Tre koppar choklad
Tre koppar choklad är berättelsen om tre kvinnor, tre århundraden och en passion för choklad som för dem samman. Sara är arvtagare till ett av Kataloniens mest anrika chokladkonditorier och lever för att föra familjetraditionen vidare. I sin ägo har hon en antik chokladkanna av vitt porslin, som bär på en fascinerande och rik historia. När Sara blir mittpunkten i ett laddat kärleksdrama kommer den sirliga kannan att spela en alldeles särskild roll. För Aurora, tjänsteflicka i en välbärgad familj i 1800-talets Barcelona, är den dyrbara chokladen något förbjudet. Ändå är det i hennes händer som husets värdefulla chokladkanna hamnar när frun i familjen rymmer med sin älskare. Marianna, ung änka till det sena 1700-talets mest berömda chokladtillverkare, får som kvinna inte utöva sitt yrke efter att maken gått bort. Hon tvingas ge prov på stor handlingskraft och uppfinningsrikedom för att inte förlora sitt livsverk. Care Santos lyfter Saras, Auroras och Marianas öden på sina starka berättarvingar och tar med läsaren på en medryckande, romantisk och njutningsfull tidsresa genom Barcelonas vindlande gränder. "En småmysig roman som bjuder på både njutning och romantik." Tranås-Posten
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Lukkede rom
Lukkede rom er en storslått familiesaga om hemmeligheter, drama og farlig kjærlighet. Når et imponerende herskapshus i Barcelonas hovedgate skal bygges om, kommer skjulte hemmeligheter for en dag. Amandeu Lax, som ble en av Spanias største malere, var den siste som bodde i huset før han døde på 1970-tallet. Bak veggmaleriet av hans vakre kone Teresa, finner man et rom ingen har visst om, og der oppdages restene av nettopp Teresa. Men i følge familiens krønike stakk hun av til Amerika med sin elsker i 1936... Violeta Lax er kunsthistoriker i Chicago, og barnebarnet til Amadeu. Når liket av hennes bestemor blir funnet, starter jakten på sannheten. Bli med på en spennende reise bakover i tid. Med bred pensel maler Care Santos et imponerende sosialt og historisk bilde av en families historie i Barcelona.
4.8 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
Norsk Bokmål
El anillo de Irina
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Norsk Bokmål
Se vende profe
Skrevet på spansk.
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Desire for Chocolate
Three women, three centuries and the same bone-china chocolate pot: Sara, the scion of a dynasty of chocolatiers from Barcelona, who prides herself on maintaining the family tradition; Aurora, the daughter of a nineteenth-century maidservant, for whom chocolate is a forbidden luxury; Mariana, the wife of the most famous seventeenth-century chocolate manufacturer, an official purveyor to the French court and the inventor of a revolutionary chocolate mill. Through her passion for chocolate, Care Santos takes us on a spellbinding journey through its evolution, from the cocoa bean's first arrival in Europe to the many sophisticated products derived from it today, and shows us how we can understand the great shifts in history through the study of small things. Luscious and addictive, this novel will delight the reader's senses from start to finish.
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Landmark Trials in Oncology
This book describes the evolution of treatment in oncology through the lens of approximately 250 landmark clinical trials. The well-designed clinical trial is essential to the practice of medicine. There is no field that has embraced or been transformed more by the clinical trial than oncology. Each primary cancer site has a remarkable story that can be told through clinical trials. For example, patients who presented decades ago with soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities would invariably undergo limb amputation. The landmark National Cancer Institute study by Rosenberg et al. randomized patients to limb sparing surgery followed by adjuvant radiation therapy compared with limb amputation. This study helped change the standard of care by allowing most patients to retain their functioning limbs with an improvement in quality of life and no compromise in overall survival. Such major clinical trials for common malignancies including breast, prostate, lung, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and gynecologic cancers are discussed. Because oncology is multidisciplinary, this book should be of interest for radiation oncologists, surgeons, medical oncologists, and other physicians interested in learning more about the landmark trials that have shaped oncology.
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Biological Fluid-Surface Interactions in Detection and Medical Devices
With development of implants and in vivo detection devices comes the complication of the interaction between the materials used in the devices and biological fluids. This book examines these interactions causing fouling in biosensors and the serious issue of thrombus formation. The chemistry of surface-protein and surface-cell interactions is considered, the coatings and strategies re the avoidance of fouling are compared and the expert contributors provide a comprehensive look at the physical chemistry of the implant surface and the fouling problem. Finishing with a discussion of the future for surface modified biosensors in point-of-care devices and microfluidic technologies, this book provides an important addition to the literature suitable for professional researchers in academia and industry and postgraduate students.
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A Boy Called Bat
The first book in a funny, heartfelt, and irresistible young middle grade series starring an unforgettable young boy on the autism spectrum, from acclaimed author Elana K. Arnold and with illustrations by Charles Santoso.For Bixby Alexander Tam (nicknamed Bat), life tends to be full of surprises-some of them good, some not so good. Today, though, is a good-surprise day. Bat's mom, a veterinarian, has brought home a baby skunk, which she needs to take care of until she can hand him over to a wild-animal shelter.But the minute Bat meets the kit, he knows they belong together. And he's got one month to show his mom that a baby skunk might just make a pretty terrific pet."This sweet and thoughtful novel chronicles Bat's experiences and challenges at school with friends and teachers and at home with his sister and divorced parents. Approachable for younger or reluctant readers while still delivering a powerful and thoughtful story" (from the review by, which named A Boy Called Bat a best book of 2017).
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Person-Centred Communication
Person-centred communication involves significant and empathic perception and understanding of oneself and others. This book uses the humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers to offer a comprehensive person-centred communication framework, which the authors have tried and tested in therapeutic, education and management practice. Skilfully blending theory with practice, the authors explain the core skills of person-centred communication. There are reflective exercises and conversation transcripts from a variety of settings, along with many examples from therapy and related helping professions. These span diverse life situations and applications, including: One-to-one work with clients Teamwork and groupwork Lifelong learning Reflection Online and other written forms of communication Exploring these real life situations offers invaluable inspiration to therapists, students and trainees as well as practitioners in the helping professions. This book will help you to process your experiences more sensitively, thus improving your own practice, relationships, and teamwork."This inspiring work is not primarily about counselling practice; it is a book that encapsulates the nature of the person-centred approach (PCA) as a 'way of being' rather than a school of therapy ...In my opinion this book should be read by every potential power wielding human being likely to make any impact on the world!"Therapy Today, October 2014 "This book shows the incredible value of person-centred communication to educators, psychologists and leaders, anyone interested in effective, helpful and growthful human relationships will find this an excellent resource." Stephen Joseph, Professor of Psychology, Health and Social Care, University of Nottingham, UK "No matter what your field or context, Person-centred Communication offers a path to a more meaningful, successful life. As researchers and practitioners with a wealth of experience, Renate and Ladislav share their communication expertise in management, information technology, education, psychology, psychotherapy, and everyday life. They find beautiful and time-tested ways to share how communication can be enhanced to help you live a more satisfying life.The book is easy to read, with rich content and helpful organizers, such as text boxes and hands-on activities to help transfer your learning into all areas of your life." Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White, Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator of Counseling, Missouri State University, USA "This book presents a very good understanding of theory and practice of the person -centred approach and I believe it can be helpful for the professional and student interested in person centred communication. The authors' presentation of live case examples, personal experiences, questions asking the reader to reflect and the connections they make with other sources pertaining to subjects outside the Person Centred way, makes for an enjoyable and valuable reading." Antonio Monteiro dos Santos, Clinical, Coaching & Counselling Psychologist, USA and Brazil "The authors bring together modern scientific data, practice and everyday experience to reveal the depth and power of person-centred communication. In a continuing dialogue with the reader they inspire and guide through case scenarios, suggestions for reflections and exercises - to develop one's own unique person-centred way of communication."Veniamin Kolpachnikov, Associated Professor, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow, Russia "Carl Rogers was the greatest influence on our culture of interpersonal communication in the past century, as the originator of what we now refer to as active listening. One of the most ardent and sincere advocates of explaining Rogers to the current generation is Renate Motschnig. In this book, she and her colleague, Ladislav Nykl, do an excellent job of illustrating the importance of the person-centred approach, with moving stories and systemic applications. This is a great book at the right time for all those interested in avoiding power struggles, communication breakdowns and even those little personal wars that constantly wear us down. This book, in other words, can change your life for the better!" David Ryback, President of EQ Associates International and author of Putting Emotional Intelligence to Work, ConnectAbility and over 60 professional articles "The authors demonstrate how the person-centered approach is universally applicable and confirm its effectiveness in both the therapeutic and non-therapeutic context."Eva Sollarova, Professor of Psychology and Dean, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia "I enjoyed the authors' lively discussion in this new book from several perspectives, as it touches on communication in teaching, research, and psychotherapy. As an academic, I particularly value the integrated approach of the book, which combines a clear presentation of scientific theories with the practical experience of both authors. It makes the book a great instrument for teaching but also, particularly, in learning and personal development - and so I would recommend the book to anyone doing one-to-one work with others, or anyone interested in the subject of understanding oneself and others in communication.At the end, a very personal insight of the authors is included; it is a feature that one usually does not see in a book on communication but it a welcome addition that makes the book all the more authentic. Last but not least, the book contains a rich set of bibliographical references for further reading." Tomas Pitner, PhD, Associate Professor, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic "I think this book can claim to be different.It takes Rogers' humanistic view of the person - the basic 'attitudes' of acceptance, empathic understanding and congruence, and the way they are applied in person-centred counselling and psychotherapy - and develops these as 'a way of being' applicable to wider life situations." Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, January 2015
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Tropical Gardens
Full of stunning landscape photographs, this tropical gardening book is a delight for anyone interested in lavish gardens and new, fresh landscaping ideas.Aimed at gardening enthusiasts, Tropical Gardens contains a rare glimpse into some of the most beautiful tropical gardens in the world today. It presents 42 spectacular contemporary gardens, both big and small.The vast majority of the gardens are in private homes. Introducing a contemporary gardening style that has been evolving over the past decade, as well as more traditional formal styles, it traces the development of garden design in all its forms. Designers new and old are showcased along with a number of talented homeowners. Experimenting with both indigenous and introduced species, use of hardscapes such as local stones and pavers, bonsai, clipped shrubs and water features, some work along Oriental lines, others follow Western models. Tropical Gardens is a lovely introduction to tropical landscaping styles and a gardening aesthetic that combines the best of East and West with superior knowledge of plant cultivation and care. The book gives an insider's look at tropical garden design and landscape architecture that professionals and amateurs alike will love. Featured gardens include: Casa de Nipa La Vista Hilltop Garden Ponce Veridiano's Garden Santos Koi Pond Garden Poolside Proscenium Garden of Butterflies And many more...
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Sacred Oils
Sacred oils are part of a mysterious and ancient art that dates back thousands of years. Their knowledge is passed from master to master - only a handful of people alive hold this knowledge. Among them is Felicity Warner, a healer and myrrhophore. In this book, Felicity guides you through a healing journey with 20 of the world's most treasured oils, including Elemi, Holy Basil, Palo Santo and Spikenard. Detailing their history dating back to Egypt and Babylon, she explains how to: * mix, dilute, blend and store the oils * perform sacred rituals of anointment * attune to the frequency of each oil through meditation, and by using mandalas as a pathway to deeper consciousness * use the oils to cleanse auras and heal the soul, for prophecy and to access past-life information. Sacred Oils is aimed at anyone seeking deep healing, self-care and expanded consciousness, or wishing to develop their work in divination, prophecy and spiritual guidance. This is the very first book of its kind - there is nothing else like it on the market.
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Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring (TPS): for bachelorstudenter i helse- og sosialfag
Både forskning og erfaring viser at et godt samarbeid på tvers av profesjonsgrenser er til pasientens beste, og det å lære å samarbeide tverrprofesjonelt vil spille en sentral rolle i helse- og sosialfagutdanningene i årene framover. Men det kan være utfordrende å tilegne seg tverrprofesjonell samarbeidskompetanse, blant annet fordi det er en type kompetanse som ikke er enkel og entydig. I denne boken forsøker vi derfor å vise hvordan et samarbeid mellom de ulike helse- og sosialprofesjonene kan fungere i praksis, ved å beskrive eksempeltilfeller der du som leser møter ulike pasienter/brukere og arbeidstakere i en fiktiv kommune. De samme personene dukker opp flere ganger gjennom hele boken. Boken reflekterer over tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid både i konkrete samarbeidssituasjoner og i forbindelse med ledelse og ledelsesstrukturer i og mellom helse-, sosial- og oppvekstsektoren. Målgruppen er først og fremst studenter på bachelorutdanningene innenfor helse- og sosialfag. Bokens redaktører arbeider ved NTNU i Ålesund og Høgskolen i Molde. Synnøve Hofseth Almås er dosent i tverrprofesjonell læring ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) i Ålesund. Hun er utdannet bioingeniør, har hovedfag i helsefag med pedagogikk som spesialfag og doktorgrad i tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring. Almås har utviklet og forsket på ulike modeller for tverrprofesjonell læring. Hun er redaksjonsmedlem i Journal of Interprofessional Care. Frøydis Vasset er førsteamanuensis i helsefag ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) i Ålesund. Hun er utdannet sykepleier og har master i samfunnsplanlegging og doktorgrad i ledelse fra Universitetet i Stavanger. Vasset forsker og publiserer på områdene tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid, medarbeidersamtaler, samtaleteknikker og ledelse. I 2017 ga hun ut boken Medarbeidersamtaler. Hun er også fagredaktør ved Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning. Atle Ødegård er psykologspesialist og professor ved Høgskolen i Molde. Forskningsinteressene hans er tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i praksis og utdanning samt utvikling av ny forskningsmetodikk innenfor disse feltene. Han har en bistilling ved Senter for innovasjonsforskning, Universitetet i Stavanger, der han jobber spesielt med innovasjon i offentlig sektor. Han er også medredaktør i Journal of Interprofessional Care. Her kan du lese et utdrag fra boken og se innholdsfortegnelsen.
4.2 av 5
Norsk Bokmål
The Economy: Economics for a changing world
Brukes som pensum i samfunnsøkonomi
4.8 av 5
Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical Guide
This best-selling book is a step-by-step guide to doing a literaturereview for students in all areas of health and social care. It is vitalreading for all those doing their undergraduate dissertation or anystudy that involves doing a literature review.This book provides a practical guide to doing a literature reviewfrom start to finish. This fourth edition includes:* A broad range of real life examples of how to overcomechallenges in the process* How to get your question right* Updated guidance on following a clear search strategy forrelevant literature using the appropriate technology* Expanded guide to using a range of critical appraisal tools* Increased emphasis on presenting your findings or using themin practice* Tips and coverage on how to write up your reviewDoing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care is essentialreading for anyone new to reviewing and presenting evidence ina review."This essential guide demystifies the literature review process...The fourth edition has retained its accessible and user friendlystyle for which the text has become known. A useful glossary andthe questioning style are just some of the pedagogical features ofthis text. I will continue to recommend this book to my students."Debra Jackson, RN PhD FACN, Professor of Nursing, University ofTechnology, Sydney
4.8 av 5
Canonic Texts in Media Research
ARE THERE ANY? Many of us have our own canonic texts -- the kind that wona t go away. We tell them that their time has passed, that ita s embarrassing theya re still around, but they turn up repeatedly on our reading lists and in our bibliographies. They inspire us, haunt us, argue with us ---- but they wona t leave. Typically, we keep them to ourselves. SHOULD THERE BE? Of course there should be, and therea s no reason to hide them. Canons (and saints) should be shared, because they define fields and communities. These texts are not simply monuments, however. They are alive and breathing, standing the test of time by shedding old meanings and assuming new ones. The minimal care they need -- occasional brushing off and bulb--changing -- is well worth the trouble. HOW ABOUT THESE? The field of media studies is now more than 50 years old, and the contributors to this volume offer their own candidates for canonization. Each of the thirteen essays in the book presents a critical reading of one of these classics and debates its candidacy. You are invited to disagree. The texts are summarized, analysed and re--examined for their contemporary relevance.They are grouped together in schools (Chicago, Columbia, Frankfurt, Toronto, British Cultural Studies) to highlight the different perspectives that characterize the field. This book offers thirteen pairs of shoulders to stand on, the better to see the field of media studies. It will serve as an excellent teaching text for advanced students in communications and media and cultural studies.
4.8 av 5
Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies
Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies provides an intimate examination of the everyday lives and suffering of Mexican migrants in our contemporary food system. An anthropologist and MD in the mold of Paul Farmer and Didier Fassin, Holmes shows how market forces, anti-immigrant sentiment, and racism undermine health and health care. Holmes's material is visceral and powerful. He trekked with his companions illegally through the desert into Arizona and was jailed with them before they were deported. He lived with indigenous families in the mountains of Oaxaca and in farm labor camps in the U.S., planted and harvested corn, picked strawberries, and accompanied sick workers to clinics and hospitals. This "embodied anthropology" deepens our theoretical understanding of the ways in which social inequalities and suffering come to be perceived as normal and natural in society and in health care. All of the book award money and royalties from the sales of this book have been donated to farm worker unions, farm worker organizations and farm worker projects in consultation with farm workers who appear in the book.
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Global Health 101: Fourth Edition
Global Health 101, Fourth Edition is a clear, concise, and user-friendly introduction to the most critical issues in global health. Drawing from his 40 years of experience working in international development and global health as well as teaching, the author illustrates key themes through an extensive set of case studies, examples, and the latest evidence. The fourth edition offers a significant amount of new and updated information, while maintaining the clarity, simplicity, and ease of use that has made this text so popular. Global Health 101, Fourth Edition builds in unique ways on evidence from fundamental sources, including the Global Burden of Disease Studies, Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition, (DCP3), and Millions Saved. This edition includes an enhanced emphasis on Universal Health Coverage, ethical priority setting, health disparities, and the quality of care. In addition, this thorough update now presents substantial data by World Bank region and World Bank country income group.Other noteworthy updates to the Fourth Edition include:* UPDATED COVERAGE of the global burden of disease and risk factors and of recommended interventions, at different parts of the health system, to address key health burdens. * ENHANCED COVERAGE of the determinants of health; the health of women; the health of children, adolescents and young adults; immunization; undernutrition and obesity; and, the growing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases.* A FULLY INTEGRATED CHAPTER on intersectoral approaches to improving health.* EXPANDED DISCUSSION of KEY THREATS such as climate change, antimicrobial resistance, and emerging and reemerging infectious diseases.* MORE THAN 70 CASE STUDIES - 15 of which are brand new to this edition - help illustrate critical issues.* NEW ILLUSTRATIVE PHOTOS, most from an award-winning photographer, bring global health concepts and themes to life.* TWO CHAPTERS ON CAREERS, included on the Navigate 2 platform, help guide readers on career opportunities in Global Health and offer 24 profiles of key global health actors.* THE NAVIGATE 2 ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM, including the comprehensive and interactive e-Book, student practice activities and assessments, learning analytics reporting tools, bonus chapters on careers, additional case studies, and more. * ADDITIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES FOR FACULTY AND STUDENTS, including model syllabi, lists of key global health resources, global health videos, global health websites, and global health massive open online courses, and additional cases for classroom discussion.
4.7 av 5
The Fine Print: Dreamland Billionaire
Rowan I'm in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland. My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late. People like me don't get happy endings. Not when we're destined to ruin them. Zahra After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland's most expensive ride, I should have been fired. Instead, Rowan Kane offered me a dream job. The catch? I had to work for the most difficult boss I'd ever met. Rowan was rude and completely off-limits, but my heart didn't care. At least not until I discovered his secret. It was time to teach the billionaire that money couldn't fix everything. Especially not us. The Fine Print is the first book in a series of spicy standalone novels featuring three billionaire brothers.
3.8 av 5
Medical Statistics: A textbook for the health sciences
Kjøpt ny, helt ubrukt. Statistikkboka til 1. året på medisin.
5.0 av 5
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