Hermeneutisk lesebok
Dette er en lesebok om det å lese. Hermeneutikk er den gamle læren om kunsten å lese og forstå tekster. I nyere tid har ordet også blitt en betegnelse på en filosofisk posisjon. Begge disse sidene er med i denne boken, og gjør den aktuell i enhver diskusjon om tekst, handling og kultur. Her finnes de viktigste forfatterskap fra tre århundrers hermeneutikk samlet for første gang på norsk. Utvalget spenner fra klassisk teksthermeneutikk til samfunnsvitenskapelig hermeneutikk, fra eksistenshermeneutikk til dekonstruksjon. Leseren kan se hvordan Heidegger utvikler den hermeneutiske sirkel og hvordan Gadamer ser våre fordommer som produktive. Men boken viser også ukjente sider ved kjente forfatterskap, og har bidrag som kaster et skråblikk over det hermeneutiske landskap. Utvalget introduseres i et grundig forord ved redaktørene. *Walter Benjamin *Rudolf Bultmann *Johann Chladenius *Paul de Man *Wilhelm Dilthey *Sigmund Freud *Hans-Georg Gadamer *Clifford Geertz *Jürgen Habermas *Johann G. Herder *Martin Heidegger *Friedrich Nietzsche *Paul Ricoeur *Friedrich Schlegel *Friedrich Schleiermacher *Peter Szondi *Charles Taylor
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Nynorsk
The Ethics of Authenticity
Everywhere we hear talk of decline, of a world that was better once, maybe fifty years ago, maybe centuries ago, but certainly before modernity drew us along its dubious path. While some lament the slide of Western culture into relativism and nihilism and others celebrate the trend as a liberating sort of progress, Charles Taylor calls on us to face the moral and political crises of our time, and to make the most of modernity's challenges."The great merit of Taylor's brief, non-technical, powerful the vigor with which he restates the point which Hegel (and later Dewey) urged against Rousseau and Kant: that we are only individuals in so far as we are social...Being authentic, being faithful to ourselves, is being faithful to something which was produced in collaboration with a lot of other people...The core of Taylor's argument is a vigorous and entirely successful criticism of two intertwined bad ideas: that you are wonderful just because you are you, and that `respect for difference' requires you to respect every human being, and every human culture-no matter how vicious or stupid."-Richard Rorty, London Review of Books
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Autentisitetens etikk
Et sentralt kjennetegn ved Moderniteten er idéen om individualisme. Men med den har det moderne selvet havnet i et paradoks - autentisitetskulturen, med dens idé om at vi alle kan finne kilden til et verdifullt liv i vår egen private subjektivitet, forstår ikke at det moralske rom er et kollektivt rom. Man finner ikke frem til hva som er verdifullt ved å rote på soveværelset, derimot finner man det ved å analysere de historisk frembragte, kollektive forestillinger det moderne selvet har om seg selv. Charles Taylor er professor ved McGill University, Canada og leverer med Autentisitetens etikk (The Malaise of Modernity) et viktig bidrag til debatten om det moderne samfunnets grunnlag og fremtidsutsikter. Oversatt av Petter Nafstad. Nr. 33 i Cappelens upopulære skrifter.
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Norsk Bokmål
Agora. Nr. 3. 2007: journal for metafysisk spekulasjon : Charles Taylor
Dette temanummeret er viet den kanadiske filosofen Charles Taylor.
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Norsk Bokmål
Phenomenological Bioethics
Emerging medical technologies are changing our views on human nature and what it means to be alive, healthy, and leading a good life. Reproductive technologies, genetic diagnosis, organ transplantation, and psychopharmacological drugs all raise existential questions that need to be tackled by way of philosophical analysis. Yet questions regarding the meaning of life have been strangely absent from medical ethics so far. This book brings phenomenology, the main player in the continental tradition of philosophy, to bioethics, and it does so in a comprehensive and clear manner.Starting out by analysing illness as an embodied, contextualized, and narrated experience, the book addresses the role of empathy, dialogue, and interpretation in the encounter between health-care professional and patient. Medical science and emerging technologies are then brought to scrutiny as endeavours that bring enormous possibilities in relieving human suffering but also great risks in transforming our fundamental life views. How are we to understand and deal with attempts to change the predicaments of coming to life and the possibilities of becoming better than well or even, eventually, surviving death?This is the first book to bring the phenomenological tradition, including philosophers such as Martin Heidegger, Edith Stein, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean-Paul Sartre, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur, Hans Jonas, and Charles Taylor, to answer such burning questions.
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Moderne politisk teori
Boken er en presentasjon av sentrale moderne politiske teoretikere: John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, Axel Honneth, Charles Taylor, Robert Nozick, Ronald Dworkin, Michel Foucault, Richard Rorty, Pierre Bourdieu, Niklas Luhmann, Martha Nussbaum, Giorgio Agamben og Nancy Fraser. Disse tenkerne er i forskjellig grad involvert i flere av de sentrale politisk-filosofiske debattene som preger samtiden, som for eksempel debatten om multikulturalisme eller overnasjonalitet. Boken sikter mot å gjøre leseren bedre i stand til å ta stilling til sentrale spørsmål i samtiden og åpner for en sammenligning av de forskjellige perspektivene.
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Norsk Bokmål
Menneskeverdets politikk: anerkjennelse av kroppslig krenkbarhet
Menneskeverd innebærer at alle mennesker har lik verdi. Men alle behandles ikke likt. Statsløse, for eksempel, er menneskerettslig inkludert som medlemmer av menneskeheten, men blir sosialt ekskludert ved ikke å bli møtt med anerkjennelse. Dette reiser spørsmål om menneskets verdi. Denne boken viser ulike innfallsvinkler. Axel Honneth hevder at verdighet er en status som tilskrives gjennom anerkjennelse. Mens tenkere som Giorgio Agamben, Seyla Benhabib, Martha Nussbaum, Charles Taylor og Hannah Arendt problematiserer dette. I Menneskeverdets politikk forankres individets verdighet i menneskets eksistensielle grunnvilkår, nemlig kroppen. Siden alle mennesker er kroppslige, er de samtidig sårbare og avhengig av anerkjennelse. Boken foreslår derfor et nytt etisk prinsipp i møte med kriser i dagens globaliserte verden.
4.0 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Dilemmas and Connections
There are, always, more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in one's philosophy--and in these essays Charles Taylor turns to those things not fully imagined or avenues not wholly explored in his epochal A Secular Age. Here Taylor talks in detail about thinkers who are his allies and interlocutors, such as Iris Murdoch, Alasdair MacIntyre, Robert Brandom, and Paul Celan. He offers major contributions to social theory, expanding on the issues of nationalism, democratic exclusionism, religious mobilizations, and modernity. And he delves even more deeply into themes taken up in A Secular Age the continuity of religion from the past into the future; the nature of the secular; the folly of hoping to live by "reason alone"; and the perils of moralism. He also speculates on how irrationality emerges from the heart of rationality itself, and why violence breaks out again and again.In A Secular Age, Taylor more evidently foregrounded his Catholic faith, and there are several essays here that further explore that faith. Overall, this is a hopeful book, showing how, while acknowledging the force of religion and the persistence of violence and folly, we nonetheless have the power to move forward once we have given up the brittle pretensions of a narrow rationalism.
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Identitet, frihet och gemenskap : politisk-filosofiska texter
Identitet, frihet och gemenskap syftar till att ge en inblick i Charles taylors politiska filosofi. Men för att förstå den måste man förstå centrala element i hans antropologi, samhällsontologi och moralfilosofi. Samlingen innehåller därför två artiklar där han presenterar grunddragen i antropologin, »Självtolkande djur» och »Begreppet person».Men här återfinns också idag berömda uppsatser som »Atomism» och »Vad är det för fel med negativ frihet?». I övriga uppsatser diskuterar Taylor distributiv rättvisa och redovisar sin position i den moralfilosofiska kontroversen mellan liberaler och kommunitarister. Dessa har, menar Taylor, i hög grad talat förbi varandra, bl a eftersom man inte har skilt tillräckligt klart mellan ontologiska frågor och normativa ställningstaganden.Identitet, frihet och gemenskap inleds med en utförlig introduktion till Taylors tänkande skriven av den norske filosofen Harald Grimen som tillsammans med det fylliga urvalet av Taylors egna texter gör boken till en utmärkt väg in i ett av vår tids väsentliga filosofiska och politiska författarskap.
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Det mångkulturella samhället och erkännandets politik
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The Carmen Porco Story: Journey Toward Justice
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The Language Animal
In seminal works ranging from Sources of the Self to A Secular Age, Charles Taylor has shown how we create possible ways of being, both as individuals and as a society. In his new book setting forth decades of thought, he demonstrates that language is at the center of this generative process.For centuries, philosophers have been divided on the nature of language. Those in the rational empiricist tradition--Hobbes, Locke, Condillac, and their heirs--assert that language is a tool that human beings developed to encode and communicate information. In The Language Animal, Taylor explains that this view neglects the crucial role language plays in shaping the very thought it purports to express. Language does not merely describe; it constitutes meaning and fundamentally shapes human experience. The human linguistic capacity is not something we innately possess. We first learn language from others, and, inducted into the shared practice of speech, our individual selves emerge out of the conversation.Taylor expands the thinking of the German Romantics Hamann, Herder, and Humboldt into a theory of linguistic holism. Language is intellectual, but it is also enacted in artistic portrayals, gestures, tones of voice, metaphors, and the shifts of emphasis and attitude that accompany speech. Human language recognizes no boundary between mind and body. In illuminating the full capacity of "the language animal," Taylor sheds light on the very question of what it is to be a human being.
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Sources of the self: The making of the modern identity
<p>In this extensive inquiry into the sources of modern selfhood, Charles Taylor demonstrates just how rich and precious those resources are. The modern turn to subjectivity, with its attendant rejection of an objective order of reason, has led—it seems to many—to <i>mere</i> subjectivism at the mildest and to sheer nihilism at the worst. Many critics believe that the modern order has no moral backbone and has proved corrosive to all that might foster human good. Taylor rejects this view. He argues that, properly understood, our modern notion of the self provides a framework that more than compensates for the abandonment of substantive notions of rationality.<br><br>The major insight of <i>Sources of the Self</i> is that modern subjectivity, in all its epistemological, aesthetic, and political ramifications, has its roots in ideas of human good. After first arguing that contemporary philosophers have ignored how self and good connect, the author defines the modern identity by describing its genesis. His effort to uncover and map our moral sources leads to novel interpretations of most of the figures and movements in the modern tradition. Taylor shows that the modern turn inward is not disastrous but is in fact the result of our long efforts to define and reach the good. At the heart of this definition he finds what he calls the affirmation of ordinary life, a value which has decisively if not completely replaced an older conception of reason as connected to a hierarchy based on birth and wealth. In telling the story of a revolution whose proponents have been Augustine, Montaigne, Luther, and a host of others, Taylor’s goal is in part to make sure we do not lose sight of their goal and endanger all that has been achieved. <i>Sources of the Self</i> provides a decisive defense of the modern order and a sharp rebuff to its critics.</p>
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Great Chateaux of Bordeaux
Choosing and buying Bordeaux wine, whether for the table or as an investment, can be a confusing and complicated process, but not with Charles Taylor, leading specialist in the area. He has handpicked his top 80 chateaux so the reader doesn't need to sift through the 7000 or so to find their favourite label. Charles introduces each commune and covers the soil type, character of the wine and its varying vintages. He groups the chateaux by region for ease and simplicity with clear maps of each area and chateau. Including information on wine-making and viticultural trends, the soil and climate, the confusing world of classifications and Bordeaux for the investor he brings together a fascinating, focused and precise guide to Bordeaux.
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Opening Wednesday at a Theater or Drive-In Near You
Movie criticism s Dostoyevsky . . . Taylor reveals a national identity forged from the innocence we claim to have lost but never had in the first place. --Steve Erickson, author of Zeroville"
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Det mångkulturella samhället
Beskrivning saknas från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Bokförlaget Daidalos) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information.
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Basic Electronics
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Hegel and Modern Society
This rich study explores the elements of Hegel's social and political thought that are most relevant to our society today. Combating the prevailing post-World War II stereotype of Hegel as a proto-fascist, Charles Taylor argues that Hegel aimed not to deny the rights of individuality but to synthesise them with the intrinsic good of community membership. Hegel's goal of a society of free individuals whose social activity is expressive of who they are seems an even more distant goal now, and Taylor's discussion has renewed relevance for our increasingly globalised and industrialised society. This classic work is presented in a fresh series livery for the twenty-first century with a specially commissioned new preface written by Frederick Neuhouser.
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Examining The Politics of Recognition
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