaging agent to facilitate realtime detection and visualization of malignant tissue during glioma surgery. In the two decades since Dr. Stummer's initial description of 5-ALA FGS in a human patient, major strides have been made in its practical applications, leading to improved resection outcomes. As FGS is increasingly incorporated into neurosurgical practice, it holds promise for future innovations. Generously-illustrated and enhanced with online videos, this textbook is the definitive resource on the subject.Key FeaturesThe improved efficacy of 5-ALA for resecting high- and low-grade gliomas, recurrences, meningiomas, brain metastases, spinal cord tumors, pediatric brain tumors, and other adult tumorsThe future of fluorescence, including potentially powerful new fluorophores molecularly targeted specifically to tumorsThe use of the fluorescent agent indocyanine green (ICG) for brain tumors, cerebral aneurysms, AVMs, and cerebral vascularizationSpecial topics such as fluorescein, illuminating tumor paint, confocal microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and integrating FGS with intraoperative imaging and brain mappingThis single accessible reference presents the current state-of-the-art on this emerging, exciting surgical technology. As such, it is a must-have for neurosurgical residents, fellows, and practicing neurosurgeons.This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.

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    Innbundet · 2018


    Noninvasive Imaging of Myocardial Ischemia

    Noninvasive Imaging of Myocardial Ischemia

    Constantinos D. (EDT) Anagnostopoulos

    Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world. Despite advances and new developments in primary and secondary prevention, the prevalence of the disease and its complications remain high. Early detection has been shown to reduce significantly the risk of cardiac events such as myocardial infarction and death, while modern cardiology now provides specialists and general physicians with a variety of procedures for the assessment of IHD using noninvasive methods. This book reviews the currently available imaging techniques for the diagnosis and management of IHD. In addition, the role of cardiac imaging for the detection of viability and hibernation is discussed in detail.

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    Innbundet · 2006



    Preaching the Crusades to the Eastern Mediterranean

    Preaching the Crusades to the Eastern Mediterranean

    Constantinos Georgiou

    Preaching was an integral part of the crusade movement. This book focuses on the efforts of the first four Avignon popes to organize crusade preaching campaigns to the Eastern Mediterranean and on the role of the secular and regular clergy in their implementation. Historians have treated the fall of Acre in 1291 as an arbitrary boundary in crusader studies for far too long. The period 1305-1352 was particularly significant for crusade preaching, yet it has not been studied in detail. This volume thus constitutes an important addition to the flourishing field of late medieval crusade historiography. The core of the book deals with two interlocking themes: the liturgy for the Holy Land and the popular response to crusade preaching between the papacies of Clement V and Clement VI. The book analyses the evolving use of the liturgy for the crusade in combination with preaching and it illustrates the catalytic role of these measures in driving popular pro-crusade sentiments. A key theme in the account is the analysis of the surviving crusade sermons of the Parisian theologians from the era. Critical editions of these previously neglected propagandistic texts are a valuable addition to our corpus of papal correspondence relating to the crusades in the later Middle Ages. This book will be of interest both to specialized historians and to students of late medieval crusading.

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    Innbundet · 2018


    Low-Dimensional Carriers under in-Plane Magnetic Field : Novel Phenomena

    Low-Dimensional Carriers under in-Plane Magnetic Field : Novel Phenomena

    Constantinos. Simserides

    Under the influence of different external stimuli condensed matter reveals its magnificent properties. The electric field, the temperature, the concentration gradients and the light are the basic "forces" responsible for processes such as the electrical, the thermal, the diffusion transport or optical phenomena. The action of the magnetic field brings about the galvanomagnetic or the thermomagnetic effects. New alloy semiconductors and the development of artificial semiconductor heterostructures led to the confinement of carriers in two, one or zero dimensions, opening a new window in condensed matter research. The application of a perpendicular magnetic field upon two-dimensional carriers, led to the discovering of astonishing phenomena, namely, the integer or the fractional quantum Hall effects and inspired radical theoretical interpretations. The reduced symmetry of low dimensional structures enhances decisively the role of the magnetic field orientation, bringing to light novel and unexpected phenomena. In the present book the effect of the application of an in-plane magnetic field upon low dimensional carriers, giving rise to impressive novel phenomena, is presented and discussed. Specifically, whenever a quantum well is subjected to an in-plane or tilted magnetic field, the elegant concept of Landau levels must be modified, because the carriers move under the competing influence of the Lorentz force and the force due to the quantum well confining potential. Under these conditions, the equal-energy surfaces or equivalently, the density of states (DOS), are qualitatively and quantitatively modified. The DOS diverges significantly from the ideal step-like two-dimensional carrier form. The book discusses various physical properties which are affected by the DOS modification.

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    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras

    The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras

    Constantinos Paschalidis

    The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras: People, material remains and culture in context' comprises the study of the finds from the excavation of the Mycenaean cemetery of Clauss near Patras, carried out by the University of Ioannina and the Archaeological Society at Athens from 1988 to 1992, under the direction of Professor Thanassis Papadopoulos. In the course of the excavation project, fifteen chambered tombs were located and researched in detail, to be added to those already known from the pre-war excavations by Nikolaos Kyparissis. The presentation of the topic expands into seven thematic chapters: from a general review of the cemetery space and the sites, to analytical description of the excavation, remarks on the architecture, study of the finds, analysis of the burial customs and finally, narration of the overall history of the cemetery according to chronological period and generation of its occupants. The eighth and last chapter is an addendum including a brief presentation of the anthropological analysis of the skeletal material by Photini J. P. McGeorge and Wieslaw Więckowski. The Mycenaean cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras presents fragments of the life and death of some members of a local community that existed for almost four centuries at the western end of the Mycenaean world.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


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