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Viser resultat for 'Christine France'

    Raskt og enkelt

    Raskt og enkelt: en visuell kokebok : fremgangsmåten bilde for bilde

    Christine France

    Boka har oppskrifter på forretter, supper, hovedretter og desserter. Gjennom bilder og instruksjoner blir du veiledet gjennom hvert trinn i matlaginga.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20


    Italiensk: en visuell kokebok : fremgangsmåten bilde for bilde

    Christine France

    Boka har oppskrifter på forretter, supper, hovedretter og desserter. Gjennom bilder og instruksjoner blir du veiledet gjennom hvert trinn i matlaginga.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20



    Christine France

    Kokeboka inneholder 120 oppskrifter på supper, forretter, hovedretter, vegetarretter og desserter. Med stikkordregister.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2004

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Innbundet · 2001



    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20

    1 røre, 100 kaker

    1 røre, 100 kaker: lær deg én enkel basisoppskrift og lag hundre forskjellige kaker!

    Christine France

    Denne boken presenterer en basisoppskrift med mange variasjonsmuligheter. Med en liten vri kan basisrøren bli til 100 forskjellige kaker, som for eksempel ferskenpai med kanel, marsipanmuffins, peanøttkake med appelsin, mokkakake med marengs, julekrydderkake og rullekake. Med register.

    4.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20


    Asiatisk: en visuell kokebok : fremgangsmåten bilde for bilde

    Christine France

    Boka har oppskrifter på forretter, supper, hovedretter og desserter. Gjennom bilder og instruksjoner blir du veiledet gjennom hvert trinn i matlaginga.

    4.5 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    How to be a boss bitch

    How to be a boss bitch

    Christine France

    Author: Christine Quinn

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2022


    kr 50
    kr 50

    1 røre, 100 vafler og pannekaker

    1 røre, 100 vafler og pannekaker: lær deg én enkel grunnrøre og lag hundre ulike pannekaker og vafler

    Christine France

    Kokeboka viser hvordan du med utangspunkt i en røre kan lage forskjellige typer pannekaker og vafler, både til frokost, lunsj, middag og dessert.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Visuelle kokebøker

    Visuelle kokebøker: (samlesett 4 titler)

    Christine France

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål


    Chocolate ecstasy

    Chocolate ecstasy: 75 of the most dangerous recipes ever

    Christine France

    Denne boken inneholder oppskrifter med sjokolade som basis, på kaker, desserter, puddinger, godterier og drikke. Fremgangsmåten vises skritt for skritt, og grunnleggende teknikker er forklart og vist i bilder. Med register.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1996



    Sjokolade, søtt og syndig

    Sjokolade, søtt og syndig: 75 av de mest farlige oppskrifter

    Christine France

    Denne boken inneholder oppskrifter med sjokolade som basis, på kaker, desserter, puddinger, godterier og drikke. Fremgangsmåten vises skritt for skritt, og grunnleggende teknikker er forklart og vist i bilder. Med register.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1997

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Complete Guide to Making Sauces

    Complete Guide to Making Sauces

    Christine France

    Transform your cooking with over 200 step-by-step great recipes for classic sauces, toppings, dips, dressings, marinades, relishes, condiments and accompaniments. You can learn how to whip up all the classic sauces with ease, such as white sauce, bearnaise, hollandaise and peppercorn, as well as basics such as apple sauce and gravy, plus tempting sweet sauces, from chocolate to hot fudge. It features hot and fiery salsas, creamy dips, tasty relishes and chutneys, spicy marinades and simple dressings, with expert advice on ingredients, equipment and techniques. Every recipe is shown in detail, with over 850 photographs providing fail-safe instruction and inspiration. Sauces, salsas, dips and relishes each contain just a few basic ingredients, but all can transform a plain meal into a memorable feast. This practical book explains all you need to know to make your own delicious sauces. There are recipes for everyday staples such as gravy, mint sauce and apple sauce, and family classics such as smoked haddock and parsley sauce, pasta and tomato sauce, peppercorn sauce and hollandaise.There are all kinds of sweet and tangy marinades to pep up plain dishes, and tantalizing crisp and tangy salsas.With over 200 recipes and 850 photographs, this fabulous volume contains everything you need to add a lift to any meal.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015




    Christine McFadden, Christine France

    Denne boken inneholder oppskrifter med sjokolade som basis, på kaker, desserter, puddinger, godterier og drikke. Fremgangsmåten vises skritt for skritt, og grunnleggende teknikker er forklart og vist i bilder. Med register.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1999



    Effektiv kokk 1-100

    Effektiv kokk 1-100: samlesett 4 titler

    Linda Doeser, Christine France, Rachel Carter

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål


    Virginia Woolf's Good Housekeeping Essays

    Virginia Woolf's Good Housekeeping Essays

    France) Reynier Christine (University Paul-Valery Montpellier

    In the mid-twentieth century, Virginia Woolf published `Six Articles on London Life' in Good Housekeeping magazine, a popular magazine where fashion, cookery and house decoration is largely featured. This first book-length study of what Woolf calls `little articles' proposes to reassess the commissioned essays and read them in a chronological sequence in their original context as well as in the larger context of Woolf's work. Drawing primarily on literary theory, intermedial studies, periodical studies and philosophy, this volume argues the essays which provided an original guided tour of London are creative and innovative works, combining several art forms while developing a photographic method. Further investigation examines the construct of Woolf's essays as intermedial and as partaking both of theory and praxis; intermediality is closely connected here with her defense of a democratic ideal, itself grounded in a dialogue with her forebears. Far from being second-rate, the Good Housekeeping essays bring together aesthetic and political concerns and come out as playing a pivotal role: they redefine the essay as intermedial, signal Woolf's turn to a more openly committed form of writing, and fit perfectly within Woolf's essayistic and fictional oeuvre which they in turn illuminate.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Les Miserables

    Les Miserables

    Victor Hugo

    The only completely unabridged paperback edition of Victor Hugo's masterpiece--a sweeping tale of love, loss, valor, and passion. Introducing one of the most famous characters in literature, Jean Valjean--the noble peasant imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread-- Les Miserables ranks among the greatest novels of all time. In it, Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, immerses them in a battle between good and evil, and carries them to the barricades during the uprising of 1832 with a breathtaking realism that is unsurpassed in modern prose. Within his dramatic story are themes that capture the intellect and the emotions: crime and punishment, the relentless persecution of Valjean by Inspector Javert, the desperation of the prostitute Fantine, the amorality of the rogue Thenardier, and the universal desire to escape the prisons of our own minds. Les Miserables gave Victor Hugo a canvas upon which he portrayed his criticism of the French political and judicial systems, but the portrait that resulted is larger than life, epic in scope--an extravagant spectacle that dazzles the senses even as it touches the heart. Translated by Lee Fahnestock and Norman Macafee, based on the classic nineteenth-century Charles E. Wilbour translation Inlcudes an Introduction by Lee Fahnestock and an Afterword by Chris Bohjalian

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013


    kr 150

    Pocket · 2008

    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 17

    kr 150

    La France depuis 1945

    La France depuis 1945

    Marie-Christine Ferrandon

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1982

    Norsk Bokmål


    Demand for fish products in France : focus on multiples and the processing industry

    Demand for fish products in France : focus on multiples and the processing industry

    Marie Christine Monfort

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål


    Mapping and Charting in Early Modern England and France

    Mapping and Charting in Early Modern England and France

    Christine Petto

    Mapping and Charting for the Lion and the Lily: Map and Atlas Production in Early Modern England and France is a comparative study of the production and role of maps, charts, and atlases in early modern England and France, with a particular focus on Paris, the cartographic center of production from the late seventeenth century to the late eighteenth century, and London, which began to emerge (in the late eighteenth century) to eclipse the once favored Bourbon center. The themes that carry through the work address the role of government in map and chart making. In France, in particular, it is the importance of the centralized government and its support for geographic works and their makers through a broad and deep institutional infrastructure. Prior to the late eighteenth century in England, there was no central controlling agency or institution for map, chart, or atlas production, and any official power was imposed through the market rather than through the establishment of institutions. There was no centralized support for the cartographic enterprise and any effort by the crown was often challenged by the power of Parliament which saw little value in fostering or supporting scholar-geographers or a national survey.This book begins with an investigation of the imagery of power on map and atlas frontispieces from the late sixteenth century to the seventeenth century. In the succeeding chapters the focus moves from county and regional mapping efforts in England and France to the "paper wars" over encroachment in their respective colonial interests. The final study looks at charting efforts and highlights the role of government support and the commercial trade in the development of maritime charts not only for the home waters of the English Channel, but the distant and dangerous seas of the East Indies.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Innbundet · 2015


    The salmon market and smoking industry in France

    The salmon market and smoking industry in France

    Marie Christine Monfort

    The importance of moving toward high-quality, global standards of accounting and auditing has never been clearer. In the midst of the global financial and economic crisis, the leaders of the Group of 20 met and issued their ""Declaration on Strengthening the Financial System,"" placing significant emphasis on sound accounting and auditing standards as a critical piece of the international financial architecture.Transparent and reliable corporate financial reporting underpins much of the Latin America and Caribbean development agenda, from private-sector-led growth to enhanced financial stabili

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1988

    Norsk Bokmål


    Enclosure report : demand for fish products in France : seafood products available in France : supermarkets and food retail stores : description of a sample

    Enclosure report : demand for fish products in France : seafood products available in France : supermarkets and food retail stores : description of a sample

    Marie Christine Monfort

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1990

    Norsk Bokmål


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