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Viser resultat for 'Cameron, Hay'

    Methods that matter

    Methods that matter

    Cameron, Hay

    Metodebok for sosialvitenskapelig forskning

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


    kr 180
    kr 180

    War on Christmas

    War on Christmas

    Dana Cameron, Cat Rambo, Chris Hayes, Bracken MacLeod, Kari Maaren, Paul Michael Anderson, Helen Marshall, David Demchuk

    Ho ho oh hell, is it that time of year again? Already? When the muzak starts cranking out lousy Casio versions of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" non-stop? When the flavor du jour switches from pumpkin spice to eggnog every damned thing? When the world gets all twinkley and glittery and your eyes just want to roll out of your skull from the sparkle overload? When the clatter and jangle of the Salvation Army bell-swingers standing outside every shop entry and exit makes you want to put your ears out with an icepick? Worse: how about when every other person you come across wants to infect you with the holiday cheer, whether you want it or not? When the constant refrain is: "Remember the Reason for the Season" as if the reason isn't the cash register? When we have to hear the never-ending idiot bleating from certain quarters about the war on Christmas? Seriously, is it that time of year again already? Well, if that's got you feeling like Krampus, you've come to the right place. We don't give a tinseled crap about the reason for the season. Deck the halls with this. They want a war on Christmas? Fine. Here it is. And we don't take prisoners.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018


    Inspiring academics : learning with the world's great university teachers

    Inspiring academics : learning with the world's great university teachers

    Iain. Hay

    'Inspiring Academics' draws on the experience and expertise of award-winning university teachers to help identify the approaches and strategies that lead to exemplary teaching practice. Inspiring Academics draws on the experience and expertise of award-winning university teachers to illuminate exemplary teaching practice. It is structured around five core themes: inspiring learning, command of the field, assessment for independent learning, student development and scholarship. Mirroring the vast range of practices and characteristics that constitute high quality teaching, 26 distinguished scholars from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA recount and reflect on the personal and professional circumstances that have made them great teachers. Through its autoethnographic approach, this book provides captivating and illuminating personal explorations of the 'hows and whys' of excellent university teaching. Contributors Gerlese Akerlind, Donna Boyd, Ian Cameron, Jane Dahlstrom, Brian Detweiler-Bedell, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Lisa Emerson, Sally Fincher, Rhona Free, Iain Hay, Mick Healey, Welby Ings, David Kahane, Sally Kift, Dennis Krebs, TA Loeffler, Ursula Lucas, Roger Moltzen, Bernard Moss, Kate Regan, Wendy Rogers, Peter Schwartz, Fred Singer, Michael Wesch, Carl Wieman, Susan Wurtele Inspiring Academicsdraws on the experience and expertise of award-winning university teachers to illuminate exemplary teaching practice. It is structured around five core themes: inspiring learning, command of the field, assessment for independent learning, student development and scholarship. Mirroring the vast range of practices and characteristics that constitute high quality teaching, 26 distinguished scholars from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA recount and reflect on the personal and professional circumstances that have made them great teachers. Through its autoethnographic approach, this book provides captivating and illuminating personal explorations of the 'hows and whys' of excellent university teaching. Contributors Gerlese Akerlind, Donna Boyd, Ian Cameron, Jane Dahlstrom, Brian Detweiler-Bedell, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Lisa Emerson, Sally Fincher, Rhona Free, Iain Hay, Mick Healey, Welby Ings, David Kahane, Sally Kift, Dennis Krebs, TA Loeffler, Ursula Lucas, Roger Moltzen, Bernard Moss, Kate Regan, Wendy Rogers, Peter Schwartz, Fred Singer, Michael Wesch, Carl Wieman, Susan Wurtele

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål


    Moral Psychology

    Moral Psychology

    Groundbreaking essays and commentaries on the ways that recent findings in psychology and neuroscience illuminate virtue and character and related issues in philosophy.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2017


    Innbundet · 2017


    Andre utgaver · 4


    Contextualizing Openness

    Contextualizing Openness

    Un l ment cl de la compr hension du contexte structural, technique, culturel et de politique publique de la science accessible dans l'h misph re sud est la reconnaissance de la pluralit et de la diversit du cadre et de la signification du terme accessible . Ce volume propose des textes issus de douze projets qui ensemble forment le r seau Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network (OCSDN). Il est structur en fonction de quatre th matiques: D finir la science accessible dans le domaine du d veloppement; Gouvernance et science accessible; N gocier la science accessible; et Accro tre la science accessible l'appui de la transformation sociale. Ce volume sert mettre en valeur des exemples et des r flexions qui illustrent la fa on dont des occasions et des d fis pos s par le libre acc s varient d'une r gion l'autre, et d'identifier les principales diff rences entre les acteurs, les tablissements, les infrastructures et la gouvernance des ressources fond es sur le savoir, dans diff rents contextes. Ce volume contribuera la litt rature sur le libre acc s, qui a principalement t crite en fonction du contexte de l'h misph re nord. La remise en question de la production asym trique du savoir mondial est au coeur d'une meilleure compr hension du mouvement vers la science accessible et ce que celle-ci pourrait repr senter pour la r flexion et la pratique du d veloppement. Leslie Chan est professeur associ (enseignement) au D partement des arts, culture et m dias et au Centre for Critical Development Studies la University of Toronto Scarborough, o il est directeur associ . De plus, il est directeur de Bioline International, de m me que pr sident de la fiducie Electronic Publishing Trust for Development. Il est actuellement chercheur principal au r seau Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network. Sous la direction de: Leslie Chan, Angela Okune, Rebecca Hillyer, Denisse Albornoz and Alejandro Posada Collaborateurs Irene Agrivine, Sarita Albagli, Mahmoud Al Hindi, Judica l Alladatin, Valeria Arza, Victor Awino, Bilimbek Azhibekov, Rima Baalbaki, Viviana Benavides, Maurice Bolo, Leonor Costa Maia, Sidnei de Souza, Marie Sophie Dibounje Madiba, Hugo Ferpozzi, Felipe Fonseca, Laura Foster, Mariano Fressoli, Serine Haydar, Hermes Huang, Aliya Ibraimova, Altyn Kapalova, Sammy Kayed, Wassim Kays, Denisa Kera, Pablo Kreimer, Dora Ann Lange Canho, Juan Layna, Josique Lorenzo, Maria Lucia Maciel, Maurice McNaughton, Thomas Herv Mboa Nkoudou, Cameron Neylon, Dorine Odongo, Aikena Orolbaeva, Vanderlei Perez Canhos, Henrique Parra, Anderson Pierre, Florence Piron, Lila Rao-Graham, Apiwat Ratanawaraha, Hamissou Rhissa Achaffert, John Mario Rodr guez, Leandro Rodr guez Medina, Aline Rosset, Najat A. Saliba, Tobias Schonwetter, Tommy Surya, Salma N. Talhouk, Halla Thorsteinsd ttir, Cath Traynor, Emiliano Mart n Valdez, Hebe Vessuri. Ce livre est publi en anglais.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2019


    African Diaspora Literacy

    African Diaspora Literacy

    This book demonstrates the application of African Diaspora Literacy in K-12 schools and teacher education programs. The book emerged from a four-week Fulbright-Hays Group Abroad project to Cameroon, West Africa, which was focused on African Diaspora Literacy. The project was guided by the African principle of "Ubuntu" (I am because we are). The 15-member team was comprised of eight faculty members (representing five universities-Benedict College, Michigan State University, South Carolina State University, South University, and the University of South Carolina), one community member, two K-12 administrators, and four K-12 teachers from high need schools. The inclusion of such a diverse group of participants in the Kamtok project (e.g., professors, K-12 teachers, community members) lent itself to producing rich data that captured both the intellectual scholarship and layperson's experience with equilateral consideration. The purpose of the project was to gain firsthand knowledge, artifacts, documents, experiences, and resources to be used in the development, implementation, and dissemination of curricula to be used in K-12 schools and university classrooms to more effectively prepare educators to teach African American students.Focusing specifically on the language, history, politics, economics, religion, and cultural traditions of people in the African Diaspora (e.g, U.S., Africa, Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, Asia), this book illuminates critical information typically missing from K-12 schools and teacher education, and English curricula. Chapters are written by scholars from Cameroons as well as those from the U.S. The book represents a lovely compilation of application, theory, and research. The book explores how African Diaspora Literacy can be used to heal the endemic physical, symbolic, linguistic, curricula, pedagogical, and system violence that African American children and youth experience in schools and in society.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2019




    Virgilio Ortega

    ¿Sabías que la palabra pontífice significa “el que vigila el puente”? ¿Y que aún hoy usamos términos que vienen del antiguo Egipto? ¿Sabías que la palabra ministro proviene del nombre que se le da al esclavo romano de rango más bajo? ¿Cómo es posible que palabras como esta última hayan cambiado tanto de significado a lo largo de la historia? Palabralogía es una forma amena de descubrir cómo ha evolucionado el lenguaje desde Egipto, Grecia y Roma, pasando por la Edad Media, hasta nuestros días, al mismo tiempo que se retratan las formas de vida de estas civilizaciones. Este es un apasionante viaje por la historia de las palabras, su formación y sus cambios de significado que nos ayudará a comprender por qué algunas han sobrevivido durante siglos mientras que otras cayeron en desuso. Un libro fundamental para entender cómo se ha formado el español y cómo la historia también se escribe en nuestras palabras.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014



    Pocket · 2014



    Ulikhetens pris

    Ulikhetens pris: hvorfor likere fordeling er bedre for alle

    Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett

    En av de mest innflytelsesrike og omtalte bøkene som er skrevet om samfunnet vårt de siste ti årene. Hvorfor stoler briter mindre på hverandre enn nordmenn gjør? Hvorfor er det flere tenåringsmødre i USA enn i Frankrike? Hva er det som gjør at svenskene er tynnere enn australierne? Svaret er det samme på alle spørsmålene: økonomisk ulikhet. Boka er fremdeles et brennaktuelt innlegg i debatten om hva som skaper et bedre samfunn. Norge kommer godt ut i sammenligningene, men den økonomiske ulikheten har økt de siste tiårene, spesielt under den sittende regjeringen. I et forord skrevet spesielt for den norske utgaven, hevder forfatter Richard Wilkinson at også Norge vil tjene på en enda likere fordeling. "Sterk dokumentasjon av at land med små forskjeller greier seg bedre." - Jonas Gahr Støre "...en av de ti viktigste bøkene som er utkommet i dette århundret." - Klassekampen "...så overbevisende at selv høyrekrefter som magasinet The Economist og statsminister David Cameron i Storbritannia har stilt seg bak konklusjonene." - Morgenbladet "...leverer fakta til en følelse mange har av at samfunnet forvitrer, at noe i utviklingen er grunnleggende galt." - Nationen "...en av vår tids viktigste bøker" - Audun Lysbakken "Det er all grunn til å glede seg over at Norge er blant de landene i verden med lavest ulikhet." - Dagens Næringsliv

    4.6 av 5

    Pocket · 2012

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Pocket · 2011

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 29
    kr 20

    Å falle mellom to stoler

    Å falle mellom to stoler: samarbeid til barnets beste i barnehage og skole

    Hva utfordrer samarbeidet mellom profesjonelle innenfor samme institusjon, på tvers av institusjoner og med foreldrene? Hva må til for å oppnå en samlet tidlig innsats for barn og unge i barnehage og skole? Boken viser hvordan en kan oppnå en felles forståelse og komme frem til hensiktsmessige mål og tiltak. Det er viktig å sikre gode overganger i utdanningsløpet, og sammen må lærere og hjelpeapparat sikre at ingen faller utenfor. Det trengs grunnleggende kompetanse i alle samarbeidende ledd for å sikre at alle barn får utnyttet sitt utviklings- og læringspotensial i både barnehage og skole. Gode relasjoner mellom voksne og barn styrker barnets tillit og motivasjon for læring og utvikling. Målgruppen for boken er masterstudenter i pedagogikk, spesialpedagogikk og utdanningsvitenskap, barnehage- og skoleledere, samt hjelpeapparatet. Redaktørene Heidi Omdal og Ragnar Thygesen har med seg bidragsyterne David Lansing Cameron, Carla Chinga-Ramirez, Guy Howard Gilberts, Åse Haraldstad, Magnhild M. Høie, Maryann Jortveit, Øyvind Kvello, David Mitchell, Per Egil Mjaavatn, Heidun Oldervik, Ellen Saur, Anne Brita Thorød, Anne Dorthe Tveit og Elsa Westergård.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2018

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Teaching Languages to Young Learners

    Teaching Languages to Young Learners

    Lynne Cameron

    Recent years have seen rapid growth in the numbers of children being taught foreign languages at younger ages. While course books aimed at young learners are appearing on the market, there is scant theoretical reference in the teacher education literature. This book is one of the few to develop readers' understanding of what happens in classrooms where children are being taught a foreign language. It will offer teachers and trainers a coherent theoretical framework to structure thinking about children's language learning. The book gives practical advice on how to analyse and evaluate classroom activities, language use and language development. Examples from classrooms in Europe and Asia will help bring alive the realities of working with young learners of English.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 50
    kr 50

    På grensen til evigheten

    På grensen til evigheten: 3. bind av århundretrilogien

    Ken Follett

    4.3 av 5

    Pocket · 2015

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Innbundet · 2014

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20
    kr 20

    The Psychology of Work and Organizations

    The Psychology of Work and Organizations

    Stephen. A. Cameron

    Andre utgave

    4.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2014

    kr 100
    kr 100

    Les Miserables

    Les Miserables

    Victor Hugo

    The only completely unabridged paperback edition of Victor Hugo's masterpiece--a sweeping tale of love, loss, valor, and passion. Introducing one of the most famous characters in literature, Jean Valjean--the noble peasant imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread-- Les Miserables ranks among the greatest novels of all time. In it, Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, immerses them in a battle between good and evil, and carries them to the barricades during the uprising of 1832 with a breathtaking realism that is unsurpassed in modern prose. Within his dramatic story are themes that capture the intellect and the emotions: crime and punishment, the relentless persecution of Valjean by Inspector Javert, the desperation of the prostitute Fantine, the amorality of the rogue Thenardier, and the universal desire to escape the prisons of our own minds. Les Miserables gave Victor Hugo a canvas upon which he portrayed his criticism of the French political and judicial systems, but the portrait that resulted is larger than life, epic in scope--an extravagant spectacle that dazzles the senses even as it touches the heart. Translated by Lee Fahnestock and Norman Macafee, based on the classic nineteenth-century Charles E. Wilbour translation Inlcudes an Introduction by Lee Fahnestock and an Afterword by Chris Bohjalian

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013


    kr 150

    Pocket · 2008

    kr 50

    Andre utgaver · 17

    kr 150


    Kreativitet: et praktisk og åndelig kurs som frigjør dine kreative krefter og gir deg et rikere liv

    Julia Cameron

    -Julia CameronEt praktisk kurs i å frigjøre kunstneren og den kreative skaperkraften i deg-12\-ukersprogrammet i boken setter deg i kontakt med den universelle skaperkraften som du er en del av.298,00 12-ukersprogrammet i boken setter deg i kontakt med den universelle skaperkraften som du er en del av.

    0.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2000

    Norsk Bokmål


    The artist's way

    The artist's way: a spiritual path to higher creativity

    Julia Cameron

    This provides a twelve-week course that guides you through the process of recovering your creative self.

    5.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016



    Pocket · 2016



    Identifisering og endring av organisasjonskultur

    Identifisering og endring av organisasjonskultur: de konkurrerende verdier

    Kim S. Cameron, Robert E. Quinn

    Hva er organisasjonskultur? Hvordan kan du beskrive kulturen i din organisasjon? Hvor godt er kulturen tilpasset strategien og de nye utfordringer og krav organisasjonen står overfor? Hvilken miks av verdier er viktig i din organisasjon? Hvilken lederkompetanse trengs? Forfatterne ønsker med boken Identifisering og endring av organisasjonskultur å hjelpe deg med slike spørsmål. De gir ingen lettvinte svar og raske oppskrifter, men presenterer et velprøvd analytisk rammeverk og en metodikk for å kunne identifisere og endre organisasjonskultur og ledelseskompetanse. Forfatterne tar utgangspunkt i etablert teori, et omfattende empirisk materiale og egen konsulentpraksis. Grunnholdningen deres er analytisk, pragmatisk og konstruktiv. Cameron og Quinn får frem at verden er tvetydig og utspiller seg i paradoksene. De vet at det er krevende å få til bevisste endringer av organisasjonskultur, men at det nettopp derfor er viktig å vite hva man gjør. Boken har blitt en internasjonal bestselger innen fagbøker, med stor aksept både i akademia og blant praktikere. Den norske oversettelsen er basert på 3. utgave av Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture fra 2012. Boken bygger på det anerkjente «The Competing Value Framework», som er et rammeverk for å identifisere og endre organisasjonskultur og ledelsesprofil. Dette rammeverket, sammen med praktiske verktøy som presenteres i boken, gjør det lettere å gå fra analyse til handling og gjennomføring. Boken egner seg godt for studenter på bachelor- og masternivå. Den er også spesielt nyttig for ledere på alle nivå, og for dem som jobber med organisasjons- og lederutvikling i stabsfunksjoner eller som konsulenter.

    3.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2013

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 80
    kr 80

    Mord etter boken

    Mord etter boken

    Val McDermid

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2009

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 20

    Innbundet · 2001

    Norsk Bokmål

    kr 45

    Andre utgaver · 3

    kr 20


    Globalization: A short history

    Ikke åpnet, ingen markeringer. Som ny:)

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2005


    kr 100

    Pocket · 2001


    kr 100

    Andre utgaver · 5

    kr 100

    The Code of Trust

    The Code of Trust

    Cameron Stauth, Robin Dreeke

    The former director of the FBI's behavioral analysis division shows readers how to use trust to achieve anything in business and in life.

    5.0 av 5

    Innbundet · 2018


    The Artist's Way for Retirement

    The Artist's Way for Retirement

    Julia Cameron

    'The book you hold in your hands is the distillate of a quarter century's teaching. It is my attempt to answer, "What next?" for students who are embarking on their "second act".' - Julia Cameron Julia Cameron has inspired millions with her bestseller on creativity, The Artist's Way. In The Artist's Way for Retirement, she turns her eye to a segment of the population that, ironically, while they have more time to be creative, are often reluctant or intimidated by the creative process. Cameron shows readers that retirement can, in fact, be the most rich, fulfilling and creative time of our lives. When we retire, the newfound freedom can be quite exciting, but also daunting. Julia guides readers through a 12-week course aimed at defining and creating the life you want to have. This book includes simple tools that will guide and inspire you to make the most of this time in your life, and includes exercises such as: Memoir writing - an opportunity to reflect on and honour past experiences. Morning Pages - a tool to empty your mind and get focus and clarity for the day at hand. Artist Dates - fun days out to discover new passions and interests, and to enjoy something new and different. Solo Walks - peaceful time alone to refresh the mind, relax the body and gain new energy and insights. This fun, gentle, step-by-step process will help you explore your dreams, wishes and desires - and help you quickly find that it's never too late to discover creativity and meaning.

    0.0 av 5

    Pocket · 2016


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