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Viser resultat for 'Chang-rae Lee'

    My Year Abroad

    My Year Abroad

    Chang-rae Lee

    Tiller is an average college student with a good heart but minimal aspirations. Pong Lou is a larger-than-life, wildly creative Chinese American entrepreneur who sees something intriguing in Tiller beyond his bored exterior and takes him under his wing. When Pong brings him along on a boisterous trip across Asia, Tiller is catapulted from ordinary young man to talented protégé and pulled into a series of ever more extreme and eye-opening experiences that transform his view of the world, of Pong, and of himself. Rich with commentary on the modern world, My Year Abroad is also an exploration of the surprising effects of cultural immersion - on a young American in Asia, on a Chinese man in America, and on an unlikely couple hiding out in the suburbs. Tinged at once with humor and darkness, electric with its accumulating surprises and suspense, this is a novel that only Chang-rae Lee could have written, and one that will be read and discussed for years to come.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021


    kr 89
    kr 89

    On Such A Full Sea

    On Such A Full Sea

    Chang-rae Lee

    From the beloved award-winning author of Native Speaker and The Surrendered, a highly provocative, deeply affecting story of one woman's legendary quest in a shocking, future America

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015


    The surrendered

    The surrendered

    Chang-rae Lee

    June Han has forged a life thousands of miles from her birthplace: she has built a business in New York, survived a husband, borne a child. But her past holds more secrets than she has ever been able to tell, and thirty years after her escape from war-ravaged Korea, the time has come for her to confront them.Hector Brennan, fighter, drinker and 'failure grand and total', is the man who long ago saved June's life. And between them lies the story of the beautiful, damaged Sylvie Tanner, whose elusive love they both once sought. On a journey that takes them from the scorched hillsides and abandoned rice paddies of a shattered Korea to a blood-soaked century-old Italian battlefield, together June and Hector go in search of their past, bound together by a legacy of shocking acts of violence and love.Compelling, suspenseful and unforgettable, THE SURRENDERED is a stunning epic of war, redemption and human longing. It is a masterpiece.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011



    Pocket · 2010





    Chang-rae Lee

    Being a solo flyer made sense to Jerry Battle right from the start. For his 56th birthday, his longtime (and recently ex-girlfriend Rita Reyes had given him a gift certificate for a flying lesson. Once Jerry was up there he thought everything looked perfect. But everything isn't perfect and for such a nice guy, Jerry can wreak an amazing amount of havoc. Life is about to deal Jerry Battle his toughest hand yet. With his ailing father yearning to flee his Care Centre and his son teetering on bankruptcy, and, for once, no woman in his life to rely on, Jerry's daughter is about to bestow on him a father's worst nightmare. But maybe Jerry needs to finally work out what it is that separates him from his loved ones and be tugged back to earth to engage with one of the most compelling and unforgettable of family dramas.

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    Pocket · 2005



    Drifting House

    Drifting House

    Krys Lee

    Set in Korea and the United States from the postwar era to contemporary times, Krys Lee's stunning fiction debut illuminates a people struggling to reconcile the turmoil of their collective past with the rewards and challenges of their present. Amid the famine in North Korea, the financial crisis of South Korea, and the cramped apartments and Koreatown strip malls of the United States, Krys Lee's vivid and luminous tales speak to the political and financial hardships of life in Korea and the uniquely unmoored immigrant experience.<p> In the tradition of Chang-rae Lee's <i>Native Speaker</i> and Jhumpa Lahiri's <i>Interpreter of Maladies</i>, <i>Drifting House</i> is an unforgettable work exploring love, identity, war, and the homes we make for ourselves, by a dazzling new writer.</p>

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    Pocket · 2012





    Janice Y.K. Lee

    INTERNASJONAL BESTSELGER ? SOLGT TIL 27 LAND! Pianolærerinnen er en vakker og opprørende fortelling om umulig kjærlighet. Romanen gikk inn på bestselgerlistene i The New York Times, og ble i samme avis framhevet som «Editor's choice». «For lesere som likte Titanic, Broene i Madison County og Den engelske pasienten er Pianolærerinnen et sikkerstikk.»Maria Årolilja Rø, Adresseavisen «Krig. Kjærlighet. Forræderi. Historiens bitre lærdommer. Dette er store temaer for selv erfarne forfattere, og likevel turnerer debutanten Janice Y.K. Lee dette på beundringsverdig vis.»Marie Arama, Washington Post «Rik på intriger, romantikk og svik, denne nydelige, altoppslukende romanen glitrer.» Chang-Rae Lee, forfatter «En av de mest innsiktsfulle, elegante og stemningsfulle romaner jeg har lest på veldig lenge. Janice Lee er intet mindre enn briljant, og romanen hennes er umulig å legge fra seg.» Gary Shteyngart, forfatter «Pianolærerinnen er mer enn en bredt anlagt episk roman om krig og en opprivende kjærlighetshistorie. Det er den type bok man leser grådig, i store jafs, og tar pauser kun når det absolutt er nødvendig.»Jessica Reaves, Chicago Tribune «En sjelden utsøkt historie.» Elizabeth Gilbert, forfatter Janice Y.K. Lees hjemmeside

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 59

    Innbundet · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 89
    kr 59



    Monica Chiu

    Chang-rae Lee's Native Speaker, Kerri Sakamoto's The Electrical Field, Don Lee's Country of Origin, Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Susan Choi's A Person of Interest. These and a host of other Asian North American detection and mystery titles were published between 1995 and 2010. Together they reference more than a decade of Asian North America monitoring that includes internment, campaign financing, espionage, and post-9/11 surveillance. However, these works are less concerned with solving crimes than with creating literary responses to the subtle but persistent surveillance of raced subjects.Monica Chiu reveals how Asian North American novels' fascination with mystery, detection, spying, and surveillance is a literary response to anxieties over race. According to Chiu, this allegiance to a genre that takes interruptions to social norms as its foundation speaks to a state of unease at a time of racial scrutiny.Scrutinized! is broadly about oversight and insight. The race policing of the past has been subsumed under post-racism-an oversight (in the popular nomenclature of race blindness) that is still, ironically, based on a persistent visual construction of race. Readers first revisit Oriental visions, or Asian stereotypes, and then encounter official documentation on major events, such as the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian internment. The former visions, which endure, and the latter documents, diplomatically forgotten, shape how Asian subjects were and are scrutinized and to what effect.

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    Innbundet · 2014


    American Unexceptionalism

    American Unexceptionalism

    Kathy Knapp

    American Unexceptionalism examines a constellation of post-9/11 novels that revolve around white middle-class male suburbanites, thus following a tradition established by writers such as John Updike and John Cheever. Focusing closely on recent works by Richard Ford, Chang-Rae Lee, Jonathan Franzen, Philip Roth, Anne Tyler, Gish Jen, A. M. Homes, and others, Kathy Knapp demonstrates that these authors revisit this well-trod turf and revive the familiar everyman character in order to reconsider and reshape American middle-class experience in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and their ongoing aftermath.The novels in question all take place in the sprawling terrain that stretches out beyond the Twin Towers - the postwar suburbs that since the end of World War II have served, like the Twin Towers themselves, as a powerful advertisement of dominance to people around the globe, by projecting an image of prosperity and family values. These suburban tales and their everyman protagonists grapple, however indirectly, with the implications of the apparent decline of the economic, geopolitical, and moral authority of the United States. In the context of perceived decay and diminishing influence, these novels actively counteract the narrative of American exceptionalism frequently peddled in the wake of 9/11.If suburban fiction has historically been faulted for its limited vision, this newest iteration has developed a depth of field that self-consciously folds the personal into the political, encompasses the have-nots along with the haves, and takes in the past when it imagines the future, all in order to forge a community of readers who are now accountable to the larger world. American Unexceptionalism traces the trajectory by which recent suburban fiction overturns the values of individualism, private property ownership, and competition that originally provided its foundation. In doing so, the novels examined here offer readers new and flexible ways to imagine being and belonging in a setting no longer characterised by stasis, but by flux.

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    Pocket · 2014


    Writing Human Rights: The Political Imaginaries of Writers of Color

    Writing Human Rights: The Political Imaginaries of Writers of Color

    Crystal Parikh

    The legal texts and aspirational ideals of human rights are usually understood and applied in a global context with little bearing on the legal discourse, domestic political struggles, or social justice concerns within the United States. In Writing Human Rights, Crystal Parikh uses the international human rights regime to read works by contemporary American writers of color-Toni Morrison, Chang-rae Lee, Ana Castillo, Aimee Phan, and others-to explore the conditions under which new norms, more capacious formulations of rights, and alternative kinds of political communities emerge.Parikh contends that unlike humanitarianism, which views its objects as victims, human rights provide avenues for the creation of political subjects. Pairing the ethical deliberations in such works as Beloved and A Gesture Life with human rights texts like the United Nations Convention Against Torture, she considers why principles articulated as rights in international conventions and treaties-such as the right to self-determination or the right to family-are too often disregarded at home. Human rights concepts instead provide writers of color with a deeply meaningful method for political and moral imagining in their literature.Affiliating transnational works of American literature with decolonization, socialist, and other political struggles in the global south, this book illuminates a human rights critique of idealized American rights and freedoms that have been globalized in the twenty-first century. In the absence of domestic human rights enforcement, these literatures provide a considerable repository for those ways of life and subjects of rights made otherwise impossible in the present antidemocratic moment.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017



    Writing Human Rights

    Writing Human Rights

    Crystal Parikh

    The legal texts and aspirational ideals of human rights are usually understood and applied in a global context with little bearing on the legal discourse, domestic political struggles, or social justice concerns within the United States. In Writing Human Rights, Crystal Parikh uses the international human rights regime to read works by contemporary American writers of color-Toni Morrison, Chang-rae Lee, Ana Castillo, Aimee Phan, and others-to explore the conditions under which new norms, more capacious formulations of rights, and alternative kinds of political communities emerge.Parikh contends that unlike humanitarianism, which views its objects as victims, human rights provide avenues for the creation of political subjects. Pairing the ethical deliberations in such works as Beloved and A Gesture Life with human rights texts like the United Nations Convention Against Torture, she considers why principles articulated as rights in international conventions and treaties-such as the right to self-determination or the right to family-are too often disregarded at home. Human rights concepts instead provide writers of color with a deeply meaningful method for political and moral imagining in their literature.Affiliating transnational works of American literature with decolonization, socialist, and other political struggles in the global south, this book illuminates a human rights critique of idealized American rights and freedoms that have been globalized in the twenty-first century. In the absence of domestic human rights enforcement, these literatures provide a considerable repository for those ways of life and subjects of rights made otherwise impossible in the present antidemocratic moment.

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    Innbundet · 2017


    Language, Gender, and Community in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction

    Language, Gender, and Community in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction

    Mary Jane Hurst

    Drawing on critical frameworks, this study establishes the centrality of language, gender, and community in the quest for identity in contemporary American fiction. Close readings of novels by Alice Walker, Ernest Gaines, Ann Beattie, John Updike, Chang-rae Lee, and Rudolfo Anaya, among others, show how individuals find their American identities.

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    Innbundet · 2011



    Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

    Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

    Seiwoong Oh

    Asian Americans have been writing and publishing since the 19th century, but today the popularity and importance of Asian-American literature is greater than ever. "Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature", a comprehensive new encyclopedia, traces American writers whose roots are in all parts of Asia, including China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, and more. Coverage emphasizes works that are important in the high school and college literary canon, as well as the historically significant and the contemporary. The coverage includes: Carlos Bulosan; Donald Duk; Sui Sin Far (Edith Maude Eaton); Jessica Hagedorn; David Henry Hwang; Maxine Hong Kingston; Interpreter of Maladies; Gish Jen; Ha Jin; The Joy Luck Club; Jhumpa Lahiri; Chang-rae Lee; Bharati Mukherjee; Native Speaker; No-No Boy; Naomi Shihab Nye; John Okada; Cathy Song; Amy Tan; Waiting; and The Woman Warrior.

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    Innbundet · 2007



    The Columbia Guide to Asian American Literature Since 1945

    The Columbia Guide to Asian American Literature Since 1945

    Guiyou Huang

    Guiyou Huang traces the history of Asian American literature from the end of World War II to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Huang covers six genres: anthology, autobiography/memoir, drama, fiction, poetry, and short fiction; reviews major historical developments and social movements; explains key literary terms; and offers a narrative, A-to-Z guide of major Asian American writers and their works, plus their critical reception. This guide covers Canadian and U.S. authors with cultural and ethnic origins in East Asia, South Asia, and the Pacific Islands. It begins with a discussion of works written shortly after World War II that explore the personal and political impact of the conflict, such as John Okada's No-No Boy and Hisaye Yamamoto's short fiction. Huang then focuses on the 1980s, when Asian American literature blossomed into a diverse, heterogeneous field characterized by a variety of themes, genres, and styles, and writers with multiple ethnic and cultural backgrounds.He considers the work of novelists Amy Tan and Maxine Hong Kingston, the poets Ai and Agha Shahid Ali, and more than 100 additional authors, including Frank Chin, David Henry Hwang, Jessica Hagedorn, Nora Okja Keller, Bharati Mukherjee, Gish Jen, Chang-rae Lee, Jhumpa Lahiri, Chitra Divakaruni, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. Huang points the reader toward further study for individual authors, and his selected bibliography suggests works of a more general nature, including literary criticism and histories, reference works, and collections of essays. Comprehensive though concise, clearly written but richly detailed, The Columbia Guide to Asian American Literature Since 1945 is an invaluable resource.

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    Innbundet · 2006



    Secret Ingredients: The New Yorker Book of Food and Drink

    Secret Ingredients: The New Yorker Book of Food and Drink

    David Remnick

    Since its earliest days, "The New Yorker "has been a tastemaker literally. As the home of A. J. Liebling, Joseph Wechsberg, and M.F.K. Fisher, who practically invented American food writing, the magazine established a tradition that is carried forward today by irrepressible literary gastronomes, including Calvin Trillin, Bill Buford, Adam Gopnik, Jane Kramer, and Anthony Bourdain. Now, in this indispensable collection, "The New Yorker "dishes up a feast of delicious writing on food and drink, seasoned with a generous dash of cartoons. Whether you re in the mood for snacking on humor pieces and cartoons or for savoring classic profiles of great chefs and great eaters, these offerings, from every age of The New Yorker s fabled eighty-year history, are sure to satisfy every taste. There are memoirs, short stories, tell-alls, and poems ranging in tone from sweet to sour and in subject from soup to nuts. M.F.K. Fisher pays homage to cookery witches, those mysterious cooks who possess an uncanny power over food, while John McPhee valiantly trails an inveterate forager and is rewarded with stewed persimmons and white-pine-needle tea. There is Roald Dahl s famous story Taste, in which a wine snob s palate comes in for some unwelcome scrutiny, and Julian Barnes s ingenious tale of a lifelong gourmand who goes on a very peculiar diet for still more peculiar reasons. Adam Gopnik asks if French cuisine is done for, and Calvin Trillin investigates whether people can actually taste the difference between red wine and white. We journey with Susan Orlean as she distills the essence of Cuba in the story of a single restaurant, and with Judith Thurman as she investigates the arcane practices of Japan s tofu masters. Closer to home, Joseph Mitchell celebrates the old New York tradition of the beefsteak dinner, and Mark Singer shadows the city s foremost fisherman-chef. Dining out: All you can hold for five bucks / Joseph Mitchell -- The finest butter and lots of time / Joseph Wechsberg -- A good appetite / A.J. Liebling -- The afterglow / A.J. Liebling -- Is there a crisis in French cooking? / Adam Gopnik -- Don't eat before reading this / Anthony Bourdain -- A really big lunch / Jim Harrison -- Eating in: The secret ingredient / M.F.K. Fisher -- The trouble with tripe / M.F.K. Fisher -- Nor censure nor disdain / M.F.K. Fisher -- Good cooking: / Calvin Tomkins -- Look back in hunger / Anthony Lane -- The reporter's kitchen / Jane Kramer -- Fishing and foraging: A mess of clams / Joseph Mitchell -- A forager / John McPhee -- The fruit detective / John Seabrook -- Gone fishing / Mark Singer -- On the bay / Bill Buford -- Local delicacies: An attempt to compile a short history of The buffalo chicken wing / Calvin Trillin -- The homesick restaurant / Susan Orlean -- The magic bagel / Calvin Trillin -- A rat in my soup / Peter Hessler -- Raw faith / Burkhard Bilger -- Night kitchens / Judith Thurman -- The pour: Dry martini / Roger Angell -- The red and the white / Calvin Trillin -- The russian god / Victor Erofeyev -- The ketchup conundrum / Malcolm Gladwell -- Tastes funny: But the one on the right / Dorothy Parker -- Curl up and diet / Ogden Nash -- Quick, hammacher, my stomacher! / Ogden Nash -- Nesselrode to jeopardy / S.J. Perelman -- Eat, drink, and be merry / Peter De Vries -- Notes from the overfed / Woody Allen -- Two menus / Steve Martin -- The zagat history of my last relationship 409(3) / Noah Baumbach -- Your table is ready / John Kenney -- Small plates: Bock / William Shawn -- Diat / Geoffrey T. Hellman -- 4 a.m. / James Stevenson -- Slave / Alex Prud'Homme -- Under the hood / Mark Singer -- Protein source / Mark Singer -- A sandwich / Nora Ephron -- Sea urchin / Chang-Rae Lee -- As the french do / Janet MalColm -- Blocking and chowing / Ben McGrath -- When edibles attack / Rebecca Mead -- Killing dinner / Gabrielle Hamilton -- Fiction: Taste / Roald Dahl -- Two roast beefs / V.S. Pritchett -- The sorrows of gin / John Cheever -- The jaguar sun / Italo Calvino -- There should be a name for it / Matthew Klam -- Sputnik / Don DeLillo -- Enough / Alice McDermott -- The butcher's wife / Louise Erdrich -- Bark / Julian Barnes

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    Innbundet · 2007


    kr 109
    kr 109

    Comprehensive Review in Clinical Neurology

    Comprehensive Review in Clinical Neurology

    Esteban Cheng-Ching, DO Baron Eric P., Alexander Rae-Grant

    Your go-to resource for effective, efficient board study! The 2nd Edition of Comprehensive Review in Clinical Neurology offers clear explanations of complex concepts in an easily understandable format - all while helping you digest large amounts of information quickly and easily. Retaining the popular format of the first edition, this updated guide features more than 1,000 comprehensive, multiple-choice questions covering every area of neurology you need to master. A combined perspective from residents and faculty, plus revisions to conform to the current exam blueprint, ensure that you'll make the most of your study time and will face no surprises on exam day.More than 100 new questions , plus carefully revised existing questions, keep you up to date.Now in two-color format for ease of reference and visual interest.New digital access offers more possibilities and greater flexibility for study.Questions cover all subjects seen on the board exam , and can be easily studied by topic for targeted review.Detailed rationales for all answers help you assess your knowledge and understand why an answer is correct or incorrect.Most questions are case-based, reflecting plausible clinical scenarios that facilitate maximum learning.Diagrams, images, and electrophysiologic and pathology findings highlight key points.Perfect for medical students and junior residents beginning their neurology education, senior neurology residents and fellows studying for the neurology board examination, and staff physicians reviewing for MOC exams.Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:Complete content with enhanced navigationPowerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the webCross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigationHighlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the textAbility to take and share notes with friends and colleaguesQuick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    Rural Change in Australia : Population, Economy, Environment

    Rural Change in Australia : Population, Economy, Environment

    Rae. Dufty-Jones

    This book provides a contemporary perspective on rapidly evolving population, economic and environmental changes in 'rural and regional Australia', itself a significant concept. Bringing together a range of empirical studies, the book builds on established rural studies themes such as population change, economic restructuring and globalization in agriculture but links such changes to environmental change, culture, class, gender, and ethnic diversity. Presenting original and in-depth interventions on these issues and their intersections, this book assembles the best of contemporary research on

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål


    Supporting Successful Transition from Primary to Secondary School

    Supporting Successful Transition from Primary to Secondary School

    Tina Rae

    The transition from primary to secondary school is extremely important in the lives of children and young people but it is also a time of significant stress for many. This unique programme is designed to support children during this process, helping to build the confidence, skills and the resources that they will need in order to ensure a smooth and successful transition. This accessible text provides teachers, parents and professionals working with young people with a comprehensive range of resources to effectively support this process, and also: promotes the development of resilient children and young people who can cope effectively with the process of change encourage pupil participation and ensure that well-being is further fostered and maintained both for young people and staff within the learning context includes specific strategies, techniques and ideas regarding the transition process including systems and individualised approaches helps young people to visualise success, manage strong and complex emotions, cope with stress and anxiety, problem solve difficult situations, recognise their own signature strengths and build upon these through a series of activities and problem based learning opportunities. The programme itself also makes use of solution-focused approaches, motivational interviewing techniques, cognitive behaviour therapy strategies and a range of ideas and techniques taken from positive psychology and resilience theory. The wealth of resources offered here make this programme unique and engaging, and will be particularly useful to those who support children with SEN and higher levels of vulnerability.

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    Pocket · 2014


    The Bitter Kingdom

    The Bitter Kingdom

    Rae Carson

    The epic and deeply satisfying conclusion to Rae Carson's Fire and Thorns trilogy.

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    Pocket · 2014


    Pocket · 2013


    Unicorn Girl

    Unicorn Girl

    Anne-Marie Conway

    When Granny Rae dies and leaves Ariella her precious unicorn charm, Ariella invests the charm with magic powers. Days later a unicorn appears in the empty field at the bottom of the garden. A young, gangly unicorn, with over-sized hooves, a scruffy mane and eyes like puddles of purple ink.Can the unicorn `magically' heal the hole in baby Boo's heart? Can he stop Ariella being bullied at her new school? Can he help her to fit in?Or is the unicorn there because he needs help himself?Ariella and the `lost' unicorn must embark on a journey together that will change them both, before their worlds part and they are forced to say goodbye forever.

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    Pocket · 2018


    The Orphan Queen

    The Orphan Queen

    Jodi Meadows

    An epic fantasy filled with adventure, intrigue, and romance from the New York Times bestselling coauthor of My Plain Jane, perfect for fans of Graceling by Kristin Cashore, The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson, and Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.When Princess Wilhelmina was a child, the Indigo Kingdom invaded her homeland. Ten years later, Wil and the other noble children who escaped are ready to fight back and reclaim Wil's throne. To do so, Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate the Indigo Kingdom palace with hopes of gathering information that will help them succeed.But Wil has a secret-one that could change everything. Although magic has been illegal for a century, she knows her ability could help her save her kingdom. But magic creates wraith, and the deadly stuff is moving closer and destroying the land.And if the vigilante Black Knife catches her using magic, she may disappear like all the others....

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 89
    kr 89

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