Vennskap med fugler
En vakker, kuriøs fortelling om gryende seksualitet og moden kjærlighet. Den australske landsbygda i 1950-årene. Harry er en fraskilt melkebonde, som elsker å observere fugler, har godhet for kuene og sin pinglete, lille hund som ikke er brukende til noen ting. Mens Harry studerer fuglene, blir han selv smugkikket på av nabokvinnen Betty, som har søkt tilflukt på landet sammen med sine to faderløse barn. Etter som årene går, utvikler de to et godt naboskap, og hun blir glad da sønnen Michael finner en farsfigur i Harry. Men da bonden bestemmer seg for å lære unggutten om blomstene og biene, blir vennskapet mellom de to voksne satt på en alvorlig prøve. Dette er en lavmælt, rørende og vakker roman om ensomme mennesker og deres famlende forsøk på å finne noe som kan minne om tilhørighet.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Story: Loss
'I think few of the stories in Loss will leave readers cold...' Victoria Hislop, bestselling author and champion of the short story, has chosen her favourite short stories by women writers. Here are prizewinners, famous wits, well-known feminists, national treasures and rising stars. All the stories in this volume are about loss: lost lives, lost loves, lost innocence, even a lost leopard. The many ways in which loss touches our lives are shown in these varied stories. CONTRIBUTORS: Katherine Mansfield, Elizabeth Bowen, Dorothy Parker, Shirley Jackson, Flannery O'Connor, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Rhys, Anna Kavan, Muriel Spark, Ellen Gilchrist, Penelope Fitzgerald, Lorrie Moore, Hilary Mantel, Susan Hill, Colette Paul, Yiyun Li, Helen Simpson, Edna O'Brien, Edith Pearlman, Emma Donoghue, Carrie Tiffany and Lucy Wood.
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Corsets & clockwork: 13 steampunk romances
Bestselling romance editor Trisha Telep brings an exciting new element to the fast-growing sub-genre of steampunk, which bends and blends the old and the new in increasingly popular dark urban fantasies. Young heroes and heroines battle evil, in various forms with the help of super-technological or supernatural powers, while falling in and out of love.Contributors include:Ann Aguirre a bestselling author who writes urban fantasy (the Corine Solomon series from Roc), romantic science fiction (the Jax series from Ace), apocalyptic paranormal romance (as Ellen Connor, writing with Carrie Lofty, from Penguin), paranormal romantic suspense (as Ava Gray from Berkley), and post-apocalyptic dystopian young adult fiction (Razorland and Wireville coming in 2011 from Feiwel & Friends). Tessa Gratton, her debut novel Blood Magic arrives in 2011 from Random House Children's Books, followed by the companion Crow Magic in 2012. Jaclyn Dolamore is the debut author of Magic Under Glass from Bloomsbury USA. Lesley Livingston is the award-winning author of Wondrous Strange and Darklight, the first two books in the bestselling trilogy from HarperCollins. Frewin Jones is the bestselling author of the Faerie Path series and the Warrior Princess books, among many othersCaitlin Kittredge is the author of the Iron Codex trilogy, a Lovecraftian steampunk adventure. Dru Pagliassotti's first novel Clockwork Heart was one of the first in the rising new genre of steampunk romance and was named by Library Journal as one of the five steampunk novels to read in 2009. Dia Reeves is the debut author of the critically acclaimed YA Bleeding Violet.Michael Scott is the Irish-born, New York Times bestselling author of the six part epic fantasy series, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. Maria V. Snyder is the New York Times bestselling author of the Study series (Poison Study, Magic Study, and Fire Study) about a young woman forced to become a poison taster. Tiffany Trent the author of the acclaimed YA dark fantasy series Hallowmere, which was an IndieBound Children's Pick and a New York Public Library Book of the Teen Age 2008. Kiersten White is the debut author of Paranormalacy, the first book in a new trilogy, which was published by HarperTeen in August of 2010. Adrienne Kress, is the author of Alex and the Ironic Gentleman and Timothy and the Dragon's Gate.
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Gilded Suffragists
New York City's elite women who turned a feminist cause into a fashionable revolutionIn the early twentieth century over two hundred of New York's most glamorous socialites joined the suffrage movement. Their names-Astor, Belmont, Rockefeller, Tiffany, Vanderbilt, Whitney and the like-carried enormous public value. These women were the media darlings of their day because of the extravagance of their costume balls and the opulence of the French couture clothes, and they leveraged their social celebrity for political power, turning women's right to vote into a fashionable cause.Although they were dismissed by critics as bored socialites "trying on suffrage as they might the latest couture designs from Paris," these gilded suffragists were at the epicenter of the great reforms known collectively as the Progressive Era. From championing education for women, to pursuing careers, and advocating for the end of marriage, these women were engaged with the swirl of change that swept through the streets of New York City. Johanna Neuman restores these women to their rightful place in the story of women's suffrage. Understanding the need for popular approval for any social change, these socialites used their wealth, power, social connections and style to excite mainstream interest and to diffuse resistance to the cause. In the end, as Neuman says, when change was in the air, these women helped push women's suffrage over the finish line.
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The Peacock Feast
<p><b>From "one of the most perceptive, compassionate writers of fiction in America...immensely talented and brave" </b><b>(Michael Schaub, NPR), </b><b> a historical saga about love, class, and the past we never escape.</b></p><p><i>The Peacock Feast</i> opens on a June day in 1916 when Louis C. Tiffany, the eccentric glass genius, dynamites the breakwater at Laurelton Hall--his fantastical Oyster Bay mansion, with columns capped by brilliant ceramic blossoms and a smokestack hidden in a blue-banded minaret--so as to foil the town from reclaiming the beach for public use. The explosion shakes both the apple crate where Prudence, the daughter of Tiffany's prized gardener, is sleeping and the rocks where Randall, her seven-year-old brother, is playing.</p><p>Nearly a century later, Prudence receives an unexpected visit at her New York apartment from Grace, a hospice nurse and the granddaughter of Randall, who Prudence never saw again after he left at age fourteen for California. The mementos Grace carries from her grandfather's house stir Prudence's long-repressed memories and bring her to a new understanding of the choices she made in work and love, and what she faces now in her final days.</p><p>Spanning the twentieth century and three continents, <i>The Peacock Feast</i> ricochets from Manhattan to San Francisco, from the decadent mansions of the Tiffany family to the death row of a Texas prison, and from the London consultation room of Anna Freud to a Mendocino commune. With psychological acuity and aching eloquence, Lisa Gornick has written a sweeping family drama, an exploration of the meaning of art and the art of dying, and an illuminating portrait of how our decisions reverberate across time and space.</p>
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Reading Children's Literature
Reading Children's Literature: A Critical Introduction offers insights into the major discussions and debates currently animating the field of children's literature. Informed by recent scholarship and interest in cultural studies and critical theory, it is a compact core text that introduces students to the historical contexts, genres, and issues of children's literature. A beautifully designed and illustrated supplement to individual literary works assigned, it also provides helpful apparatus that makes it a complete resource for working with children's literature both during and after the course.The second edition includes a new chapter on children's literature and popular culture (including film, television, and merchandising) and has been updated throughout to reflect recent scholarship and new offerings in children's media.
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4.0 av 5
Carrie Soto is back
From the bestselling author of MALIBU RISING, DAISY JONES & THE SIX and THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO 'It made me cry twice, and when I finished reading, I had to sit for a minute with the hole it left in my chest . . . just order it' EMILY HENRY 'A crowd-pleaser. Taylor Jenkins Reid captures all the sweat, rivalry and glamour of elite sport' THE TIMES 'Jenkins Reid has written yet another page turner . . . [it] will have you hooked' INDEPENDENT Carrie Soto is the greatest player the world has ever seen. But six years after her last match, she watches a young British tennis player steal her world record - and Carrie knows she has to go back and reclaim her rightful place at the top. Even if the world doesn't believe in her. Even if it almost breaks her. This is a story about the cost of greatness and the burden of fame. The fight for a place in history is about to begin . . . 'It artfully combines the heady glamour of elite sport with questions about what happens when we find ourselves winning professionally, but losing personally' STYLIST 'A portrait of female ambition in all its raw and divine glory, Carrie Soto will stay with you long after the last page is turned' ERIN KELLY
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Brennende bevis
Rettsmedisiner Kay Scarpetta har fått mange fiender gjennom sin karriere. Carrie Grethen er en av dem. Hun har aldri tilgitt Kay at hun drepte elskeren hennes, Temple Gault. I et brev . som inneholder seksuelle fantasier om Kays niese, Lucy . ber Carrie Kay komme til den lukkede psykiatriske avdelingen der hun befinner seg, og vise henne åsteds- og obduksjonsbildene av Gault. Til gjengjeld skal hun gi Kay noen tips. Samme dag blir Kay Scarpetta og førstebetjent Pete Marino tilkalt til en branntomt. Et våningshus og en stall med hester har brent ned. Eiendommen tilhører aviseieren Kenneth Sparkes. I ruinene finner brannfolkene et lik . det første av flere i en sak der tilsynelatende intet henger sammen. Imens klarer Carrie å rømme. Hun har også skaffet seg en ny kjæreste . en dødelig kjæreste . noe som får konsekvenser for Kay Scarpettas liv. Både hun og Lucy må vokte hvert skritt de tar. For Carrie har mye å hevne. «. en meget underholdende og spennende kriminalroman . [Cornwell er] en dreven forfatter, og vet hva som skal til for å få det til å grøsse.» Kurt Hanssen, Dagbladet «Patricia D. Cornwell har ein sjeldan styrke i oppbygginga av intrigen. På meisterleg vis spinn ho ein vev av hendingar som kvar for seg fører fram til det endelege klimaks.» Nils Kvamsdal, Hordaland
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
On writing: a memoir of the craft
This volume offers a unique insight into the life of Stephen King. It finds out what books and films influenced him as a young writer, his first idea for a story and the true life tale that inspired Carrie.
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Om å skrive: forfatteren og håndverket
Forfatteren forteller om sitt liv, og gir et innblikk i hva det vil si å være forfatter, hvordan man bør gå fram om man ønsker å bli det, og hvordan han selv er blitt den han er i dag. I to selvbiografiske partier forteller han først om barndom og oppvekst fram til de vanskelige og avgjørende årene som førte fram til utgivelsen av hans første bok, Carrie. I den andre biografiske delen forteller han om den tragiske ulykken som nær sagt kostet han livet. I kapitlene Verktøykassa og Om å skrive, øser han av sine erfaringer, og svarer på både på spørsmål han har fått på seminarer, og som han har ønsket å få.
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Norsk Bokmål
Hjerter i Atlantis
Boka inneholder fem historier som griper inn i hverandre. Det begynner med oppvekst på 60-tallet og går frem til 1999. Felles for historiene er 60-tallet, hvordan dette tiåret og Vietnamkrigen har hatt innvirkning på de etterfølgende tiårene. Boka er filmatisert.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Rules of civility
WHAT THEY SAID about RULES OF CIVILITY:'Everything about this novel, set in 1930s New York, is achingly stylish - from the author's name to the slinky jacket design. Katey Kontent, daughter of Russian immigrants, and Evie Ross, from the sleepy midwest, are an ambitious, wisecracking pair who, despite lack of money and connections, aim to set the city alight. A fortuitous meeting with the apparently wealthy Tinker Grey on New Year's Eve, 1937, will change the course of both their lives.' - Guardian 'If you want shopping at Bendel's, gin martinis at a debutante's mansion and jazz bands playing until 3am, RULES OF CIVILITY has it all and more . . . While you're lost in the whirl of silk stockings, furs and hip flasks, all you care about is what Katey Kontent does next. Another one bartender, please.' - Observer 'Irresistible . . . A cross between Dorothy Parker and Holly Golightly, Katey Kontent is a priceless narrator in her own right - the brains of a bluestocking with the legs of a flapper and the mores of Carrie Bradshaw.' - Telegraph'Towles creates a narrative that sparkles with sentences so beautiful you'll stop and re-read them. A delicious and memorable novel that will leave you wistful . . . and desperate for a martini.' - Stylist'My book of the year. If the unthinkable happened and I could never read another new work of fiction in 2011, I'd simply re-read this sparkling, stylish book, with yet another round of martinis as dry as the author's wit.' - Herald
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Reading Children’s Literature
Flott bok, god som ny
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Carrie Sotto is Back
Carrie Soto is fierce, and her determination to win at any cost has not made her popular. But by the time she retires from tennis, she is the best player the world has ever seen. She has shattered every record and claimed twenty Grand Slam titles. And if you ask Carrie, she is entitled to every one. She sacrificed nearly everything to become the best, with her father, Javier, as her coach. A former champion himself, Javier has trained her since the age of two. But six years after her retirement, Carrie finds herself sitting in the stands of the 1994 US Open, watching her record be taken from her by a brutal, stunning player named Nicki Chan. At thirty-seven years old, Carrie makes the monumental decision to come out of retirement and be coached by her father for one last year in an attempt to reclaim her record. Even if the sports media says that they never liked “the Battle-Axe” anyway. Even if her body doesn’t move as fast as it did. And even if it means swallowing her pride to train with a man she once almost opened her heart to: Bowe Huntley. Like her, he has something to prove before he gives up the game forever. In spite of it all, Carrie Soto is back, for one epic final season. In this riveting and unforgettable novel, Taylor Jenkins Reid tells her most vulnerable, emotional story yet.
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Første gang gitt ut i 1974
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The carrie diaries
<p>The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. </p><p>Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small-town girl who knew she wanted more. She's ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friend's betrayal makes her question everything. </p><p>With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early friendships and relationships left on her. Through adventures both audacious and poignant, we'll see what brings Carrie to her beloved New York City, where her new life begins.</p>--Entertainment Weekly
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Summer and the city: Carrie Diaries book 2
Meet teenage Carrie Bradshaw as she hits the bright lights, big city of New York for the very first time! Find out how Carrie transforms from country girl to super-cool fashionista in the second explosive CARRIE DIARIES novel from the globally bestselling author of SEX AND THE CITY.Summer is a magical time in New York City and Carrie is in love with all of it - the crazy characters in her neighbourhood, the vintage-clothing boutiques, the wild parties and the glamorous man who has swept her off her feet. Best of all, she's finally in a real writing class, taking her first steps toward fulfilling her dream.This sequel to THE CARRIE DIARIES brings surprising revelations as Carrie learns to navigate her way around the Big Apple, going from being a country "sparrow" - as Samantha Jones dubs her - to the person she always wanted to be. But as it becomes increasingly difficult to reconcile her past with her future, Carrie realises that making it in New York is much more complicated than she ever imagined.With her signature wit and sparkling humour, Candace Bushnell reveals the irresistible story of how Carrie met Samantha and Miranda, and what turned a small-town girl into one of the New York City's most unforgettable icons, Carrie Bradshaw.
4.3 av 5
Lek med speil
Miss Marple drar på besøk til en barndomsvennine, Carrie Louise Serrocold, som bor på godset Stonygates sammen med sin tredje mann. Godset har de innredet til en internatskole for ungdomsforbrytere som her psykoanalyseres og omskoleres av en gruppe psykologer, psykiatere, terapeuter og lærere. Men det er noe som ikke stemmer. En kveld blir Mrs. Serrocolds stesønn funnet drept. Det viser seg også at Mrs. Serrocold gjennom lengre tid er blitt utsatt for forgiftningsforsøk. Miss Marple mener det er en sammenheng mellom disse hendelsene.
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Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
Kyss meg: novelle
Ungdommene Lena, Marit, Wijting og Carrie er alle opptatt av hemmeligheter på hver sin måte. Lenas hemmelighet handler om gutten hun en gang så naken. Når de to møtes igjen, avsløres nye hemmeligheter som gjør samholdet mellom dem sterkere. Om ensomhet, vennskap og fortrolighet.
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Norsk Bokmål
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