Caspar Lee
This is a book about me. Unfortunately, I didn't write it - my mum did. WTF! Let me tell you now that 98% of it is total lies. Actually, I'm pretty sure this book is illegal. So if you've bought it, you've basically supported a criminal. How does that feel? I think she's getting me back for my first day in this world when I mayyy have tried to kill her. She won't not be able to mention that ...You might also find out about my first day at school, why my head is so massive, how I've always been a hit with the ladies and other things like that. You know, important stuff. Anyway, I found the book at the printer and you'll see I've corrected some of her most outrageous lies. So, you know, enjoy. Just remember only the bits that make me look good are true ...
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Zoella and Friends Dot-to-Dot & Activity Book
If you're dotty about vloggers and obsessed with YouTube then this activity-packed book is for you!There's a different activity on every page from dot-to-dots, word searches and puzzles to games and quizzes to test your YouTube knowledge. You'll learn cool facts, doodle fashion and T-shirt designs for the top vloggers, and even decide who to ship. A must-have for fans of YouTube!Includes vloggers such as: Zoella, Alfie Deyes, Samantha Maria, Patricia Bright, Michelle Phan, Caspar Lee, Louis Cole, Miranda Sings, Fleur DeForce, Lucy and Lydia, Klaire de Lys, Marcus Butler and AndreasChoice.
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The Beauty Vlogger's Handbook
Sketch, doodle and vlog your way through the year with The Beauty Vlogger's Handbook. This handy pocket-sized book is divided into four sections, each dedicated to one of the four seasons of the year. You can plan seasonal colour-palettes, design your own nail polishes, create make-up looks for Zoella and friends, write and doodle about your favourite products and much more! Each section contains planning pages filled with top tips, linked to the activities, to help you plan your very own vlogs, from 'Get Ready With Me' tutorials and product reviews to trends including 'No Mirror Make-Up' and 'Boyfriend Does My Make-Up'. There are 40 vlogs to plan, plus loads of inspiration and ideas for additional vlogs to be created. With line art by Emma Price and featuring vloggers such as Zoella, Alfie, Michelle Phan, Patricia Bright, Tanya Burr, Niomi Smart, Caspar Lee, Fleur DeForce, Elle Fowler, Miranda Sings, Samantha Maria and Andrea's Choice, this handbook is the perfect partner for any aspiring beauty vlogger or fan!
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Rom for matematikk i barnehagen
Caspar Forlag 2.utgave
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Kampen mot uroen: menn ser på seg selv
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Norsk Bokmål
Det største racet: berge Viking kloden rundt
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Norsk Bokmål
The Book of Barely Imagined Beings: A 21st Century Bestiary
From medieval bestiaries to Borges's Book of Imaginary Beings , we've long been enchanted by extraordinary animals, be they terrifying three-headed dogs or asps impervious to a snake charmer's song. But bestiaries are more than just zany zoology--they are artful attempts to convey broader beliefs about human beings and the natural order. Today, we no longer fear sea monsters or banshees. But from the infamous honey badger to the giant squid, animals continue to captivate us with the things they can do and the things they cannot, what we know about them and what we don't. With The Book of Barely Imagined Beings , Caspar Henderson offers readers a fascinating, beautifully produced modern-day menagerie. But whereas medieval bestiaries were often based on folklore and myth, the creatures that abound in Henderson's book--from the axolotl to the zebrafish--are, with one exception, very much with us, albeit sometimes in depleted numbers. The Book of Barely Imagined Beings transports readers to a world of real creatures that seem as if they should be made up--that are somehow more astonishing than anything we might have imagined. The yeti crab, for example, uses its furry claws to farm the bacteria on which it feeds. The waterbear, meanwhile, is among nature's "extreme survivors," able to withstand a week unprotected in outer space. These and other strange and surprising species invite readers to reflect on what we value--or fail to value--and what we might change. A powerful combination of wit, cutting-edge natural history, and philosophical meditation, The Book of Barely Imagined Beings is an infectious and inspiring celebration of the sheer ingenuity and variety of life in a time of crisis and change.
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Mors hus: hotel Continental : en personlig affære gjennom 75 år
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Norsk Bokmål
Bli en bedre golfer
Henrik Bjørnstad og Fredrik Caspar Kracht hjelper deg til å bli en bedre golfspiller - enten du er nybegynner, scratchspiller eller bare ønsker å forbedre handicapet ditt. Du får tips om alt fra å finne det perfekte grepet og ulike chippeteknikker, til hvordan du skal planlegge hullet eller komme deg ut av en vanskelig lie. Bjørnstad forteller historier om sine mange år som Norges aller beste golfspiller, om livet i PGA Tour og fantastiske øyeblikk på noen av verdens aller beste golfbaner. De to forfatterne beskriver de beste banene i Skandinavia og USA, og de hjelper deg å overkomme det kanskje vanskeligste hinderet på banen - ditt eget hode. De forteller om hvordan Norge ble en golfnasjon, fysisk og mental trening og om hvorfor de er som de er - fullstendig gale etter golf.
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Norsk Bokmål
Birkebeinerne: historisk roman basert på et filmmanus av Ravn Lanesskog
Året er 1204. Norge herjes av borgerkrig. Kongen er døende og hans uekte sønn voktes i dyp hemmelighet. En gutt som kirkens folk vil drepe, og to heltemodige birkebeinere vil beskytte til døden. Birkebeinerne er historien om maktkampen mellom pavekirken og kongen. Det er historien om enormt mot, om lojalitet og en livsfarlig ferd over fjellet. Ungdomsroman av Jon Ewo, basert på filmmanuset til storfilmen Birkebeinerne. Regissert av Nils Gaup, med Kristoffer Hivju og Jacob Oftebro i hovedrollene, foruten Torbjørn Harr, Nikolaj Lie Kaas og Søren Pilmark. Jon Ewo er en av Norges ledende barne- og ungdomsbokforfattere, og flere ganger prisbelønnet nettopp for formidling av historisk innhold til ungdom. Fortellingen er basert på virkelige hendelser. Av Jon Ewo basert på et originalmanus av Ravn Lanesskog for Paradox. Illustrert av Kristoffer Caspar Damskau. Strålende anmeldelse av Birkebeinere-romanen i GD: «Romaner har den fordelen at de kan gå dypere og mer detaljert til verks. Det har også Ewo gjort i en del sammenhenger, uten at det gir boka en annen handling enn filmen. Underholdende er den. Ewo skriver lettfattelig, så romanen kan like gjerne leses av ungdom og store barn, som voksne.»
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Jack Higgins samling : 18 bøker
Samlet selges 18 bøker skrevet av Harry Patterson (pseudonym; Jack Higgins). Titler: Jerntigeren, Angiverern, Ansikt til ansikt, Nattens Øyne, På skyggesiden, Brakt inn død, Djevelens fall, Ingen vei tilbake, Mannen fra Tanger, Nøkkelen til helvete, Regnværsmorderen, Nattens dom, Operasjon «Firebird», Caspar Schultz testamente, Hevnen rammer alle og Dødelige juveler.
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Norsk Bokmål
Low-Tech Print
Featuring a global showcase of 100 of the crafts most exciting and influential practitioners, Low-Tech Print is an exploration of hand-made printmaking techniques and how they are used in contemporary design and illustration. It examines the huge recent resurgence in the popularity of printmaking, with chapters on screenprinting, letterpress, relief printing and other printing methods. The book shows how practitioners develop a love affair with these hand-made techniques and use them to create beautiful contemporary designs, explaining the process behind each technique and its historical context. In focus sections profile practitioners such as the Lambe Lambe hand-made letterpress printers of Sao Paulos Grafica Fidalga studio and cult printing techniques such as Gocco (Japan) and Chicha (Peru). Low-Tech Print is a must-have for all design, illustration, craft and printmaking enthusiasts.
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Prinsessen fra Palmeøya
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Norsk Bokmål
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Norsk Bokmål
Arealbruksstatistikk for tettsteder = Land-use statistics for urban settlements
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Norsk Bokmål
The Limits of Kindness
Caspar Hare presents a novel approach to questions of what we ought to do, and why we ought to do it. The traditional way to approach this subject is to begin by supposing a foundational principle, and then work out its implications. Consequentialists say that we ought to make the world impersonally better, for instance, while Kantian deontologists say that we ought to act on universalizable maxims. And contractualists say that we ought to act in accordance with theterms of certain hypothetical contracts. These principles are all grand and controversial. The motivating idea behind The Limits of Kindness is that we can tackle some of the most difficult problems in normative ethics by starting with a principle that is humble and uncontroversial. Being moralinvolves wanting particular other people to be better off. From these innocuous beginnings, Hare leads us to surprising conclusions about how we ought to resolve conflicts of interest, whether we ought to create some people rather than others, what we ought to want in an infinite world, when we ought to make sacrifices for the sake of needy strangers, and why we cannot, on pain of irrationality, attribute great importance to the boundaries between people.
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Vår musikk: sangbok 4-6 : musikkverk for grunnskolen
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Norsk Bokmål
Transforming for Europe : The reshaping of national bureaucracies in a system of multi-level governance
In Transforming for Europe. The reshaping of national bureaucracies in a system of multi-level governance, Caspar van den Berg explores the implications of the increasingly multi-level nature of governance for the French, British and Dutch national bureaucracies. Power and competencies in Western Europe are shared by various layers of government as well as multiple types of state and nonstate actors. What does this mean for the organisation and functioning of national bureaucracies? While the civil service has become less bureaucratic (in the Weberian sense) in some respects, it is more bureau
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Blad fra Loggen: til mine brødre og søstre i små båter
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Norsk Bokmål
Nike: dikt
Hovedpersonen i Caspar Erics Nike er født med cerebral parese. Hoften hans er vridd på en måte som får ham til å ligne en gresk statue i det ene øyeblikket og en kropp som langsomt degenererer i det neste. Hvordan forholder samfunnet seg til en slik skikkelse? Og hva med den handikappede selv? Hvilke identiteter står tilgjengelig for ham? Er han et offer eller en som kjemper, til tross for alt? Og er det de eneste rollene han kan innta? På jobb eller sammen med sin elskede, på fest eller på sykehuset. Nike er et usentimentalt, ekspressivt og rystende dikt om å være en ung handikappet kropp i verden.
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Norsk Bokmål
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