Skumringsfortellinger fra dyreriket
I denne samlingen med fabler og fortellinger fra hele verden møter vi alle slags dyr. Noen mer uvirkelige enn andre. Vi blir kjent med innbilske smarte kråker, en ganske sulten løve, ei skrytepadde og en fantastisk fugl. Vi møter også Store John og Lille John, en lur rev, arbeidsomme maur og koselige kaniner og mange andre rare og morsomme dyr. Vi oppdager fort hvorfor dyrehistorier er så populære. De handler egentlig om oss mennesker! Bob Hartmann har bevisst gått inn for å ta med de fortellingene som får fram våre beste egenskaper. Hensikten har ikke vært å moralisere, men å oppmuntre små og store lesere til å bli vennligere, mildere og mer medfølende.
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Norsk Bokmål
Big Pig Stampede, The
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Telling the Gospel
A wonderful way for adults and children to discover and enjoy stories about Jesus, all retold by a master storyteller
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Telling the Bible
100 stories from the Bible, written to be read aloud.
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Bob Hartman's Bible Baddies
Retold with Bob Hartman's insight and wit, some of these tales are funny, others are sinister. And some feature reformed baddies. Their dastardly deeds, pride, ruthlessness and misuse of power are vividly recreated. There are also 'come-uppance' stories and, last but not least, those showing God's compassion for the worst of 'baddies'. 'Baddies' include Pharoh, David, Jonah, Herod, Zacchaeus, Pilate, Peter, Jacob, Goliath, Judas and Paul. 'has the same appeal as the Horrible Histories series and serves as a brilliant introduction to the Bible for children who might otherwise ignore it.' The Bookseller
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Elskede baby
En nydelig liten bok med herlige bilder og korte tekster. Her får vi høre at barnet er skapt i Guds bilde, og at det er elsket av deg - og av Gud. Kartongbok som passer å gi til de som har en baby.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
Once upon a time there lived a family of sheep. They grazed on grass, crunched on clover, and played on green pastures. Except for Little Sheep, that is, who was bored with her peaceful life. So she makes an unusual decision... Little Sheep is having a great time at wolf school in her new knitted wolf suit and has even made friends with Little Wolf! But things all become rather more complicated when Little Wolf invites her home for dinner... A wonderfully funny pun-filled twist on a classic tale by expert storyteller Bob Hartman, and illustrated by Tim Raglin, whose humorous pictures complement the story perfectly.
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The Lion Storyteller Awesome Book of Stories
This awesome anthology contains 76 tremendous tales. All of the best-loved stories from the immensely popular The Lion Storyteller Bedtime Book and The Lion Storyteller Book of Animal Tales are collected here into one colourful volume. Accompanied by a new introduction giving advice on storytelling and reading aloud, and vibrant illustrations, this makes a fantastic anthology for story time. 'As the author says: "... stories need to leave the listener with that safe, warm, happily-ever-after feeling." And that's what this collection does, time and time again.' Manchester Evening News
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Bedragere, svindlere og til og med mordere - det er overraskende hvor mange "bøller" det finnes i Bibelen. Møt Herodes - en motbydelig kar, og Sakkeus - en tyv og bedrager. Så er det Jona som rømte og feigingen Peter. Det er mange flere.
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Norsk Bokmål
Verdens beste dyrefortellinger
Boken inneholder dyrefortellinger fra hele verden, både med virkelige dyr og med fabeldyr. Noen historier er kjente, andre er ukjente.
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Norsk Bokmål
Natten da stjernene danset av glede
Sauegjeteren, kona hans og gutten deres lå på rygg i åsen og så på stjernene. Så kom engelen og fortalte om det lille barnet som skulle fødes i Betlehem.
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Norsk Bokmål
Yet More Bible Tales
Bob Hartman retells yet more Bible Stories... with his own inimitably humorous and good-hearted twist!
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The Play-Along Bible
Young children will love taking part in acting out favourite Bible stories with movement, sounds and actions. From the moment children open their eyes at the start of creation to the final shout "Hooray!" in Revelation, encounter hundreds of fun ways to actively engage with the Bible and enhance children's understanding of familiar verses. Imaginations will come alive, chirping as birds, twinkling fingers for stars, roaring as lions, waving, marching and jumping around. A lively, fun and interactive way to help children become familiar and recall special Bible moments.
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Easter Stories
Following the tried and tested formula of his earlier Lion Storyteller titles, Bob Hartman retells a selection of Easter stories in his own inimitable style. This collection of 23 stories includes the key Bible accounts of the events of the first Easter from Palm Sunday through to Jesus' resurrection, encounters with his friends and followers, and the ascension. Bob Hartman's retellings of familiar and sometimes serious tales are fresh and engaging, making these Bible stories accessible to the young and not-so-young. Line illustrations complement the text. As a bonus, this book includes some of Bob Hartman's favourite storytelling tips.
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Norsk Bokmål
The Lion Storyteller Bible
The Lion Storyteller Bible broke new ground in its presentation - both verbal and visual - of Bible stories. It has been immensely popular, with sales in the UK exceeding 130,000 copies and editions printed in more than 11 languages. Since The Lion Storyteller Bible was first published Bob Hartman has established an international reputation as a storyteller and writer.This new book integrates more than 20 new Bible story retellings with the 50 tried and tested originals. It also includes a useful appendix of Bob Hartman's hints and tips for storytelling. Newly commissioned illustrations throughout will capture as much warmth and appeal as those in the first edition.
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A World of Difference
The incredible stories of 12 people of history, who made a dramatic difference to the world around them, are brought to light and life in this exciting new children's book (for ages 6-8). From well-known to lesser-known heroes, readers will discover for themselves the lives of Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, Cecil Jackson Cole and Elizabeth Fry, to name a few. Children will find out how these 12 people were all inspired by their Christian faith to be a catalyst for positive change in their neighbourhoods, nations and world.The stories are written in an assortment of literary styles to keep readers both engaged and entertained. They are ideal for individual reading, assemblies and extra reading in schools across the history and RE curriculum.Created in partnership with Speaking Volumes and written by Bob Hartman (the popular storyteller and author of CWR's Talking Tales series and YouVersion's The Bible App for Kids). Includes an illustration of each of the 12 influential historic Christians.
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Barnas egen Bibelhistoriebok
Historier fra Det gamle og Det nye testamentet.
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Norsk Bokmål
Skytsengelen Kandriel og dødsengelen Sjakkat møtes for å utføre et oppdag. Sjakkat synes jobben sin er trist, han ønsker seg et oppdrag hvor han ikke bringer sorg og savn, men glede og takknemlighet slik som Kandriel ofte møter. Men så viser det seg at oppdraget deres er å fortelle om den tomme graven til Jesus, og at han lever. Sjakkat blir veldig glad og han blir forvandlet til en livsengel.
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Norsk Bokmål
Verdens beste dyrefortellinger.
Boken inneholder dyrefortellinger fra hele verden, både med virkelige dyr og med fabeldyr. Noen historier er kjente, andre er ukjente.
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Norsk Bokmål
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