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Viser resultat for 'Carlo Ginzburg'

    The Cheese and the Worms

    The Cheese and the Worms

    Carlo Ginzburg

    Popular culture in the sixteenth century

    4.7 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    kr 150
    kr 150

    The Cheese and the Worms

    The Cheese and the Worms

    Carlo Ginzburg, John Tedeschi, Anne C. Tedesch

    The Cheese and the Worms is a study of the popular culture in the sixteenth century as seen through the eyes of one man, a miller brought to trial during the Inquisition. Carlo Ginzburg uses the trial records of Domenico Scandella, a miller also known as Menocchio, to show how one person responded to the confusing political and religious conditions of his time.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1992



    Nattens ekstase

    Nattens ekstase: en dechiffrering av heksesabbaten

    Carlo Ginzburg

    Forfatteren vever middelalderens heksebevegelser sammen med forestillinger om sjamanisme, oldtidens mysteriekultur og den mytiske helts fantastiske reise til de dødes land. Her er vi innom eventyrenes verden og vi følger med varulver og satyrer i deres evige vandring utenfor bymurene. Forfatteren demonstrerer hvordan den europeiske fremstillingen av "det andre" ikke bare representerer en historisk kontinuitet, men en sosial og kulturell realitet som tidligeres tiders mennesker måtte ta hensyn til. I det inkvisitorene hadde sine formler for hva de anklagede skulle tilstå, viser de mange avvikene fra formelen at det også fantes en forståelse av et verdensbildet som ikke stemte overens med kirkens offisielle standpunkter. Har navne- og stedsregister.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2002

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 120
    kr 120

    Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method

    Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method

    Carlo Ginzburg

    More than twenty years after Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method was first published in English, this extraordinary collection remains a classic. The book brings together essays about Renaissance witchcraft, National Socialism, sixteenth-century Italian painting, Freud's wolf-man, and other topics. In the influential centerpiece of the volume Carlo Ginzburg places historical knowledge in a long tradition of cognitive practices and shows how a research strategy based on reading clues and traces embedded in the historical record reveals otherwise hidden information. Acknowledging his debt to art history, psychoanalysis, comparative religion, and anthropology, Ginzburg challenges us to retrieve cultural and social dimensions beyond disciplinary boundaries.In his new preface, Ginzburg reflects on how easily we miss the context in which we read, write, and live. Only hindsight allows some understanding. He examines his own path in research during the 1970s and its relationship to the times, especially the political scenes of Italy and Germany. Was he influenced by the environment, he asks himself, and if so, how? Ginzburg uses his own experience to examine the elusive and constantly evolving nature of history and historical research.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013



    Ledtrådar : essäer om konst, förbjuden kunskap och dold historia

    Ledtrådar : essäer om konst, förbjuden kunskap och dold historia

    Carlo Ginzburg

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1989

    Norsk Bokmål


    Vitenskap og nasjonsbygging : Det Kongelige norske videnskabers selskab i Trondheim på 1700-tallet : foredrag på Chr. Hansteen-symposium, Blindern, Oslo universitet, 26/10 2002

    Vitenskap og nasjonsbygging : Det Kongelige norske videnskabers selskab i Trondheim på 1700-tallet : foredrag på Chr. Hansteen-symposium, Blindern, Oslo universitet, 26/10 2002

    Monica Aase

    Carlo Ginzburg's brilliant and timely new essay collection takes a bold stand against naive positivism and allegedly sophisticated neo-skepticism. It looks deeply into questions raised by decades of post-structuralism: What constitutes historical truth? How do we draw a boundary between truth and fiction? What is the relationship between history and memory? How do we grapple with the historical conventions that inform, in different ways, all written documents? In his answers, Ginzburg peels away layers of subsequent readings and interpretations that envelop every text to make a larger argument

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2003

    Norsk Bokmål


    The Night Battles

    The Night Battles

    Etienne Stockland, Luke Freeman

    In The Night Battles, Carlo Ginzburg does more than introduce his readers to a novel group of supposed witches - the Benandanti, from the northern Italian province of Friulia. He also invents and deploys new and creative ways of tackling his source material that allow him to move beyond their limitations. Witchcraft documents are notoriously tricky sources - produced by elites with fixed views, they are products of questioning designed to prove or disprove guilt, rather than understand the subtleties of belief, and are very often the products of torture. Ginzburg placed great stress on variations in the evidence of the Benandanti over time to reveal changing patterns of belief, and also focused on the concept of `reading against the text' - essentially looking as much at what is absent from the record as at what is present in it, and attempting to understand what the absences mean. His work not only pioneered the creation of a new school of historical study - `microhistory' - it is also a great example of the creative thinking skills of connecting things together in an original way, producing novel explanations for existing evidence, and redefining an issue so as to see it in a new light.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions,  Volume 3 : Demons, Spirits, Witches

    Witchcraft Mythologies and Persecutions, Volume 3 : Demons, Spirits, Witches

    Éva. Pócs

    This third, concluding volume of the series publishes 14 studies and the transcription of a round-table discussion on Carlo Ginzburg's Ecstasies. The themes of the previous two volumes, "Communicating with the Spirits", and "Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology", are further expanded here both as regards their interdisciplinary approach and the wide range of regional comparisons. While the emphasis of the second volume was on current popular belief and folklore as seen in the context of the historical sources on demonology, this volume approaches its subject from the point of view of historical anthropology. The greatest recent advances of witchcraft research occurred recently in two fields: (1) deciphering the variety of myths and the complexity of historical processes which lead to the formation of the witches' Sabbath, (2) the micro-historical analysis of the social, religious, legal and cultural milieu where witchcraft accusations and persecutions developed. These two themes are completed by some further insights into the folklore of the concerned regions which still carries the traces of the traumatic historical memories of witchcraft persecutions.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2007

    Norsk Bokmål


    Microhistory and the Picaresque Novel

    Microhistory and the Picaresque Novel

    In the sixteenth century, the picaresque novel introduced marginal figures (wanderers, beggars and thieves) as the protagonists of elaborate prose narratives, thus appearing to give a voice to hitherto unrepresented social types. This raises several questions as to the referentiality of the picaresque text, pertinent both to historians and literary scholars alike. Microhistory can help investigate this referentiality of the picaresque text, by revealing how particular historical agents perceived marginals and marginality, and juxtaposing these agent perspectives to the literary representation.Microhistory and the Picaresque Novel is the first publication to combine scholarship on the picaresque novel and the practice of microhistory. This innovative volume argues that the approach of microhistorical studies, such as The Cheese and the Worms by Carlo Ginzburg, Inheriting Power: The Story of an Exorcist by Giovanni Levi and The Return of Martin Guerre by Natalie Zemon Davis, can be used to shed new light on classic picaresque novels such as Guzman de Alfarache, Gil Blas, Grimmelshausen, and their many epigones.The volume brings together expert scholars on the picaresque novel such as Professor Robert Folger, on the one hand, and established microhistorians such as Professor Giovanni Levi, on the other. This exploration is further enriched with contributions by Professor Matti Peltonen, an expert on history theory, and Professor Hans Renders, an expert on biography studies, as well as providing case studies from recent research by the editors Binne de Haan and Dr Konstantin Mierau.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014


    Rabelais and Bakhtin

    Rabelais and Bakhtin

    Richard M. Berrong

    In Rabelais and Bakhtin, Richard M. Berrong demonstrates both the historical and textual weaknesses of the argument advanced by Mikhail Bakhtin and his influential study Rabelais and His World. The publication of Bakhtin's book in the West in the late 1960s brought both Rabelais and Bakhtin to the attention of students interested in the "New Criticism" in literature. Bakhtin agrued that the key to Rabelais's narratives was to be found in their language of popular culture, which was intended to free his readers from the ideological "prison house" of official, establishment discourse; to provide them with a nonofficial perspective from which to view-and combat-the establishment and its institutions. Since the publication of Bakhtin's study, scholars such as Peter Burke, Natalie Zemon Davis, and Carlo Ginzburg have shown that the relationship of the upper classes to popular culture changed in the first half of the sixteenth century. Previously these classes had participated fully in the culture of the people (while adhering to their own), but at that time they undertook to exclude popular culture from their lives and from their world. In his refutation of Bakhtin's thesis, Berrong demonstrates the complex and shifting role of popular culture in Rabelais's narratives. His conclusions should interest not only readers of Gargantua and Pantagruel but all students of the sixteenth century, since the use and exclusion of popular culture is an issue in the study of many of the writers, artists, and composers of the period.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 1986



    The Heart in the Glass Jar

    The Heart in the Glass Jar

    William E. French

    The Heart in the Glass Jar begins with one man's literal heart (that of a prominent statesman in mid-nineteenth-century Mexico) but is truly about the hearts, bodies, legal entanglements, and letters-as both symbols and material objects-of northern Mexicans from the 1860s through the 1930s. William E. French's innovative study of courtship practice and family formation examines love letters of everyday folk within the framework of literacy studies and explores how love letters functioned culturally and legally. French begins by situating love letters in the context of the legal system, which protected the moral order of families and communities and also perpetuated the gender order-the foundation of power structures in Mexican society. He then examines reading and writing practices in the communities that the letters came from: mining camps, villages, small towns, and the "passionate public sphere" that served as the wider social context for the love letters and crimes of passion. Finally, French considers "sentimental anatomy," the eyes, hearts, souls, and wills of novios (men and women in courting relationships), that the letters gave voice to and helped bring into being. In the tradition of Carlo Ginzburg's The Cheese and the Worms and Natalie Zemon Davis's The Return of Martin Guerre, French connects intimate lives to the broader cultural moment, providing a rich and complex cultural history from the intersection of love and law.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Skyrmions in Condensed Matter

    Skyrmions in Condensed Matter

    Jung Hoon Han

    This book summarizes some of the most exciting theoretical developments in the topological phenomena of skyrmions in noncentrosymmetric magnetic systems over recent decades. After presenting pedagogical backgrounds to the Berry phase and homotopy theory, the author systematically discusses skyrmions in the order of their development, from the Ginzburg-Landau theory, CP1 theory, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert theory, and Monte Carlo numerical approaches. Modern topics, such as the skyrmion-electron interaction, skyrmion-magnon interaction, and various generation mechanisms of the skyrmion are examined with a focus on their general theoretical aspects. The book concludes with a chapter on the skyrmion phenomena in the cold atom context. The topics are presented at a level accessible to beginning graduate students without a substantial background in field theory. The book can also be used as a text for those who wish to engage in the physics of skyrmions in magnetic systems, or as an introduction to the various theoretical methods used in studying current condensed-matter systems.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2017


    The Visual Culture Reader

    The Visual Culture Reader

    Nicholas (EDT) Mirzoeff

    Ten years after the last edition, this thoroughly revised and updated third edition of The Visual Culture Reader highlights the transformed and expanded nature of globalized visual cultures. It assembles key new writings, visual essays and specially commissioned articles, emphasizing the intersections of the Web 2.0, digital cultures, globalization, visual arts and media, and the visualizations of war. The volume attests to the maturity and exciting development of this cutting-edge field. Fully illustrated throughout, The Reader features an introductory section tracing the development of what editor Nicholas Mirzoeff calls "critical visuality studies." It develops into thematic sections, each prefaced by an introduction by the editor, with an emphasis on global coverage. Each thematic section includes suggestions for further reading.Thematic sections include: * Expansions * War and Violence * Attention and Visualizing Economy * Bodies and Minds * Histories and Memories *(Post/De/Neo)Colonial Visualities * Media and Mediations Taken as a whole, these 47 essays provide a vital introduction to the diversity of contemporary visual culture studies and a key resource for research and teaching in the field. Contributors: Ackbar Abbas, Morana Alac, Malek Alloula, Ariella Azoulay, Zainab Bahrani, Jonathan L. Beller,Suzanne Preston Blier, Lisa Cartwright, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Beth Coleman, Teddy Cruz, Rene Descartes, Faisal Devji, Henry Drewal, Okwui Enwezor, Frantz Fanon, Allen Feldman, Mark Fisher, Finbarr Barry Flood, Anne Friedberg, Alex Galloway, Faye Ginsburg, Derek Gregory, J. Jack Halberstam, Donna Haraway, Brian Holmes, Amelia Jones, Georgina Kleege, Sarat Maharaj, Brian Massumi, Carol Mavor, Tara McPherson, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Timothy Mitchell, W. J. T. Mitchell, Naeem Mohaiemen, Fred Moten, Lisa Nakamura, Trevor Paglen, Lisa Parks, Sumathi Ramaswamy, Jacques Ranciere, Andrew Ross, Terence E. Smith, Marita Sturken, Paolo Virno, Eyal Weizman

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2012



    En effektiv offentlig sektor

    En effektiv offentlig sektor: organisering, styring og ledelse i stat og kommune

    Rune J. Sørensen, Carlo Thomsen, Rune Sørensen

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 35

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100
    kr 35

    Syv korte leksjoner i fysikk

    Syv korte leksjoner i fysikk: fra de minste partikler til de største galakser

    Carlo Rovelli

    I denne vesle boka guider den italienske fysikeren Carlo Rovelli med beundringsverdig klarhet leseren gjennom de mest epokegjørende gjennombruddene i fysikken. Denne lekende, underholdende og svimlende introduksjonen til moderne fysikk forklarer essensen av det vi vet om relativitetsteorien, kvantemekanikken, elementærpartiklene, gravitasjonen, svarte hull, universets kompliserte struktur og menneskenes mikroskopiske rolle i det hele. Boka er en kjærlighetserklæring til vitenskapen. Den tar oss med til grensene for vår kunnskap: til de aller minste trådene i rommets vev, tilbake til verdensaltets opprinnelse og inn i våre minste bestanddeler. Slik lyder hele baksideteksten: «Her, på grensen av det vi vet, foran havet av alt det vi ikke vet, lyser verdens gåte, verdens skjønnhet, og det tar pusten fra oss» Rovellis bok har solgt mer enn 400.000 eksemplarer i Italia alene og er nå oversatt til 43 språk. Gå ikke glipp av denne vesle juvelen!

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 30

    Innbundet · 2016

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 30

    Financial Modeling

    Financial Modeling

    Tel Aviv University) Benninga Simon (Dean Faculty of Management

    A substantially revised edition of a bestselling text combining explanation and implementation using Excel; for classroom use or as a reference for finance practitioners. Financial Modeling is now the standard text for explaining the implementation of financial models in Excel. This long-awaited fourth edition maintains the "cookbook" features and Excel dependence that have made the previous editions so popular. As in previous editions, basic and advanced models in the areas of corporate finance, portfolio management, options, and bonds are explained with detailed Excel spreadsheets. Sections on technical aspects of Excel and on the use of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) round out the book to make Financial Modeling a complete guide for the financial modeler.The new edition of Financial Modeling includes a number of innovations. A new section explains the principles of Monte Carlo methods and their application to portfolio management and exotic option valuation. A new chapter discusses term structure modeling, with special emphasis on the Nelson-Siegel model. The discussion of corporate valuation using pro forma models has been rounded out with the introduction of a new, simple model for corporate valuation based on accounting data and a minimal number of valuation parameters.New print copies of this book include a card affixed to the inside back cover with a unique access code. Access codes are required to download Excel worksheets and solutions to end-of-chapter exercises. If you have a used copy of this book, you may purchase a digitally-delivered access code separately via the Supplemental Material link on this page. If you purchased an e-book, you may obtain a unique access code by emailing digitalproducts-cs@mit.edu or calling 617-253-2889 or 800-207-8354 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada).Praise for earlier editions"Financial Modeling belongs on the desk of every finance professional. Its no-nonsense, hands-on approach makes it an indispensable tool."-Hal R. Varian, Dean, School of Information Management and Systems, University of California, Berkeley"Financial Modeling is highly recommended to readers who are interested in an introduction to basic, traditional approaches to financial modeling and analysis, as well as to those who want to learn more about applying spreadsheet software to financial analysis."-Edward Weiss, Journal of Computational Intelligence in Finance"Benninga has a clear writing style and uses numerous illustrations, which make this book one of the best texts on using Excel for finance that I've seen."-Ed McCarthy, Ticker Magazine

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2014

    kr 400
    kr 400

    Ledelse av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i skolen

    Ledelse av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i skolen

    Internasjonal forskning viser at utdanningsreformer er avhengig av læreres og lederes individuelle og kollektive kapasitet og skolens samlede innsats for å forbedre elevenes læring. Utvikling av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap gir individer, grupper, hele skolen og skolesystemet mulighet til å være involvert i og påvirke læring over tid. Profesjonelle læringsfellesskap kan neppe utvikles i en skole uten aktiv støtte fra ledere på alle nivåer. Gjennom bokas kapitler viser norske forskere tilknyttet nasjonal rektorutdanning at ideen om profesjonelle læringsfellesskap er på vei inn i det norske utdanningssystemet ved at slike fellesskap etableres både på skole-, kommune- og regionalt nivå. Forfatterne bygger kapitlene på sin egen forskning på og mangeårige erfaring med profesjonsutvikling av norske skoleledere. Kapitlene undersøker ulike utfordringer norske skoleledere møter i ledelse av etablering, utvikling og ledelse av profesjonelle fellesskap, og hvordan de møter disse utfordringene. Bokas to redaktører er Marit Aas og Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo. Marit Aas er professor og faglig ansvarlig for skolelederprogrammene på OsloMet. Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo er professor ved OsloMet og har ansvar for rektorutdanningen der. De er begge med i forskningsprosjektet som forsker på den nasjonale rektorutdanningen. I tillegg til de to redaktørene er bokas bidragsytere Hedvig Abrahamsen, Fred Carlo Andersen, Brit Bolken Ballangrud, Paul Otto Brunstad, Erlend Dehlin, Anne Berit Emstad, Kristin Helstad, Mari-Ana Jones, Lars Arild Myhr, Jan Merok Paulsen, Siw Skrøvset, Åse Slettbakk, Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo og Marit Aas.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2021

    Norsk Bokmål


    Inkluderende og flerspråklig opplæring

    Inkluderende og flerspråklig opplæring

    Denne boken handler om opplæring i mangfoldige og flerspråklige klasserom. I kapitlene legger forfatterne vekt på hva som skal til for å skape et inkluderende læringsmiljø der alle elever opplever mestring, læring og fellesskap. I boken belyser forfatterne dagens situasjon for minoritetsspråklige elever. De viser til forskning, både fra Norge og andre land, som beskriver praksis og metoder som virker fremmende på elevers læring og trivsel generelt og minoritetsspråklige elevers læring spesielt. Forfatterne belyser også hvilke metoder som ikke gir gode læringsbetingelser for minoritetsspråklige elever. Boken retter seg mot lærerstudenter, lærere, skoleledere og ansatte i PPT som arbeider og skal arbeide i den norske flerkulturelle skolen. Bokens redaktører er Marit Lunde, seniorrådgiver ved Nasjonalt senter for flerkulturell opplæring (NAFO), og Sigrun Aamodt, leder ved Nasjonalt senter for flerkulturell opplæring (NAFO). Andre bidragsytere er Fred Carlo Andersen, Liv Bøyesen, Kirsten Palm og Eva Skowronski.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 150
    kr 150

    Friluftsliv og guiding i natur

    Friluftsliv og guiding i natur: teori og praksis

    - Hvordan drive bærekraftig naturturisme? - Hvordan fungerer grupper på tur, og hva bør du vite for å lede dem? - Hvordan kan du som gruppeleder takle stress og ta gode beslutninger? - Hva slags HMS-krav må du forholde deg til? - Hvordan kan du best dokumentere turopplevelsene gjennom foto, film og sosiale medier? - Hva er spesielt med å lede grupper på tur i polare strøk? Friluftsliv og guiding i natur - teori og praksis er skrevet for deg som studerer friluftsliv og naturbasert reiseliv, og er også nyttig for deg som arbeider med grupper på tur ute i naturen. Forfatterne har alle bred friluftsbakgrunn og solid akademisk forankring. Deres erfaringer bidrar til en dypere forståelse for friluftsliv og gir rom for refleksjon i kombinasjon med praktisk nytte. Artikkelforfattere: Sigmund Andersen, Universitetet i Tromsø - Norges arktiske universitet Halvor Dannevig, Stiftelsen Vestlandsforskning Helga Synnevåg Løvoll, Høgskulen i Volda Cecilie Harr Moen, Universitetet i Tromsø - Norges arktiske universitet Thomas Pindard, Norges Padleforbund Dag S. Roland, Høgskulen i Volda Ralf Westphal, University of Edinburgh Carlo Aall, Stiftelsen Vestlandsforskning

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål


    Harrington on Hold 'em

    Harrington on Hold 'em: Expert Strategy for No Limit Tournaments, Vol. 2: Endgame

    Dan Harrington, Bill Robertie

    Poker has taken America by storm. But it's not just any form of poker that has people across the country so excited it's no-limit hold 'em the main event game. And now, thanks to televised tournaments, tens of thousands of new players are eager to claim their share of poker glory. In the first volume of this series, Harrington on Hold 'em: Volume I: Strategic Play, Dan Harrington explained how to play in the early phases of tournaments, when most players at the table had plenty of chips, and the blinds and antes were small. This book, Harrington on Hold 'em: Volume II: The Endgame shows you how to play in the later phases of a tournament, when the field has been cut down, the blinds and antes are growing, and the big prize money is within sight. Harrington shows you how to make moves, handle tricky inflection point plays, and maneuver when the tournament is down to its last few players and the end is in sight. He’s also included a whole chapter on heads-up play, whose strategies up to now have been a closely-guarded secret of the game's top masters. Dan Harrington won the gold bracelet and the World Champion title at the $10,000 buy-in No-Limit Hold 'em Championship at the 1995 World Series of Poker. And he was the only player to make it to the final table in 2003 (field of 839) and 2004 (field of 2,576) considered by cognoscenti to be the greatest accomplishment in WSOP history. In Harrington on Hold 'em, Harrington and two-time World Backgammon Champion Bill Robertie have written the definitive book on no-limit hold 'em for players who want to win and win big. About the Author Dan Harrington began playing poker professionally in 1982. On the circuit he is known as Action Dan, an ironic reference to his solid but effective style. He has won several major no-limit hold em tournaments including the European Poker Championships (1995), the $2,500 No-Limit Hold em event at the 1995 World Series of Poker, and the Four Queens No-Limit Hold em Championship (1996). Dan began his serious games-playing with chess, where he quickly became a master and one of the strongest players in the New England area. In 1972 he won the Massachusetts Chess Championship, ahead of most of the top players in the area. In 1976 he started playing backgammon, a game which he also quickly mastered. He was soon one of the top money players in the Boston area, and in 1981 he won the World Cup of backgammon in Washington D.C., ahead of a field that included most of the world s top players. He first played in the $10,000 No-Limit Hold em Championship Event of the World Series of Poker in 1987. He has played in the championship a total of 15 times and has reached the final table in four of those tournaments, an amazing record. Besides winning the World Championship in 1995, he finished sixth in 1987, third in 2003, and fourth in 2004. In 2006 he finished second at the Doyle Brunson North American Championships at the Bellagio, while in 2007 he won the Legends of Poker tournament at the Bicycle Club. He is widely recognized as one of the greatest and most respected no-limit hold em players, as well as a feared opponent in both no-limit and limit hold em side games. He lives in Santa Monica where he is a partner in Anchor Loans, a real estate business. Bill Robertie has spent his life playing and writing about chess, backgammon, and now poker. He began playing chess as a boy, inspired by Bobby Fischer s feats on the international chess scene. While attending Harvard as an undergraduate, he became a chess master and helped the Harvard chess team win several intercollegiate titles. After graduation, he won a number of chess tournaments, including the United States Championship at speed chess in 1970. He also established a reputation at blindfold chess, giving exhibitions on as many as eight boards simultaneously. In 1976 he switched from chess to backgammon, becoming one of the top players in the world. His major titles include the World Championship in Monte Carlo in 1983 and 1987, the Black & White Championship in Boston in 1979, the Las Vegas tournaments in 1980 and 2001, the Bahamas Pro-Am in 1993, and the Istanbul World Open in 1994. He has written several well-regarded backgammon books, the most noted of which are Advanced Backgammon (1991), a two-volume collection of 400 problems, and Modern Backgammon (2002), a new look at the underlying theory of the game. He has also written a set of three books for the beginning player: Backgammon for Winners (1994), Backgammon for Serious Players (1995), and 501 Essential Backgammon Problems (1997). From 1991 to 1998 he edited the magazine Inside Backgammon with Kent Goulding. He owns a publishing company, the Gammon Press, and lives in Arlington, Massachusetts with his wife Patrice.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005


    kr 150

    Pocket · 2004


    kr 150
    kr 150

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