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Viser resultat for 'Carolyn Jarvis'

    Physical examination & health assessment

    Physical examination & health assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    Praktisk og lærerik bok

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 190
    kr 190

    Physical Examination and Health Assessment

    Physical Examination and Health Assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    With an easy-to-follow approach and unmatched learning support, Jarvis' Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 8th Edition is the most authoritative, complete, and easily-implemented solution for health assessment courses in nursing. This tightly integrated learning package continues to center on Carolyn Jarvis's trademark clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical examination and health assessment across the patient lifespan. It's packed with vivid illustrations, step-by-step guidance and evidence-based content to provide a complete approach of health assessment skills and physical examination. With a fresh focus on today's need-to-know information, the 8th edition integrates QSEN and interprofessional collaboration, enhanced inclusion of LGBTQ issues, a new standalone Vital Signs chapter, and enhanced EHR and documentation content.The most trusted name in health assessment for nurses, now in its 8th edition!A clear, conversational, step-by-step, evidence-based approach to physical examination and health assessment of patients throughout the lifespan.A consistent format from chapter to chapter features sections on Structure and Function, Subjective Data, Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking, and Abnormal Findings to help you learn to assess systematically.UPDATED! An unsurpassed collection of more than 1,100 full-color illustrations has been updated to vividly showcase anatomy and physiology, examination techniques, and abnormal findings.Enhanced content on the electronic health record, charting, and narrative recording exemplify how to document assessment findings using state-of-the-art systems with time-tested thoroughness.Engaging learning resources include assessment video clips; NCLEX Exam review questions; case studies with critical thinking activities; audio clips of heart, lung, and abdominal sounds; assessment checklists, and much more.Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle boxes present opportunities for patient teaching and health promotion while performing the health assessment. Developmental Competence sections highlight content specific to infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and older adults.Culture and Genetics sections include information on biocultural and transcultural variations in an increasingly diverse patient population.NEW! Standalone Vital Signs chapter and refocused nutrition content include an expanded emphasis on the national epidemic of obesity.NEW! Enhanced integration of QSEN and interprofessional collaboration emphasize how to ensure patient safety during the physical exam and how to collaborate with other health professionals to promote optimal health. NEW! Enhanced inclusion of LGBTQ issues and revamped and refocused Cultural Assessment chapter equip you with the skills to practice with greater sensitivity and inclusivity. NEW! Health Promotion and Patient Teaching sections underscore the unique role of nurses (especially advanced practice nurses) in health promotion.

    4.7 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019

    kr 350
    kr 350

    Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment

    Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    A practical handbook for the assessment lab and the clinical setting, Jarvis' Pocket Companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 8th Edition makes it fast and easy to review essential assessment skills and techniques. You'll conduct more effective exams by referring to summaries of examination steps, comparisons of normal versus abnormal findings, lifespan and cultural considerations, and more than 250 full-color photos and drawings. New to this edition are enhanced integration of QSEN competencies, and updated coverage of EHR documentation. Written by renowned educator and clinician Dr. Carolyn Jarvis, this companion handbook is a perfect clinical tool whether you're a beginner who is learning assessment skills or a practitioner who needs a portable reference!Convenient two-column format makes it easy to understand key physical examination skills and findings.More than 250 full-color illustrations demonstrate examination skills, underlying anatomy and physiology, and normal and abnormal findings.NEW! Updated content throughout corresponds to the 8th edition of the Jarvis textbook and incorporates the latest evidence-based assessment guidelines.NEW! Enhanced illustrations ensure accuracy, currency, and optimal learning and reference value.NEW! Updated Documentation sections with EHR integration reflect the types of documentation that nurses will enter into electronic health records (EHRs or EMRs).NEW! Enhanced Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) content throughout emphasizes the QSEN patient safety competency for optimal patient care. Color-coded format helps students easily locate the information they need, with each body system chapter divided into major sections (Anatomy, Subjective Data, Objective Data, and Abnormal Findings).Abnormal findings tables help students recognize, classify, and describe key abnormal findings.Summary checklists review key examination steps for quick reference.Health Promotion and Patient Teaching sections underscore the unique role of nurses (especially advanced practice nurses) in health promotion.Developmental Competence sections highlight content specific to infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and older adults. Culture and Genetics sections provide important context for important findings in various patient groups.Spanish-language translation chart helps to improve communication with Spanish-speaking patients during the physical examination.NEW! Updated content throughout corresponds to the 8th edition of the Jarvis textbook, and incorporates the latest evidence-based assessment guidelines.NEW! Enhanced Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) content throughout text emphasizes the patient safety competency. NEW! Health Promotion and Patient Teaching sections underscores the unique role of nurses (especially advanced practice nurses) in health promotion.NEW! Improved look-and-feel of selected illustrations developed for the Jarvis textbook.NEW! Updated Documentation sections with EHR integration reflect the types of documentation that nurses will enter into electronic health records (EHRs or EMRs).

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 50
    kr 50

    Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health Assessment

    Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health Assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    Both a comprehensive lab manual and a practical workbook, the Study Guide and Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination and Health Assessment 8th Edition, gives you the tools you need to master physical examination and health assessment skills. Corresponding to the best-selling Jarvis textbook, this guide features reading assignments, terminology reviews, application activities, review questions, clinical learning objectives, regional write-up sheets, and narrative summary forms, with answers at the back to facilitate both learning and review. The 8th Edition has been thoroughly updated throughout with a fresh focus on interprofessional collaboration to prepare you for the skills laboratory and interprofessional collaborative practice.Authoritative review and guidance for laboratory experiences personally written by Dr. Jarvis to give you a seamlessly integrated study and clinical experience.Consistent format throughout text includes Purpose, Reading Assignment, Terminology Review, Study Guide, and Review Questions in each chapter. Essential review and guidance for laboratory experiences familiarizes you with physical examination forms and offers practice in recording narrative accounts of patient history and examination findings.Study Guide in each chapter includes short-answer and fill-in-the-blank questions.The only full-color illustrated lab manual available for a nursing health assessment textbook enhances learning value with full-color anatomy and physiology labeling activities and more.NEW! Updated content throughout corresponds to the 8th edition of the Jarvis textbook and reflects the latest research and evidence-based practice.NEW! Enhanced integration of interprofessional collaboration exercises helps you create an SBAR report based on a brief case.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 250
    kr 250

    Physical examination & health assessment

    Physical examination & health assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 30

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 4

    kr 30

    Pocket companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment

    Pocket companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    Liten pocket bok som ble brukt i akuttmedisinsk praksis.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020



    Physical examination & health assessment

    Physical examination & health assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    7th edition

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2016



    Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment, Canadian Edition

    Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment, Canadian Edition

    Carolyn Jarvis

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (W B Saunders Co Canada Ltd) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Physical Examination and Health Assessment - Canadian

    Physical Examination and Health Assessment - Canadian

    Carolyn Jarvis

    Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (W B Saunders Co Canada Ltd) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer informasjon.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    Physical Examination Health Assessment

    Physical Examination Health Assessment

    Carolyn Jarvis

    Helt ubrukt og fremstår derfor som ny.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2020


    kr 150
    kr 150

    Of Mud and Flame

    Of Mud and Flame

    Matthew Harle, James Machin, David Rudkin, Sukhdev Sandhu, Roger Luckhurst

    Exploring Penda's Fen, a 1974 BBC film that achieved mythic status.In 1974, the BBC broadcast the film Penda's Fen, leaving audiences mystified and spellbound. "Make no mistake. We had a major work of television last night," The Times declared the next morning. Written by the playwright and classicist David Rudkin, the film follows Stephen, an 18-year-old boy, whose identity, sexuality, and suffocating nationalism unravels through a series of strange visions. After its original broadcast, Penda's Fen vanished into unseen mythic status, with only a single rebroadcast in 1990 sustaining its cult following. With a DVD release by the BFI in 2016, Penda's Fen has now become totemic for those interested in Britain's deep history, folklore, and landscape. Of Mud and Flame brings together writers, artists, and historians to excavate and explore this unique cornerstone of Britain's uncanny archive.Contributors includeDavid Rudkin, Sukhdev Sandhu, Roger Luckhurst, Gareth Evan, Adam Scovell, Bethany Whalley, Carl Phelpstead, David Ian Rabey, David Rolinson, Craig Wallace, Daniel O'Donnell Smith, William Fowler, Yvonne Salmon, Andy W. Smith, Carolyne Larrington, John Harle, Timothy J. Jarvis, Tom White, Daniel Eltringham, Joseph Brooker, Gary Budden

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    Mat- og måltidsaktiviteter i barnehagen

    Mat- og måltidsaktiviteter i barnehagen

    Boka fremhever mat og måltider som arena for barns fysiske, psykiske og sosiale helse, utvikling av mat- og smakskultur, dannelse, språkutvikling, lek og kreativitet. Både måltidet og veien fra mat til måltid gir rike pedagogiske muligheter til å arbeide tverrfaglig i barnehagen. Rammeplanen vektlegger at de ansatte skal ha en sammensatt kompetanse som dekker sunn mat og drikke, måltider, barns behov for omsorg, lek og læring. «Mat- og måltidsaktiviteter» viser hvordan de ansattes kompetanse kan omsettes i medvirkende mat- og måltidsaktiviteter som muliggjør barns danningsprosesser. Bidragsyterne belyser både de fysiologiske og de pedagogiske aspektene ved måltider i barnehagen. Bokens redaktør Britt Unni Wilhelmsen har med seg bidragsyterne Carolyn Ahmer, Inger Wallem Krempig, Sidsel Germeten, Vibeke Glaser, Torgeir Haugen, Sissel H. Helland, Eivind Karlsson, Mari Helene Kårstad, Eva Mila Lindhardt, Tove Aagnes Utsi, Gudbjørg Øen, Nina C. Øverby, Eli Kristin Aadland og Wenche Aasen.

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 70
    kr 70

    Måltider og fysisk aktivitet i barnehagen

    Måltider og fysisk aktivitet i barnehagen: barnehagen som arena for folkehelsearbeid

    Folkehelsearbeid er samfunnets innsats for å bedre, opprettholde eller fremme folkehelsen. Det sentrale i arbeidet er å påvirke forutsetningene for levekår og helse. For å lykkes er det nødvendig med innsats på mange områder i samfunnet, og der folk bor og lever sine liv. Flertallet av norske barn i alderen 1 - 5 år tilbringer en stor del av hverdagen i barnehagen. Derfor er det viktig å inkludere barnehagene i folkehelsearbeidet. Å utvikle barnehagen til en arena for sunne måltider og variert fysisk aktivitet forutsetter et personale med faglig-pedagogisk kompetanse i å tilrettelegge og skape rammer for helseatferd blant små barn og samarbeid mellom personale, foreldre og andre i lokalmiljøet. Planlegging av folkehelsetiltak må se utfordringene på måltids- og aktivitetsområdene i et miljø- og individperspektiv og omforme offentlige signaler om måltider og fysisk aktivitet blant små barn til praktiske folkehelsetiltak. Små barn trenger fysiske rammer som legger til rette for at de kan ta sunne måltidsvalg og være i tilstrekkelig fysisk aktivitet den tiden de oppholder seg i barnehagen. De har også behov for å oppleve at det sosiale miljøet barna imellom og mellom personalet og barna støtter sunne valg. En god pedagogisk gjennomføring av folkehelsetiltak i barnehagen vil utvikle små barns motivasjon for å velge sunn mat og være fysisk aktive. Boka vil være av interesse for studenter i førskolelærerutdanningen, alle som arbeider i barnehagen og alle som samarbeider om barnehagens pedagogiske aktiviteter. Bidragsytere er: Carolyn Ahmer, Lene Frost Andersen, Ingunn Fjørtoft, Ellen Haug, Asle Holthe, Karin Kippe, Karen Lassen, Inger Marie Lindboe, Torbjørn Lundhaug, Marit Rødbotten, Oddrun Samdal, Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter, Ella Marie Ursin Steen, Helene Torsteinson, Britt Unni Wilhelmsen og Eli Kristin Aadland.

    4.8 av 5

    Pocket · 2010

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 35
    kr 35

    De utrolige årene

    De utrolige årene: en veiledning i problemløsning for foreldre med barn i alderen 2-8 år

    Carolyn Webster-Stratton

    Boken er en praktisk veiledning i hvordan du kan takle hverdagslige problemsituasjoner og bekymringer i forhold til barn. Hvordan kommunisere godt? Hvordan bruke ros og belønning? Hva kjennetegner god lek? Hvordan håndtere egen irritasjon? Hvordan møte vanlige problemer som leggerutiner, overdreven TV-titting, stjeling, sengveting, ulydighet og lyving. I boken finner du konkrete forslag til hvordan du trinn for trinn kan møte slike og lignende situasjoner. Ved å lære tilnærminger for å takle disse problemene, kan foreldre begrense barnas atferdsvansker før de kommer ut av kontroll. Boken hendvender seg til foreldre, helse- og sosialarbeidere, pedagoger og andre som forholder seg til barn og deres problemer. Har bibliografi.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Communication Between Cultures

    Communication Between Cultures

    Edwin McDaniel, Carolyn Roy, Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter

    Emphasizing the roles that family, religion, and history play in intercultural communication, COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CULTURES, 9E helps you increase your understanding and appreciation of different cultures while developing practical skills for improving your communication with people from other cultures. Bringing chapter concepts to life, the text is packed with the latest research and compelling examples that help you take a look at your own assumptions, perceptions, and cultural biases so you can see the subtle and profound ways culture affects communication. The ninth edition also includes insightful discussions of the impact of globalization, a new chapter on intercultural communication competence, and extensive coverage of new technology.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Therapeutic Exercise 6e Foundations and Techniques

    Therapeutic Exercise 6e Foundations and Techniques

    Carolyn Kisner

    Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, Kisner & Colby's 6th Edition offers the most up-to-date exercise guidelines for individualizing interventions for those with movement disorders. Now with contributions from the leading experts in the field, it encompasses all of the principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy, including spinal surgery and spinal manipulation. This renowned manual remains the authoritative source for exercise instruction for the therapist and for patient self-management. Plus, you'll have access to Kisner and Colby's "Therapeutic Exercise Video Library" online at DavisPlus, featuring over 30 NEW full-color video clips - 94 in all - demonstrating basic therapeutic exercises and techniques.It includes: superb art program, including anatomical illustrations, line drawings, photographs, and radiographs; evidence boxes summarizing current literature; "Management Guideline" boxes; "Pathology/Surgical Procedure" and "Preferred Practice Pattern" tables; "Post-surgery Outcome" boxes; clinical examples throughout; case studies at the end of selected chapters; and, clinical laboratory activities and questions for critical thinking and discussion at the end of every chapter. It also includes: greater emphasis on clinical decision making; ICF terminology; more contributions from experts in the field; new chapter on advanced function training; full-color photographs and illustrations; over 30 NEW full-color video clips - 94 in all - demonstrating basic therapeutic exercises and techniques in Kisner and Colby's "Therapeutic Exercise Video Library".

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012


    kr 150
    kr 150

    Hvordan fremme sosial og emosjonell kompetanse hos barn

    Hvordan fremme sosial og emosjonell kompetanse hos barn

    Carolyn Webster-Stratton

    Hvordan fremme sosial og emosjonell sosial kompetanse hos barn forteller oss hvordan vi kan lage individuelle opplæringsprogram som synliggjør det enkelte barns sosiale og emosjonelle behov. Særlig sentralt står arbeidet med barn som er utsatt sosialt og læringsmessig, enten dette gjelder lærevansker, ADHD, impulsivitet, aggresiv atferd, lese- og skrivevansker eller hyperaktivitet. I boka finner du en rekke konkrete råd og tips for å kunne utvikle slike individuelle opplæringsprogram. Barnets kognitive evner påvirker dets læring. Men like viktig er barnets sosiale ferdigheter og emosjonelle trygghet i forhold til læring. Denne boka viser hvordan lærere og barnehagepersonell . sammen med foreldrene . kan møte barnets kognitive, sosiale og emosjonelle behov.For ved at både foreldre og lærere er involvert i opplæringsprogrammet, forbedres ikke bare atferdsproblemene til det enkelte barn: Hele klassen blir mer samarbeidsvillig og engasjert i skolearbeidet. Slik tjener alle barn på en undervisning som legger vekt på effektive sosiale ferdigheter og problemløsning i tillegg til faglige prestasjoner.

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2005

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 35
    kr 35

    Work Psychology

    Work Psychology

    Ray Randall, Carolyn Axtell, Fiona Patterson, Joanne Silvester, Ivan T. Robertson, Cary Cooper, Bernard Burnes, John Arnold, Don Harris

    Now in its sixth edition, Work Psychology is an accessible and fascinating examination of human behaviour in today's workplace, written by authors who are all experts in their fields. Substantially updated with new material that reflects current research and debate in the area, the text retains its popular blend of theory, research and engaging examples. Covering a broad range of core topics, this text is suitable for undergraduate students in business, management, and psychology as well as those studying for professional qualifications.This new sixth edition offers you:A clear and consistent structure, including an opening and closing case study and other exercises within each chapter to help you to apply what you've learnt. Attractive full-colour design that aids navigation and enlivens the text. Extensive coverage of cross-cultural issues that reflects the increasingly global context of work. Learning outcomes, long and short self-test questions, a glossary, annotated further reading and weblinks to enable your learning within and beyond the textbook. All the latest research and hot topics in the field of work psychology. A new 'Key debate' feature that directs you to key controversies and contemporary debate around work psychology today. A new 'Research methods in focus' feature that de-mystifies and illustrates with examples the use of strong research methods in practice. A new 'Point of integration' feature which clearly links the theories between chapters, allowing for a greater understanding of the topic as a whole. Additional material for lecturers is available at www.pearsoned.co.uk/workpsychAbout the authorsWritten and edited by authors who are all expert teachers and researchers in their fields, Work Psychology offers a clear and authoritative introduction to human behaviour in the workplace.John Arnold is Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University.Ray Randall is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University.With expert contributions from co-authors:Fiona Patterson Founder Director of the Work Psychology Group, Principal Researcher the University of Cambridge and Visiting Professorship at City University London.Joanne Silvester Professor of Psychology, Cass Business School, City University London.Ivan Robertson Founder Director of Robertson Cooper Ltd and Emeritus Professor of Work & Organizational Psychology, Manchester Business School.Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Health, Alliance Manchester Business School, and President of the British Academy of Management.Bernard Burnes Professor of Organisational Change, Stirling Management School.Don Harris Professor of Human Factors in the Centre for Mobility and Transport, Coventry University.Carolyn Axtell Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield University Management School.

    4.9 av 5

    Pocket · 2016

    kr 20
    kr 20





    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 1960

    kr 20
    kr 20

    Frøken Detektiv

    Frøken Detektiv: mysteriet med de stjålne bøkene

    Carolyn Keene

    4.8 av 5

    Innbundet · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 25

    Innbundet · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Andre utgaver · 20

    kr 25

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